

Value Added Courses [Summer Vacation]

Android Application Development
CSE-III & IV, ECE-II  21/05/2018 to 26/05/2018
IT - III & IV, EEE - II 01/06/2018 to 05/06/2018
Building Drawing
CIVIL - II 29/05/2018 to 02/06/2018
CIVIL Architecture
CIVIL - III & IV 19/05/2018 to 26/05/2018
Design and Fabrication of Solar Landhar
EEE - IV 11/05/2018 to 16/05/2018
EEE - III 19/05/2018 to 23/05/2018
EEE - II 01/06/2018 to 05/06/2018
Hardware and Networking Essentials
CSE - III & IV, ECE - IV, EEE - III & IV, IT - IV 21/05/2018 and 26/05/2018
Java Programming
ECE - IV 10/05/2018 and 14/05/2018
EEE - IV 26/05/2018 and 29/05/2018
EEE - III 19/05/2018 and 23/05/2018
EEE - II 01/06/2018 and 05/06/2018
RCC Detailing
CIVIL - IV 01/05/2018 and 17/05/2018
Web Development (PHP & MySQL)
CSE - III & IV,EEE - III, IT - III & IV  21/05/2018 and 26/05/2018
ECE- III  21/05/2018 to 25/05/2018
MECH - IV 10/5/2018 to 01/06/2018
MECH - III  19/05/2018 and 26/05/2018
Embedded Systems & IoT
EEE - III  19/05/2018 and 23/05/2018
EEE - II  01/06/2018 and 05/06/2018
Internet of Things
ECE - III  21/05/2018 and 25/05/2018
MECH - III  19/05/2018 and 26/05/2018
Rasberry Pi
ECE - IV  21/05/2018 and 25/05/2018
Web Design
EEE - II  01/06/2018 and 05/06/2018
ECE - IV  10/05/2018 and 14/05/2018
IT - III & IV, EEE - III & IV  21/05/2018 and 26/05/2018






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