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Student Achievements
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
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J.H.Aswin from First year won First prize in ‘DEBUGGING’in PHOENIX’23-Technical Symposium held at PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 12thApr 2023. |
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S.Kishaa from First year won Ist prize in ‘LOGO FINDER’ in PHOENIX’23-Technical Symposium held at PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 12th Apr 2023. |
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C.Kokilafrom First Year won First prize in ‘PAPER PRESENTATION’in PHOENIX’23-Technical Symposium held at PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 12th Apr 2023. |
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J.H.Aswin from First Year won Second prize in ‘TECHNICAL QUIZ, in “PHOENIX’23-Technical Symposium held at PGP College of Engineering and Technology on 12thApr 2023. |
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G. Aravind, R.Anand, S. Christpoher from first year won First Prize in Project Expo Competition in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichyon16th Jun 2023. |
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N Gokul Krishnan & K R Pranesh from first year won Second Prize in Project Expo Competition in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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R Karthikeyan, K Gopi & T R Mahasvin from first year won Third Prize in Project Expo Competition in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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R.Mahesh, S.Logeshwaran &K R Pranesh from first year won First Prize in Paper Presentation in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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N. Hariharasudhan & K.Harish from first year won Second Prize in Paper Presentation in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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S.Abitha, A.Dharani &R.Vaishnavi from first year won Third Prize in Paper Presentation in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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S.Gowtham, M.KarthiKeyan, S.Mythili & S.Pooja Sri from first year won First Prize in Technical Quiz in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
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M.K.Induja, B.Roobasekar, P.L.Raveena, B.VigneshBabu & M.Harini from first year won Second Prize in Technical Quiz in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 16thJun 2023. |
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C.Arjun, R.N.Nijuram & R.Lidiya from first year won Third Prize in Technical Quiz in SCIENTISM’23 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Trichy on 16th Jun 2023. |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
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Prashanth N of I year has participated in Inter District Table Tennis Championship at Tammilnadu Table Tennis Association , Chennai on 22nd To 24th Apr 2022. |
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H. Vishva of I year CSE department won 1st prize in 24 hours Software Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 3rd & 4th March 2022. |
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Pothiraja M of I year won II prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atPothiraja M of I year won II prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy on 3rd & 4th Mar 2022 |
4. | Dharshana V of I year won III prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atDharshana V of I year won III prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy on 3rd & 4th Mar 2022 |
5. | Kavya S of I year won III prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKavya S of I year won III prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy on 3rd & 4th Mar 2022 |
6. | Kavyasri R of I year won II prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKavyasri R of I year won II prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy on 3rd & 4th Mar 2022 |
7. | Vishva H of I year won I prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atVishva H of I year won I prize in 24 hours Hardware Techfest ‘TECHSNAG’ atKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy on 3rd & 4th Mar 2022 |
8. | J.Sathya Moorthi of I year ECE department won I prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
9. | N.Vikash of I year ECE department won I prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
10. | H. Lakshmi Narasimalu of I year Agri department won I prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
11. | R. Dhanush of I year CSE department won II prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
12. | B. Sabareeswaran of I year CSE department won II prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
13. | S.Gurusanjay of I year CSE department won II prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
14. | K.Thilip of I year CSE department won II prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
15. | A.Mahesh Boopathy of I year Mech department won III prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
16. | M.Sasi of I year Mech department won III prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
17. | S.Monish of I year Mech department won III prize in Project Expo in Scientism’22 held on 22.06.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
18. | M. Rohit of I year Mechanical department won I prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’22 on 24.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
19. | A.Maheshboopathy of I year Mechanical department won I prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’22 on 24.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
20. | M. Yogeshwaran of I year ECE department won II prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’22 on 24.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
21. | S.Sabari Kameshwaan of I year AI & DS department won III prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’22 on 24.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
22. | A. Manoj of I year EEE department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
23. | A MaheshBoopathy of I year Mechanical department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
24. | T.Shomesh of I year EEE department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
25. | K Mouleeswaran of I year EEE department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
26. | S. Kishore of I year AI&DS department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
27. | Meenachisri of I year ECE department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
28. | R.Dharun of I year EEE department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
29. | S.Madhanraj of I year Civil department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
30. | R.Sruthi of I year BME department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
31. | S.Christober Lawrence of I year ECE department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
32. | M.Srikanth of I year EEE department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’22 on 05.05.2022 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
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K.Balaji, &Rakesh Shekhawat of I year ECE department won I prize in Paper Presentation in Technical Symposium ‘Texperia’20’ at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15th Feb 2020. |
2. |
K.Guna of I year Mechanical department won II prize in 24 hours Hackathon ‘SHOCKWARE’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 13th & 14th Mar 2021 |
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V.Kamali of I year Civil department won II prize in 24 hours Hackathon at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy ON 26th & 27th Feb 2021 |
4. |
D.Kamalesh of I year ECE department won I prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’21 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
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M.Abirami of I year BME department won II prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’21 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
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J.Barakathunnisha Begum of I year BME department won III prize in Paper Presentation Scientism’21 at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
7. |
P. Aravinth of I year EEE department won I prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’21 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy . |
8. |
K.Leelah of I year BME department won II prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’21 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
9. |
R.Sowmiya of I year ECE department won III prize in Technical Quiz in Scientism’21 held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
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K.Balaji, &Rakesh Shekhawat of I year ECE department won I prize in Paper Presentation in Technical Symposium ‘Texperia’20’ at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 15th Feb 2020. |
2. |
S. Pooja of I year ECE department won I prize in Technical Hunt ‘ENCRYPT HEUREKA- QUBE-IT 2020’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,Samayapuram on 24th Feb 2020. |
3. |
S. Gokul, &R.Aswinth of I year EEE department won II prize in Technical Hunt ‘ENCRYPT HEUREKA- QUBE-IT 2020’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,Samayapuram on 24th Feb 2020 |
4. |
S.Santhoshkumar of I year Mechanical department won II prize in Paper presentation in Technical Symposium- ‘PISTPMITZ T20’ at V.S.B Engineering College Karur on 7th Mar 2020. |
5. |
S.Kavin, S.Santhoshkumar&D.Baskar of I year Mechanical department&D.Karuppasamy of I year EEE department&D.Subash of I year Information Technology department won I prize in Technical Quiz ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy |
6. |
R.Dhanya, S.Devaki & E.Gowdham of I year ECE department &S.Santhoshkumar of I year Mechanical department won II prize in Technical Quiz ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
7. |
M.R.S.Abiramee of I year IT department&E.Pooja of I year Civil departmen won III prize in Technical Quiz ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
8. |
Rakesh Shekhawat&K.Kowsikof I year ECE department&R.Kumar of I year Mechanical departmentwon III prize in Technical Quiz ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
9. |
S.Dineshwaran&S.Barath of I year CSE department won I prize in Paper Presentation ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy . |
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N.S.Dhanasekar&S.A.Dharanidharanof I year ECE department won II prize in Paper Presentation in ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
11. |
Rakesh Shekhawat of I year ECE department won III prize in Paper Presentation‘Scientism’20’at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
12. |
M.R.S. Abirameeof I year IT department won III prize in Paper Presentation ‘Scientism’20’at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
13. |
S.MohamedArsath&S.Jayakumar of I year Mechanical department won I prize in Project Model‘Scientism’20’at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
14. |
P.Karthikeyan&C.Sundar of I year EEE department won II prize in Project Model ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
15. |
R.Gopikrishana&T.Srikarthikeyan of I year Mechanical department won III prize in Project ‘Scientism’20’ at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy. |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
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K. Varatha Narayanan of I year Mechanical Department has won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Bio Degradable Polymers and Plastics’ in National Science day celebration ‘ILLUMINATOR’ 19’ held at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram on 28th Feb 2019. |
2. | D. Dheenathayalan of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won I prize in the event of Technical Debate in National Level Technical Symposium held at CARE group of institutions, Trichy on 28th Feb 2019 |
3. |
D. Dheenathayalan of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won I prize in the event of Non-Technical Quiz in National Level Technical Symposium held at CARE group of institutions, Trichy on 28th Feb 2019 |
4. |
D. Dheenathayalan of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won II prize in the event of Speak the Pictures in National Level Technical Symposium held at CARE group of institutions, Trichy on 28th Feb 2019 |
5. |
D. Dheenadayalan, M. Siva, T. Gobikrishnan, S. Keerthana, & A. Birundha of ‘A. P. J. Abdul Kalam team’ of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won I prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26th March 2019 |
6. |
B. A. Bharanisree, K. Dharshini, P. Haripriya, S. Kiruthika and M. Gowsika of ‘Neil Armstrong team’ of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won II prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26th March 2019 |
7. |
U. Jeevitha, R. J. Aiswary of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titiled ‘Skilled Needed for the Surveillance in our Society’in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiamon 28th March 2019 |
8. |
D. Dheenadayalan & M. Siva of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won I prize in Paper presentation titled ‘Awareness of Plastic Usage’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 28th March 2019 |
9. |
T. Dineshkumar& K. Abhisheakkumar of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won II prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Driverless Car’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 28th March 2019 |
10. |
T. Karthikeyan& V. Gowtham of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won III prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Wireless Power Transmission Technology’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 28th March 2019 |
11. |
A. Karthick&M. Madhavan of I year Mechanical Engineering department won I prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘AC Hover Board’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 30th March 2019 |
12. |
D. Dheenadayalan, M. Siva & N. Praveen of I year Computer Science and Engineering department won II prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Hand Gesture to Control Computer’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 30th March 2019 |
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M. Reachina & P. Shalini of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won III prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Water Level Indicator’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM’ 19’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 30th March 2019. |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
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I.Jeeva of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Graphene’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 16th March 2018 |
2. |
M. Vinoj & P. Yogesh vijay of I year Mechanical Engineering department, S. Jothika & V. Femisha Frankshee of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering and R. Parthiban & R.C. Pathiban of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘English Skills’, ‘Sound’ and ‘Green Chemistry’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 16th March 2018. |
3. |
S. Santhosh & T. Tamil selvan of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Nanotechnology’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 16th March 2018. |
4. |
S.Nithish babu, R.Nithish kumar, D.Naveen kumar, M.Saran and S.Ramprakash of ‘C.V. Raman team’ of I year Mechanical department won I prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 14th March 2018. |
5. |
S.Santhosh, T.Tamil selvan, R.Praveen, A.Pravin kumar and M.Ragul of ‘A. P. J. Abdul Kalam team’ of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 14th March 2018. |
6. |
V. Mohanraj & P. Gugan of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Embedded technology’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 2nd April 2018. |
7. |
R. Parthiban & R.C. Parthiban of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department, R. Abinesh & P. Jayaprakash of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering won II prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Power generation’, ‘Arduino board controlling the gas sensor’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 2nd April 2018. |
8. |
S. Dhanabharathi & R. Baskar of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won III prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Temperature sensor using Arduino board’ in Science club ‘SCIENTISM 18’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 2nd April 2018. |
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
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K.S.Sabarish kumaran & T.Sathish of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department presented a paper on ‘Electronic Nose’ in a Two Day National Level Techo carnival ‘BINOCS 2K17’ at Adhiyaman college of Engineering (Autonomous), Hosur from 1st to 2nd March 2017. |
2. |
C.Mohanram & Sathish kumar of I year Mechanical Engineering department and K.Mamthashama & K.Madubalaa of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titiled ‘Nanotechnology and Its Applications’ and ‘Green Chemistry’ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 22nd Feb 2017. |
3. |
A.Akshaya & R.C Sariga of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Foot Step Power Generation’ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 22nd Feb 2017 |
4. |
K.Nandhini & Srinidhi of I year Information Technology and K.N.Jagadishwaran & A.Poovarasan of I year Civil Engineering department won III prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘3D Printing Pen’ and ‘Nanotechnology’ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 22nd Feb 2017 |
5. |
K.Ajay,R.Amala,M.Kishorekumar,J.V.Nivin & Yaashicaa of ‘Srinivasa Ramanujan team’ of I year Information Technology won I prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 15th Feb 2017 |
6. |
T.Akshaya,B.Mirudhulla,B.Hema,c.Enitha,R.Sindhuja of ‘A. P. J. Abdul Kalam team’ of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won II prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 15th Feb 2017 |
7. |
A.Mohamed Faizal & H.Chthun of I year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘Security System and USB with Mp3 Player ‘ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 15th Mar 2017 |
8. |
T.Sathish & K.S.Sabarishkumaran of I year Electronics and Communication Engineering department won II prize in ‘Project Model’titiled ‘DTMF Based Robotic Vehicle ‘ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 15th Mar 2017. |
9. |
P.varun & S.Ajaikumar of I year Electronics and communication Engineering department won III prize in ‘Project Model’ titled ‘FM Transmitter‘ in Science club‘SCIENTISM’16-17’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 15th Mar 2017. |
10. |
R.Shakthi Maheswaran & S.Ragul of I year Mechanical Engineering department won II prize in ‘Paper presentation’ titled ‘Application of Mathematics in Modern Technology’ in ‘National Festive of Science Day Celebrations-2017’ held at Muthayammal College of Engineering , Rasipuram on 24th Feb 2017. |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
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1. |
SuriyaPrakash R, I Civil B, had won a Third Prize in PPT in English in one Day National Level Technical Symposium IGNITA16, held at Nehru Institute of Technology Coimbatore on 2nd April 2016 |
2. |
Guruprasath V, I Mech A had won a Third Prize in PPT in English in one Day National Level Technical Symposium IGNITA16, held at Nehru Institute of Technology Coimbatore on 2nd April 2016 |
3. |
Arjun Raj S, I Mech A, had won First Place in Shortfilm making, as a Part of PECMA -2k16, held at Paavai Engineering College 30th March 2016 |
4. |
Venkatakrishnan S, I Civil B, had won Second Prize in Quiz Competition as a part of GNANCHEMP 2K16, A National Level Technical Symposium held on 24th March 2016 |
5. |
Saravanabhavan B, I Mech C had won the First Prize in PPT Chemistry as a as a part of GNANCHEMP 2K16, A National Level Technical Symposium held on 24th March 2016 |
6. |
Nagarajan N, I Mech C had won the First Prize in PPT Chemistry as a as a part of GNANCHEMP 2K16, A National Level Technical Symposium held on 24th March 2016 |
7. |
Nishanth B, I Mech C, had won the Second Prize for QUIZ as a as a part of GNANCHEMP 2K16, A National Level Technical Symposium held on 24th March 2016 |
8. |
Haridha P, I year ECE, had won the Second Prize in the event in Paper Presentation in Mathematics in One day National Level Technical Symposium held at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2016 |
9. |
Amrin S, I year ECE, had won the Second Prize in the event in Paper Presentation in Mathematics in One day National Level Technical Symposium held at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2016 |
10. |
Ajay A , Dhivakar S, I Mech A, had won Third Prize in Quiz Competition as a part of GNANCHEMP 2K16, A National Level Technical Symposium held on 24th March 2016 |
11. |
Boopathi Raja S, I Mech A, had won Second Place in the even ADZAP in Inter Collegiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
12. |
Infant Robino D, I Mech C, had won Second Place in the even Paper Presentation in Physics in Inter Collegeiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
13. |
Dinesh S, I Mech A, had won Second Place, in the even Paper Presentation in Physics in Inter Collegeiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
14. |
Aravindhan S, I year ECE, had won Second Place in the even AD ZAP in Inter Collegeiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
15. |
Nishanth V, I year ECE, had won Second Place in the even AD ZAP in Inter Collegeiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
16. |
Kishore Kumar R, I year ECE, had won Second Placein the even AD Zapin Inter Collegeiate Technical Meet DUNAMIS’16 held at AVS Engineering College, Salem on 19th March 2016 |
17. |
Mugesh T, I Mech C, had won Third Place in PPT on ‘New Material for Modern World’ as a part of BRAINY 2016 held at AVC College of Engineering, Mayladuthurai on 3rd and 4th March 2016 |
18. |
Dinesh Kumar C, I Mech A, , had won Third Place in PPT on ‘New Material for Modern World’ as a part of BRAINY 2016 held at AVC College of Engineering, Mayladuthurai on 3rd and 4th March 2016 |
19. |
Dinesh Kumar C, I Mech A had won Second Prize in the event Web World as a part of 6th State Level Symposium Held on 2nd March 2016 |
20. |
Mohamed Abuthaaheer I, I Mech B had won Second Prize in the event Web World as a part of 6th State Level Symposium at MAM College of Engineering on 2nd March 2016 |
21. |
Seshagopalan K. R, had won a Third ?Prize in Paper Presentation in Physics as a part of 6th State Level Symposium at MAM College of Engineering on 2nd March 2016 |
22. |
Samuel Jebasingh D, I EEE had won Second Place in the event ADZAP as a part of Artecxienz’16, a national level technical symposium held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 24th Feb’2016 |
23. |
Tamilvalavan S, I IT had won Second Place in the event ADZAP as a part of Artecxienz’16, a national level technical symposium held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 24th Feb’2016 |
24. |
Selvakumar R, I EEE had won Second Place in the event ADZAP as a part of Artecxienz’16, a national level technical symposium held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 24th Feb’2016 |
25. |
Mohanraj M, I EEE had won Second Place in the event ADZAP as a part of Artecxienz’16, a national level technical symposium held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 24th Feb’2016 |
26. |
Ragunath , I EEE had won Second Place in the event ADZAP as a part of Artecxienz’16, a national level technical symposium held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 24th Feb’2016 |
27. |
Mohamed Abuthaaheer I, I Mech B had won Second Prize in the event Shipwreck as a part of LADAFEST2016, held at IRTT Erode on 19th and 20th Feb’2016 |
28. |
S.Naveen, I year Mech had won the First prize in the event power point presentation in English in the Inter Collegiate Symposium held at A.V.S.College of Technology, Salem on 25.09.2015 |
29. |
S.Ragunath, I year Mech had won the First prize in the event power point presentation in English in the Inter Collegiate Symposium held at A.V.S.College of Technology, Salem on 25.09.2015 |
30. |
T.Ramya, I year ECE had won the First prize in the event power point presentation in English in the Inter Collegiate Symposium held at A.V.S.College of Technology, Salem on 25.09.2015 |
31. |
C.Dinesh Kumar, I year Mech had won the First prize in the event su-do-ku held at Kings College of Engineering, Chennai on 05.11.2015 |
32. |
T.Mugesh, I year Mech had won the First prize in the event su-do-ku held at Kings College of Engineering, Chennai on 05.11.2015 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
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Details |
1. |
S.Ramprasath, I year Mech had won Third prize in the one day national level technical symposium, held at Nehru Institute of Technology on 07.02.2015 |
2. |
R.Deiva Kesavan, I year Mech had won the Second prize in the paper presentation on “English is reality or Enigma” in the national level seminar conducted by A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai on 05.03.2015 & 06.03.2015 |
3. |
J.Akil, I year ECE had won the Second prize in the paper presentation on “English is reality or Enigma” in the national level seminar conducted by A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai on 05.03.2015 & 06.03.2015 |
4. |
J.Akil, I year ECE had won the First prize in the paper presentation on “Nuclear technology” in the national level seminar conducted by A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai on 05.03.2015 & 06.03.2015 |
5. |
R.Deiva Kesavan,I year Mech had won the First prize in the paper presentation on “Nuclear Engineering” in the national level seminar conducted by A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai on 05.03.2015 & 06.03.2015 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
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1. |
S.Lakshmipriya,I year ECE had won First prize in the paper presentation on “Pollution control” in the state level Inter college youth awareness fest conducted by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 20.03.2014 |
2. |
P.J.Raja ,I year Mech had won Second prize in the event Aeromodeling in the Inter college technical even conducted by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 20.03.2014 |
3. |
C.Vignesh, I year CSE had won the First prize in the gaming event in the 8th national level technical symposium organized by the Institute of Road and Transport technology, Erode on 28.03.2014 |
4. |
A.Deetchitha,I year ECE had won Second prize in the paper presentation on “Pollution control” in the state level Inter college youth awareness fest conducted by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 20.03.2014 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.No |
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1. |
Keethana, I year ECE had won the First prize in the event Solo Dance in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
2. |
Sowmiya, I year CSE had won the First prize in the event Solo Song in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
3. |
Nivetha, I year ECE had won the First prize in the event Speech Contest in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
4. |
Hariprasath, I year Civil had won the Second prize in the event Speech Contest in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
5. |
Parthiban, I year MECH had won the First prize in the event Art-Craft in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
6. |
Dinesh, I year EEE had won the First prize in the event Art-Craft in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
7. |
Kavin Adhithya, I year MECH had won the Second prize in the event Drawing Competition in the Inter Collegiate Convergence 2012 held at Namakkal on 26.10.2012, organized by Rotary Club of Namakkal |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
International / National Journals
Govindasamy Palanisamy, Kandasamy Bhuvaneswari, Jintae Lee, A Viji, Mohd Shkir, “Strategic rationalization for improved photocatalytic decomposition of toxic pollutants: Immobilizing Bi2Te3 nanorods and V2O5 nanoparticles over MoS2 nanosheets , Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, DOI :10.1016/j.saa.2023.123400, September 2023.SCI
G Velmurugan, R Ganapathi Raman, P Sivaprakash, A Viji, Shin Hum Cho, Ikhyun Kim, “Functionalization of Fluorine on the Surface of SnO2–Mg Nanocomposite as an Efficient Photocatalyst for Toxic Dye Degradation”, Nanomaterials, DOI:10.3390/nano13172494, September 2023.SCI.
Rajendran Vijayakumar, Arangarajan Viji, Karuppaiya Vanasundari, Vadivel Balachandran, Antony Prabhu Arockia Dass, Molecular Docking and DFT Calculations of Anthracene: Insights from Quantum Chemical Methods, Crystal Research and Technology,DOI:10.1002/crat.202300150 , December 2023.SCI
S. Hemalatha,S. Sakthivel,V. Thamil Selvi, J. Jaziz Evelyn, T. Suba, S. Senthilkumar, A. Karthicka Study of Metacognition and Reading Comprehension, AIP Conference Proceedings, DOI:10.1063/5.0173417, November 2023.Scopus
L. Aruldoss,S. Sakthivel, A. Shirley Mary Vanitha, M. Karunakaran, S. Senthilkumar , M. Pramila“Loss and Recovery of Faith in God” with Reference to George Eliot’s Silas Marner, AIP Conference Proceedings , DOI:10.1063/5.0172952, November 2023.Scopus
Murugan Kubendiran, Natarajan Karthikeyan, Chidambaram Ramesh Kannan, Subramanian Manivannan, Rathinavelu Venkatesh, Subbaiyan Naveen “ Sustainable development and conservation of agro-waste coconut shell powder strengthen lightweight aluminum bio-composite for user friendly”, Environmental Quality Management DOI:10.1002/tqem.22114, October 2023.SCI
R. Venkatesh, M. K. V. Karthikeyan, R. Sasikumar, C. B. Priya, N. Karthikeyan & S.Madhu, “Effective utilization of silica from waste Cow dung ash filier reinforced biodegradable jute epoxy composites: influence of silica on its mechinaical properties”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery DOI:10.1007/s13399-023-04505-1,June 2023.SCI
Ramasamy Ramasubburayan , Nangan Senthilkumar , Kuppusamy Kanagaraj , Sanjay Basumatary , Sellamuthu Kathiresan , Jagadeesan Manjunathan , Meyyappan Revathi , Manickam Selvaraj , Santhiyagu Prakash “Environmentally benign, bright luminescent carbon dots from IV bag waste and chitosan for antimicrobial and bioimaging applications”, DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2023.117182, September 2023.SCI
Sellamuthu Kathiresan , Mookkandi Palsamy Kesavan, Jamespandi Annaraj , Lokesh Ravi “DNA and albumin interaction studies of imidazole-based thiosemicarbazone-metal(II) chelates using spectroscopic and molecular docking methods: DNA cleavage, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties”, DOI:10.1016/j.inoche.2023.111527, December 2023.SCI
A. AlvinKalicharan , Vudata Rajesh , Jayaraman Pitchaimani , A. Rajalakshmi, Sellamuthu Kathiresan , Ravindranadh Koutavarapu , Mohan Rao Tamtam , Pugalenthi Ramesh “Salen complex of amino alcohol incorporated in two-dimensional matrices for supercapacitor applications”, DOI:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.128485 ,December 2023.SCI
T. Suba , G. Jamuna, S. Hemalatha, J. Jaziz Evelyn “The subjugated souls in the god of small things”, AIP Conference Proceedings, DOI:10.1063/5.0173246 , November 2023. Scopus
Mrs.P.Thangamani AP , Mr.E.Manikandan,AP , Dr.G.Saveetha ASP, Dr.N.Karthikayan Prof, Mathematics department has presented a paper titled “Performance evaluation of aluminum doped ZnO thin film for solar cell applications” in the 1St I EEE international Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management –MRTM 23, organized by New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru on 22nd & 23rd Sep 2023.
Mr.B.Raguraman, AP English department has presented a paper titled “Synthesis and production of green biohydrogen energy from waste agro products for future energy aspects” in the 1St I EEE international Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management –MRTM 23, organized by New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru on 22nd & 23rd Sep 2023.
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
International / National Journals
K Ravichandran, N Siva Jyothi, R.Rathi, N Dhnieshbabu, R Shalini, A Viji and K ‘Intermediate Electron Trap levels Generation and Enhanced Carrier Concentration in Zno by Strontium and Molybdenum Co-doping: an effective approach for dye degradation’ J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-022-09404-1 January 2023, SCI.
Ponniah Anusha, Chinnasway Ragavendran, Chinnaperumal Kamaraj, Kanagaraj Sangeetha, Annadurai Sakthi Thesai, Devarajan Natarajan and Guilherme Malafaia ‘ Eco-friendly bioremediation of pollutants from contaminated sewage wastewater using special reference bacterial strain of Bacillus cereus SDN1 and their genotoxicological assessment in Allium cepa’Elsevier, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160935 December 2022, SCI.
A Viji, R Vijaykumar, V Balachandran, K Vanasundari and M Janaki ‘ Molecular docking and computational studies investigation on a bioactive anti-cancer drug: Thiazole derivatives’ Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, DOI: 10.56042/ijct.v29i6.67406 November 2022, SCI.
M Premkumar, J Juliet Jayapackiam, Priya Shirley Muller, S Maheswari, Rachanna Kanabur, and M Kalaiselvi ‘Doubt Q-Fuzzy T-Ideals under the Normalization of T-Algebra’ Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10649-022-ESM.2022, SCI.
- J Richards Joshua, V Sharmila, A Viji, Mir Waqas Alam, Amal Baqais, Shanavas Shajahan, Mohammad Abu Haija, and Roberto Acevedo ‘Electrochemical Performance of Spongy Snowballs of O3- NaFeO2 @ SnO: Cathodes for Sodium Ion Batteries’ Hindawi International Journal of Energy Research, DOI: 10.1155/2023/6616567.2023,SCI.
G Velmurugan, R Gnapathi Raman, D Prakash, Ikhyum Kim, Jhelai Sahadevan and P Sivaprakash ‘Influence of Ni and Sn Perovskite Nisn(OH)6 Nanoparticles on Energy Storage Applications’ Nanomaterials MDPI , DOI: 10.3390/nano 13091523.2023, SCI.
S Manivannan, R Venkatesh, M Kubendiran, C Ramesh Kannan, N Karthikeyan and S Naveen ‘Conservation of Waste Melon Shell and fly ash utilized as reinforcements for aluminium alloy matrix in terrestrial ecosystem acquired green hybrid composites’ Wiley Periodicals, DOI: 10.1002/tqem.21990.2023, SCI.
Rathinevelu Venkatesh, Subramanian Manivannan, Natarajan Karthikeyan, Murugan Kubendran, Chidambaram Ramesh Kannan and Subbaiyan Naveen ‘ Performance evaluation and conservation of waste solid plastics into alternative fuel for a pollution free-environment’ Wiley Periodicals, DOI: 10.1002/tqem.21991.2022, SCI.
K Kannan, S Agilan, P Peulakumari and G Saveetha ‘Exploration of third order nonlinear optical features of CuO/PVA-PEG polymer nanocomposites’ Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol.18, No.1, Jan-Mar 2023, p.367-375,SCIE.
G Veeramalai, V Hemalatha, M Angayarkanni and B Raguraman ‘Learning Can use Mathematical Concepts Effectively in the Future for Structural Transformation, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education(INT-JECS), ISSN: 1308-5581 Vol 14, Issue 04 2022, p.1934-1936.
K Saravanan, Chilkhe Ganesh Nagorao, Dhivya Muraleedharan, B Raguraman, A Kabilath Begum and Maya P R ‘ Comprehensive Research on the Importance of English Language in the Health Care Services, Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery, ISSN:1001-1781 Vol.: 27 Issue:1, 2023, p.3575-3584, Scopus.
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
International / National Journals
Kalaimagal G,Devarajan S and Soundararajan S ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Lactic Acid) – Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Copolymer with Boc- Glycine End Groups in Medical Applications’ Chemistry of Natural Compounds (Springer), Vol. 58, No. 1,pp. 14-17, January 2022, SCIE/SSCI Journal.
V. Balakumar, S. Sekar, A. Baishnisha and S. Kathiresan, ‘In-situ growth of TiO2@B-doped g-C3N4 core-shell nanospheres for boosts the photocatalytic detoxification of emerging pollutants with mechanistic insight’ Applied Surface science, 2022, Volume 577, Page No 151924 (doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151924).
Shanmugapriya N, Vanasundari K, , Balachandran V, Revathi B, Sivakumar C and Dr.Viji A ‘Spectroscopic Identification, Structural Features and Molecular Docking Studies on 5-(4-Propoxybenzylidene)-2-[3-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-[4(propan-2-yl) phenyl-4,5-dihydro 1H-pyrazol-1-yl]-1,3-thiazol-4(5H)-one using Pim-1 Kinase Cancer Protein’ Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp.1-14, March 2022, Scopus Indexed.
Sindu Devi S, Mohankumar S, Sasi G, Thangamani P and Dhivya M ‘Homomorphism of Complex Anti Fuzzy’ Design Engineering, ISSN: 0011-9342, Issue 9, pp.13181-13187, January 2022, Scopus Indexed.
R. Pathrakumar, R. Chitra, R. Malarvizhi and J. Sophers, ‘On Pre -γ -m- I -open Sets In Ideal Minimal Spaces’, GIS Science journal, 2021, volume 8, Issue 7, Page 1504-1515, (ISSN NO : 1869-9391), UGC Care Approved Group 2 Journal.
- R. Pathrakumar, R.Chitra, R. Malarvizhi and J. Sophers, ‘An Semi Δ Open Sets in Minimal Topological Spaces’ Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2021, Vol.12, Issue 68, Page 34970-34974, (ISSN: 0976-0997).
R.Srinivasan, N. Karthikeyan, “A proposed method to solve Transportation problem by Generalized Pentagonal and Hexagonal Fuzzy Numbers” International journal of Aquatic Science, 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 02 (ISSN: 2008-8019).
R.Srinivasan, N. Karthikeyan, A. Jayaraja ‘A Proposed Technique to Resolve Transporation Problem by Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers’ Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 14, Issue 20, Page 1642-1646. (ISSN 0974-5645).
R.Srinivasan, N. Karthikeyan, A. Jayaraja, “A proposed Ranking method to Solve Transportation Problem by Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative inquiry, 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 3, Page 277-286. (ISSN 1309-6591).
- Thangamani P, Padma N and Priya R ‘Acceptance Sampling Model Using Normal Distribution with Effort of Hormone’ International Scientific Journal of Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu, ISSN NO: 1001-1749,Vol. 17,No.12,pp.74-81, December 2021, UGC Care Approved Group 2 Journal.
- A Prasanna, M. Premkumar, A. Sugapriya, M. M. Kannan and A. Arul Staline ‘On κ – Q- Anti Fuzzy Normed Rings’ Design Engineering, Issue 8, Page 8513-8519, 2021 (ISSN: 0011-9342).
M. Premkumar, M. Bhuvaneshwari, E. Manikandan, A. Prasanna, ‘Fundamental Algebraic properties on k-Q-Anti fuzzy prime ideal and k – Q _Anti fuzzy normed maximal ideal’ Turkish online Journal of qualitative Inquiry, 2021, Volume 12, Issue 8, page no 6895-6900.
CT Nagaraj, M. Premkumar ‘On Fundamental Attributes on Homomorphism of µ -anti-Fuzzy Subgroups’, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Vol 23, Issue 10, page 793, 2021 (IISN: 1007-6735).
A. Prasanna, M. Premkumar, S. Ismail Mohideen and Dhirendra Kumar Shukla, ‘On Some Algebraic Properties of µ -Anti Fuzzy Subgroups’, Page: 197-207, 2021. (ISBN: 978-81-952542-3-1).
B. Antline Nisha, T. Jeeva, P. Amsaveni ‘Single Server Infinite Capacity Interdependent Retrial Queueing Model with Controllable Arrival Rates and Abandoning’ Efflatounia, 2021, vol. 5, Issue 2, Page 3091-3098 (ISSN: 1110-8798).
A. Prasanna, M. Premkumar, K. Malathi and A. Arul Staline ‘A study on complex anti fuzzy subring”’Advancs in Mechanics, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Page 1043-1050.
B. Sangavi, ‘Mutisensory teaching as a tool of teaching English to learning disabilities’ Langlit, 2021, Vol 8, Issue 2 Page No 207 (ISSN No: 2349-5189).
H. Sharma, A. kumar, J. S. Babasaheb, V. Sriram, M. Chandrasekar, S.J. Vincy, ‘To the study of isolation and identification of Bacillus species in sample of sputum and pus and their susceptibility reaction to antibiotics’ Nat. Voltailes & Essent oils, 2021, Volume no 8, Issue 4, Page no: 11596-11608.
Balraj D, Senthil Kumar T, Govindharaj G and Balasubramaniyan K T ‘Common fixed point under generalized condition on complex quasi-partial metric space and applications’ Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol 21, No. 5, pp. 2621-2644, March 2022, Web of Science Indexed, Scopus Indexed.
- Vellaichamy Balakumar, Sekar Selvarajan, Amanulla Baishisha & Sellamuthu Katiresan 2021 ‘In-situ growth of TiO2@B-doped g-C3N4 core-shell nanospheres for boosts the photocatalytic detoxification of emerging pollutants with mechanistic insight’ Applied Surface Science
Pathrakumar R, Chitra R, Malarvizhi R & Sophers J 2021 ‘On Pre --M- L -Open Sets In Ideal Minimal Spaces’ Journal of GIS Science, Vol. 8, no.7, pp.1504-1515.
Prasanna A, Premkumar M, Ismail Mohideen S & Rifyath Ali A 2021‘ On fundamental Algebraic Structures of κ-Q-Anti Fuzzy Normed Rings’ International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research, Vol. 8. No.4, pp.345-354.
Prasanna A, Premkumar M, Sugapriya A, Kannan M & Arul Staline A 2021‘ On κ-Q-Anti Fuzzy Normed Rings’ Design Engineering, No.8, pp.8513-8519.
Harsha Sharma, Anil Kumar, Jige Sandipan Babasaheb, Sriram V, Chandrasekar M & Sherafin Jancy Vincy 2021 ‘ To the study of Isolated and Identification of Bacillus Species in sample of Sputum and Pus and their Susceptibility reaction to antibiotics’ Natural Volatiles Essential oils, No.8(4), pp.11596-11608.
Premkumar M, Bhuvaneswari M, Manikandan E & Prasanna A 2021 ‘Fundamental Algebraic Properties on κ-Q-Anti Fuzzy Prime ideal and κ-Q-Anti Fuzzy Normed Maximal ideal’ Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 12. No.8, pp.6895-6900.
Antline Nisha B, Jeeva T & Amsaveni P 2021 ‘Single Server Infinite Capacity Interdependent Retrial Queueing Model with Controllable Arrival Rates and Abandoning ’ Efflatounia, Vol. 5. No.2, pp.1110-8703.
Nagaraj CT & Premkumar M 2021 ‘On Fundamental Atributes on Homomorphism of µ-anti-Fuzzy Subgroups’ Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Vol. 23. No.10, pp.1007-6737.
Pathrakumar R, Chitra R, Malarvizhi R & Sophers J 2021 ‘An Semi -Open Sets In Minimal Topological Spaces’ Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 12, no.68, pp.0976-0997.
Srinivasan R, Karthikeyan N & Jayaraja A 2021 ‘A Proposed Ranking Method to solve Transportation Problem by Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers’ Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 12. No.3, pp.277-286.
Srinivasan R, Karthikeyan N & Jayaraja A 2021 ‘A Proposed Technique to resolve Transportation Problem by Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers’ Indian Journal of Science and Technology,No.14(20), pp.1642-1646.
Srinivasan R, & Karthikeyan N 2021 ‘A Proposed Method to solve Transportation Problem by Generalized Pentagonal and Hexagonal Fuzzy Numbers’ International Journal of Aquatic Science, Vol. 12. No.2, pp.1499-1509.
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
International / National Journals
Sangavi B , Udhaykumar M and Senthilkumar S 2020 ‘The issue of Marginalization in Mahasweta Devi’s Chotti Munda and His Arrow’ Dogo Rangsang Research Journal,vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 245-252.
Balasubramanian K, Sophers J, Baalasubramaniyan K T and Thangamani P 2020 ‘Solution of Sunray Fuzzy Transportation Problem for Different routes’ strad research, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 277-287.
Premkumar M, Prasanna A and Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘Algebraic Properties on ω- Fuzzy Translation and Multiplication in BH– Algebras’ AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 5, pp. 030090-1–030090-7.
Premkumar M, Muhammad Gulzar, Dilshad Alghazzawi and Muhammad Haris Mateen 2020 ‘On Some Characterization of Q-Complex Subrings’ Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.25, pp. 295–305.
Premkumar M, Prasanna A, Dhirendra Kumar Shukla A and Arul Staline A 2020 ‘Algebraic Structures on Product of ψ-Ǭ-Fuzzy Subgroup and Normal Subgroup’ Materials Today Proceedings (Elsevier) Online Version.
Premkumar M, Prasanna A, Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘On Elemental Algebraic characteristic of ω-Fuzzy Subring, Normal Subring and Ideal’ International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking , vol. 13, no. 4 , pp- 1693–1701.
Premkumar M, Prasanna A, Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘On Algebraic Characteristic on Normalization of Anti Q-Fuzzy B – Ideals in B – Algebra’ International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, vol. 13, no. 4 , pp- 1719–1725.
Premkumar M, Prasanna A, Ismail Mohideen S Muhammed Gulzar 2020 ‘Some Characteristic of α- Fuzzy Orders Relative to α-Fuzzy Subgroups , Normal Subgroup and α-Fuzzy Cyclic Group’ Mukt Shabd Journal, vol. 9, no.10, pp- 41-46.
Manikandan E, Premkumar M, Prasanna A & Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘On Algebraic structures on Normalization of Anti Q-Fuzzy BG – Ideals in BG – Algebra’ Strad Research, vol. 7, no.9, pp- 288-293.
Karthikeyan N, Srinivasan R, Vijayan & Renganathan 2020 ‘Method for solving fully fuzzy transportation problem to transform the materials’ Materials Today: Proceedings (Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI) https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.05.423. pp-1-3.
Dhanapal M & Premkumar M 2020 ‘Integer interval value of Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method for Solving first order Ordinary Differential Equation’ Parishodh Journal vol. 9, no.3, pp- 3884-3888
Dhanapal M, Kalaiselvi M , Bagavathi C, & Kannan M 2020 ‘Integer interval value of Milne's Simpson Predictor and Corrector formula’ Strad Research, vol. 7, no.9, pp- 301-305.
Mohankumar S & Ramesh Babu S 2020 ‘A Study On Fuzzy Mathematical Model Using FTSL Distribution’ Mukth Shabd Journal vol. 9, no.11, pp-47-51.
Mohankumar S & Elango S 2020 ‘A Fuzzy Mathematical Model For Effect Of Vasopressin Using Ftsl Distribution’ Journal of Xidian University vol. 14, no.3, pp- 518-522.
Mohankumar S & Punniyamoorthy K 2020 ‘Study on Choices of Two Service with Compulsory Vacation and without Compulsory Vacation for Single Server Bulk Queue’ Journal of Xidian University vol. 14, no.3, pp- 523-530.
Premkumar M, Swaminathan S, Thangamani P & Prasanna A 2020 ‘On Algebraic Structures on k- Intuitionistic Q-Fuzzy Quotient Group’ International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking vol. 13, no.4, pp- 1702-1711.
Seetha S, Sinthu S & Poomalar K 2020 ‘Existential Traits in Girish Karnad’s Boiled Beans on Toast’ Journal of Critical Reviews vol.7, no.13, pp-4380-4384.
Sharmila P, Karunakaran M & Poomalar K 2020 ‘Journey of a Woman and a Nation Towards the Search of Self Esteem in Manju Kapur’s Novels’ Solid State Technology vol.63, no.6, pp-7317-7321.
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
International / National Journals
Muhammad G, Premkumar M, Fareeha D and Ghazanfar A, 2019 ‘ Algebraic properties of anti fuzzy subgroup’, The International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 161-171.
Premkumar M, Dr.A. Prasanna, and M. Dharani, 2019 ‘Anti Q-Fuzzy Ideals in CI–Algebras’,International Journal of Information and Computational Science,Vol 9, Issue 9, ISSN: 1548-7741, PP 794-801
Premkumar M, Dr. A. Prasanna, and Muhammad Gulzar, 2019 ‘Doubt Fuzzy BP-Ideals’, International Journal of Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 10, ISSN NO: 1301-2746, PP 1606-1616.
- Premkumar M,Prasanna A,Thangamani P &Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘Anti Q- Fuzzy CI-Sub algebras and Anti Q-Fuzzy Homomorphism of CI-Algebras’Journal of Xidian University, vol.2, no.3,pp.482-487
- Premkumar M,Prasanna A, Kalaiselvi M & Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘Doubt Fuzzy BP-Ideals’ Journal of Xidian University, vol.14, no.3, pp.545-551
- Premkumar M, Prasanna A, Kannan M & Manikandan E 2020‘Anti Q-Fuzzy d – Ideals in d – Algebra’Journal of Xidian University, vol.14, no.3, pp.488-494
- Premkumar M & Dhanapal M 2020 ‘Integer interval value of Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method for Solving first order Ordinary Differential Equation’ Parishodh Journal, vol.9,no.3, pp.3884-3888
- Balasubramanian K & Bagavathi C 2020‘A Resultant Matrix for Row and Column Opportunity Cost Matrix of Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Robust Ranking Technique’Parishosh Journal, vol.9, no. 3, pp.3904-3912
- Balasubramanian K & Sophers J 2020‘Solution of Fuzzy Transportation Problem using Ranking Function with Generalized Exponential Number’ Journal of Xidian University, vol.14, no.3, pp.495-501
- Kaniselvi S 2020 ‘A Study: Speaking English as a Herculean Task to get Job’ UGC CARE listed Journals, vol.68, no.41,pp.26-29
- Premkumar M, Prasanna A, &Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘ On Fundamental Algebraic attributes of Fuzzy Subring, Normal Subring and Idea’ International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol.8, no.6, pp.5033-5037
- Premkumar M, Prasanna A & Ismail Mohideen S 2020 ‘On algebraic Properties of - Fuzzy CI-Algebras’MuktShabd Journal, vol.9, no.5, pp.92-98
- MohanKumar S 2020 ‘A Fuzzy Mathematical Model for Effect of Vasopressin Using FTSL Distribution’ Journal of Xidian University, vol.14, no. 3,PP518-522
- Punniyamoorthy K & MohanKumar S 2020 ‘A Study on Chices of Two Service with Compulsory Vacation and Without Compulsory Vacation for Single Server Bulk Queue’ Journal of Xidian University, vol. 14, no.3, PP.523-530
- Santhiya M, Subha Krishna Rao &Tamilarasan K 2020 ‘Synthesis and Structural characterization of Bi2Fe4O9 Powder and Thin Films’Journal of Xidian University
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
International / National Journals
- M. Premkumar, 2018, Closed M- Sets in Multi-Set Topological Spaces, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology.
- M.Premkumar, 2018, Anti Q-L-Fuzzy M-Subgroups, Second International Conference on Recent Innovations in Arts, Science and Technology on 27th July 2018 ( Journal of Applied Science and Computations).
- K.Balasubramanian 2018, Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Ranking Function, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Aug 2018.
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
International / National Journals
- M. Premkumar 2018, Closed M- Sets in Multi-Set Topological Spaces, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, May 2018
- M.Premkumar 2018, Anti Q-L-Fuzzy M-Subgroups, Second International Conference on Recent Innovations in Arts, Science and Technology on 27th July 2018 ( Journal of Applied Science and Computations).
- K.Balasubramanian 2018, Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Ranking Function, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Aug 2018.
- M.Premkumar 2018, Some Properties of Anti Q-L- Fuzzy Normal Subgroups, International Journal of Applied Science and Computations ,August 2018.
- K.Balasubramanian 2018, An Approach for Solving Fuzzy Transportation Problem, International Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics 2018.
- M. Premkumar 2018, Doubt Fuzzy B- Ideals in B- Algebra, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, September 2018
- R. Dhivya, S. Kathiresan, M. Vigneshwar, J. Ranjani, J. Rajendhran, N.S. P Bhuvanesh and J. Annaraj, “Bioactive mono/bis (carboxyamide) based Co (II), Ni (II) and Cu (II) complexes: Synthesis, Characterization , DNA binding and Anticancer Potentials” Appl Organometal Chem, 2018, 4660, 1-16.(Impact Factor = 3.581)
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
International / National Journals
- T.Vembu 2017, Hannah Easton –A new Woman in The Holder of the World, IJARIIE-ISSN(0), Aug 2017
- S.Karthikeyan 2017, Synthesis Characterization and photophysical investigation of Aggregated electron rich zinc phthalocyanine, RASAYAN J. Chem, Oct 2017
- R.Janagaraj 2017, Fractional Oder Non linear prey Predator Interactions, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Nov 2017
- S.Mohan kumar 2017, Fuzzy Relability Analysis for the effect of Vasopressin, Global journal of pure and applied Mathematics, Nov 2017
- S.kamalakannan 2017, Institiutional Values and social Responsibilities, International Research Journal of Humanities, Nov 2017
- B.Sangavi 2017, Multisensory Teaching as a tool of Teaching to learning Problematic Chidren, International Research Journal of Humanities, Nov 2017
- T.Kanagapriya 2017, Innovative and effective methods of Teaching to college students, International Research Journal of Humanities, Nov 2017
- N.Karthikeyan2017, A new Distance and Ranking Method for Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, Intern J.FuzzyMathematical Archive, 11 Dec 2017
- B.Raguraman, P.Poornima & S.Kamalakannan 2018, Women Beyond Traditions: Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters, Language in India,2Feb 2018.
- B.Sangavi, S.Seetha& S.Senthil Kumar 2018, Socio –Cultral Identity of Shabars in the Novel ‘The Book of the Hunter” Language in India, 2Feb 2018.
- N.Karthikeyan 2018, Analysis of Bulk Arrivals in Queueing Models, International Research Journal Of MultiDisciplinary Studies
- G.Kavitha 2018, Applications of stable set Problems in Hypergraph, Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics &Informatics
- K.Balasubramanian 2017, An Overview of Inuitionistic Fuzzy sets by similarity Measures, Emerging Trends in Mathematics, 28thJuly 2017
- S.Mohan kumar 2017, Step-stress and truncated acceptance samling plan model for the analysis of Vasopression, Emerging Trends in Mathematics, 28thJuly 2017
- A.viji & R.Rubavathi 2017, Preparation and Characterization of ZnO nanocrystalline Thin films, National Conference on Nano materials, 20-21 July 2017
- S.Senthil kumar& B.Raguraman 2017, New trends in Teaching English Language, International Conference, 28th July 2017
- P.Poornima& S.Seetha 2017, Innovative Methods of Teaching English Language, International Conference, 28th July 2017
- T.vembu 2017, Challenges and methods in Teaching English Language, International Conference, 28th July 2017
- S.Karthikeyan 2017, Cost Effective and High yield Synthesis of Deep Green IN-Phythalocyanines for Deying, International Conference on Waste Water Management, 17-18 August 2017
- G.Kalaimagal 2017, Synthesis and Characterization of Bio Polymer Based Epoxy Resin, International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology, 17-19Aug 2017
- N.Karthikeyan 2017, A new Distance and Ranking Method for Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, International Conference on Mathematical methods and Computation. 11 Dec 2017
- G.kavitha 2017, 3-Colorable Planer Graphs, International Conference on Mathematical methods and Computation, 11 Dec 2017
- S.Senthil Kumar 2018, Effects of Globalizaton on English, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- P.Poornima 2018, Teaching English as a Second Language, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- B.Raguraman 2018, Importance of English in Employment, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- S.Seetha 2018, Role of English language for effective Communication, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- T.Vembu 2018, Challenges and methods in teaching English Language, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- S .Kamalakannan 2018, The Significance of teaching and learning English, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- B.Sangavi 2018, ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning, National Level Conference on English Language , Literature and Culture, 9th Feb 2018
- P.Ramesh 2018, A facial synthesis of BIS-(Pththalimiodethyl) –Amine Functionalized Graphene Oxide (GO-BIS(PIEA)) for Flourescence Sensor, International Conference on Innovations in science and Technology for susutainable Development, 30th &31st March 2018
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
International / National Journals
- G.Kavitha 2017, The Simplex Reminiscent of Sperner’s Lemma, International Advanced Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology ISO 3297:2007 ISSN(Online) 2393-8021, Vol.4, Issue 3,Pages: 122-125
- B.Dhevahi 2017, Effect of Sea Weed Extract on the Production of Lipase using Wild and Mutant Strains of Bacillus Subtilis BDG-8 ,International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages:1-3
- V.Sriram 2017,Synthesis and Investigation of Electrochemical properties of LiBayMn2-yo4 Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 4-7
- A.Mageswari 2017,Use of Tetra-N-Propyl Ammonium Iodide Along with Calcium Oxide for the Inhibition of Corrosion of Aluminium in 1N Naoh, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 8-10
- S.Suganthi 2017,Assessment of Physico-Chemical Status of Ground Water Samples, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 11-14
- A.Arun Kumar 2017, Defluoridation by Natural Method in the Ground water of Tiruchengode Taluk, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 15-18
- R.Janagaraj 2017,Fractional Order Model on Giving up Smoking, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 43-46
- G.Jothi 2017, A New Algorithm to Find the Optimal Feasible Assignment for an Assignment Problem, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 52-55
- N.Karthikeyan 2017,T he Inverse Split and Non-split Domination in Graphs, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 56-58
- S.Mohan Kumar 2017, A Cumulative Exposure Model for the Release of Vasopressin, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 59-62
- R.Chitra, J.Sophers 2017, Slightly m-Precontinuous Multifunctions, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 4-7
- K.Balasubramanian 2017,A new measure of Fuzzy Entropy and Fuzzy Divergence, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 88-90
- K.Balasubramanian 2017, A Novel grouping of Supremum and Infimum Function of a Fuzzy Set, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 91-92
- G.Kavitha 2017, The Coloring of Hyper Graph, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 93-96
- P.Nandhini 2017, The Clique Neighborhood Domination Number in Graphs, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Vol.5, Issue 04, Pages: 97-103
- G.Kavitha 2016,REGULAR COLOURING OF GRAPHS, Research Inspiration An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, ISSN:2455-443X, Vol.1,Issue-III ,Pages:286-302
- R.Janagaraj 2016, OSCILLATION OF FRACTIONAL DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS WITH DAMPING TERMS,JP Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016 Pages :1-13
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
International / National Journals
Vembu T, Raguraman B, April 2016, ‘Innovative Methods of Teaching English Language’, Language in India www.languageinindia.com ,ISSN 1930 – 2940 vol.16:4
Janagaraj R, ‘Dynamical Analysis of a Discrete Fractional Order Trey-Predator 3 – D System’ International Journal of Research and Development Organisation, Vol 2, issue I, Jan’2016
Janagaraj R, ‘Dynamics in a Discrete Fractional Order Lorenz System’, Advances in Applied Science Research 2016, ISSN 0976 -8610,7 (1) : 189 – 195.
Mohankumar S, ‘Fuzzy Truncated Skew Laplace distribution Model for Secretion of vasopressin’, IJAER, ISSN 0973 – 4562, Vol 11 no 1(2016)
Karthikeyan N, Jayaraja A, ‘Applications of First Order Differential Equations to Heat Transfer analysis in Solids’, IJEIT, vol 5, issue 8, Feb’2016
Kavitha G 2015, ‘The Directed Hypergraphs in Graph Theory’, Acta Indica, ISSN: 0970-0455, vol. XLI, no.2.
Mohan Kumar S 2015 ‘A Mathematical model for the release of Vasopressin using fuzzy step-stress approach’, Control Theory and Informatics, vol. 5, no 2, pp.29-32.
Mohan Kumar S 2015, ‘A cumulative Exposure Model for the administration of Vasopressin in animals’, International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, ISSN: 2320-3242(p), 2320-3250(online), vol.6, no.1, pp.63-68.
Mohan Kumar S 2015, ‘A Mathematical model for the secretion of Vasopressin using Fuzzy truncated Normal distribution’ International journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISSN:1311-8080, no 1,pp.69-77.
Ramachandran P, 2015 ‘Microbiological Investigation on Vetriveria Lawsonii’, International journal of pharma and bio sciences, ISSN: 0975-6299, vol.6, no.3.
International / National Conferences
Poornima P, Seetha S, ‘Techniques of E-Learning in Teaching English’, National Conference on New Perspectives in ELT held at Theni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology on 29th Jan’2016
Vembu T, Raguraman B, ‘Innovative Methods of Teaching English Language’ , National Conference on New Perspectives in ELT held at Theni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology on 29th Jan’2016
Ranjithkumar R, Senthilkumar S, ‘ English for Business Communication’, National Conference on New Perspectives in ELT held at Theni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology on 29th Jan’2016
Srinivasan R, Muruganandam S and karthikeyan N 2015, ‘A New Approach For Solving Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem’, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering on October 2015.
Dhevahi B 2015, ‘Production of lipase optimizing by optimizing the production media with different agro waste sources using wild and mutants strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa bdg-6’, International Conference held at Institute for Engineering research on November 2015.
Lydia Christy J 2015, ‘Corrosion study of SS316l and nickel chromium alloy in artificial sweat in presence of D-glucose’, held at Institute for Engineering research on November 2015.
Vembu T 2015,‘ Cultural Transformation in Bharati Mukerjees Jasmine and Desirable Daughters’, VHNSN college on September 2015.
Vembu T 2015, ‘Immigrants Issue in Bharati Mukherjee’s select novels’ Mannar Thirumalai Naicker college, Madurai on August 2015.
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
International / National Journals
Karthikeyan N 2013, ‘A new novel based approach on Enhance security in Arithmetic Coding Using Random Probability’, International Journal of Science and Research, ISSN: 2319 – 7064. vol.2, Issue 3, pp.341 – 344.
Karthikeyan N 2014,‘ shortest route algorithm using dynamic programming by forward recursion’, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), E-ISSN: 2347-2693, vol.2, no.2,pp.34 – 39.
Mohan Kumar S 2014,‘ A Mathematical model for the secretion of Vasopressin using Fuzzy truncated Normal distribution’, International journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vo no.104, no 1, pp.69-77.
Janagaraj R 2014 ‘Discrete Model of Rossler System” Discrete Model of Rossler System’, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (IJATES) ISSN: 2348 – 7550, volume 2, no 8, pp 130 – 134.
Janagaraj R 2014, ‘A Modified Discrete Rossler System’, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (AIJRSTEM) ISSN (Online): 2328 – 3580, vol.1, no.8, pp.80 – 84.
Janagaraj R 2015, ‘A Discrete Model of Three Species Prey – Predator System’ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8753, volume 4, no.1,pp. 18576 – 18584.
Ramachandran P 2014 ‘Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of Bauhinia Blakeana Flowers’, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, ISSN: 2319-7064, vol. 3, no.7.
Ramachandran P 2014, ‘Efficacy of Bauhinia Blakeana against Selected Microbes’, International Journal of Science and Research, ISSN: 2321-0923,vol. 2, no.1, pp. 37-40.
Ramachandran P 2014, ‘Microbiological Study on Bauhinia Blakeana Flower Extracts’, World journal of pharmaceutical research, ISSN: 2277-7105,vol.4,no.1, pp. 1331-1335, P 2015, ‘Comparative Microbiological Study of Vetiveria Lawsonii with Bauhinia Blakeana’, International journal of innovative research in technology, science & Engineering (ijirtse ), ISSN: 2395-5619, vol.1, no.2.
Dhevahi B 2014 ‘Factors influencing production of lipase under metal supplementation by bacterial strain, bacillus subtilis bdg-8’ Journal of Environmental Biology, vol.35, pp 1151-1155.
International / National Conferences
Mohan Kumar S, ‘A Mathematical model for the release of Vasopressin using Fuzzy step-stress approach’, International conference held on February 2015, at D.A.V Collage, Punjab.
Dhevahi B ,‘Studies on the immobilization of the isolated bacillus subtilis International conference on chemistry and materials’ , February 2014 held at Anna University, Trichy.
Dhevahi B, ‘Studies on the production of lipase optimizing the production media…. Using b-subtilis, International conference on nanobio, biomimetic materials and its applications’ February 2015, at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Lydia Christy J, ‘Factors influencing rate of corrosion of ss-316L and nickel chromium alloy’, International conference on recent advances in bionano-science and Technology on February 2015, at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Lydia Christy J, ‘corrosion behavior of gold alloys in artificial sweat in presence of D-glucose’, International conference on chemistry and materials, February 2014 at Anna University, Trichy
Lydia Christy, ‘Electrochemical study of Gold alloys in artificial sweat in presence of D-Glucose’, International conference on nanobio, biomimetic materials and its applications, February 2015, held at Hindusthan Educational Institutions, Coimbatore.
Kavitha G, ‘Planar and Non-planar Graphs’, International Conference, November 2015, held at Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
International / National Journals
Mohan Kumar S 2013, ‘Fuzzy Reliability Analysis for the effect of Vasopressin based on Normal distribution’, Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics &Informatics, vol.5, no.2, pp.389-394.
Karthikeyan N 2013, ’Shortest route algorithm using dynamic programming by forward recursions’, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, volume 2, no.2.
Mohan Kumar S 2013, ‘Acceptance Sampling for the Vasopressin release using Crisp and Fuzzy Normal distribution’, in American Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical ed a paper entitled ‘Shortest route algorithm using dynamic programming by forward recursions’ in International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no.3.
Janagaraj R 2013, ‘Dynamical Behavior in a Three Species Discrete model of Prey – Predator Interactions’ in International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics (IJCSM) ISSN: 0974 – 3189, vol.5, no.1,pp.11 – 20.
Janagaraj R 2013, ‘Dynamical Behavior in a Discrete Prey – Predator Interactions’, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), vol.2, no.2,pp.311 – 316.
Janagaraj R 2014, ‘Analysis of a Discrete SIR Epidemic Model’ International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research (IJIFR) ISSN: 2347 – 1697, volume 1, no.10,pp. 86 – 92,
Ramachandran P 2014, ‘Phytochemical Evalation of Bauhinia Blakeana Flowers’, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical research, ISSN: 2249-6084,vol.3, no.6,pp. 423-425.
Ramachandran P 2014, ‘Microbiological Study on Bauhinia Blakeana’, Asian journal of pharmaceutical analysis and medicinal chemistry, ISSN: 2321-0915,vol.2, no.1, pp. 30-32.
Ramachandran P 2014, ‘Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potential of Vetiveria Lawsonii’, Asian journal of pharmaceutical analysis and medicinal chemistry, ISSN: 2320-5148, vol.5, no.9, pp.3932-3935.
Ramachandran P 2014,‘Qualitative Study on Methanol Extract of Vetiveria Lawsonii’ , International journal of research in pharmaceutical and Nano sciences, ISSN: 2319-9563, vol.3, no.2, pp: 101-104 .
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Dipropyl sulphide as corrosion Inhibitor for Zinc in Sulphuric acid medium’, International journal of scientific and research publications ISSN: 2250-3153, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Ethyl Phenyl Sulphide as Corrosion Inhibitor for Zinc Metal in Acid Solutions’,International journal of scientific and research publications publications ISSN: 2250-315 vol.4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014 ‘Inhibitive Action of Phyllanthus amarus Extract on the corrosion of zinc in 0.5NH2SO4’, International journal of scientific and research publications, ISSN: 2250-3155, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘1,4-Diaminobutane as Corrosion Inhibitor for zinc in Hydrochloric acid medium’, International journal of scientific and research publications ISSN: 2250-3156, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014 , ‘Sudan-III Dye as a Novel Corrosion Inhibitor for Zinc Metal in Acidic solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications ISSN: 2250-3157,vol.4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Cystein as a Corrosion Inhibitor for zinc in Acidic Solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications, ISSN: 2250-3158, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Reactive Blue Dye as a novel corrosion Inhibitor for Mild steel in Acidic solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications, ISSN: 2250-3159, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Ethyl methyl sulphide as a Corrosion inhibitor for zinc metal in Acidic Solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications, ISSN: 2250-3160, vol. 4, no. 3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘1,4- Diaminobutane as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications, ISSN: 2250-3161, vol. 4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014 ,‘Chrysoidine Dye as a Novel Corrosion Inhibitor for mild Steel in Acidic solutions’, International journal of scientific and research publications , ISSN: 2250-3162,vol.4, no.3.
Paul Milton R 2014, ‘Inhibitive Action of Aegle marmelos Extract on the Corrosion of zinc in 0.5NH2SO4 medium’,International journal of scientific and research publications ISSN: 2250-3163,vol.4, no.3.
Dhevahi B, 2014, ‘Studies on the influence of various factors on Lipase Production using Pseudomonas Cepacia’, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ISSN: 0975-6299,vol.5, no.2, pp.649-656.
Lydia Christy J, 2014. ‘Corrosion behavior of nickel-Chromium alloy in Artificial sweat in presence of D-glucose’, Journal of Physical, Chemical and Biological sciences, ISSN: 2249-1929, vol. 4, no.1,pp.601-606.
International / National Conferences
Kavitha G , ‘Graph coloring problems and their applications’, International conference on February 2014 held at Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy.
Dhevahi B, ‘Studies on the lipase production’ International conference on Nanobio, biomimetic materials and its applications, on February 2014 held at Hindustan educational institutions, Coimbatore.
Dhevahi B, ‘Studies on the influence of various factors on lipase production using Pseudomonas cepacia’ on April 2014 at Sastra University, Tanjore.
Faculty Members
S.No |
Name of the Faculty |
Designation |
Qualification |
Nature of Association |
1. |
Dr.K.Balasubramanian |
Professor and Head |
M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D |
Regular |
2. |
Dr.N.Karthikeyan |
Professor |
M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., |
Regular |
3. | Dr.G.Saveetha | Associate Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D |
Regular |
4. | Dr. D.Balraj | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D |
Regular |
5. | Dr.A.Sobanappriya | Assistant Professor | M.Sc.,Ph.D., |
Regular |
6. |
Dr.B.Nisha |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D., | Regular |
7. |
Mr. J.Sophers |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
8. |
Mrs. P.Thangamani |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed.,SET., |
Regular |
9. |
Mr.M.Kannan |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
10. |
Mr.K.T.Baalasubramanian |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc.,M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
11. |
Mr.E.Manikandan |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc., M.Phil., |
Regular |
12. |
Mrs.T.Jeeva |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
13. |
Mr.M.Dhanapal |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc.,M.Phil., B.Ed.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
14. |
Mrs.C.Bagavathi |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc.,M.Phil.,MBA., |
Regular |
15. | R.Vijayalakshmi | Assistant Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil., |
Regular |
16. | Mrs.K.Malathi | Assistant Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil., |
Regular |
17. | Mrs. D.Latha | Assistant Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
1. | Dr. A. Viji | Associate Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Regular |
2. |
Dr.S.M.Shankar |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D | Regular |
3. |
Mr.D.Karunanithy |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. M.Phil.,B.Ed.,SET.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
4. |
Mr.A.Antony Prabu |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc., M.Phil., |
Regular |
5. |
Mrs.T.Kanagapriya | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed., | Regular |
6. |
Mrs. M. Janaki |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc.,M.Phil., | Regular |
7. | Mr.R.Sathis Kumar | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil.,SET., |
Regular |
1. | Dr.S.Vijayakumar | Professor & Dean (Project & Consultancy) | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Regular |
2. | Dr.N.Sudha | Associate Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Regular |
3. | Dr.S.Kathiresan | Associate Professor | M.Sc.,Ph.D |
Regular |
4. | Dr.S.Suresh | Associate Professor | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Regular |
5. |
Mrs.A. Mageswari |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc., M.Phil., |
Regular |
6. |
Mr.P. Neelakandan |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
7. |
Mrs.G.Kalaimagal |
Assistant Professor |
M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., (Ph.D) |
Regular |
8. |
Mrs.B.Subashini |
Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., |
1. | Dr.T.Vembu | Associate Professor | M.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Ph.D |
Regular |
2. | Dr.G.Jamuna | Associate Professor | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D |
Regular |
3. |
Mr. S.Senthilkumar |
Assistant Professor |
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
4. |
Mr. B.Raguraman |
Assistant Professor |
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
5. |
Mrs. S.Seetha |
Assistant Professor |
M.A., M.Phil., |
Regular |
6. |
Mr.S.Ravindar |
Assistant Professor |
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., |
Regular |
7. | Mr.G.Arunkumar | Assistant Professor | M.A.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
8. | Mr.G.Suresh | Assistant Professor | M.A.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D) |
Regular |
9. |
Mr.R.Gowthaman |
Assistant Professor | M.A., M.Phil., | Regular |
10. |
Mrs.P.Annalakshmi |
Assistant Professor | M.A., M.Phil., | Regular |
1. | Dr.K.Parimala | Assistant Professor | M.A.,Ph.D |
Regular |
1. |
Mrs. T.Ramya |
Lab Assistant / Physics |
B.Sc., B.Ed., |
Regular |
2. |
Mrs. K. Gayathri |
Lab Assistant / Chemistry |
M.Sc., B.Ed., |
Regular |
3. | Mr.M.Mohammed Azhurdeen | Technical Assistant / Computer Programming Lab | B.E., |
Regular |
4. | Ms.S.Nivetha | Lab Assistant /Computer Programming Lab | MCA., |
Regular |
Events Organized
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | One day National level workshop on ‘Science and Technology for Society’ | Dr. Israel V. M. V. Enoch, Professor, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore | 06.10.2023 |
2 | One day National level Seminar on ‘Applications of Mathematics in Data Science’ | Dr.A.Mohan, Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirapalli | 12.10.2023 |
3 | One day National Level Seminar on ‘Development of Biodegradable Polymeric Film for Food Packaging Application’ | Dr.S.Suganthi Professor, Department of Chemistry, Yeungnam University, South Korea | 05.12.2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | 1st International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology [RTMST-2023] |
Dr. Raja Venkatesan Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea. | 29.05.2023 |
2 | One day International Virtual Workshop on “English Communication Skills for Engineering Students | Mr.Josephstephen Lecturer University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra,Oman |
29.05.2023 |
3 | Second International Confrence on Applied Science ,Mathematics and Statistics - ICASMS -23" | Dr. S. A. Karthick, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan | 27.05.2023 |
4 | One Day National Workshop on "Graph Coloring and its Application" | Dr.P.Francis, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, Vellore Institute of Technology - Andhra Pradesh |
25.05.2023 |
5 | 2nd International Virtual Conference on “English Language and Literature [ICELL-2023]” | Dr. S. Elamparithy, Research and Consultancy Coordinator, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra, Oman. |
25.05.2023 |
6 | One day Virtual seminar on "Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology (RTMST-2023)" | Dr. S. Divya, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea. | 22.05.2023 |
7 | One Day International Workshop on "Parking Lot Using Linear Programing problem" | Dr. G.M Arun Prasath, Assistant Program Coordinator, Mathematics Section, IT Department,University of Technology and Applied Science, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman | 15.05.2023 |
8 | High Pressure Techniques for Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Characterizations | Dr. R. Thiyagarajan, Research Associate, Materials Science Research Centre, Department of Physics, IIT Chennai | 14.03.2023 |
9 | One day National Level Workshop on “UGC-NET Examination” |
Dr.Y.Parvas Sharif, M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,SET., |
21.10.2022 |
10 | One day National Level Workshop on “An Innovation of Real Analysis” |
Dr.P.S.Srinivasan M.Sc.,Ph.D., |
20.10.2022 |
11 | One day National Level Seminar on “CSIR-NET Awareness Program for Physical Science” |
Mc.C.Joseph Prabagar, |
14.10.2022 |
12 | One day online seminar on “Biological Plastic Degradation - Current and Future Perspectives” |
Dr.S.Vijayakumar,Ph.D., & Dr.M.Selva Kumar,M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D., |
23.09.2022 |
13 |
One day National Level online Workshop on “Natural Resources for Sustainable Life” |
Dr.T.Maruthavanan, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
30.07.2022 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | 2nd National level Conference On “Pure, applied and computational (NCPAC-22)” |
Dr.A.Sadiquali M.Sc.,B.Ed.,Ph.D,
Associate Professor & Head (Mathematics),
MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna, Kerala.
19.05.2022 |
2 | 1st International Virtual Conference on English Language and Literature” |
Dr. R.S.Baskkaran, M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,
Professor, Department of English, Omar Al Mukhtar University, Libya.
19.05.2022 |
3 | 2nd National Virtual Conference On Recent Trends in Materials Science and Technology |
Dr.N.S.K Gowthaman, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,
Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Engineering, Monash University, Malaysia
07.05.2022 |
4 | One day Virtual Workshop on “Interfacing Chemistry with Electronics for Biomedical Applications” |
Dr. D. Gajalakshmi, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University College of Engineering, Villupuram.
16.02.2022 |
5 | One day Virtual Workshop on “ Enhancing Communication Skills Through Movies” |
Dr. C.S.ArunPrabu, M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,
Assistant Professor, Department of English,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
02.02.2022 |
6 | One day Virtual Workshop on “ Magnetic Materials and its Applications” |
Dr. K. Sakthipandi, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D, Associate Professor, SRM-TRP Engineering College, Research Coordinator, SRM Trichy Campus,
Trichy - 621 105.
29.01.2022 |
7 | One day Virtual workshop On “Applications and recreational problems in graph theory” | Dr.A.Tamil Elakkiya M.Sc.,Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,Gobi Arts & Science College(Aided),Gobichettipalayam, Erode. | 20.01.2022 |
8 | CSIR Sponsored two day national level seminar on “Photocatalysis- Past, Present and Future” | Dr.B.Vidya, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Kaarunya Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore and Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Dean (Project & Consultancy), KNCET, Thottiam. |
21.10.2021 & 22.10.2021 |
9 | One day National Level Virtual Workshop on "Optimization of Fuzzy Based Machine Learning Models” |
Dr. K.Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for women (Autonomous), Trichy. | 01.10.2021 |
10 | One day National Level Virtual Workshop On “Communication – The Soul of Success” | Dr.Y. Parvas Sharif, Associate Professor, Department of English, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Trichy. | 24.09.2021 |
11 | One day National Level Virtual Workshop on "Research Methodology and Publication" | Dr. K.Ravichandran, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Physics,A.V.V.M.Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous),Thanjavur. | 02.09.2021 |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | One day National Level Virtual Workshop on “fuzzy mathematical modelling and its application” | Dr.S.Mohankumar,M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed., Ph.D Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Excel Engineering College (Autonomous), Komarapalayam, Namakkal. | 28.05.2021 |
2. | A One Day National Level Virtual Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Material Science and Technology”NCMST-21 | Dr.V.J Surya, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. | 28.05.2021 |
3. | A One Day National Level Seminar on ‘Creating a pathway for improving Spoken English’ | Dr. S.Thiruvenkataswami, Professor and Head, Department of English, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. | 27.05.2021 |
4. | One day National Workshop on "Molecular Dynamic simulations" | Dr. V. Vasumathi,Assistant Professor,PG & Research Department of Physics,Holy Cross College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli. | 24.04.2021 |
5. |
A One Day International Virtual Conference on “Applied Science Mathematics and Statistics (ICASMS-21)” |
Dr. G.M.Arun Prasath,Assistant Program Coordinator, Mathematics Section, IT Department, University of Technology and Applied Science, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. |
09.04.2021 |
6. | A One day National Level Workshop On “Nanofertilizer for sustainable tea cultivation” | Dr.T.Rajkumar, Chemist (Scientist Grade), UPASI Tea Research Foundation, Coonoor, The Nilgiris. | 24.12.2020 |
7. | One day National Level Virtual Workshop on “Mathematical Application of Rough Sets in Decision Making” | Dr.K.Anitha, Assistant Professor-SG, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai. | 23.12.2020 |
8. |
A One Day webinar on ‘Fractal Perspectives on Estimation of Complexity Factors in Biomedical Signals’ |
Assistant Professor (Senior),
Deparment of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
22.08.2020 |
9. | A One Day National Level Webinar on ‘Optimazition of Fuzzy Inventory Models’ | Dr. K. Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for Women, Trichy. |
29.08.2020 |
10. | Online Quiz on ‘National Online Science Quiz’ |
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam, Trichy.
20.07.2020 - 25.07.2020 |
11. | A One Day International webinar on ‘Laser Materials Processing for Industrial Applications’ | Dr.A.Viswanathan, Assistant Pofessor, Department of Physics, Anna University (BIT Campus), Trichy. |
26.06.2020 |
12. | A One Day International webinar on ‘Tuning the Morphology of Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Sensing Applications’ | Dr.N.S.K. Gowthaman, Post- Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Advanced Technology, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Malaysia. |
19.06.2020 |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | An awareness program on Engineering |
Dr. G. Senthilkumar, Associate Professor in Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. |
27.05.2020 |
2. | A One Day National Level Webinar on ‘Optimazition of Fuzzy Inventory Models’ |
Dr. K. Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for Women, Trichy. |
29.03.2020 |
3. | A One Day National Level Webinar on ‘Nano-materials for Environmental Remediation via Catalytic conversions’ |
Dr. V. Balakumar, JSPS Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, Motooka, Japan. |
28.03.2020 |
4. | A One Day National Level Webinar on ‘Nonlinearity in Engineering and Natural Systems’ |
Dr. K.Sakkaravarthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Trichy. |
26.03.2020 |
5. | A One Day National Level Webinar on ‘Developing Language skills’ |
Dr.Zumbarlal Namdeorao Patil, Former Professor, Head of the Department of Training and Development, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. |
25.03.2020 |
6. | A One Day National Level Workshop on “Energy and Environment” |
Dr.A.Samson Nesaraj , Prof. Dept of Applied Chemistry, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore Dr. C. Freeda Christy, Associate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore |
13.03.2020 |
7. | An awareness program on ‘Corona Virus’ |
Dr. C. Saravanabhavan, HOD of Computer Science Department ,Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam |
10.03.2020 |
8. | A One Day National Level Conference on “Mathematics: Pure,Applied and Computation” |
Prof. Dr. R. Jahir Hussain, Head & Associate Professor, PG & Research department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),Trichy. Dr. K. Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, Cauvery College for Women, Trichy. |
04.03.020 |
9. | CSIR sponsored One day National Level Workshop on “Recent advances in Materials Science and its Applications |
Dr. A Viswanathan , Assistant Professor, Anna University, BIT, Trichy. |
21.02.2020 |
10. | A One Day National Level Workshop on Research Article writing using Latex |
Dr. A.George Maria Selvam , Head & Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, Sacred Heart College(Autonomous), Thirupathur |
24.01.2020 |
11. | One Day National Level Workshop on Innovative Methods of English Language Teaching and Learning |
Dr.K.N.Shoba, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Anna University, Guindy,Chennai. |
24.01.2020 |
12. | One Day National Level workshop on Supramolecular Fluorescent Chemosensors for Molecular Recognition & its Varied Applications |
Dr. Raju Nandhakuma, |
01.11.2019 |
13. | One Day National Level Seminar on Nanostructured Thin Films For Solar Applications |
Dr.K.Tamilarasan, Mr.N.Kannan, Dr.M.Santhiya, |
23.10.2019 |
14. | CSIR sponsored One Day National Level Workshop on Innovations in Number Theory for Cryptography Applications |
Dr. A.Prasanna, Mrs.P.Preethi, Mr.M.Premkumar, |
24.08.2019 |
15. | CSIR sponsored One Day National Level Workshop on Advances in Finite Element Analysis for Structural Engineering. |
Dr. N. Siva Shanmugam, Dr. S. Kavipriya, |
26.07.2019 |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | A Two Day National Level Workshop on Thin film Technology for gas sensing Applications |
Dr. S. Brahadeeswaran, |
24.01.2019 & 25.01.2019 |
2 |
One Day National Level Workshop on “Technical Inscription with LaTeX” |
Prof. Dr. A. George Maria Selvam, |
28.12.2018 |
3 | CSIR sponsored One Day National Level Workshop on “Quantum Mechanics in Nanophotonics Applications” |
Dr. A Viswanathan, |
14.12.2018 |
4 | One Day National Level Workshop on “Materials for advanced wastewater treatment Techniques” |
Dr.D.Maruthamani, |
21.12.2018 |
5 | Science Club Inaugural Function |
Thiru T. Stalin Gunasekaran, |
29.11.2018 |
6 | A One Day National Level Workshop on “Success through SoftSkills” |
Dr. K. Kaviarasu, Mr. Sridhar, |
05.10.2018 |
7 | CSIR sponsored Two Days National Level Workshop on “Nanostructured Materials for Photonics Applications” |
Dr. S. Brahadeeswaran, Dr. A Viswanathan, |
09.08.2018 & 10.08.2018 |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 |
2nd National Level Conference on English Language, Literature and Culture |
Dr.k.kaviarasu Assistant Professor, Bishop Heber College, Trichy. |
09.02.2018 |
2 |
One Day National Level Workshop On “LaTeX For Research Writing |
Prof. Dr. A. George Maria Selvam, Head &Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of mathematics, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur |
29.12.2017 |
3 |
Science Club Inaugural Function |
Dr. R. Jayavel , Director, Center For Research, Anna University, Chennai. |
18.11.2017 |
4 |
One Day National Level Workshop on “Recent Trends in Nanotechnology” |
Dr.A.SAMSON NESARAJ, Professor of Chemistry & Dr.Raju Nandhakumar, Associate professor Department of chemistry Karunya University, Coimbatore |
13.10.2017 |
5 |
Csir Sponsored National Level Workshop On |
Dr.C. ALICE EMERENSHIYA., Postdoctoral fellowship, Bharathidasan University, Trichy & Mr.R.Balaji, Assistant professor Department of chemistry at Rajah Serfoji Govt college,Thanjavur |
26.09.2017 & 27.09.2017 |
6 |
One Day Workshop on |
G.Ravindran, Former Head & Associate Professor Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Trichirappalli |
01.09.2017 |
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
One Day National Conference on English Language, Literature and Cultute |
Dr.N.Geethangali, Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of English Periyar EVR College, Trichy. |
04.03.2017 |
2. |
One Day National Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics |
Dr.A.George Maria Selvam, Head & Associate Professor, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur. |
03.03.2017 |
3. |
Workshop on Role of Green Chemistry for Sustainable Environment |
Dr.K.Nurugasen, Professor and Head, Department of Environmental Science Periyar Uvniversitym, Salem.
Dr.K.Dhandayuthapani, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Cheyyar |
14.10.2016 |
4. |
Seminar on Enhancing Employability Skills. |
Dr. P. Mythilym, Associate Professor, Govt. Arts College, Salem
Dr. S. John Bosco, Associate Professor, St.Joseph's College, Trichy |
20.10.2016 |
5. |
Science Club Inaugural Function |
Dr. R. Jayavel , Director, Center For Research, Anna University, Chennai. |
03.10.2016 |
6. |
Workshop on LaTeX for Research |
Dr.T.Rajaretnam, Associate Professor, St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichy |
30.09.2016 |
7. |
Recent Advances in Material Science and Engineering (RAMSE'16) |
Dr.S.Brahadeeswaran, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physics, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy
Dr.A.Viswanathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy |
30.09.2016 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Science Club Inaugural Function |
Dr. S. Kavidasan, Director-HR , Root Industries Indialimited, CBE |
17.10.2015 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Science Club |
Shri. K. Parivallal, CEO, DMW CNC Centre, Perundurai. |
28.03.2015 |
2. |
Mathematics-I FDP |
Dr.P.Balasubramaniam, Professor and Head,Department of Maths, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul.
Mr. V.Biju, HOD, Dept. of Mathematics, Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal
Dr. C. Elango, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mathematics, CPA Colllege, Bodinaikanur.Theni Dt.
Dr. V. Mohanaselvi, Asst. Prof., PG & Research Dept. of Mathematics, Nehru Memorial College(Autonomous), Puthanampatti, Thuraiyur.
Dr. G. M. Arunprasath, AP/Maths, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam. |
14.07.2014 - 20.07.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Science Club |
Dr.T.Jothi Venkatachalam, ASP of Chemistry, Anna University , BIT Campus, Trichy
S. Pragadeeswaran, Associate Professor and HOD of Physics , Anna University , BIT Campus, Trichy |
28.02.2014 |
2. |
Mathematics-I FDP |
Dr.Gnanaambal, Asst.Professor of English, Trichy Engineering college, Trichy
Dr.Sudhagar, Asst.Professor of Maths, Mahalakshmi Engineering College,
Dr.Geetharamani, Asst. Professor of Maths, Anna University, Trichy
Dr.C.Elango, Asst.Professor of Maths, CPA College, Theni
Mr.Manimaran, Oxford Engineering College, Trichy
Dr.Mohanaselvi, Asst.Professor of Maths, Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatty
Dr.Murali, Asst.Professor, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy
Dr.Murugaganesan, Asst.Professor of Physics, PABCET, Trichy
Prof.Mohan, Asst.Professor of Maths, Saranathan Engineering College, Trichy |
06.07.2013 - 12.07.2013 |
3. |
National Conference |
Dr.M.Anusuya, Asso Prof. Physics, Trichy Engineering College, Trichy
Dr.P. Sudhakar, Asst Professor, Department of Mathematics , OAS Institute of Technology, Trichy
Dr. P. Chandramohan, Asso Prof, Chemistry, A.V. V. M. Sri Pushpam College, Poondi, Tanjore
C.Radhakrishnan, Asscociate Professor of English, A.V. V. M. Sri Pushpam College, poondi, Tanjore |
15.03.2013 |
To emerge very highly international technical skills in creating and disseminating knowledge and providing students with high research, development and a unique learning experience in Science and Technology and to make them the best qualified students for future needs.
To fabricate excellence in teaching and learning with best resources to educate students professionally in employability by providing a healthy learning environment with new ideas and intellectuals.
The Department of English focuses to develop the students’ language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills in English, also trains the students on the accent of Received Pronunciation. The department conducts frequently remedial classes for the late bloomers. It provides an ample of opportunities to enhance their language in the globalized scenario. The department also improves their communication skills and makes them employable and competent. Moreover it focuses the students’ personality development and soft skills to be a refined human being. A well furnished communication skills laboratory, with all facilities is to indulge the students to develop their communication skills always.
The Department of Mathematics inculcates the knowledge of Arithmetic and its Applications in Engineering and Technology. It is gifted with a dedicated team of experienced faculty members.
The department is proud in producing consistently very good results in the University Examinations. It trains the students to get high scores in GRE, G MAT, CAT, GATE, and IEEE to pursue their higher studies and enable them employable in the present Globalized scenario. It also conducts regular remedial classes for the weak students and late bloomers. The department consistently motivates and encourages the students to participate in the seminars, symposiums conducted by Anna University and other Engineering Colleges. Moreover the faculty members are involved in disciplinary activities to build a very good association among the students.
Projecting the scientific and technological developments to the society, the department brings up the students as educated individuals who are adeptly equipped for the life. The department considers its goal within the scope of academic excellence and leadership in physical sciences. In this frame, the department's aim is to accumulate the physics knowledge, developing and sharing it in a scientific community that shares common principles; agrees on its goals, open to innovations; respects and cares for each other as well as bears social responsibility. The department has dedicated itself for lifelong learning through academic and social programs; acquisition of new knowledge through research activities.
The Department of Chemistry endeavors to be a nationally-recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the ever-changing, technology-centered world of the 21st century. To achieve this goal the department is committed to provide a course of study for undergraduates in the chemical sciences which combines curricular and extra-curricular activities to create good quality human resource. It is supported by a dedicated team of staff members. The Department offers a vibrant atmosphere to students and faculty members to nurture the spirit of scientific inquiry and to pursue cutting edge research in a highly encouraging environment. Faculty members are showing keen interest to motivate the students to participate in various aspects like workshops, seminars, conferences and symposiums. Responsibility for the department's dual mandate of teaching and research is shared among academic and technical staff. The Department laboratory has safety measures and is situated in eco-friendly manner. It is proud of producing consistently very good results in the Anna University examinations.
- Physics Laboratory View Photos
- Chemistry Laboratory
- Communication Laboratory
- Computer Practice Laboratory
Internet Facility
- Uninterrupted internet with 100 Mbps Broad Band connectivity is available in the College.
- 24 Hours Wi-Fi Connectivity.
- Students are given full access to the Internet at our college premises
Funds Received from Outside Agencies
S. No | Funding Agency Name | Event/Project Name | Amount Sanctioned (Rs.) |
1 | Anna University |
FDP on Mathematics - 1 | Rs. 56,000 |
2 | Anna University | FDP on Mathematics - 1 |
Rs. 74,620 |
3 | CSIR | Workshop on Impact of E-Waste Pollution to Human Health | Rs. 30,000 |
4 | CSIR | Workshop on Crystal Growth for Optoelectronic and Piezoelectric Applications | Rs.25,000 |
5. | CSIR | Workshop on Nano Structured materials for Photonics application | Rs.25,000 |
6. | CSIR | Workshop on quantum mechanics in Nano Photonics Application |
Rs.15,000 |
7. | CSIR | Workshop on Thin film Technology for gas sensing Applications | Rs.15,000 |
8. | CSIR | Workshop on Advances in Finite Element Analysis for Structural Engineering | Rs. 35,000 |
9 | CSIR | Workshop on Innovations in Number Theory for Cryptography Applications | Rs. 15,000 |
10 | CSIR | Seminar on Photocatalysis - Past, Present and Future | Rs. 15,000 |
Value Added Courses
The Department of Civil Engineering is organizing the value added courses to all the students at the end of every semester.
The main objective of this course is to equip the students in current technologies and also to reduce the gap between academic and industry.
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 | Value Added course on VACCE13 “3D in BIM using Autodesk Revit” |
Mr. R. Udhayasankar, Managing Director, B.T.R Constructions, Erode. |
36 |
2 | Value Added course on VACCE12 “Sketch up” |
Dr. M. Soundarajan, Software Trainer, Arris Academy, Coimbatore. |
56 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 | Value Added course on “Primavera” |
Mr.P.Suresh Anand, Design Engineer, SPS Construction, Erode. |
15 |
2 |
Value Added course on “3D Modeling on Google Sketchup” |
Mr.R.Udhayasankar, Managing Director, BTR Construction, Erode. |
53 |
3 |
Value Added course on “Autodesk Revit 2016” for Third year Students |
Mr.D.Rajkumar, Deputy Engineer, Jacobs, Bangalore. |
53 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. | Value Added course on “Autodesk Revit 2017”for Second year Students |
Mr.T.Karthikeyan., Centre Head, PentaCAD, 25, PSN Complex, II nd Floor, Mohanur Road, Namakkal – 637 001 |
53 |
2. |
Value Added course on “Vasthu” for Third & Final year Students |
Er.V.Santhosh kumar, M.E,Structural Engineer,
Sri Nambi Builders and Consultancy, Anthiyur-638501
90 |
3. | Value Added course on “Total Station” for Third & Final year Students |
Er.Sathish kumar,
PRESTO INSTITUTE, Malliakkarai-636107
90 |
4. |
Value Added course on Industrial Web Development Practices for All Civil Engg Students |
Manager Business Support,
CADD Centre,Chennai
82 |
5. | Value Added course on Corel Draw X8 for All Civil Engg Students |
Mr.Vetrimani Elangovan M.E,(Ph.D)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
82 |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. | Value Added course on 3D Modelling on Google Sketchup for All Civil Engg Students | Er.R.Udhayasankar M.E, B.T.R Construction, Erode. |
55 |
2. |
Value Added course on Cadd ver 2008 for second year Civil Engg Students |
Mr.S.Ramkumar,M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
29 |
3. |
Value Added course on Total station for third year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. M.Sakthivel .Tech,(AP/CIVIL), |
60 |
4. | Value Added course on Autodesk Revit2017 for al students | Mr.T.Karthikeyan Centre Head, Penta CAD, Namakkal. |
69 |
Academic Year 2019- 2020
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 | Value Added course on Cadd ver 2008 for second year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. S.Ramkumar,M.E,(AP/CIVIL), Mr. C.Kannan,M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
22 |
2 | Value Added course on Total station for third year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. M.Sakthivel M.Tech,(AP/CIVIL), |
18 |
3 | Value Added course on Revit Architecture for second year Civil Engg Students |
Mr.R.Sujidharan,Trainer, CADD centre, Namakkal. |
45 |
4 | Value Added course on Auto CAD for second year Civil Engg Students |
Mr.M.Sakthivel, Mr.D.Dhavashankaran,&Mr.S.Ramkumar Assistant Professor, KNCET, Trichy |
45 |
5 |
Value Added course on STAAD Pro for third year Civil Engg Students |
D.Rajkumar, Trainer, CADD centre, Chennai | 60 |
Academic Year 2018- 2019
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 |
Value Added Course on Revit Architecture for Second year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. M.Divakar Karthick,M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
45 |
2 |
Value Added Course on Total station for Third year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. S. Satheeshkumar M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
26 |
3 |
Value Added Course on Estimation and Current Practice in Civil Engineering for Final year Civil Engg Students |
Er.J.K.Harihar Kalathill (Structural Consultant) BRICK STONE BUILDERS Madurai, |
31 |
Value Added Course on “Special Training on Vasthu” for Final year Civil Engg Students |
Er.V.Nagendran |
Academic Year 2017- 2018
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 |
Value Added Course on “Staad Pro” for Third year Civil Engg Students | Mr.G. Sivakumar , M.E,(AP/CIVIL), Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology |
36 |
2 | Value Added Course on “RCC Detailing” for Third year and Final year Civil Engg Students |
Mr.S. Ramprasath |
42 |
3 |
Value Added Course on “Revit Architecture” for Second year and Third year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. M.Divakar Karthick,M.E,(AP/CIVIL), Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology |
41 |
4 | Value Added Course on “Building Drawing” for first year Civil Engg Students |
Mr. S. Satheeshkumar M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
45 |
Academic Year 2016- 2017
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1 |
Value Added Course on “Revit Architecture” for Second year |
Mr. M.Divakar Karthick, M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
44 |
2 |
Value Added Course on “Staad Pro” for Third year |
Mr.G.Sivakumar , M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
50 |
3 |
Value Added Course on “Staad Pro” for Final year Civil Engg Students |
13 |
4 |
Value Added Course on “Revit Architecture” for Second year Students |
Mr.G.Sivakumar , M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
13 |
5 |
Value Added Course on “Revit Architecture” for Second year Students |
Ms.T.Soundharya, M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
33 |
6 |
Value Added Course on “Revit Architecture” for Third year Students |
Mr. M.Divakar Karthick, M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
44 |
7 |
Value Added Course on “Building Drawing” |
Mr. B.Jeyanth, M.E,(AP/CIVIL), |
43 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
83 |
2. |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
38 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. |
STAAD Pro V8i |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
44 |
2. |
Auto CADD 2014 |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
78 |
3. |
Primavera & MS Project |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
17 |
4. |
Auto CADD 2013 |
S. Karthikeyan, CADD Center, Musiri |
28 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. |
Revit Architecture |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
22 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.NO |
Course Name |
Resource Person |
Students |
1. |
Revit Modelling |
M. Subramani, Penta CAD, Namakkal |
23 |
2. |
3D Studio Max |
S. Gopalkrishnan |
11 |
Guest Lectures and Seminar
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Sl.No |
Title of the Programme |
Name of the Chief Guest |
Date |
1 | Webinar on “Grooming Civil Engineers for Industry Requirements” |
Mrs.S.Nithya, HR-Manager, UCONPT Structural System Private Limited, Chennai |
12.04.2024 |
2 | ICI- Student Chapter & Seminar on “Applications of AI in Geospatial Sector” |
Mr.Gopi.P, Senior Data Scientist, GIS, Microwave Remote Sensing & Data Science Expert, Deepspatail.ai, Tornto, Canada |
23.03.2024 |
3 | Webinar on “Cost Management Software and Estimation” |
Er. S. Thavamurugan, Functional Service, Assistant Manager, Infinity PMC Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
16.03.2024 |
4 | SERB Sponsored Two Days National Level Seminar on Unveiling the Current Trends and Sustainable Developments in Shear Wall Technology |
Dr.A. Punitha Kumar, Associate Professor & Head, VIT, Vellore Environmental Safety Engineer, STS-OQ, Oman Managing Director, Kesee Associates, Salem |
15.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 |
5 | Six days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Technologies in Civil Engineering- 2K24” |
Mr.J.SivaRaj |
11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 |
6 | Guest Lecture on Skills Required and Opportunities in Civil Engineering |
Er. Ashok kumar, |
24.02.2024 |
7 | Seminar on Bitumen Products – Grades of Bitumen & Applications | Mr. P. R. Sanilkumar, Divisional Institutional Business, IOCL, Madurai Mr. Narendra Devu, Manager, Institutional Business, IOCL, Madurai Mr. K. Karthick, Assistant Manager, Institutional Business, IOCL, Madurai |
16.02.2024 |
8 |
SERB Sponsored Two Days National Level Seminar on “Current Scenario and Trends on Green Concrete Technology” |
Dr.R.Malathy, M.E., Ph.D., Dr.R. Prasanna Venkatesan, M.E., Ph.D., Dr.A.R.Krishna Raja, M.E., Ph.D., Dr.S.Mahenthiran M.E., Ph.D, |
05.01.2024 to 06.01.2024 |
SERB Sponsored Two Days National Level Seminar on “Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Resilience to Natural Disasters”
Executive Engineer(WRD), Associate Professor, Irrigation Management Training Institute, Trichy. Dr.S.Senthilkumar,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode. Dr.S.Mahenthiran M.E., Ph.D,
Assistant Professor(Sr-Grade 2), Head of the Department, Department of Environmental & Water Resources Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. Dr.A.Ranganathan,
Assistant Executive Engineer/(WRD), Special Project Division, Perundurai. |
10 | Kongunadu Innovation Council Organizes Q1-IIC Calendar Activity Seminar on My Story: Motivational Session by Successful Innovators |
Dr.S.Vijayakumar (Formerly Senior Scientist R&D –SPIC Ltd) Director, Shinetek Biobag, Rasipuram. |
24.11.2023 |
11 | ICI Students Chapter Organizes Webinar on "Properties of Concrete" | Mr.G.J Pradeep Deputy Manager, Technical Services, Chettinad Cement Corporation Private Limited, Chennai. |
21.11.2023 |
12 | Guest Lecture on “Water Sources and Water Quality Management” |
Dr.N.Ilavarasan, M.E., Ph.D., |
18.10.2023 |
13 | Webinar on “Design Thinking Approaches: Harnessing Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development” |
Dr. C. Gajendran, M.E., Ph.D., Professor and Senior Innovator, Department of Civil Engineering, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
14.10.2023 |
14 | ICI-Inauguration of Student Chapter & Seminar on “Career Planning and Entrepreneurship” |
Er.V.Balaji Subbramanian, Vice Chairman-ICI-Salem Chapter, Structural Engineer, Sri Vijayabarathi Associates, Dharmapuri,Tamilnadu |
08.09.2023 |
15 | Webinar on “Microplastics in Environment: Concern & Challenges” |
Dr. S. Baranidharan Ph.D., Assistant Professor, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh |
31.08.2023 |
16 | Civil Engineering Students Association(CESA) Inaugural Function & One day seminar on "Concrete Mix Design" |
Mr.Vinoth Rejendran M.Tech., Technical Service Manager, UltraTech Cement Ltd, Trichy |
04.08.2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Sl.No |
Title of the Programme |
Name of the Chief Guest |
Date |
1 |
National Level Seminar on “Biomimicry in Civil Engineering – A creative Inspired by Nature” sponsored by SERB |
Dr.K. Nirmalkumar,M.E., Ph.D., Professor/ Civil, Kongu Engineering College Dr.S. Senthilkumar, M.E., Ph.D., Professor/Civil, K.S.R College of Engineering Er. S. A. Manoj Kumar, M.E., Engineering Manager, L & T Construction, Chennai. Er. A. Aravinth, M.E., KG Construction, Coimbatore |
29.05.2023 to 30.05.2023 |
2 |
KIC Celebration Activity World Earth Day- Polluted earth |
Mr. K. Rajagopal, Junior Engineer, Water Resource Department Trichy |
25.04.2023 |
3 |
Transition from Engineer to becoming a manager by making right career choices |
Dr Pavan Totla, Professor & Program Director, School of Energy and Environment, NICMAR University, Pune |
20.04.2023 |
4. |
Seminar On “Scope of Civil Engineering in Modern Era” |
Dr.K.Sasiekalaa M.E., Ph.D, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology |
12.04.23 |
5. |
Webinar On “Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Civil Engineering” |
Dr.S.Poongothai M.E., Ph.D, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, Chidambaram |
28.03.23 |
6. |
Webinar on “Green Building Concepts” |
Dr.P.Murthi M.B.A, M.Tech., Ph.D, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SR University, Warangal |
11.03.23 |
7. |
Guest Lecture on “ Solid Waste Management – A Case Study” |
Dr.Surendra Roy, Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow |
16.02.23 |
8. |
One day National Level seminar on "Virtual Reality on AEC (Architecture,Engineering and Construction)" |
Mr.S.Vaidyanathan, M.Tech |
30.11.2022 |
9. |
One day Guest Lecture on "Design and Detailing Aspects of R.C.C Framed Structures" |
Dr.M.Anbarasu, M.E., Ph.D |
27.10.2022 |
10. |
One day Guest Lecture on "Road Safety:Issues and Challenges" |
Dr.O.Darshana, M.Tech., Ph.D |
14.09.2022 |
11. |
One day seminar on "Essential of Suveying in Civil Industry" |
Mr.S.Rajkumar B.E(Civil in KSA).,M.B.A., |
12.09.2022 |
12. |
Civil Engineering Students Association(CESA) Inaugural Function & One day seminar on "Digital Adoption in Construction" |
Mr.P.Ravikumar B.E., & M.B.A., |
26.08.2022 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 |
One day seminar on “Concrete Structures”
Assistant Professor,
Eswari Engineering College, Chennai.
21.05.2022 |
2 |
One day Online Webinar on
“Importance in Constructions Safety”
Dr. M.Soundararajan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Sona College of Technology, Salem.
04.05.2022 |
3 |
One day Online Webinar on
“Green Building Components and Concepts”
Dr. K. Akil,
Professor & Head,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology,
26.04.2022 |
4 |
One day Online Webinar on “Stop Pollution, Start Prevention”
Dr. J.Thirumal,
Assistant Professor & Head,
Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli.
22.04.2022 |
5 |
One day Online Webinar on
“3R Concept in Water Conservation and Management”
Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering
BIT Campus – Trichy.
13.04.2022 |
6 |
Technical Talk on Conventional Concrete – Durability
Mr. B .Suresh
General Manager,
Technical Services
Chettinad Cement, Chennai
12.04.2022 |
7 |
One day Online webinar on “Burning ICE :
Gas Hydrates the energy source for the 21’st Century”
Dr.Jeevan Jeseph
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Trichy
02.03.2022 |
8 |
One day Online webinar on
“Managing Small Vs Large Projects in EPC"
Er.G.Dhanasekar M.E.,
Functional Consultant
Infinity PMC Solution Pvt Ltd
21.02.2022 |
9 |
One day Online webinar on “Awareness Program
on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)”
Examiner of Patents & Designs
Intellectual Property Office,
Government of India
20.01.2022 |
10 |
One day Online webinar on
“National Pollution Control day – Waste Management –
A Novel Way to Pollution Abatement
Founder and Secretary
Save Tirupur Movement
24.12.2021 |
11 |
Two days Online Webinar on “Futuristic Trends in Civil Engineering”
Dr. R Gandhimathi , Professor
Department Of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy
Dr. M.N.Stalin, Professor
Anna University, Tiruchirappalli (BIT Campus).
Dr. R.K.C.Jeykumar, Assistant Professor
Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE)
Dr. P.Jagadesh., Assistant Professor
Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT)
20.12.2021 & 21.12.2021 |
12 |
Kongunadu Innovation Council (KIC) Organizes
One day Online Webinar on
"My story – Motivation session by successful Innovators”
Dr.Sunder Balakrishnan,
Director at Natur Tec, India Pvt Ltd,
9.11.2021 |
13 |
One day Online Webinar on
“Industrial safety management & career guidance program”
Mr.R.Gunasekaran, |
01.11.2021 |
14 |
One day Online Webinar on “Innovative trends in
Highways and scope of civil engineering”
Er.Musthaq Ahmed , Assistant Engineer, Tamilnadu Highways Department, Chennai. |
09.10.2021 |
15 |
One day Online Webinar on
“Basics of green building and energy auditing”
Mr.Mohamed Sherfuddin, Chairman, Unique Groups. Mr.S.K.Sadiq, Technical Director, Unique Groups |
04.10.2021 |
16 |
One day Online Webinar on
“Basics of Vastu and science behind IT ”
Mr.V.Santhossh, M.E, Structural Consultant and Engineer, Sri nimbi building and consultancy, Anthiyur. |
18.09.2021 |
17 |
One day Online Webinar on “Self Compacting Concrete” |
Dr.G.K.Arunvivek, Professor & Head, Department of civil engineering, KCE, Coimbatore. |
04.09.2021 |
18 |
One day Online Webinar on “Repair and seismic
strengthening of Buildings”
Dr.A.Murugesan, Chief structural solutions, School of surveying and structural solutions, Salem. |
28.08.2021 |
19 |
One day Online Webinar on “Concrete and
its Advancement ”
Dr.Syed viqar malik, Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, Vaadgevi college of engineering , Telangana. |
21.08.2021 |
20 |
One day Online Webinar on “Fundamental concepts
in structures”
Dr. Gunaselvi, Ph.D., PDF, Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, SRM Valliammal college of engineering, Chennai. |
14.08.2021 |
21 |
One day Online Webinar on“Practical Approach on
Design of Reinforced Concrete structures ”
Dr.A.R.Krishnaraja, Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, Kongu Engineering college, Erode. |
07.08.2021 |
22 |
One day Online Webinar on“ Estimation and Quantity
surveying in modern construction ERA-Itwo costX”
Ms.B.Janani, Manager- Professional Services, Infinity PMC Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai |
31.07.2021 |
23 | One day Online Webinar on“Opportunities after Engineering through Gate/ESE/PSU ” |
Mr.Pradeep Raghu, M.Tech(NIT), Faculty(GATE&ESE), ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad. |
24.07.2021 |
24 | One day Online Webinar on “Review of Conventional and special concrete” |
Mr.S.Ganesh Kumar, Manager- Technical, Chettinad cement corporation limited, Bangalore. |
17.07.2021 |
25 | One day Online Webinar on“Nano Material in Civil Engineering ” | Dr.R.Vandhiyan, Assistant Professor, Department of civil engineering, PSNA College of Enginering and Technology, Dindigul. |
19.06.2021 |
26 | One day Online Webinar on“ Research in Steel Structures” | Dr.Sivaganesh selvaraj, Ph.D(IIT), Positional fellow, Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kowloon, Hong kong. |
12.06.2021 |
27 | One day Online Webinar on“ Tips to crack competitive exams” | Mr.A.Selva Ganesa Moorthi, Research Scholor(PMRF), Structural Engineering Division, Department of civil engineering,IIT Madras. |
05.06.2021 |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
Event Name
Resource Person
1. | Webinar on Civil Engineering Opportunities In Public Sectors |
Er.S.Geetha, |
29.05.2021 |
2. | Webinar on Self Confidence and Personal Motivation | Er.M.Devasuriya, Assistant Engineer, Buildings(C&M)Section Medical Works, Virudhachalam. |
22.05.2021 |
3. | Webinar on Career after Civil Engineering | Er.R.Rejwin, Assistant Engineer, Tamilnadu Highways Department, Chennai. |
15.5.2021 |
4. | Webinar on Construction of Low Cost Building Using GFRG Panels | Er.R.Saravanakumar, Trainee Junior Engineer, Construction Egmore, Southern Railway, Chennai. |
08.05.2021 |
5. | Webinar on Waste Water Treatment and Recycling | Dr.M.Radha, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Kancheepuram. |
01.05.2021 |
6. | Webinar on Low cost construction | Dr.G.Maheswaran Principal VSA Group of Institutions |
24.04.2021 |
7. | Webinar on Recent trends in Construction Technology | Dr.M.Murugan M.E,Ph.D Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Government college of Engineering, Tirunelveli. |
17.04.2021 |
8. | Webinar on Alternate Building Materials in Construction | Dr.K.S.Elango, M.E,Ph.D Assistant Professor KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. |
09.04.2021 |
9. | Webinar on Scope in Civil Engineering | Dr.R.Thenmozhi, M.E,Ph.D, Professor & Head of the Department, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Government college of Technology, Coimbatore |
01.04.2021 |
10. | Webinar on Career Opportunities for Civil Engineers |
Mrs.C S. Karpagam M.Tech
(A Gold Medalist from IIT Madras)
Founder IAS Academy -Karaikudi, (Best Coaching Center for Civil Engineering) |
27.03.2021 |
11. | Webinar on Geopolymer The Current State of the Art | Dr.M.Lokesh Kumar Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering , Sona College of Technology, Salem. |
20.03.2021 |
12. | Webinar on Construction of Flexible and Rigid Pavement in Rural Roads | Er.S.Senthil Kumar Assistant Engineer Chennimalai Block Department of Rural Development and Panchayat RAJ Erode (Dt) –Tamilnadu. |
13.03.2021 |
13. | Webinar on Watershed Management and Sustainable Development | Dr.M.Senthil Rajan Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore |
06.03.2021 |
14. | Webinar on Dynamic Analysis of Drill Ships and Environmental Load | Mr.N.Muthuselva kumar Alumni (2013 -2017 Batch) Research Scholar IIT Madras |
05.03.2021 |
15. | Webinar on Water Distribution Network Design | Dr. R.Viji Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering BIT Campus – Trichy |
20.02.2021 |
16. | Webinar on Guidance To Become Practicing Civil Engineer | Er.Nivetha R Manokaran Registered Engineer Grade –III Namakkal Municipal Corporation NM Associate –Namakkal |
13.02.2021 |
17. | Webinar on Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Civil Engineering | Dr. N.Ilavarasan, Professor & Head Department of Civil Engineering BIT Campus – Trichy |
05.02.2021 |
18. | Webinar on Advanced Waste Water Treatment Technologies | Dr.S.Anand Kumar Varma,ME.,PhD Professor & Head Department of Civil Engineering E.G.S.Pillay Engineering College(Autonomous) Nagapattinam. |
29.01.2021 |
19. | Webinar on ‘Applications of MATLAB in Civil Engineering’ |
Mrs.N.Karthiga Shenbagam,
Assistant Professor,
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,Sathyamangalam.
26.11.2020 |
20. | Webinar on ‘Applications of Non- Biodegradable in concrete’ |
Assistant Professor,
Kongu Engineering College,
18.11.2020 |
21. | Online Seminar on ‘Earthquake Resistant Structures’ |
Builders Engineering College, Erode.
17.11.2020 |
22. |
Webinar on ‘Embodied Energy in Building
Materials and solar Passive Design’
Assistant Professor, University College of Engineering,
23.10.2020 |
23. | Webinar on ‘Concrete Mix design -Guidelines’ |
Assistant Professor,
University College of Engineering, Nagercoil.
17.10.2020 |
24. |
Webinar on ‘Lightweight Aggregate and its influence in Concrete’ |
Associate Professor,
Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad.
23.09.2020 |
25. |
Webinar on ‘Recent Evolution in Environmental
Management for Disaster Risk Lessening’
University College of Engineering,Trichy.
09.09.2020 |
26. |
Webinar on ‘Application of Lean
Management in Construction Industry’
Dr.T.Senthil Vadivel,
School of Engineering and Technology,
Adamas University, Kolkatta.
01.09.2020 |
27. | Webinar on ‘Precast Technology’ |
Dr,B.Venkatesan, Assistant Professor, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli. |
29.08.2020 |
28. | Webinar on ‘Water Resources – Planning and Management’ |
Dr.P.Vincent, Professor,
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
26.08.2020 |
29. | Guest Lecture on ‘Construction Challenges of Statue of Unity’ |
Mr.A.Soundararajan, (Head ) |
18.07.2020 |
30. |
Industry Institute Interaction Program on
‘Overview of Ready Mix Concrete, Low Carbon
Building Materials and Techniques to Optimize,
Public Health Engineering –Plumbing, Building
Information Modeling for Civil and Structural Engineers & Cost Estimation using costX 5D’
Manager- Technical Services,
Chettinad Cement Corporation Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
Er.M.Elan Thendral,
Technical Incharge, ACC Cement, Coimbatore.
Manager, Eversendai Construction Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
Operational Director/Lead BIM Process Manager,
ByBi Tech, Singapore.
Manager - Delivery and Services,
Infinity PMC Solution, Chennai.
23.06.2020 to 27.06.2020 |
31. |
Webinar on ‘Environmental Clean Up,
Numerical Simulation in River Restorations,
Overview of Finite Element Analysis,
Fiber Reinforced Concrete,
Basics of Earthquake Resistance Design &
Tertiary Treatment of Sewage using Disc Filters'
Associate Professor,
PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.,
Environmental Consultant, Mumbai.,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.,
Assistant Professor,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, Karnataka.,
Project Officer, Indian Institutes of Technology, Chennai.,
Mr.P.Ganesh Kumar,
Senior Engineering Manager, L&T Construction, Chennai.
01.06.2020 to 06.06.2020 |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 |
Guest Lecture on
‘Practical Aspects of Civil Engineering’
Consulting Civil Engineer,
PEB Construction, Salem.
28.02.2020 |
2 |
Guest Lecture on
‘Advanced Construction Techniques in Practices’
Secretary Civil Engineers Association, Salem.
20.09.2020 |
3 |
Guest lecture on" Holistic Waste Management"
Dr. K. Veerapathman,
Founder and Secretary,
Save Tirupur Movement (STM)
04.09.2019 |
4 |
Guest lecture on 'Industrial Application
of Dimensional analysis and Simulation Studies'
Mr. A.Danesh,
Assistant Engineer,
Project Formulation Division,
Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board,
31.08.2019 |
5 |
Guest lecture on 'SeismicDesign of
RC Structures based on Indian Seismic Standards'
Dr .C. Jayaguru,
PSNA College of Engineering & Technology,
31.07.2019 |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Guest lecture on
'Emerging trends in Railways,
Airports and Harbour engineering'
Dr.R.Velkennedy, |
05.02.2019 |
2. |
Guest lecture on
'Advancements in Concrete technology'
Dr.S.Kamal, Assistant Professor, |
06.02.2019 |
3. |
Guest lecture on
'Advanced techniques in prefabricated Structures'
Dr.G.Venkatesan, |
07.02.2019 |
4. |
Guest lecture on 'Carrer Development Program' |
R.Sugumar M.E, |
06.07.2018 |
5. |
Guest lecture on
'Industrial Prospects of Design of Reinforced concrete structures"\'
Dr.G.S.Thirugnanam |
11.08.2018 |
6. |
Guest lecture on 'Recent Advancement
in Construction Materials & Construction Techniques
Er.J.Sankar, |
25.08.2018 |
7. |
Guest lecture on 'Building Information Modelling' |
Karthik.V |
17.09.2018 |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Guest lecture on “Significance of flow measurements in channels” |
Dr.A.RANGANATHAN, Assistant Engineer, |
26.06.2017 |
2. |
Guest lecture on"Recent Trends in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering" |
08.07.2017 |
3. |
National level seminar "RC Detailing On Structural Elements" |
Mrs . R. KAVITHA Engineering Manager L&T Construction, chennai |
11.09.2017 |
4. |
Guest lecture"Oppurtunities For Civil Engineers" |
15.09.2017 |
5 |
Guest lecture on
“Issues in execution of civil engineering
works and importance of civil engineering softwares”
Professor & Head,
Department of Civil Engineering,
ACE Engineering College ,
10.02.2018 |
6 |
Guest lecture on 'Basic Principles
of Design of Steel Structures'
Mr.S.Kanthimathinathan.,M.E (STR.ENGG)
General Manager / Engineering,
Structural Engineering Trainer and consultant, Trichy.
07.03.2018 |
7 |
Guest lecture on 'Construction
Practices- An Elemental Approach'
Er. M.R. Venkatesh., M.E (Struct), M.Sc (valuation).Chennai.
08.03.2018 |
Academic Year 2016- 2017
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Mr. S.Kanthimathinathan, M.E., |
24.02.2017 |
2. |
Mr. A.Narayanan, B.Tech.,M.B.A., |
21.02.2017 |
3. |
Guest Lecture on “Environmental Management for sustainable development” |
28.01.2017 |
4. |
Guest Lecture on “Advanced Concrete Tech . & Modern materials” |
29.07.2016 |
5. |
Association Inauguration Function & Guest Lecture on “Latest Trends & Opportunities in Civil Engineering” |
21.07.2016 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Seminar on Offshore Structural Engineering |
Dr.K.Baskar.,M.E.,Ph.D., |
12.03.2016 |
2. |
Guest lecture on “Recent Trends in Water Resource Management” |
Dr.S. Anandakumar, Professor & Head, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. |
09.03.2016 |
3. |
Guest lecture on “Safe Construction of building against Earthquake” |
Dr.V.Rajkumar, Associate Professor, GCE, Salem. |
23.02.2016 |
4. |
Guest lecture on “Industrial Integration for Civil Engineering Students” |
Mr.S.Ganesh, Executive trainee (Fleets), NTC Ponnamalle, Chennai. |
20.02.2016 |
5. |
Guest lecture on “Challenges of opportunity in overseas placement” |
Mr.S.Bagavadeeswar, Owner and Director, 3EG group, Chennai |
22.01.2016 |
6. |
Seminar on Modern Construction Techniques and formworks |
Mr.C.V.N.S.RAO, |
22.08.2015 |
7. |
Seminar on Site Investigation |
Dr.R.Venkatasubramani M.E, P.h.D., |
01.08.2015 |
8. |
Guest Lecture on Employment Oppurtunities |
Mr.K.Karthikeyan, Managing Director, |
24.07.2015 |
Academic Year 2014-2015
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
One day National Seminar on Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Construction |
Dr.R.Muthukkumaran, |
14.02.2015 |
2. |
Seminar on Basic of Geo Technical Earthquake Engineering |
Dr.S.Jayalekshmi, |
26.09.2014 |
3. |
Guest lecture on Airport |
Mr.P.Sethunathan, Ground Instructor, Southern Pilot training Academy, Salem. |
02.08.2014 |
4. |
Guest lecture on employment opportunities |
Er.Mohanraj Ramanathan, Chairman, Sengundhar Engineering College,Erode. |
24.07.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Guest Lecture on employment opportunities |
Dr. G. Dhanalakshmi, Professor, Oxford Engineering College, Thiruchirapalli |
10.07.2013 |
2. |
Guest Lecture on Effective Water Management |
Dr. S. Thayumanavan, |
20.07.2013 |
3. |
Seminar on Sustainable Solid Waste Management |
Dr. M. Isaac Solomon Jebamani, |
31.08.2013 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National Seminar on Challenges in Civil Engineering |
Dr. P. Vincent, |
22.02.2013 |
2. |
Guest Lecture on Advanced Construction Technology |
Associate Professor,
Kalasalingam University
03.08.2012 |
Academic Year 2023- 2024
Sl.No |
Date |
Title of the Programme |
Name of the Chief Guest |
1. | 26.04.2024 to 27.04.2024 |
International conference on “Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICTMSEE 24)” |
2. | 04.11.2023 |
One day National Level Workshop on “Building Information Model Using Filmora” |
Mr.E.Shankar Sengottaiyan M.E., NITTSD, TNSDC Trainer, Senior Technical Manager ETS Academy Erode. |
3. |
23.09.2023 |
One day National Level workshop on “Digital land Surveying and Mapping” |
Mr.M.Sakthivel M.Tech & Mr.S.Southamirajan M.E., KNCET |
Academic Year 2022- 2023
Sl.No |
Date |
Title of the Programme |
Name of the Chief Guest |
1. |
04.05.2023 |
Workshop on “3D Printing Technology in Civil Engineering” |
Mr.T.Rajamanikanan M.E., (Ph.D),Head (IPR & Product Development),Innovation Ambassador of KIC and Mr.N.Kawin M.E., Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology(Autonomous), Trichy |
2. |
15.04.2023 |
4th National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering- RACE’23 |
Dr. C. Rajasekaran, M.Tech, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Karnataka, India |
3. |
06.02.2023 to 11.02.23 |
FDP on “Futuristic Trends in Civil Engineering” |
1.Dr. K. Poongodi, Professor, Civil Engineering, SR University, Warangal 2. Dr. M. Vinod Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai 3.Dr. N. Pannirselvam, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 4. Dr. G. Aruna, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology & Management, Bangalore 5. Dr. S. Jayalakshmi, Associate Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing, CEG Campus, Anna University 6. Dr. R. Padmapriya, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 7. Dr. R. Vijayasarathy, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, ATRIA Institute of Technology, Bangalore 8. Dr. K. Nirmalkumar, Professor,Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai 9. Dr. D. Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 10. Dr. V. Srihari, Professor, NICMAR, NAC Campus, Hyderabad 11. Dr. J. S. Sudarshan, Program Director (MBA Environmental Sustainability), School of Energy & Environment, NICMAR, Pune 12. Dr. M. Venkadavarahan, Assistant Professor (Sr.Grade I), Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore |
4. |
31.10.2022 |
One Day National Level Workshop on "Essentials of Drone Surveying" |
Mr.G.Ambani, |
5. |
17.09.2022 |
10th National Level Technical Symposium |
Mr.PSK.R.Periyaswamy, Chairman, KNGI, Trichy. |
Academic Year 2021- 2022
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
9th National Level Technical Symposium
Tek Cluster'21
Chairman, KNGI, Trichy.
25.09.2021 |
Academic Year 2020- 2021
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | Short Term Training Program on ‘Quantity and Estimation by using Cost X Software’ |
Ms.S.Suganya, Manager - Delivery and Services, Infinity PMC Solution, Chennai. |
01.09.2020 to 05.09.2020 |
2. |
FDP on ‘Implementation of Safety in Construction Practices, Corrosion in Concrete, Basic of Earthquake Resistant Design, Suitability of Industrial Effluent for Construction Purpose & Fatigue Resistance of Concrete’ |
Dr.C.Rajasekaran, Dr.K.Thulasirajan, Dr.R.Ponnudurai, Dr.K.Nirmalkumar, Dr.K.Aarthi, |
16.06.2020 to 20.06.2020 |
3. | A National Level Web Conference on ‘Recent Innovation and Advancements in Civil Engineering’ |
Dr.D.Ambika, Dr.S.Chandran, |
12.06.2020 |
4. | Online Workshop on ‘Revit Architecture’ | Mr.Rajkumar Dhakshinamoorthy, Assistant Manager Structures, NCR, Delhi. |
03.06.2020 |
Academic Year 2019- 2020
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | CONSTRUAL 2K20 | Dr.S.Marisamynathan, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Tirchy. |
12.03.2020 &13.03.2020 |
2 | Awareness Program on Building Information Modelling” (BIM) |
Mr.V.Karthik, Operations Director / Lead BIM process Manager, Bybiteh, Singapore. |
29.07.2019 |
3 | Hands on Training Program using STAAD PRO Version 8.0 |
Mr. R. Regupathi, Professor, Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakanur. |
06.09.2019& 07.09.2019 |
4 | Leachate Migration & its Impact on Ground Water Quality |
Dr.A.Ranganathan, Research Head, Irrigation Management Training Institute, Trichy. |
13.08.2019 |
5 | Symposium-Tek-Cluster'19 |
Mr.G.Ravindran ,General Manager ,District Industries centre,Trichy |
09.08.2019 |
Academic Year 2018- 2019
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | Recycling of E-Waste into Nanoparticles for construction |
Ms.J.Senophiyah mary M,E(ph.D), |
15.02.2019 |
2. |
Tek-Cluster'18 |
Mr.M.V.Ravichandar, |
18.08.2018 |
3 | National Seminar on “Natural Technologies of Waste Water Treatment” |
Dr.S.T.Ramesh |
08.09.2018 |
Academic Year 2017- 2018
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National level Technical Symposium |
Mr.R.Gururajan |
14.08 2017 |
2 | “Workshop on in current trends and techniques using total station and auto level” |
Er.M.Balamurugan, |
29.01.2018 |
3 | “First international conference on innovations in Thermal,Manufacturing,Structural and Environmental Engineering”(ICITMSEE’18) |
23.03.2018 & 24.03.2018 |
Academic Year 2016- 2017
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
One day workshop on Total station for Sri Rengeshwara polytechnic college |
Dr.R.ILANGOVAN, Former – Special Chief Engineer, Parambikulam Aliyar Basin, Pollachi |
04.02.2017 |
2. |
3 days workshop on Total station for Kongunadu polytechnic college (KNPC) – For Second year civil Engg Students |
All the faculties in Civil engineering |
19.01.2017 – 21.01.2017 |
3. |
2 days workshop on Total station for outside polytechnic students – For Third year civil Engg Students |
All the faculties in Civil engineering |
09.01.2017 – 10.01.2017 |
4. |
3 days workshop on Total station for Kongunadu polytechnic college (KNPC) – For Third year civil Engg Students |
All the faculties in Civil engineering |
02.01.2017 – 04.01.2017 |
5. |
Workshop on “Total Station and GPS” |
Er. G.MOHANAVIZHIYAN., B.E., MISTE, Chief Surveyor Presto Land Surve. Prof.K.SRINIVASAN., M.E., (Ph.d), Director of Presto Land Survey. |
09.10.2016 - 10.10.2016 |
6. |
Symposium - Tekcluster 16 |
Shri. Chalapathy Meka Venkata Hiring Head (India), Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad. |
12.08.16 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National Conference on Innovative Practices in Civil Engineering (SNCIPCE 2016). |
Dr.R.Asokan, Principal, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology. |
25.03.2016 |
2. |
Workshop on “Emerging Trends and Advancement in Concrete” |
Dr.R.Malathi M.E, P.h.D., Professor and Dean(R&D), Sona college of Engineering, Salem. |
10.02.2016 |
3. |
Symposium - Tekcluster 15 |
Mr. R. Shankaranarayanan, Chief Operating officer, Harita Techserv Ltd., TVS Group Company, Chennai |
14.08.2015 |
Academic Year 2014-2015
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
Workshop on Recent advancement in Modern Surveying |
Dr. T. Subramani, Assistant Professor Anna University, Chennai |
07.03.2015 |
2. |
Workshop on Advanced Seismic Damage Control and Mitigation Effect of Structures |
Dr.K.Muthumani Head and Chief Scientist Advanced Seismic Testing and Research Laboratory, CSIR-SERC, Chennai. |
20.09.2014 |
3. |
Symposium - Tekcluster 14 |
Mr.V.Udhayashankar, HR, NASSCOM. |
14.08.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.NO |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National Conference on Changes in Civil Structure from past to present Scenario. |
Dr.PSK.R.Periaswamy, Chairman, Kongunadu Group of Institution |
15.03.2014 |
2. |
Faculty Development Program on Soil Mechanics Mrs.R.Vasanthi, |
Associate Professor, KNCET |
16.12.2013 - 22.12.2013 |
3. |
Workshop on Modern Development in Civil Engineering using Softwares |
Dr.R.Baskar, Associate Professor, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. |
27.07.2013 |