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Guest Lectures and Seminar Organized
Academic Year 2023-2024 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2022-2023 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2020-2021 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2019-2020 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2018-2019 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2017-2018 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2016-2017 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2015-2016 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2014-2015 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2013-2014 - Click here to view
Academic Year 2012-2013 - Click here to view
Conference, Workshop and FDP Organized
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
Sl.No. |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
FDP on Advanced Machining Processes |
Dr.P.Sudhakar Rao, Professor, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, (NITTTR), Chandigarh. Dr. Atul Kumar, Professor, SRM University, Ghaziabad. Dr.Kamal Mittal, AKGEC, Chandigarh Dr.Ajay Godara, Enovate skill, Chandigarh Dr.Ravikant, IIT Ropar Dr.Rahul Vaishya, PEC Prof.R S Belokar, PEC Dr.S C. Vettivel, CCET, Chandigarh Dr.Shravan Kumar RR, CSIO, Chandigarh Er.Hriday pal singh, CAD Tech solution, Chandigarh |
06.05.2024 To 10.05.2024 |
2. |
International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICITMSEE’24) |
Mr.M.Sridhar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Doha for science and Technology, Doha, Qatar |
26.04.2024 To 27.04.2024 |
3. |
Hackathon Event on KRATOS-2K24 |
Mr.M.Yuvaraj, CEO, Skyrider Aero Solutions, Chennai. Dr.M.Vivekanandan, CEO-TRYCAE Industrial Engineering PVT., LTD., Trichy. Mr.P.Jagadeesh,& Mr.S.Sanjaykumar, Technical Support Engineers, Harita Techserv Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore |
27.03.2024 |
4. |
Workshop on Integration of 3D Printing and Industry 4.0 in Product Development |
Mr. N.Ravikumar, AP/MECH, Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam. Mr. N.Kawin, AP/MECH Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam. |
08.03.2024 |
5. |
Workshop on 3D Printing |
Mr. N.Kawin, AP/MECH, Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam. |
31.10.2023 |
6. |
National Level Technical Symposium TEK CLUSTER-23 |
Mr.SenthilRajamarthandan, Senior Program, Director, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai. |
26.08.2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 |
FDP on Automobile Transmission Systems & Electric - Hybrid Vehicles |
Dr. K. Suganeswaran Assistant Professor, (Sr.G) Department of Mechatronics Engineering Kongu Engineering College, Erode. Dr. N. Nithyavathy, Associate Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering Kongu Engineering College,Erode. Dr. P. Muthukumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam. |
03.05.2023 To 04.05.2023 |
2 | National Level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers (COME-2023) |
Mr.S.Sujithkumar, Material Characterization-Scientist, Transistion Optical, Tuam, Ireland. |
21.04.2023 |
3 | Workshop on Fundamentals of 3D Printing |
Mr. N.Ravikumar, , AP/MECH, Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam. Mr.V.Praveen, Junior Design Engineer, TryCAE,Trichy. |
19.04.2023 |
4 |
Hackathon Event on KRATOS-2K23 |
Mr.M.Yuvaraj, CEO, Skyrider Aero Solutions, Chennai. |
12.04.2023 |
5 | Workshop on Multirotor Drones |
Mr.M.Yuvaraj, CEO, Skyrider Aero Solutions, Chennai. |
10.04.2023 To 11.04.2023 |
6 | Workshop on 3D Printing |
Mr. N.Ravikumar, , AP/MECH, Mr. N.Kawin, AP/MECH- Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam |
02.02.2023 |
7 |
Two Days Workshop on “3D-Printing” |
Mr.P.S.Sujai, Head-Madurai Branch, Dream Shapes, Chennai. |
21.09.2022 To 22.09.2022 |
8 | National Level Technical Symposium Tekcluster-2k22 |
Mr.Sarath Chandar, GM-HR, Vaken Technologies (P) Ltd, Chennai |
17.09.2022 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
3rd International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICITMSEE’22) |
Naoki Nonoyama, |
22-04-2022 |
2. |
MECHATHON on E-CRAFT Aerobatics |
Mr.M.Yuvaraj, |
31.03.2022 |
3. |
Workshop on Fixed Wing UAVs |
Mr.M.Yuvaraj, |
28.03.2022 |
4. |
Three Days Faculty Development Programme on |
1. Dr.A.Saravanan , 2. Dr.S.Vinodh 3. Dr.R.Thanigaivelan, 4. Dr.M.Sridharan, 5 Dr.N.Santhosh, |
07.03.2022 |
5. |
Recent Developments in Portable Oxygen Concentrator for Treating Covid Patient CSIR Sponsored Seminar |
Dr.N.Anbananthan, |
25.02.2022 & 26.02.2022 |
6. |
National Level Technical Symposium TEK CLUSTER-21 |
Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan, |
25.09.2021 |
7. |
The Role of E-Waste as Filler for Composites - An Overview DBT Sponsored |
Dr.S. Kathiresan, |
10.09.2021 |
8. | Workshop on Opportunities and Scope in Design Engineering |
Er.R.Surendiran, Er.K.S.Kavin Adhithya, |
24.07.2021 |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | Emerging Trends in Welding Technology CSIR Sponsored Workshop |
Dr. S. Jerome, Dr. M.Umar, |
24.01.2020 & |
2. | Recent Trends and Advancement of Nanomedicine Applications in Women’s Health and Safety CSIR Sponsored Seminar | Dr.Malliga Kulandaivel, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Thangam Hospital, Namakkal Dr.A.Veni, MDDM (NEURO), AP. Dept. of Neurology, KAPV Govt Medical College, Trichy & Consulting Neurologist, Rockfort Neuro Centre, Thillai Nagar 11 C Cross West, Trichy. Dr.Deepti Mishra, Surgical Oncologist, Thangam Hospital, Namakkal. |
18.06.2019 & |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | National Level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers (COME-2021) |
Dr.K.Jayabal, |
27.03.2021 |
2. | Workshop on Engineering Design | Mr.S.Velumurugan, Assistant General Manager, Ashok Leyland Defence Vehicles, Chennai |
13.03.2021 |
3. | FDP On Advances In Thermal Science |
Dr.K.Kalidasa Murugavel Principal, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti. Mr.J.Phani Krishna, Senior Manager, Ansaldo Boilers,Chennai Dr.G.Kasiraman, Associate Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Chennai Mr.M.Vivekananthan, CEO,Trycae Industrial Engineering PVT LTD,Trichy Dr.P.Dhamodharan,Certified Energy Auditor, Chennai |
17.03.2020 to 21.08.2020 |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. | CSIR Sponsored Workshop on Emerging Trends in Welding Technology |
Dr. S. Jerome,AP/MME, National Institute of TechnologyTiruchirappalli. Mr.R.Karthik, Dr. M.Umar,Senior Research Fellow, Dept. Production Engineering,National Institute of Technology, Trichy Mr.N.Sivashankar, |
24.01.2020 & 25.01.2020 |
2. | International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ICITMSEE’2020) | Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Director Shinetek Bio Bag, Rasipuram |
23.05.2020 |
3. |
National Level Technical Symposium Tek Cluster-2K19 |
Mr.G.Raveendran, Mr.S.SarathChandar |
09.08.2019 |
4. | Workshop on CATIA & DELMIA |
Mr.N.Mohan,AP/MECH Mr.V.Muthukumar, AP/MECH Mr.S.Chandrakumar, AP/MECH Mr.G.Selvakumar, AP/MECH Mr.N.Sivashankar, AP/MECH Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam. |
01.08.2019 & 02.08.2019 |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers (COME’19) |
Dr.V.Anandakrishnan.,Ph.D, Assoicate Professor, Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Trichy. |
16.03.2019 |
2. | Workshop on CNC Turning & Milling |
Mr.N.Kawin, AP/Mech |
19.09.2018 – 20.09.2018 |
3. | CATIA & DELMIA Hands-on Training |
Mr.N.Mohan, AP/Mech, |
07.09.2018 – 08.09.2018 |
4. | National Level Technical Symposium Tek-Cluster'18 |
Mr.M.Ravichandar, |
18.08.2018 |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
23.03.2018 - 24.03.2018 |
2. |
National level Technical Symposium TEK CLUSTER-17 |
Mr.R.Gururajan, |
12.08.2017 |
3. |
CSIR Sponsored Workshop on Recycling of agro-industrial wastes through cleaner technology |
Dr.A.Murugan, |
21.07.2017-22.07.2017 |
4. |
SERB Sponsored Workshop on Bioenergy Routes and Conversion Technologies and Its Impacts On Environment |
Dr.M.VenkataRamanan, Dr.V.Arul Mozhiselvan, Dr.M.Premalatha, Dr.R.Premkumar, |
07.07.2017 - 08.07.2017 |
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | Workshop on Energy Generation From Municipal Solid Waste by Innovative Technologies |
Dr.E.Natarajan, Dr.R.Venkatachalam, Dr.R.Subramanian, Dr.V.Anandakrishnan, |
10.04.2017 To 11.04.2017 |
2 | National level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities on Mechanical Engineering (COME-2017) |
Dr.S.Kannan, |
22.03.2017 |
3 | Workshop on Bioenergy routes and conservation Technologies and its impacts on environment |
Dr.W.Chirstraj, Dr.Vimal kumar Eswarlal, Dr.R.Subramanian, Dr.Sethumadhavan, |
06.01.2017 To 07.01.2017 |
4 | Workshop on Engine & Gear Box Assembly & Dismantling |
Mr. Bharathi Shankar, |
17.09.2016 |
5 | National level Technical Symposium (TEK CLUSTER-16) |
MekaVenkataChalapathy, |
14.08.2016 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities on Mechanical Engineering (COME-2016) |
Dr.E.Palaniswamy, |
18.03.2016 |
2. | Workshop on E-waste management approaches and its impacts on environment and health. |
Dr.T V Ramachandran, Dr.V.N. Mani, Mr.Mannar Mannan, |
12.02.2016 To 13.02.2016 |
3. |
Workshop on Advances in Sheet metal forming |
Dr.C.Sathiya Narayanan, |
29.08.2015 |
4. |
National level Technical Symposium (TEK CLUSTER-15) |
Mr.R.Shankar Narayanan, |
14.08.2015 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities on Mechanical Engineering (COME-2015) |
Dr.S.Vinodh,M.E.,Ph.D |
31.03.2015 |
1. |
National Level Technical Symposium (TEK CLUSTER-14) |
Shri.V.UdayaSankar, |
14.08.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities on Mechanical Engineering (COME-2014) |
Dr.C.SathiyaNarayanan,M.E,Ph.D |
28.03.2014 |
2. |
Workshop On Industrial Needs |
Dr.R.M.Satheeshkumar, Mr.K.Balasuramanian, Mr.R.Sankarasuramanian. Prof.T.S.Ramkumar, |
21.10.2013 To 25.10.2013 |
3. |
National level Technical Symposium (TEK CLUSTER’13) |
Ms.Priyasri Anil Kumar, |
28.09.2013 |
4. |
Workshop On Advances in Manufacturing Process |
Dr.P.Sathya, |
29.08.2013 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
National Level Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers (COME-2013) |
Dr.R.Narayanasamy, |
14.03.2013 |
2. |
Workshop on Automobile Engineering and its Advances |
Dr.R.M.Satheeshkumar Mr.S.Sivakumar Mr.M.Kanakaraju, |
11.03.2013 To 12.03.2013 |
3. |
Workshop On Surface modification And coatings |
Dr.P.Veeramani, Dr.A.Elango, Dr.S,Rajendran, |
19.01.2013 |
4. |
National level Technical Symposium (SYANCE’12) |
Shri.S.Prabakaran, Dr.G.Nallakumarasamy,M.Tech(IIT),Ph.D, Prof.V.Seralathan,M.E,(Ph D) |
06.09.2012 To 07.09.2012 |
Industrial Training and Visit
Academic Year 2024 - 2025 (ODD)
S.No |
Industry Name | Students | Date |
1 |
Hatsun Agro Product Limited ,Salem. |
IV Year-65 Students | 14.10.2024 |
2 |
S.R Paper board, Tiruchengode |
IV Year-66 Students | 09.10.2024 |
3 |
Hatsun Agro Product Limited ,Salem. |
II Year-67 Students | 14.08.2024 |
4 |
Hatsun Agro Product Limited ,Salem. |
II Year-61 Students | 13.08.2024 |
5 |
S & T Workshop-Southern Railway, Podanur, Coimbatore. |
III Year-55 Students | 07.08.2024 |
6 |
S & T Workshop-Southern Railway, Podanur, Coimbatore. |
III Year-60 Students | 06.08.2024 |
7 |
Ashok Leyland, Vallipuram,Namakkal. |
III Year-57 Students | 27.07.2024 |
8 |
Agni Steels Private Limited,Perundurai,Erode. |
II Year-67 Students | 26.07.2024 |
9 |
Agni Steels Private Limited,Perundurai,Erode. |
II Year-65 Students | 25.07.2024 |
10 |
Mettur Thermal Power Station, Mettur Dam , Salem. |
IV Year-65 Students | 24.07.2024 |
11 |
Mettur Thermal Power Station, Mettur Dam , Salem. |
IV Year-66 Students | 23.07.2024 |
12 |
Ashok Leyland, Vallipuram,Namakkal. |
III Year-61 Students | 20.07.2024 |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Masco Tea Factory, Vagamon, Kerala |
II Year-82 Students |
29.03.2024 |
2. |
Barakath Engineering Industries Private Ltd., Trichy |
III Year-64 Students |
13.03.2024 |
3. |
Barakath Engineering Industries Private Ltd., Trichy |
III Year-62 Students |
12.03.2024 |
4. |
Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited - Trichy |
II Year-62 Students |
09.03.2024 |
5. |
Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited - Trichy |
II Year-66 Students |
08.03.2024 |
6. |
NTC Logistics India (P) Limited, Namakkal |
III Year-55 Students |
30.01.2024 |
7. |
NTC Logistics India (P) Limited, Namakkal |
III Year-50 Students |
22.01.2024 |
8. |
SAIL- Steel Plant, Salem |
II Year-65 Students |
27.09.2023 |
9. |
SAIL- Steel Plant, Salem |
II Year-58Students |
16.09.2023 |
10. |
Milky Mist Dairy Food Private Ltd, Erode |
IV Year-53 Students |
22-09-2023 |
11. |
Milky Mist Dairy Food Private Ltd, Erode |
IV Year-44 Students |
15-09-2023 |
12. |
Milky Mist Dairy Food Private Ltd, Erode |
IV Year-57 Students |
14-09-2023 |
13. |
JK Tyre -Plant-1, Mysuru, Karnataka |
III Year-49 Students |
18-09-2023 |
14. |
JK Tyre -Plant-1, Mysuru, Karnataka |
IV Year-105 Students |
17-09-2023 |
15. |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology Cluster (TREAT), Trichy |
III Year-58 Students |
08-09-2023 |
16. |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology Cluster (TREAT), Trichy |
III Year-61 Students |
07-09-2023 |
17. |
PRS Tyres (P)Ltd, Namakkal |
III Year-59 Students |
25-08-2023 |
18. |
PRS Tyres (P)Ltd, Namakkal |
III Year-61 Students |
23-08-2023 |
19. |
Mettur Thermal Power Station, Mettur Dam, Salem |
IV Year-56 Students |
28.07.2023 |
20. |
Mettur Thermal Power Station, Mettur Dam, Salem |
IV Year-38 Students |
27.07.2023 |
21. |
Mettur Thermal Power Station, Mettur Dam, Salem |
IV Year-50 Students |
25.07.2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1 | SAIL- Steel Plant, Salem | II Year-60 Students | 15.03.2023 |
2 | SAIL- Steel Plant, Salem | II Year-52 Students | 11.03.2023 |
3 | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Tirunelveli | III Year-110 Students | 03.02.2023 |
4 | Milky Mist Dairy Food Private Ltd., Erode | II Year-56 Students | 01.02.2023 |
5 | Milky Mist Dairy Food Private Ltd., Erode | II Year-55 Students | 31.01.2023 |
6 | NTC Logistics India (P) Limited, Namakkal | III Year-64 Students | 21.01.2023 |
7 | NTC Logistics India (P) Limited, Namakkal | III Year-63 Students | 20.01.2023 |
8 | NTC Logistics India (P) Limited, Namakkal | III Year-59 Students | 19.01.2023 |
9 | Keltron controls, Kerala | IV Year-98 Students |
21.10.2022 to 22.10.2022 |
10 | Sea Blue Shipyard Ltd, Kerala |
III Year-94 Students II Year-48 Students |
21.10.2022 to 22.10.2022 |
11 | Aavin Milk,Chithode,Erode | IV Year-62 Students | 23.09.2022 |
12 | Aavin Milk,Chithode,Erode | IV Year-63 Students | 21.09.2022 |
13 | Aavin Milk,Chithode,Erode | IV Year-63 Students | 20.09.2022 |
14 | Tiruchirapalli Engineering and Technology Cluster, Trichy | III Year-129 Students | 22.09.2022 |
15 | Tiruchirapalli Engineering and Technology Cluster, Trichy | III Year-64 Students | 21.09.2022 |
16 | Ashok Leyland – Auto Expo, Namakkal | II Year-132 Students | 16.09.2022 |
17 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-66 Students | 25.08.2022 |
18 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-67 Students | 24.08.2022 |
19 | Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem | IV Year-63 Students | 11.08.2022 |
20 | Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem | IV Year-62 Students | 06.08.2022 |
21 | Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem | IV Year-62 Students | 05.08.2022 |
22 | Saranya Spinning Mills (P) Ltd - Namakkal | III Year-58 Students | 04.08.2022 |
23 | Saranya Spinning Mills (P) Ltd - Namakkal | III Year-51 Students | 02.08.2022 |
24 | Saranya Spinning Mills (P) Ltd - Namakkal | III Year-61 Students | 01.08.2022 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-64 Students | 11.04.2022 |
2 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-63 Students | 09.04.2022 |
3 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-59 Students | 08.04.2022 |
4 | Ashok Leyland - Namakkal | III Year-59 Students | 06.04.2022 |
5 | Ashok Leyland – Namakkal | III Year-118 Students | 05.04.2022 |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1 | PRD Rigs India Pvt Ltd , Tiruchengode | II Year-62 Students | 11.03.2020 |
2 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-70 Students | 10.03.2020 |
3 | Ashok Leyland – Namakkal | III Year-68 Students | 04.02.2020 |
4 | Ashok Leyland - Namakkal | III Year-66 Students | 03-02-2020 |
5 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | III Year-64 Students | 01.02.2020 |
6 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | III Year-64 Students | 31.01.2020 |
7 | PRS Tyres Ltd., Namakkal | II Year- 62 Students | 12.01.2020 |
8 | PRS Tyres Ltd., Namakkal | II Year-65 Students | 12.01.2020 |
9 | Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Limited - Kattur | II Year-65 Students | 07.01.2020 |
10 |
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Kudankulam |
IV Year- 69 Students | 12.09.2019 |
11 | Agni Steels, Perundurai | IV Year- 68 Students | 30.08.2019 |
12 |
P.R.S Tyres, Namakkal |
II Year-70 Students | 13.08.2019 |
13 |
PRD Rigs India PVT Ltd , Thiruchengode |
III Year-194 Students | 13.08.2019 |
14 |
Jothi Malleables, Thuvakudi |
II Year-62 Students | 17.07.2019 |
15 |
Thiruchirapalli Engineering and Technology Clustur, Trichy |
II Year-64 Students | 16.07.2019 |
16 |
Kothari sugars and chemicls limited, Kattur |
III Year-66 Students | 03.07.2019 |
17 | Thiruchirapalli Engineering and Technology Clustur, Trichy | III Year-65 Students | 27.06.2019 |
18 | Kothari sugars and chemicls limited, Kattur | III Year-67 Students | 25.06.2019 |
19 | Indo Fab Engineering, Thuvakudi | III Year-65 Students | 24.06.2019 |
20 | Ashok Leyland, Namakkal | IV Year-70 Students | 13.06.2019 |
21 | Ashok Leyland, Namakkal | IV Year-69 Students | 12.06.2019 |
22 | Ashok Leyland, Namakkal | IV Year-69 Students | 11.06.2019 |
23 | Ashok Leyland, Namakkal | IV Year-69 Students | 10.06.2019 |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy | III Year 70 Students | 23.06.2018 |
2. |
Perfect International Fabricators (p) Ltd Trichy | III Year 69 Students | 23.06.2018 |
3. |
Velmurugan Industries Trichy |
II Year-66 Students | 27.06.2018 |
4. |
Salem steel plant | III Year-58 Students | 30.06.2018 |
5. |
Kothagiri Sugars & Chemicals Ltd, Trichy | IV Year-72 Students | 03.07.2018 |
6. |
Kothagiri Sugars & Chemicals Ltd, Trichy | IV Year-71 Students | 07.07.2018 |
7. |
Agni steels, perundurai sipcot | II Year-63 Students | 10.07.2018 |
8. |
Tamilnadu cements corporation limited Ariyalur |
III Year-70 Students |
11.07.2018 |
9. |
Velmurugan Industries Trichy |
IV Year-65 Students | 12.07.2018 |
10. | Sakthi Auto component Limited Perundurai | II Year-120 Students | 14.07.2018 |
11. | Tamilnadu cements corporation limited Ariyalur | IV Year-72 Students | 25.07.2018 |
12. | Kothagiri Sugars & Chemicals Ltd, Trichy | IV Year-72 Students | 04.08.2018 |
13. | Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy | III Year-72 Students | 11.08.2018 |
14. | VV Sugars & Power plant PVT Ltd., Perambalur | IV Year-72 Students | 11.08.2018 |
15. | Saranya Spinning Mill,Namakkal | II Year-67 Students | 19.12.2018 |
16. | Saranya Spinning Mill,Namakkal | II Year-66 Students | 20.12.2018 |
17. | Saranya Spinning Mill,Namakkal | II Year-67 Students | 22.12.2018 |
18. | Saranya Spinning Mill,Namakkal | II Year-68 Students | 24.12.2018 |
19. | Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy | IV Year-60 Students | 29.12.2018 |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Kothari sugar and chemicals Pvt Ltd. Trichy |
III Year-72 Students |
03.02.2018 |
2. |
Kothari sugar and chemicals Pvt Ltd. Trichy |
II Year-72 Students |
02.02.2018 |
3. |
Velmurugan Industries, Trichy |
III Year-72 Students |
31.01.2018 |
4. |
PRS Tyres , Namakkal |
II Year-70 Students |
29.01.2018 |
5. |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy |
III Year-56 Students |
18.01.2018 |
6. |
PRS Tyres , Namakkal |
II Year-72 Students |
17.01.2018 |
7. |
PRS Tyres , Namakkal |
II Year-72 Students |
30.12.2017 |
8. |
PRS Tyres , Namakkal |
II Year-72 Students |
29.12.2017 |
9. |
NTC Namakkal |
III Year-72 Students |
22.12.2017 |
10. |
NTC Namakkal |
III Year-72 Students |
21.12.2017 |
11. |
Saranya Spinning Mill,Namakkal |
II Year-72 Students |
20.12.2017 |
12. |
NTC Namakkal |
III Year-72 Students |
20.12.2017 |
13. |
Tamilnadu cement corporation, Ariyalur |
II Year-70 Students |
20.12.2017 |
14. |
NTC Namakkal |
III Year-72 Students |
19.12.2017 |
15. |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
II Year-72 Students |
19.12.2017 |
16. |
Velmurugan Industries, Trichy |
III Year-72 Students |
13.12.2017 |
17. |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy |
III Year-72 Students |
09.12.2017 |
18 |
HOSTIA, Hosur. |
III Year-71 Students |
17.06.2017 |
19 |
Anand Engineering Product Pvt .Ltd., Trichy. |
II Year-70 Students |
19.06.2017 |
20 |
Maheswara Engineering.Trichy |
II Year-35 Students |
21.06.2017 |
21 |
DANTEK ,Trichy |
II Year-35 Students |
21.06.2017 |
22 |
Agni steels, Perundurai Sipcot |
II- Year-70 Students |
22.06.2017 |
23 |
GB Engineering, Trichy |
III- Year-35 Students |
24.06.2017 |
24 |
Trichy cold storage |
III- Year-35 Students |
24.06.2017 |
25 |
Sri Rengaraja Ispat power plant, Perundurai Sipcot |
IV- Year-69 Students |
26.06.2017 |
26 |
PRS Tyres Ltd, Namakkal |
III- Year-70 Students |
03.07.2017 |
27 |
Sri Rengaraja Ispat power plant, Perundurai Sipcot |
IV- Year-70 Students |
03.07.2017 |
28 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV- Year-70 Students |
04.07.2017 |
29 |
PRS Tyres Ltd, Namakkal |
III- Year-140 Students |
05.07.2017 & |
30 |
Sri Rengaraja Ispat power plant, Perundurai Sipcot |
IV- Year-70 Students |
06.07.2017 |
31 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV Year-69 Students |
11.07.17 |
32 |
Jothi mallaebles, Trichy |
II Year-35 Students |
11.07.17 |
33 |
Trichy cold storage |
II Year-36 Students |
11.07.17 |
34 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV Year-69 Students |
13.07.17 |
35 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV Year-71 Students |
04.08.17 |
36 |
Velmurugan Industries, Trichy |
II Year-74 Students |
09.08.17 |
37 |
Maheswara Engineering, Trichy |
III Year-36 Students |
10.08.17 |
38 |
Trichy cold storage |
III Year-36 Students |
10.08.17 |
39 |
Tiruchirappalli Engineering and Technology cluster, Trichy |
III Year-60 Students |
19.08.17 |
40 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
II Year-63 Students |
07.09.17 |
41 |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
II Year-66 Students |
08.09.17 |
42 |
Maruthi coach, karur |
III Year-72 Students |
09.09.17 |
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1 |
NTC Institute of Driver Training & Research,Namakkal. |
III Year-187 Students | 10,11,13 &14.02.2017 |
2 | Hostia ,Hosur. | II Year-210 Students | 11.02.2017 & 18.02.2017 |
3 |
RSM-Autokast Ltd., Coimbatore |
II Year-288 Students | 27.08.2016 & 10.9.2016 |
4 |
Mettur Thermal Power Plant,Mettur |
IV Year-70 Students | 17.8.2016 |
5 |
Salem Steel Plant, Salem |
IV Year-60 Students | 10.8.2016 |
6 |
Hindustan Coca Cola beverages Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore |
III Year-174Students | 19.07.2016 |
7 |
Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Ernakulam |
II Year-133 Students | 18.07.2016 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Seshasayee paper & Boards Ltd, Erode |
III Year-220Students | 08.03.2016 |
2. |
RSM-Autokast Ltd., Coimbatore |
II Year-281Students | 19.02.2016 |
3. |
TNPL, Karur. |
II year-281 Students | 12.03.2016 |
4. |
HMT Machine tools limited, Ernakulam |
II year-102 Students | 20.07.2015 |
5. |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
III Year-220 Students | 05.09.2015 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV Year -147 Students |
10.08.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal. |
IV Year -72 Students | 08.09.2013 |
2. |
Titan Time Products, Goa |
IV Year -68 Students | 31.07.2013 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.No |
Industry Name |
Students |
Date |
1. |
Saranya Spinning Mill, Namakkal |
IV Year - 66 Students |
10.09.2012 |
Student Acheivements
Academic Year 2024 - 2025
1. |
Srinath B, Vignesh M, Praveenkanth K, Vidhyadharan G – III Year, Won Second Prize in Drone Racing at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 09.11.2024. |
2. |
Periyannan B, Vetrivel B, Mahesh Boopathy A – IV Year, Won Second Prize in Project Expo at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 09.10.2024. |
3. |
Mugiswaran G - II Year, Won First Prize in Thirukural Thiruvizha organized by அறம் அறக்கட்டளை & ஏகலைவா கலைக்கூடம் on 06.10.2024. |
4. | Naveen Kumar S, Parthasarathi S, Naveen K - IV Year, Won Second Prize in Project Parade at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 05.10.2024 |
5. |
Ajith J, Hariharan K, Gurumoorthi S - IV Year, Won Second Prize in Research Showcase at Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai on 28.09.2024. |
6. |
Pooja S - III Year, Won Second Prize in Paper Presentation at KSR College of Engineering, Trichengode on 26.09.2024. |
7. |
Raveena P L - III Year, Won First Prize in Connection Game at KSR College of Engineering, Trichengode on 26.09.2024. |
8. |
Sulainan S, Vignesh M, Srinath B - III Year, Won Third Prize in Short Film at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25.09.2024. |
9. |
Yuvaraj N, Kathiravan A, Hariharan G, Srirooban S, Dhanush P, Ratnagiri N, Pradeepkumar S, Sanjai S, Kumaraguru M - IV Year; Vignesh M, Surendhar B, Srinath B, Mohammed Taufiq, Adhithya M, Abisek Paul P, Prthiv Laksmanan SN, Dhanush S, Madhavan S, Karthick S, Sriman Abisek N, Bhuvaneshvaran T, Vidhyadharan G, Gokulnath S - III Year, Won First Prize in National Drone Racing Contest organized by the Institute of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Aviation (IAAA) in association with the Astronautical Society of India (ASI) at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Perambalur on 27.07.2024. |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
1. |
Harini K II Year Won Second prize in ‘TECH FEST conducted at Erode Sengunthar Engineering college,Perundurai on 22.04.2024 & 23.04.2024. |
2. |
Srinath B and Vignesh M II Year Won Runner prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 09.04.2024 & 10.04.2024. |
3. |
Vinith P II Year Won Runner prize in ‘Tractor Driving’ conducted at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 09.04.2024 & 10.04.2024. |
4. |
Kathirvel S II Year Won Second prize in ‘DOODLERS’ conducted at at Paavai College of Engineering, Namakkal on 03.04.2024 & 04.04.2024. |
5. |
Srinath B and Rivin S II Year Won Second prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.04.2024. |
6. |
Deepan B, Elavarasan M and Gowthaman R IV Year Won First prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 03.04.2024. |
7. |
Vidhyadharan G, Santhoshkumar K, Sabrishwaran D, Vignesh M, Srinath B II Year Won Third prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024. |
8. |
Balasingam M, Gowtham B, Jagadeshwaran M, Kumaraguru M, Hariharan G and Balaguru M III Year Won Second prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024. |
9. |
Thenram Selvam R, Sanjai S, Prasanna M, Vihash B, Sri Vishnu Sapari S , Srirooban S and Vetriselvan M III Year Won first prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
10. |
Arun Bharathi A IV Year Won Third prize in ‘Auto Electro Hackfest’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
11. |
Samyuktha S IV Year Won Second Prize in ‘Auto Electro Hackfest’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
12. |
Bharathiraja J IV Year Won First Prize in ‘Auto Electro Hackfest’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
13. |
Mohamed Suhaib R IV Year Won Third Prize in ‘Designathon’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
14. |
Vignesh P IV Year Won Second Prize in ‘Designathon’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
15. |
Dharanikumar S IV Year Won First Prize in ‘Designathon’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024 |
16. |
Ragunath M II Year Won Second Prize in ‘Assemble and disassemble’ conducted at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2024 |
17. |
Kathirvel S II Year Won Third Prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2024 |
18. |
Balaguru M and Kavindhayanithi K III Year Won Second Prize in ‘Project Blitz’ conducted at Knowledge institute of technology, Salem, on 22.03.2024. |
19. |
Sabari M III Year Won First Prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Knowledge institute of technology, Salem, on 22.03.2024. |
20. |
Samyuktha S II Year Won Third Prize in ‘24 hours artiverse hackathon -2K24’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 22.03.2024 & 23.03.2024. |
21. |
Sanjai R IV Year Won First Prize in ‘Online Quiz’ conducted at Hon.Shri. Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara trust's, group of institutions College of Engineering, Kashti, on 04.03.2024 |
22. |
Ajith J, Elanchuriyan N, Hariharan K III Year Won Second Prize in ‘Project Expo’ conducted at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 01.03.2024. |
23. |
Manikandan I, Rahul N , Rohith M, Vetriselvan M III Year Won First Prize in ‘Project Expo’ conducted at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 01.03.2024. |
24. |
Bharath Kumar M, Harishwar R M III Year Won Second Prize in ‘Project Presentation’ conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 29.02.2024. |
25. |
Mohamed Yasar J, Paraneetharan K, Saravanan GR III Year Won first Prize in ‘IPL Auction’ conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 29.02.2024. |
26. |
Manickavel S, Mohamed Halith A and Mohammed Fahed N III Year Won Second Prize in ‘IPL Auction’ conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 29.02.2024. |
27. |
Rathina giri M, Ugendra Manickam K and Sudharsan G III Year Won Third Prize in ‘Connection’ conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 29.02.2024. |
28. |
Sree Sankar K U III Year Won first Prize in ‘Logo Designing’ conducted at KSR Educational Institutions, Tiruchengode on 14.02.2024 to 17.02.2024 |
29. |
Vignesh P IV Year Won first Prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at KSR Educational Institutions, Tiruchengode on 14.02.2024 to 17.02.2024 |
30. |
Vignesh P IV Year Won first Prize in ‘Designathon’ conducted at KSR Educational Institutions, Tiruchengode on 14.02.2024 to 17.02.2024 |
31. |
Barath kumar M, Lokesh kumar K, Hariharan K III Year Won Second Prize in ‘National Level Student Convention 2023 – 2024 TIER – II “AUTOCAD” conducted at SAEINDIA on 05.02.2024 |
32. |
Barath kumar M, Barath kumar M III Year Won First Prize in ‘National Level Student Convention 2023 – 2024 TIER – II “IoT”’ conducted at SAEINDIA on 05.02.2024 |
33. |
Vetrivel B, Mahesh Boopathy and Hariharan K III Year Won First Prize in National Level Student Convention 2023 – 2024 TIER – II “Tech Quiz”conducted at SAEINDIA on 05.02.2024 |
34. |
Barath kumar M, Lokesh kumar K, and Sree Sankar KU III Year Won Second Prize in National Level Student Convention 2023 – 2024 TIER – II “Tech Quiz” conducted at SAEINDIA on 05.02.2024 |
35. |
Subasri N II Year Won Third Prize in ‘Speech Competition’ conducted at DMK Engineer Team |
36. |
Shamyuktha S IV Year Won First prize in ‘Technical Event’ conducted at Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023. |
37. |
Deepan B, Gowthaman R and Elavarasan M IV Year Won First prize in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023 & 20.10.2023. |
38. |
Deepan R, Pushparaj S and Thavasi P IV Year Won First prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.09.2023 & 27.09.2023. |
39. |
Aswinraj M IV Year Won Second prize in ‘Robo Quiz’ conducted at at Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.09.2023 & 27.09.2023. |
40. |
Chandru G III Year Won First prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.09.2023 |
41. |
Santhosh kumar K II Year Winner in ‘Buzzy’ conducted at Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.09.2023 |
42. |
Harini K and Vanmathi S II Year Won Second prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 13.09.2023. |
43. |
Aakash K, Abinow Pandian K, Arunkumar A, Dhanushkumar R, Harish T R, Harish Kumar R, Karan S, Lokesh Kumar K, Mohammed Fahed N, Monish S, Periyannan B, Periyasamy R, Rajeswar R, Sasi M, Shewag E, Sree Sankar K U, Vetrivel B, Aswinkumar. P, Devarun A V G, Mohamed Riswan J and Pragadeesh S Won First prize with cash amount of Rs.1000 in ‘Rush Hour 2K23 (Season 2)’ conducted at SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 13.09.2023 & 14.09.2023. |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
1. |
Hrithick Roshan.A.B, S.L.Harish, J.Jesus Anbu Rose, J.Bharathiraja and D.Dharmarajan III Year, Won First prize with cash amount of Rs.1,50,000 in ‘National Level Project Competition’ conducted at Ramaiah Institute of Technology on 20.04.2023. |
2. |
Hrithick Roshan.A.B, S.L.Harish, J.Jesus Anbu Rose, and D.Dharmarajan III Year, Won First prize with cash amount of Rs.1,00,000 by TNSI 2023. |
3. |
M.V.Dharineesh, R.Gowthaman, M.Elavarasan, B.Deepan and A.Arunbharathi III Year, Won First prize with cash amount of Rs.25,000 in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at Anna University, Chennai on 18.04.2023. |
4. |
S.Bavandhan, G.Chandru and M.Kaviyarasu III Year Won Second prize in ‘Rocket Propulsion’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12.04.2023. |
5. |
K.Naveen, R.Saravanan, G.Sudharsan and K.Ugendramanickam II Year Won Third prize in ‘Rocket Propulsion’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12.04.2023. |
6. |
M.Balaguru, M.Balasingam, R.Dhinesh, B.Gowtham Won First prize in ‘Multi Rotor Drones’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12.04.2023. |
7. |
M.V.Dharineesh and J.Sakthivel III Year Won Second prize in ‘Multi Rotor Drones’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12.04.2023. |
8. |
S.Prasanth, M.Manikandan, A.Mujeep Rahman, V.Manirajan, A.Mohammed Taufeek, M.Mohammed Aslam, V.Kamesh and M.Neevithan III Year Won Second prize in ‘Multi Rotor Drones’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12.04.2023. |
9. |
S.Kavibharathi IV Year Won First prize in ‘Design Guru’ conducted at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.03.2023. |
10. |
P.Premkumar IV Year Won Second prize in ‘Design Guru’ conducted at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.03.2023. |
11. |
P.Premkumar, M.Praveen Kumar and B.Nicsonpaul IV Year Won Second prize in ‘Project Presentation’ conducted at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.03.2023. |
12. |
M.Mageshwaran IV Year Won First prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 23.03.2023 & 24.03.2023. |
13. |
Keerthivasan Mahesh IV Year Won Third prize in ‘BP’ conducted at Government College of Engineering, Salem on 23.03.2023 & 24.03.2023. |
14. |
M.Abishek and A.Arul Joseph III Year Won First prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at NSN College of Engineering And Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023. |
15. |
M.Abishek III Year Won First prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at NSN College of Engineering And Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023. |
16. |
A.Arul Joseph III Year Won Second prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at NSN College of Engineering And Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023. |
17. |
R.Ajay, M.Aswinraj, S.Dinesh, M.Harish, C.Gokulakannan, S.Arunkumar and P.Vignesh III Year Won First prize in ‘Kryptoz’ conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 17.03.2023. |
18. |
S.Samyuktha, J.Jasim Ahamed and V.Nagamanickam III Year Won First prize in ‘Project Expo’ conducted at Government College of Engineering, Bargur on 16.03.2023. |
19. |
R.Deepan III Year Won First prize in ‘Locus Focus’ conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.03.2023. |
20. |
V.Ragadesh III Year Won Second prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ conducted at Government College of Engineering, Bargur on 16.03.2023.. |
21. |
R.Karunamoorthi III Year Won Second prize in ‘Dancing’ conducted at Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology on 15.03.2023. |
22. |
S.Samyuktha, III Year Won First prize in ‘I Light’ conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 10.03.2023 and 11.03.2023. |
23. |
P.Santhosh III Year Won Second prize in ‘Connection’ conducted at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.03.2023. |
24. |
P.Santhosh III Year Won Second prize in ‘Brain Twistter’ conducted at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.03.2023 |
25. |
S.Samyuktha, III Year Won Third prize in ‘Paper Folding’ conducted at VSB Engineering College, Karur on 09.03.2023. |
26. |
S.Alpinraj and M.V.Dharineesh, III Year Won Second prize in ‘Paper Folding’ conducted at VSB Engineering College, Karur on 09.03.2023. |
27. |
R.Gokul, III Year Won Second prize in ‘Rubiks Cube’ conducted at VSB Engineering College, Karur on 09.03.2023. |
28. |
M.Kumaraguru, II Year Won Third prize in ‘Lathe O Mania’ conducted at K.Ramakrishna College of Technology, Trichy on 07.03.2023. |
29. |
M.Ajith, II Year Won Second prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at K.Ramakrishna College of Technology, Trichy on 07.03.2023. |
30. |
R.Periyasamy and K.Bharathkumar, II Year Won Second prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Muthyammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 07.03.2023. |
31. |
S.Sukanth, IV Year Won Second prize in ‘CAD/CAM Modelling’ conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 01.03.2023. |
32. |
S.Sukanth, IV Year Won First prize in ‘CAD Modelling’ conducted at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology on 24.02.2023. |
33. |
Vignesh P, III Year, Won First prize in ‘Machining’ conducted at Paavai College of Engineering , Namakkal on 20.10.2022 and 21.10.2022. |
34. |
Jasim Ahamed J, III Year, Won First prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Oasys Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022. |
35. |
Mohamed Halith A and Visveshwaran V III Year Won First prize in ‘Treasure Hunt’ conducted at Oasys Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022. |
36. |
Mathesh N, Mohanraj G and Nandhakumar P III Year Won Second prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ conducted at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 19.10.2022. |
37. |
Harish SL, Arunbharathi A, Gowtham S and Gowthaman R III Year Won Second prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ conducted at AVS College of Technology, Salem on 19.10.2022. |
38. |
Harish SL and Arunbharathi A, III Year Won First prize in ‘Meme Creator’ conducted at AVS College of Technology, Salem on 19.10.2022. |
39. |
Gowtham S and Gowthaman R III Year Won First prize in ‘Photography’ conducted at AVS College of Technology, Salem on 19.10.2022. |
40. |
Dharun P IV Year Won First prize of cash Reward Rs.15,000 in ‘Drone Track Racing’ conducted at VELS Institute of Science and Technology &Advanced Studies, Chennai on 18.10.2022 and 19.10.2022. |
41. |
Bharathi Raja J, Vishwanathar S, Ganesan V, Nandhakumar N, Vijayabaskar M, Kavibharathi S, Lingeswaran D, Harish K, Manikandan P, Logesh Kamal A, Jagadeeswaran S, Abilash A, Guna K and Chandru R III Year, Won Second prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14.10.2022. |
42. |
Sakthivel J, III Year, Won Third prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14.10.2022. |
43. |
Dharun P IV Year Won First prize of cash Reward Rs.10,000 in ‘Drone Racing’ conducted at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 03/11/2022 |
44. |
Jesus Anbu Rose and Krithick Roshan S III Year, Won Second prize in ‘Quiz’ conducted at Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14.10.2022 |
45. |
Vishwanathar S and Jagadeeswaran S III Year, Won Second prize in ‘Logo Design’ conducted at Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14.10.2022 |
46. |
Kavin R, Yuvaraj R, Surya S, Sham Prabhu S, Rohit M and Ramesh S III Year, Won First prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14.10.2022. |
47. |
Nithish Ramana MK III Year, Won Second prize in ‘Photography’ conducted at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 14.10.2022. |
48. |
Jayakumar S, Harish K and Hariharan B IV Year, Won First prize in ‘Paper Presentation’ conducted at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Research and Technology, Perambalur on 13.10.2022. |
49. |
Hirthik Roshan AB, Bharathiraja J, Jesus Anbu Rose, Devadharshini T, Harish SL and Guna K III Year, Won First prize of Cash Reward Rs.1 Lakh in ‘Smart India Hackathon 2022’ conducted at Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur on 25.08.2022 to 29.08.2022 |
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
S.NO |
Details |
1. | Alexandar B, III Year, Won First prize in Maverick 2k22 conducted at K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 29.04.2022. |
2. | Arul Murugan M , III Year, Won First prize in Maverick 2k22 conducted at K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 29.04.2022. |
3. | Guna K II Year Won First prize in Gears to Go 2022Tech Art conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
4. | Samyuktha S II Year Won Third prize in ‘Gears to Go 2022Tech Art conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
5. | Alexandar B and Arul Murugan M III Year, Won First prize in Gears to Go 2022 Technical Quiz conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
6. | Samyuktha S II Year Won Second Prize in Gears to Go 2022 Treasure Hunt Art conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
7. | Alexandar B and Arul Murugan M III Year, Won Second Prize in Gears to Go 2022 Spark Your Brain conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
8. | Alexandar B and Arul Murugan M III Year, Won Second Prize Gears to Go 2022 Paper Presentation conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
9. | Samyuktha S II Year Won Second Prize in Gears to Go 2022 Paper Presentation conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
10. | Vaishnav V P and Vigneshwaran R III Year, Won Third Prize Gears to Go 2022 Paper Presentation conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
11. | Vigneshwaran R III Year, Won Third Prize in Gears to Go 2022 Clash of CAD conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022. |
12. | Vasanth A and Vishnudharsan G II Year Won Second Prize in Mech Zeal 2022 conducted at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 26.04.2022. |
13. | Sathishkumar S , Satheesh Kumar A and Subash M II Year Won First Prize in Machine Fortz-2022 conducted at Government College of Engineering, Thanjavur on 12.04.2022. |
14. | Surya C, Kavinraj S and Kumar R II Won First prize in Voltrik-2022 conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
15. | Tamilselvan R II Won Second prize in Voltrik-2022 conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
16. | Alexandar B and Arul Murugan M III Year, Won Second Prize in Voltrik-2022 Forza conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
17. | Divahar R III Year, Won Second Prize in Voltrik-2022 Forza conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
18. | Alexandar B and Divahar R III Year, Won Second Prize in Voltrik-2022 Project Presentation conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
19. | Vaishnav VP and Udayakumar K III Year, Won First Prize in Voltrik-2022 Short Film conducted at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.04.2022. |
20. | Harikrishnan M and Karthick C II Year, Won First Prize in MESMER-2K22 conducted at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy. on 07.04.2022. |
21. | Sukanth S III Year, Won First Prize in MESMER-2K22 CAD Modelling conducted at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 07.04.2022. |
22. | Vinothkumar V III Year, Won Second Prize in MESMER-2K22 CAD Modelling conducted at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 07.04.2022. |
23. | Gowthaman R II Year, Won First Prize in MESMER-2K22 Lathe-O-Mania conducted at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 07.04.2022. |
24. | Manikandan M II Year, Won Second Prize in MESMER-2K22 Brain Friction conducted at K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 07.04.2022. |
25. | Sundhar Rajan R and Mahendhiran M II Year First Prize in SYLLOGIC-2K22 Picturesque Contest conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 07.04.2022. |
26. | Hirthik Roshan AB, Dharmarajan D and Harish S L II Year First Prize in TECKTON 2.0 conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 21.03.2022. |
27. | Samyuktha S II Year, Won Second Prize in Photo Album Video Creation Designing conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 08.03.2022. |
28. | Haripriya C II Year, Won Second Prize in Video Creation conducted at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 08.03.2022. |
29. | HrithickRoshan of II Year won I Prize in the event Poster Design organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy held on 03.10.2021. |
30. | Harish S L of II Year won I prize in the event Rollin organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram held on 18.09.2021. |
31. | HrithickRoshan, Harish S L & Jesus Anbu Rose J of II Year won III prize in the event Project Model organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering And Technology, Trichy held on 17.06.2021. |
32. | Theenathayalan.S, Sureshkumar S, Thivagar R & Bhuvaneshwar S of III Year won I prize in the event Hydraulics and Pnuematics organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur held on 05.06.2021. |
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
S.NO |
Details |
1. | Suriya.C, Surya.S, Tamilselvan.R & Ajayprasath.A of III Year won II Prize in the event Computer aided designing organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode held on 07.04.2021. |
2. | Nandha Kumar.N, Naveen.A, Nicson Paul.B & Pavatharani.S of III Year won Ist Prize in the event CNC Programing organized by Project Contest.Com held on 27.03. 2021. |
3. | Deepak.K, Naveen.M, Vijay Prakash.D & Vikram .K of III Year won III Prize in the event Sheet Metal Applications organized by PSG Institute Of Technology And Applied Research, Coimbatore held on 09.02.2021. |
4. | Ajay P, Yogesh, Guna J & Jaisri.R V M of III Year won II Prize in the event Sheet Metal Applications organized by Annapoorna Engineering College, Chennai held on 09.02. 2021. |
5. | Harish.K, Praveen.L, Ishwarya.R & Pragadeesh C of III Year won II Prize in the event Satellite communication Quiz conducted by Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on 20.03.2021. |
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
S.NO |
Details |
1. | P.Kalanithi and K.Madhubalan of IV Year won Second Prize in the event Project Expo by PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindugul on 20.03.2020 |
2. | G.Manoj Kumar of IV Year won Third Prize in the event Project Exibition by Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Kaniyakumari on 14.03.2020 |
3. | A.Sandhiya and R.V.M.Sakthisri of III Year won Second Prize in the event Project Expo by Aishwarya Engineering College, Erode on 13.03.2020. |
4. | S.Nithishkumar, M.Naveenkumar, M.Praveen Kumar and P.Raja was awarded Rs 25,000 for Securing Second Prize for the title “ ENGINE CARE EQUIPMENT” in IDEA SPARK 2019-20 organized by IIT Madras. |
5. | S.Nithishkumar, M.NaveenKumar,V.Sathish Kumar was awarded Rs1,00,000 for Securing First Prize in EDII-Tamil Nadu Student Innovators (TNSI-2019). |
6 |
S.Nithishkumar, M.NaveenKumar,V.Sathish Kumar was awarded Rs 10,000 for securing Third prize in JALLIKATTU 2.0-PH Meter organized by MABIF Agricultural College, Madurai. |
7. | P.Prasanth of III Year won First Prize in the event Digital Marketing organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
8. | S,Gokul of III Year won First Prize in the event Design of parts and Assemblyorganized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
9. | S.Agilan of III Year won First Prize in the event Mechanical Computer Aided Design organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
10. | R.Harikrishnan of III Year won First Prize in the event Manufacturing Process organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
11. | D.Manikadan of II Year won First Prize in the event Mechatronics organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
12. | M.Madhavan of II Year won First Prize in the event Mechatronics organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
13. | E.Kaviarasan of II Year won First Prize in the event Mechatronics organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
14. | C.Goudeeswaran of II year won First Prize in the event Circuit Design organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
15. | A.S Bharath of III year won First Prize in the event Manufacturing Process Planning organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
16. | N.Deepak of III Year won First Prize in the event Design of Parts and Assembly organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
17. | R.Harikiruthik of III Year won First Prize in the event Mechanical Computer Aided Design organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
18. | C. Priyadharasan of II Year won First Prize in the event Digital Marketing organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
19. | M.Naveen Kumar of III year won First Prize in the event Digital Marketing organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
20. | A.Sandhiya of III Year won First Prize in the event Refrigeration and Air Conditioning organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
21. | A.Sandhiya of III Year won First Prize in the event Plastic Mold Engineering organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
19. | S.V.Nisshanth of III Year won First Prize in the event Plastic Mold Engineering organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
20. | S.V.Nisshanth of III Year won First Prize in the event Six Sigma organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
21. | P.Prasanth of III Year won First Prizein the event Refrigeration and Air Conditioning organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
22. | M.Parthiban of III Year won First Prize in the event Mobile Robotics organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
23. | M.Parthiban of III Year won First Prize in the event Oil Seal organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
24. | V.Palraj of III Year won First Prize in the event Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
25. | V.Palraj of III Year won First Prize in the event Manufacturing/ Tech Challenge organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
26. | S.Naveen of III Year won First Prize in the event Manufacturing/ Tech Challenge organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
27. | V.Palraj of III Year won First Prize in the event Circuit Design organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
28. | S.Naveen of III Year won First Prize in the event Circuit Design organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
29. | S.Naveen of III Year won First Prize in the event Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
30. | T.Pardeeban of III Year won First Prize in the event Manufacturing/ Tech Challenge organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
31. | T.Pardeeban of III Year won First Prize in the event Electronics organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
32. | K.Pravin Kumar of III Year won First Prize in the event Oil Seal Design organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
33. | K.Pravin Kumar of III Year won First Prize in the event Mobile Robotics organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
34. | S.Pravin of III Year won First Prize in the event Mobile Robotics organized byTIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
35. | S.Pravin of III Year won First Prize in the event Oil Seal Design organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
36. | D.Poongkarthik of III Year won First Prize in the event Six Sigma organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
37. | R.ShakthiMaheswaran of II Year won First Prize in the event Prototype Modelling organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
38. | K.Mahendran of IV Year won First Prize in the event Sheet metal organized by TIER-II, SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
39. | K.Mahendran of IV Year won First Prize in the event Work Holding organized by TIER-II,SASTRA University on 07.03.2020 |
40. | K.Kirubhakaran of III year won Second Prize in the event what a slide organized by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Chennai on 26.02.2020 |
41. | K.Kirubhakaran of III year won First Prize in the event Find My Solution organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore from 17 & 18 02.2020 |
42. | K.Kirubhakaran of III year won Second Prize in the event Connection organized byKarpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore from 17 & 18 02.2020 |
43. | G.Kishore of III year won Second Prize in the event Connection organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore from 17 & 18 02.2020 |
44. | K.Kaviarasan II Year of won Second Prize in the event Connection organized by Indira Ganesan College of Engineering, Trichy on 08.02.2020 |
45. | J.Venkat & K.Nagendran IV Year of won First Prize in the event Computer Aided Manufacturingorganized bySastra University, Thanjavur on 07.03.2020 |
46. | S.Ramprakash of III year won Second Prize in the event Technical Paper presentation at Sastra University Thanjavur on 07.02.2020 |
47. | S.Ramprakash of III year won First Prize in the event Solar Circuit Design at Sastra University, Thanjavur on 07.02.2020 |
48. | M.Sathishkumar and M.Saranof III year won Second Prize in the event Quiz organized by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode on 06.02.2020 |
49. | P.Mythili of III year won First Prize in the event paper presentation in Technical Symposium MECHRONINS’20 organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 04.02.2020 |
50. | K.Pandeeswaran and P.Manobharathi of II Year won Second Prize in the event paper presentation in Technical Symposium MECHRONINS’20 organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram on 03.02.2020 |
51. | D.Dineshbabu and B.Akash of III Year won Second Prize in the event Project Expo organized by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbdur on 22.01.2020 |
52. | P.V.Sathish Kumar, of IV year won Second Prize in the event paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
53. | R.Sivacharan, of IV year won Second Prize in the event paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
54. | S.Karthik, of IV year won Second Prize in the event paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
55. | S.Manivel of IV year won Second Prize in the event paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
56. | V.Sathish Kumar of IV year won Second Prize in the eventWater Rocketry in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
57. | A.Senthamilselvan of IV year won Third Prize in the eventTechnical Quiz in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHXTROM 19’ at AVS College of Technology on 14.08.2019 |
58. | S.Nithish Kumar of IV year won First Prize in the event Paper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘MECHNOVA 19’ at Mahendra Engineering College on 30.08.2019 |
59. | M.Dhenadhayalan of IV year won Second Prize in the eventPaper Presentation in National Level Technical Symposium ‘ICE TECHFEST 2019’ at Imayam College of Engineering on 30.08.2019 |
60. |
Sathishkumar V Won Second Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
61. |
Senthamil selvan. A Won Second Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
62. |
Karhik S Won Second Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
63. |
Manivel S Won Second Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
64. |
Sathishkumar P V Won Third Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
65. |
Sivacharan R Won Third Prize in the Event of National level technical symposium “MECXTROM -19) Technical quiz organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.19. |
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
S.NO |
Details |
1. |
Danushkumar.B Won First Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier III, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 23.3.2019 and 24.3.2019. |
2. |
Jegan T Won Second Prize in the Event of National level Technical Symposium Texperia ‘ 19 Paper Presentation organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.02.2019 and 28.02.2019 |
3. |
Harish S Won Second Prize in the Event of National level Technical Symposium Texperia ‘ 19 Paper Presentation organized by SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.02.2019 and 28.02.2019 |
4. |
Praveen kumar A Won Second Prize in the Event of CAD Modeling organized by Care Group of Institutions, Thiruchirapalli on 13.02.2019. |
5. |
Elamururgan T Won Second Prize in the Event of Technical Symposium Spandana Paper Presentation organized by Narasu’S Sarathy Institute of Technology on 02.02.2019. |
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Dheenadayalan Won Second Prize in the Event of Technical Symposium Spandana Paper Presentation organized by Narasu’S Sarathy Institute of Technology on 02.02.2019. |
7. |
Yogesh Vijay. P Won Second Prize in the Event of Python Programming organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
8. |
Rajesh. S Won First Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
9. |
Poovarasan. M Won First Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
10. |
Mohammed Abuthagir.I Won First Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
11. |
Prasath.P Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
12. |
Palraj.V Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
13. |
Poongkarthik. D Won First Prize in the Event of Solar Circuit Design organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
14. |
Nisshanth.S.V Won First Prize in the Event of Solar Circuit Design organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
15. |
Vishnusudharsan. M Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling Challenge organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
16. |
Vigneshwaran. T Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling Challenge organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
17. |
Sarankumar. R Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling Challenge organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
18. |
Sakthimaheswaran. R Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling Challenge organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
19. |
Gokul.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Design for Assembly organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
20. |
Mahindiran.K Won Second Prize in the Event of Design for Assembly organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
21. |
Nithishkumar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Modelingand Animation organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
22. |
Raja.P Won Second Prize in the Event of Modelingand Animation organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
23. |
Venkat.J Won First Prize in the Event of Computer Aided Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
24. |
Nitheshkumar.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
25. |
Harishkumar.K.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
26. |
Rambhaskar.M Won Second Prize in the Event of Bridge Building organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
27. |
Mohammed Abuthagir.I Won Second Prize in the Event of Bridge Building organized by SAE India Tier II, Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 25.01.2019. |
28. |
Nisshanth.V Won Second Prize in the Event of Mobile Robotics organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
29. |
Pravin S Won Second Prize in the Event of Mobile Robotics organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
30. |
Partiban.M Won First Prize in the Event of Mobile Robotics organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
31. |
Partiban.M Won Second Prize in the Event of Solar Circuit Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
32. |
Nisshanth.V Won Second Prize in the Event of Solar Circuit Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
33. |
Poongkarthick.D Won Second Prize in the Event of Solar Circuit Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
34. |
SakthiMaheshwaran.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Bridge Building Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
35. |
Vigneshwaran.T Won Second Prize in the Event of Bridge Building Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
36. |
Mohamed Natharsha.S Won First Prize in the Event of Bridge Building Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
37. |
Mohamed Abuthagir I Won First Prize in the Event of Bridge Building Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
38. |
Ram Baskar.M Won First Prize in the Event of Bridge Building Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
39. |
Naveenkumar.M Won First Prize in the Event of Reverse Engineering organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
40. |
Pasupathi.R Won First Prize in the Event of Reverse Engineering organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
41. |
Veeraiya.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Process Planning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
42. |
Vigneshwaran.T Won Second Prize in the Event of Process Planning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
43. |
Gunasekar.S Won First Prize in the Event of Process Planning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
44 |
Jeevanesh.M Won First Prize in the Event of Process Planning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
45. |
Harish.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
46. |
Harish.M Won Second Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
47. |
Deepak.N Won Second Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
48. |
Rengarajan.R Won First Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
49. |
Rakesh.R Won First Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
50. |
Ramprakesh.R Won First Prize in the Event of Engineering Design organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
51. |
Harish Kumar.K.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Computer Aided Manufacturing Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
52. |
Nithiskumar.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Computer Aided Manufacturing Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
53. |
Nagaendran.K Won First Prize in the Event of Computer Aided Manufacturing Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
54. |
Venkat.J Won First Prize in the Event of Computer Aided Manufacturing Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
55. |
Rajeshwari.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Design of Assembly organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
56. |
Surendhar.L Won Second Prize in the Event of Design of Assembly organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
57. |
Swetha.K Won Second Prize in the Event of Design of Assembly organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
58. |
Mahendran.K Won Second Prize in the Event of Threading and Taper Turning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
59. |
Arunprathap.A Won Second Prize in the Event of Threading and Taper Turning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
60. |
Jeevakumar.T Won First Prize in the Event of Threading and Taper Turning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
61. |
Karthick.R Won First Prize in the Event of Threading and Taper Turning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
62. |
Sakthi Maheshwaran.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
63. |
Saran Kumar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
64. |
Vishnu Sudharsan Won Second Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
65. |
SakthiSri.M Won First Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
66. |
Menaga.R Won First Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
67. |
Mythili.P Won First Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
68. |
Sandiya.A Won First Prize in the Event of Group Discussion Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
69. |
Pasupathi.R Won Second Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
70. |
Surendhar. L Won Second Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
71. |
Rajesh.S Won First Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
72. |
Poovarasan.V Won First Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
73. |
Deepak.N Won First Prize in the Event of CNC Milling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
74. |
GunaSekar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Python Programming organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
75. |
Jeevanesh M Won Second Prize in the Event of Python Programming organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
76. |
YogeshVijay.P Won First Prize in the Event of Python Programming organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
77. |
Veeraiya.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Process Planning organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
78. |
Nagaendran.K Won Second Prize in the Event of How Things Work organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
79. |
Venkat.J Won Second Prize in the Event of How Things Work organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
80. |
Kannan.C Won First Prize in the Event of How Things Work organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
81. |
Harihiruthik.R Won First Prize in the Event of How Things Work organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
82. |
Mohamed Natharsha.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
83. |
Mohammed Abuthaheer.I Won Second Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
84. |
Danushkumar.B Won Second Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
85. |
Harish.S Won First Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
86. |
Harish.M Won First Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
87. |
Harishkumar.K.S Won First Prize in the Event of Sheet Metal organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
88. |
Vidhya.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
89. |
Kiruthika.B Won Second Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
90. | Agilan S Won First Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
91. |
Rajeshwari.R Won First Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
92. |
Surendhar.L Won First Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
93. |
Swetha.K Won First Prize in the Event of Work Holding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
94. |
Harish.S Harish.M Deepak.N Won Second Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
95. |
Mohamed Natharsha.S Won First Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
96. |
Mohammed Abuthaheer.I Won First Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
97. |
Danushkumar.B Won First Prize in the Event of Additive Manufacturing organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
98. |
SakthiSri.M Won Second Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
99. |
Mythili.P Won Second Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
100. |
Sandiya.A Won Second Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
101. |
Gokulnath.R Won First Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
102. |
Gobinath.S Won First Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
103. |
Menaga.R Won First Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
104. |
Ramakrishnan.D Won First Prize in the Event of Mechanical Engineering Design CAD organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
105. |
Gokulnath.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
106. |
Gobinath.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
107. |
Ramakrishnan.D Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
108. |
Agilan.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
109. |
Prasath.P Won First Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
110. |
Palraj.V Won First Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
111. |
Harikrishna.R Won First Prize in the Event of Light Weight Mobility Vehicle organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
112. |
Mohamed Natharsha.S Won Second Prize in the Event of CNC turningorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
113. |
Mohammed Abuthaheer.I Won Second Prize in the Event of CNC turningorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
114. |
Ram Baskar.M Won Second Prize in the Event of CNC turningorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
115. |
Sukumar.R Won First Prize in the Event of CNC turningorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
116. |
Sathish.P Won First Prize in the Event of CNC turningorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
117. |
Nithishkumar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
118. |
Raja.P Won Second Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018 |
119. |
Harish Kumar.K.Won First Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
120. |
Nithiskumar.R Won First Prize in the Event of Welding organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
121. |
Vigneshwaran T Won Second Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
122. |
Sathish.P Won Second Prize in the Event of Prototype Modelingorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
123. |
CibiChakaravarthi Won Second Prize in the Event of Prototype Modelingorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
124. |
SakthiMaheshwaran.R Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modeling organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
125. |
Saran Kumar.S Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modelingorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
126. |
Vishnu Sudharsan.M Won First Prize in the Event of Prototype Modelingorganized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
127. |
Kannan.C Won Second Prize in the Event of Auto Quiz organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
128. |
Harihiruthik.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Auto Quiz organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
129. |
Arunprathap.A Won First Prize in the Event of Auto Quiz organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
130. |
Arun.K Won First Prize in the Event of Auto Quiz organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
131. |
Santhanu.B Won First Prize in the Event of Auto Quiz organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
132. |
Arun.K Won Second Prize in the Event of Technical Paper Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
133. |
Santhanu.B Won Second Prize in the Event of Technical Paper Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
134. |
Vidhya.S Won First Prize in the Event of Technical Paper Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
135. |
Poovarasan.V Won Second Prize in the Event of Modeling and Animation Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
136. |
Nithishkumar.S Won First Prize in the Event of Modeling and Animation Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
137. |
Raja.P Won First Prize in the Event of Modeling and Animation Competition organized by SAE India Tier I, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 17.10.2018. |
138 | SathishKumar.C Won Second Prize in the Event of Machine Runner in National level Technical symposium organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur on 10.9.2018 |
139 | Vignesh.G Won Second Prize in the Event of Techno Quiz in National level Technical symposium organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur on 10.9.2018 |
140 | SathishKumar.C Won First Prize in the Event of Junkyard in National level Technical symposium organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur on 10.9.2018 |
141 | Surendhar.L Won First Prize in the Event of Junkyard in National level Technical symposium organized by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur on 10.9.2018 |
142 | Venkat.J Won Second Prize in the Event of Mr.Machinist in National level Technical Symposium organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.8.2018 |
143 |
Ragavan.T Won Second Prize in the Event of Paper presentation in National level Technical Symposium organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.8.2018 |
144 | Nithishkumar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Paper presentation in National level Technical Symposium organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.8.2018. |
145 | Mohamad Natarsha.S Won First Prize in the Event of Technical Quiz in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018. |
146 | Harigaran.C Won First Prize in the Event of Technical Quiz in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018 |
147 | R.Gokulnath Won First Prize in the Event of CADD Drafting in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018. |
148 | Sasikumar.R Won Second Prize in the Event of Water Rocket in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018 |
149 | Sumith.M Won Second Prize in the Event of Water Rocket in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018. |
150 | Thilak.V Won Second Prize in the Event of Paper presentation in National level Technical Symposium organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Tiruchirapalli on 24.8.2018 |
151 | NithishKumar S Won First Prize in the Event Technical Symposium Yantra Utsav 2K18 Paper Presentation organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.8.2018 |
152 | Ragul.C Won Second Prize in the Event of Pipe line in National Level Technical Symposium organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.8.2018 |
153 | Ragavan.T Won Second Prize in the Event of Pipe line in National Level Technical Symposium organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.8.2018 |
154 | Nithish Kumar.S Won Second Prize in the Event of Water Rocketry in National Level Technical Symposium organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.8.2018 |
155 |
JanakiRaman.C Won Third Prize in the Event of Paper presentation in Black andWhite’18 Fest organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 10.8.2018 and 11.8.2018 |
156 | Gokulnath.R Won Third Prize in the Event of Paper presentation in Black andWhite’18 Fest organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 10.8.2018 and 11.8.2018 |
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
S.NO |
Details |
1 |
Thimothev Don D, Mohamed Natharsha S, Mohamed Abuthaheer I of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Bridge Building Organized by MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018 |
2 |
Anban G of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Internet of Things Organized by MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018 |
3 |
Mohammed Abuthaheer I of III Year Won First Prize in National Best Student Award Organized by Dr.Kalam Educational Trust for Tribal, Trichy on 15.03.2018 |
4 |
Ramprakash S of II Year Won First Prize in the event Technical Quiz Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 14.03.2018 |
5 |
Naveen Kumar M of II Year Won First Prize in the event Poster Presentation Organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology on 16.02.2018 |
6 |
Gokul S of II Year Won Second Prize in the event General Quiz Organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16.02.2018 |
7 |
Santhosh Kumar S, Naveen Kumar M, of II Year Won Second Prize in the event Technical symposium SQUADRON 2K18 Paper Presentation Organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram on 07.02.2018 |
8 |
Nitish Kumar S of II Year Won Third Prize in the event Technical symposium SQUADRON 2K18 Paper Presentation Organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram on 07.02.2018 |
9 |
Naveen R of II Year Won First Prize in the event Photography Organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram on 03.02.2018 |
10 |
Dhivagar J, Naveen Kumar M, Ramakrishnan D of II Year Won First Prize in the event Mad Fingers Organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram on 03.02.2018 |
11 |
Naveen R, Sankar nivash L, Ajay Kumar Reddy B of II Year Won Second Prize in the event Mad Fingers Organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Mallasamudram on 03.02.2018 |
12 |
Akilan J of II Year Won Third Prize in the event 3D Modeling Organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 02.02.2018 to 03.02.2018 |
13 |
Poovarasan K P and Manikandan S of III Year Won First Prize in the event Technical Symposium Spring Fest Paper presentation by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 02.02.2018 |
14 |
Manoj P of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Technical Symposium Spring Fest, Paper Presentation by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 02.02.2018 |
15 |
Poovarasan K P of III Year Won Second Prize in the event CAD Modeling by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 02.02.2018 |
16 |
Manoj Kumar R and Mohamed Jameel A of III Year Won Third Prize in the event Poster Presentation Organized by Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 19.01.2018 |
17 |
Mohammed Abuthaheer I of III Year Won First Prize in the event Addictive Manufacturing Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 03.01.2018 |
18 |
Mohamed Abuthaheer I and Mohamed Nathrasha S of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Bridge Building Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 03.01.2018 |
19 |
Sankar A of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Sheet Metal Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 03.01.2018 |
20 |
Ramakrishnan D of III Year Won First Prize in the event Mechanical Engineering Design CAD Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 10.10.2017 |
21 |
Sankar A of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Mechanical Engineering Design CAD Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 10.10.2017 |
22 |
Gopinath P of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 15.09.2017 |
23 |
Naveen Kumar M of III Year Won Third Prize in the event Technical Symposium IYANTIRA 2K17, Paper presentation Organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 15.09.2017 |
24 |
Mariveeriyan K of III Year Won First Prize in the event Lathe O Mania Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 15.09.2017 |
25 |
Ragavendhar R, of III Year Won First Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 15.09.2017 |
26 |
Karthikeyan R, Karthick S of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 15.09.2017 |
27 |
Karthick S of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Technical Quiz Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 15.09.2017 |
28 |
Karthick S of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Connection Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 15.09.2017 |
29 |
Gopinath P of III Year Won First Prize in the event Hydro Rocketry Organized by Vetri Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 31.08.2017 |
30 |
Mohameed Jameel J, Madhan R of III Year Won First Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Karaikudi Institute of Technology, Karaikudi on 12.08.2017 |
31 |
Gokulnath T of III Year Won First Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 11.08.2017 |
32 |
Gopinath P of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 11.08.2017 |
33 |
S.Boopathi Raja of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Tech Fest Black and White’17, Paper presentation Organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 03.08.2017 to 05.08.2017 |
34 |
Vinothkumar R, Surya D of III Year Won Third Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 03.08.2017 to 05.08.2017 |
35 |
Surya D of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Chuck Glider Organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 03.08.2017 to 05.08.2017 |
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
S. No |
Details |
1 |
D.Surya of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Madras Institute of Technology,Chennai On 11-12.03.2017 |
2 |
R.Vidya of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by Velalar College of Engineering And Technology,Erode On 11.03.2017 |
3 |
T.Lakshmi of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by Velalar College of Engineering And Technology,Erode On 11.03.2017 |
4 |
DON.D.THIMOTHEU of III Year Won Second Prize in the event VERB WAR Organized by Chettinad College of Engineering,Karur On 03.03.2017 |
5 |
K.Sridharan of III Year Won First Prize in the event Short Flim Organized by Nehru Institute of Technology,Coimbatore On 02.03.2017 |
6 |
M.Manoj of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology,Namakkal On 01.03.2017 |
7 |
K.P.Tamilselvan of III Year Won First Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by EBET Group of Institution,Kangeyam on 24-25.02.2017 |
8 |
D.Balachandar of III Year Won First Prize in the event Project Expo Organized by Care Group of Institution,Trichy On 24-25.02.2017 |
9 |
S.Prasanna Morthy of III Year Won First Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by Care Group of Institution,Trichy On 23-24.02.2017 |
10 |
R.Poovarasan of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by Care Group of Institution,Trichy On 23-24.02.2017 |
11 |
M.Aravindh of III Year Won First Prize in the event Lathomania Organized by Care Group of Institution,Trichy On 23-24.02.2017 |
12 |
J.Mohamed Jameel Of III Year Won First Prize in the event Assembling & Dismantling Organized by Care Group Of Institution,Trichy On 23-24.02.2017 |
13 |
R.Gowthaman of III Year Won First Prize in the event Assembling & Dismantling Organized by Care Group of Institution,Trichy On 23-24.02.2017 |
14 |
I. Mohammed abuthaheer of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Shipwreck Organized by Institute of Road And Transport Nagar, Erode On 17-18.02.2017 |
15 |
S.Midhun of III Year Won First Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology,Namakkal On 17.02.2017 |
16 |
S.Soundhar of III Year Won First Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal On 18-02-2017 |
17 |
P.Vellasamy of III Year Won First Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal On 18-02-2017 |
18 |
P.Sibichakaravarthi of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal On 18-02-2017 |
19 |
R.Vineeth of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal On 18-02-2017 |
20 |
P.Santhosh of III Year Won First Prize in the event Cad Modelling Organized by NSN College of Engineering And Technology On 10.02.2017 |
21 |
S.Prasanna Morthy of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by NSN College of Engineeirng And Technology On 10.02.2017 |
22 |
P.Santhosh of III Year Won First Prize in the event Cad Modelling Organized by NSN College of Engineering And Technology On 10.02.2017 |
23 |
S.Sasitharan of III Year Won First Prize in the event Work Holding Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy On 11.01.2017. |
24 |
R.Raghul of III Year Won First Prize in the event Work Holding Organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering And Technology,Trichy On 10.01.2017 |
25 |
M.Kiruphakaran of III Year Won Second Prize in the event Paper Presentation Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy On 14.09.2016 |
26 |
S. Santhosh and S. Sasitharan Of III Year Won Second Prize In Water Rocketry Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College Of Technology, Trichy On 09.09.2016. |
27 |
R. Prasanth and V. Ramkumar Of III Year Won Second Prize In Paper Presentation Organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal On 07.09.2016 |
28 |
M.Y. Tamilselvan Of III Year Won Third Prize In Photography Organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal On 07.09.2016 |
29 |
R. Aravindhan, V.S. Aswin Deva and M. Aravindh Iii Year Won Second Prize In Rc Nitro Race Organized by Velammal Engineering College, On 27.08.2016 |
30 |
S. Mohan Prabhu And M. Madhan Of III Year Won First Prize In Poster Presentation Organized by Mahendra College Of Engineering, Salem On 26.08.2016 |
31 |
A.Rajesh Of III Year Won First Prize In Quiz Organized by Mahendra College Of Engineering, Salem On 26.08.2016 |
32 |
R. Pradeep Of III Year Won First Prize In Bucket With Ball Organized by Mahendra College Of Engineering, Salem On 26.08.2016 |
33 |
R. Vijeshwar Of III Year Won Third Prize In Photography Organized by Mahendra College Of Engineering, Salem On 26.08.2016 |
34 |
S. Boopathi Raja Of II Year Won First Prize In Para Glider Organized by Gnanamani College Of Technology, Namakkal On 24.08.2016 |
35 |
P. Gobinath Of II Year Won First Prize In Water Rocketry Organized by Parisutham Institute Of Technology & Science, Thanjavur On 24-26.08.2016 |
36 |
J.Vineth And K. Sridharan Of III Year Won Third Prize In Water Rocketry Organized by Parisutham Institute Of Technology & Science, Thanjavur On 24-26.08.2016 |
37 |
G. Asokan And S. Chandru Of II Year Won Third Prize In Paper Presentation Organized by Parisutham Institute Of Technology & Science, Thanjavur On 24-26.08.2016. |
38 |
S. Boopathi Raja Of II Year Won First Prize In Paper Presentation Organized by Gnanamani College Of Technology, Namakkal On 24.08.2016. |
39 |
M. Madhan Of III Year Won Second Prize In Poster Presentation Organized by SNS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore On 11-12.08.2016 |
40 |
S. Midhun Of III Year Won Second Prize In Paper Presentation Organized by K.S.R College Of Engineering, Tiruchengodu On 21.07.2016 |
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
S.No |
Details |
1. |
R. Pradeep of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore On 31.03.2016 |
2. |
R. Pradeep of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Photography Organized by RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore On 31.03.2016 |
3. |
N. Karthick& N. Karthikeyan of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Adhiyaman College Of Engineering, Hosur On 24.03.2016 |
4. |
K.Vimal &S. Sasvin of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Muthayammal College Of Engineering, Rasipuram On 14.03.2016 |
5. |
M. Ramesh of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Cad Modeling Organized by Muthayammal College Of Engineering, Rasipuram On 14.03.2016 |
6. |
M.A. Niranjan of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Erode Builder, Kangayam On 12.03.2016 |
7. |
S. Thiyagu of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Pallakapalayam On 12.03.2016 |
8. |
R. Mohanraj of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Pallakapalayam On 12.03.2016 |
9. |
S. Kaviarasu of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Pallakapalayam On 12.03.2016 |
10. |
S.Sugumar & S. Thiyagu of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Poster Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Pallakapalayam On 12.03.2016 |
11. |
S. Sanjei & V. Vignesh of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Poster Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Pallakapalayam On 12.03.2016 |
12. |
R. Balamurgan of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Component Assembly Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
13. |
M. Subanesan & N. Vasanth of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
14. |
M. Subanesan & N.Vasanth of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Clay Modeling Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
15. |
M. Subanesan & N. Vasanth of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the CNC Programming Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
16. |
R. Mohanraj & S. Kaviarasu of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
17. |
M. Sudhakar of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Component Assembly Organized by Nandha College Of Technology, Erode On 10.03.2016 |
18. |
P.Arun Prasanth of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Lathe Machining Organized by Ck College Of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore On 09.03.2016 |
19. |
K. Manoj Prabhakar & G. Karthikeyan of III Year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by R.V.S College Of Engineering, Dindugal On 05.03.2016 |
20. |
P. Santhosh &R. Prasath of II Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Machathlon Organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode On 04.03.2016 |
21. |
M.S. Vijay & S. Senthamizhan of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore On 02.03.2016 |
22. |
S. Vijay & R. Vinoth of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Short Film Organized by N.S.N College Of Engineering, Karur on 02.03.2016 |
23. |
M. Subanesan & N. Vasanth of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Government College Of Engineering, Salem on 01.03.2016 to 02.03.2016 |
24. |
S. Ashok Kumar & B. Arun Kumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Industrial Define Problem Organized by Government College Of Engineering, Salem on 01.03.2016 to 02.03.2016 |
25. |
R.Barath Kumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Clay Modeling Organized by Government College Of Engineering, Salem on 01.03.2016 to 02.03.2016 |
26. |
R. Barath Kumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College Of Engineering, Namakkal on 27.02.2016 |
27. |
S. Ashok Kumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Water Rocketry Organized by Selvam College Of Engineering, Namakkal on 27.02.2016 |
28. |
S. Midhun & P. Noelraj of II Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by K.S.Ramgasamy College Of Engineering, Thiruchengode on 26.02.2016 |
29. |
G. Kavin Kumar & P. Pradeep of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Blitz Alution Organized by M. Kumarasamy College Of Engineering, Karur on 24.02.2016 |
30. |
S. Senthamizhan of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Muthayammal Enginering College, Rasipuram on 20.02.2016 |
31. |
R. Vinoth & A.M. Syed Hameed of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Short Film Making Organized by Muthayammal Enginering College, Rasipuram on 20.02.2016 |
32. |
S. Senthamizhan of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Project-X Organized by Muthayammal Enginering College, Rasipuram on 20.02.2016 |
33. |
J.S. Subanesh Anand & S. Siva of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Material Contest Organized by Muthayammal Enginering College, Rasipuram on 20.02.2016 |
34. |
S. Siva of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Poster Presentation Organized by Muthayammal Enginering College, Rasipuram on 20.02.2016 |
35. |
K. Gowtham of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Literary And Debating Association Organized by Institute Of Road And Transport Technology, Erode on 19 & 20.02.2016 |
36. |
K. Gowtham of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Literary And Debating Quiz Organized by Institute Of Road And Transport Technology, Erode on 19 & 20.02.2016 |
37. |
K. Gowtham of III Year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Adzap Organized by Institute Of Road And Transport Technology, Erode on 19 & 20.02.2016 |
38. |
S. Loganath & S. Kaviarasu of III Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Sengunthar Engineering College, Tiruchengode on 19.02.2016 |
39. |
J. Akhil of II Year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Expo Organized by Nooril Islam Centre For Higher Education, Kanyakumari on 11 & 12.02.2016 |
40. |
S. Kaviarasu & G. Kavinkumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Dr. N.G.P. Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.09.2015 |
41. |
A.Mohamed Riyaz & A.Mohammed Farukdeen of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Technical Quiz Organized by Kings College Of Engineering, Thanjavur on 18.09.2015 |
42. |
S. Ashok Kumar & B. Arunkumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Water Rocketry Organized by Nadar Saraswathi College Of Engineering And Technology, Theni On 09.09.2015 |
43. |
S. Ashok Kumar & R. Barathkumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Machatrix Organized by Nadar Saraswathi College Of Engineering And Technology, Theni On 09.09.2015 |
44. |
B. Arunkumar & R. Barathkumar of III Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Rc Race Organized by Nadar Saraswathi College Of Engineering And Technology, Theni On 09.09.2015 |
45. |
S. Naveen Kumar of IV Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Cad Modeling Organized by Excel Engineering College, Namakkal On 05.09.2015 |
46. |
S. Naveen Kumar & G. Deepak of IV Year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation Organized by Excel Engineering College, Namakkal On 05.09.2015 |
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
S.No |
Details |
1. |
S. Ashok kumar of IInd year MECH Student got First Prize in the Technical Quiz organized by Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 13.03.2015. |
2. |
N. Selvakumar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the AD ZAP organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2015 |
3. |
R. Surendiaran of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the AD ZAP organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2015. |
4. |
P. Vignesh of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the AD ZAP organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2015 |
5. |
R. Surendiaran of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Multimedia organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2015. |
6. |
P. Vignesh of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Multimedia organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2015. |
7. |
B. Sridhar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by United Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore on 06.03.2015. |
8. |
J.Sanjai of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by United Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore on 06.03.2015. |
9. |
G. Suresh kumar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2015. |
10. |
S. Vignesh kumar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2015. |
11. |
S. Arun of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Cad Modelling organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal on 21.02.2015. |
12. |
S. Aswin of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Tech-Quiz organized by Arasu Engineering College on 20.02.2015 |
13. |
K.KuberVignesh of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Tech-Quiz organized by Arasu Engineering College on 20.02.2015. |
14. |
M.Balaji of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Poster Presentation organized by Mahendra Engineering College on 19.02.2015 & 20.02.2015. |
15. |
M. Ayyapapan of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Poster Presentation organized by Mahendra Engineering College on 19.02.2015 & 20.02.2015. |
16. |
P. Ponraj of III year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Cad Contest organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
17. |
P. Ponraj of III year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015 |
18. |
S. Sathyamoorthi of III year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015 |
19. |
S. Sathyamoorthi of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Project Display organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
20. |
S. Tamil mani of III year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
21. |
S. Tamil mani of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Project Display organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
22. |
R. Surendiran of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
23. |
R. Surendiran of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Project Display organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
24. |
P. Vignesh of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
25. |
P. Vignesh of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Project Display organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
26. |
B. Sabareesh of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Treasure Hunt organized by N.S.N. College of engineering and technology, karur on 12.02.2015. |
27. |
S. Madhusuthanan of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Poster Presentation organized by Sri Krishna College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.02.2015. |
28. |
K. Karthik of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Poster Presentation organized by Sri Krishna College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.02.2015. |
29. |
G. Arunkumarof III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by SVS College Of Engineering on 26.09.2014 |
30. |
G. Arunkumar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by M Kumarasamy College Of Engineering on 20.09.2014 |
31. |
G. Arunkumar of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Technical Quiz organized by M Kumarasamy College Of Engineering on 20.09.2014. |
32. |
Mohammed Yafik of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Multi Media organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology on 05.09.2014. |
33. |
Sitharathan of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Multi Media organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology on 05.09.2014 |
34. |
S. Vijay of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Bike Drift organized by Mahendra Institute of Technology on 05.09.2014 |
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
S.NO |
Details |
1. |
G.Arunkumar of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by SVS College Of Engineering On 29.09.14 |
2. |
G.Arunkumar of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by M. Kumarasamy college of engineering, karur on 20.9.014 |
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
S.No |
Details |
1. |
A. Arun Kumar of III year MECH Student got Second Prize in the Cad Contest organized by NSN College Of Engineering on 16.03.2013 |
2. |
R.Mohan of II year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Cad Contest organized by GCT, Coimbatore on 15.03.2013 |
3. |
G. Mathivanan of II year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Project Presentation organized by GCT, Coimbatore on 15.03.2013 |
4. |
S.Krishnan of II year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Project Presentation organized by GCT, Coimbatore on 15.03.2013 |
5. |
A. Vaikunda Raj of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by Sona Collge Of Engineering on 12.03.2013 |
6. |
C. Silambarasan of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation organized by Sona Collge Of Engineering on 12.03.2013 |
7. |
C. Silambarasan of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Presentation organized by Muthayamal Engineering College on 08.03.2013 |
8. |
A. Vaikunda Raj of III year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Presentation organized by Muthayamal Engineering College on 08.03.2013 |
9. |
S. Manikandan of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Project Presentation organized by Muthayamal Engineering College on 08.03.2013. |
10. |
K. Pradeep of III year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Engine Assembly organized by Muthayamal Engineering College on 08.03.2013. |
11. |
R. Bala Kumaran of IV year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Project Presentation organized by SVS College of Engineering on 23.02.2013. |
12. |
R. Naresh Kumar of IV year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Project Presentation organized by SVS College of Engineering on 23.02.2013. |
13. |
S. Vigneshwaran of IV year MECH Student got Third Prize in the Project Presentation organized by SVS College of Engineering on 23.02.2013. |
14. |
Vibin Varghese of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Technical Quiz organized by Vetri Vinayaha College Of Engineering And Technology on 19.10.2012 |
15. |
Vibin Varghese of IV year MECH Student got First Prize in the Gaming organized by Vetri Vinayaha College Of Engineering And Technology on 19.10.2012 |
Industries Inside Campus
Incubation Startups and Product Development
- We have established an Incubation Centre in association with M/s Infynect Labs Pvt Ltd, Bangalore during 2018-2020. Infynect Labs were done research and development activities to cater the IoE and Internet delivery platform needs in terms of Next Generation Routing OS and Proprietary transmission protocol.
- Currently 2 incubation centers are available in association with Industrie
1.TryCAE Industrial Engineering Pvt Ltd,Trichy - Click Here.
2.LiFi Technologies Pvt Ltd:Our alumni students started their company inside the campus
- The following Centre of Excellence is continuously supported to Faculty Members and Students to update their skills for converting their ideas into Prototype/Product.
- AICTE Sponsored MODROBS- IOT Lab
- PCB Design and Development Centre
- Signal Processing & Networking
- Dell EMC Data Science and Big Data Analytics
- Cisco Networking Academy
- TVS Harita
- IoT and Embedded systems laboratory [Texas Instruments and ABE Semiconductor Designs]
- Industrial Automation laboratory [Powered by Siemens and Mitsubishi]
- Centre for Energy Studies
Sample Technology Developed by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology
S.No. |
Name of the Product |
Name of the Residues / Uses |
Beneficiaries |
Sponsored Agency |
Collaborative Institute |
1. |
Tableware Products (Food Serving Plates and Cups) made from Banana Tree Trunk and Leaf waste |
Banana Tree Trunk and Leaf waste |
Banana farmers and Self Help Group and Public |
National bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) |
ICAR-National Research Center For Banana |
2. |
Furniture Products (Table and Stool) made from Banana Tree Trunk and Leaf waste |
3. |
Electro –Hydraulic Banana pseudo Stem Juicer |
Juice Extraction from Banana pseudo Stem |
Banana farmers and Self Help Group and Public |
ICAR-National Research Center For Banana |
4. |
Portable and Dismandalable conveyor Mechanism for Field Transportation of banana |
To carry the Banana Bunches |
Banana farmers |
ICAR-National Research Center For Banana |
Anna University Rank Holders
Hearty Congratulations to the Anna University Rank Holders !!!
Ranked 14th Position :: Anna University
Academic Performance of all Affiliated Engineering Colleges - November/December 2016 Examinations
Ranked 14th Position out of 506 Engineering Colleges under Anna University based on the Pass Percentage
Faculty Members
Teaching Faculty
S.NO | Name of the staff | Designation | DOJ | Qualification | Regular / Adjunct |
1 |
Dr.D.Jagadeesh |
Professor/ HEAD | 01.07.2011 | Ph.D | Regular |
2 |
Dr.K.Periasamy |
Professor | 23.05.2014 | Ph.D | Regular |
3 |
Dr.G.Saravanan |
Asso.Professor | 01.07.2011 | Ph.D | Regular |
4 |
Dr.P.Muthukumar |
Asso.Professor | 13.07.2022 | Ph.D | Regular |
5 |
Dr.A.Nithya |
Asso.Professor | 11.06.2012 | Ph.D | Regular |
6 |
Mr.R.Arivazhagan |
Asso.Professor | 01.07.2010 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
7 |
Mr. S.K.Karthikeyan |
Asso.Professor | 06.06.2011 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
8 |
Dr.N.Ravikumar |
Asst.Professor | 02.06.2014 | Ph.D | Regular |
9 |
Dr.N.Sivashankar |
Asst.Professor | 03.06.2015 | Ph.D | Regular |
10 |
Mrs.V.Selvam |
Asst.Professor | 08.01.2013 | M.E | Regular |
11 |
Mr.C.Dinesh Babu |
Asst.Professor | 01.06.2013 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
12 |
Mr.R.Karthik |
Asst.Professor | 09.06.2014 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
13 |
Mr.Ra.Aravind |
Asst.Professor | 02.06.2014 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
14 |
Mr.V.Muthukumar |
Asst.Professor | 03.06.2015 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
15 |
Mr.E.Sivaprakash |
Asst.Professor | 03.06.2015 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
16 |
Mr.P.Raja |
Asst.Professor | 03.06.2015 | M.E | Regular |
17 |
Mr.S.Kumaravel |
Asst.Professor | 03.06.2015 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
18 |
Mr.G.Selvakumar |
Asst.Professor | 05.06.2015 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
19 |
Mr.S.Chandra Kumar |
Asst.Professor | 01.06.2016 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
20 |
Mr.N.Kawin |
Asst.Professor | 01.06.2016 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
21 |
Mr.R.Periyasamy |
Asst.Professor | 07.06.2017 | M.E | Regular |
22 |
Mr.S.Mohankumar |
Asst.Professor | 09.06.2017 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
23 |
Mr.M.Dinesh kumar |
Asst.Professor | 31.05.2019 | M.E | Regular |
24 |
Mr.J.Mahendran |
Asst.Professor | 31.05.2019 | M.E (Ph.D) | Regular |
25 |
Mr.V.Senthilnathan |
Asst.Professor | 25.08.2021 | M.Tech | Regular |
26 |
Mr.M.Maniyarasan |
Asst.Professor | 12.07.2022 | M.E | Regular |
Non-Teaching Faculty
S.NO |
Name of the staff | Designation | Qualification | Regular / Adjunct |
1 |
Mr.P.Mathankumar |
Lab Assistant | DME | Regular |
2 |
Mr.P.Ramajayam |
Lab Assistant | ITI | Regular |
3 |
Mr.S.Rajkumar |
Lab Assistant | ITI,DME | Regular |
4 |
Mr.K.Durairaj |
Lab Assistant | DME | Regular |
5 |
Mr.V.Arjunan |
Lab Assistant | ITI | Regular |
6 |
Mr.P.Ramesh |
Lab Assistant | ITI | Regular |
7 |
Mr.M.Ajith |
Technical Assistant | B.E | Regular |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
International / National Journals
- K.R.Padmavathi, Sulaiman Ali Alharbi, R.Venkatesh, E.Sivaprakash, ‘SiC Blending Behaviour of Hybrid AZ31 Alloy Nanocomposite: Metallographic and Mechanical Studies’, Silicon, (Published Online).
- T.Yuvaraj, S.K.Tamang, R.Arivazhagan, M.Naga Swapna Sri, ‘Enhancing EDM Performance on TiN-Si3N4 using a hybrid Computation intelligence Algorithm (Grey-ANFIS)’, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, (Published Online)
- K.R.Padmavathi, Subramaniam Prabagaran, Venkatesh Rathinavelu, Subramanian Mohankumar ‘Cupric oxide nanofluid influenced parabolic trough solar collector: Thermal Performance Evaluation’, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol.46, No.1, pp. 2811-2827
- Lokesh Selvam, Sakthivel Perumal, Mahendran Jayavel, Venkatesh Rathinavelu, Veluchamy Balakrishnan, Priya Chathapuram Balasubramanian, Ismail Hossain, V. Mohanavel ‘Nanofabrication and influence of Titanium Carbo-nitride coating tool on machinability behavior of magnesium alloy nano composite’, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (Published Online).
- Sakthivel Perumal, Mohana Krishnan Amarnath, Karthigairajan Marimuthu, Prabagaran Subramaniam, Venkatesh Rathinavelu, Duraisamy Jagadeesh, ‘Titanium carbo nitride–coated CBN insert featured turning process parameter optimization during AA359 alloy machining’, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (Published Online).
- S.Sudhagar, P.M.Gopal, M.Maniyarasan, S.Suresh, V.Kavimani, ‘Multi-Objective Optimization of machining parameters for Si3N4-BN Reinforced Magnesium Composite in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining’, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, (Published Online).
- C.Dineshbabu, N.Shivasanakaran, K.Venkatesh Raja, R.Venkatesh ‘Performance analysis of baffle configuration effect on thermo-hydraulic behavior of shell and tube heat exchanger’, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (Published Online).
- J. Francis Xavier, D. Katherasan, D.Jayabalakrishnan, M. Maniyarasan, I. John Solomon ‘Low Cycle Fatigue behavior of Cerium-Modified stainless steel at elevated temperature and the impact of Aluminium/Zinc Ratio’, SAE International, (Published Online)
- J. Francis Xavier, D. Katherasan, D. Jayabalakrishnan, M. Maniyarasan, I. John Solomon ‘A Direct Current memory properties of Aluminium/Silicon Alloy thin Flims Magnetron sputtering study of the shape’, SAE International, (Published Online)
- P. Dhiravidamani · D. Jagadeesh, Sami Al Obaid, R. Venkatesh, ‘Influence of sisal‑glass fiber/SiC combinations on behaviour of hybrid epoxy composite synthesized by advanced hot compression technique’, Journal of Polymer Research, (Published Online).
- M. Krishna, Sourav Prasad Panda, Aman Pandey, Raj Aryan, Shakti Singh, R. Karthik, ‘Water level monitoring and alerting system in a sequential manner using PLC’, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.2912, Issue 1.
- S. Ganesh, A. R. Lokesh, N. Pranesh, A. Karthikeyan, S. Sangesh, R. Karthik, ‘Design and fabrication of portable power generator using thermoelectric module and food waste heat energy’, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.2912, Issue 1.
- Periasamy K, Prathap P, Arunnath A, Madhu S, ‘Exploring the effect of bio-silica on the mechanical, microstructural, and corrosion properties of aluminium metal matrix composites, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, (Published Online).
- Periasamy, Karthigairajan.M,, R.Venkatesh, S.Padmavathy, “Enhancement of High Density polyethylene (HDPE) composite behaviour by TiO2 and Al2O3f Bio Ceramic Fillers”, Journal of Polymer Research, (Published Online)
- Sivashankar, R.Thanigaivelan, K.G.Saravanan, “Electrochemical Micromachining and Parameter Optimization on AZ31 Alloy-ANN and TOPSIS Techniques” , Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, Vol. 37 No. 5 (2023)
- R Karthik, N Shiva Sankaran , K Venkatesh Raja, R Venkatesh, “Synthesis and characteristics evaluation of magnesium alloy (AZ91) nanocomposite developed with ZrO2 via liquid state stir cast process”, Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 48, 188 (2023)
- R. Padmavathi, R. Venkatesh, G. Ramya Devi, V. Muthukumar, “Synthesis and Characteristics Evaluation of Sicnp and Sicnp/CNT-Reinforced AZ91D Alloy Hybrid Nanocomposites Via Semisolid Stir casting Technique”, International Journal of Metalcasting, (Published Online)
- Senthilkumar, K. Revathi, R. Venkatesh, E. Sivaprakash, “Enhancement of Magnesium alloy (AZ31B) Nanocomposite by the Additions of Zirconia Nanoparticle Via Stircasting Technique: Physical, Microstructural and Mechanical Behaviour”, International Journal of Metalcasting, (Published Online)
- Prudhvi Krishna Amburi, G.Senthilkumar, A.Nithya, “Novel Use of Cuo nanoparticles additive for improving thermal conductivity of MgO/water and MWCNT/water nanofluids”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (Published Online)
- R. Padmavathi, R. Venkatesh, Melvin Victor De Poures, G. Selvakumar, “Synthesis of Al/Mg Hybrid Nanocomposite by Electromagnetic Stir Cast: Characteristics Study”, Silicon, (Published Online)
- Venkatesh, P. Sakthivel, G. Selvakumar, A. Mohana Krishnan, P. Purushothaman, C. B. Priya, “Mechanical and Thermal Properties of a waste fly ash-bonded Al-10 Mg alloy Composite Improved by bioceramic Silicon nanoparticles”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (Published Online).
S. Vandaarkuzhali, P. Balu, D.Jayabalakrishnan, M. Maniyarasan, “Influence on the energy conservation and Green Environment R152A Refrigeration with various Nano Refrigerants”, Nano, (Published Online)
Nagaraj, Mohamed Ali, R.Venkatesh, Ra.Aravind, “Synthesis of Green Cocos Nucifera L Fiber loading waste LDPE Composites enriched with SiC: Performance Evalution”, Silicon, (Published Online)K.Yesuraj,Mohammed Ali, R.Venkatesh, S.Chandrakumar, “SiC actions on characteristics analysis of AZ91D hybrid nano composite by Liquid state processing” International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, (Published Online)
K.Suganeswaran, P.Muthukumar, R.Sathiskumar, R.Parameshwaran, N.Nithyavathy, “Evaluation of Microstructural, Tribological and Tensile Characteristics of AA7075 Surface composites fabricated through Friction stir Process” Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering Part – E, (Published Online)
Periasamy Kaliyannan, A.H.Seikh, M.A.Kalam, R.Venkatesh, “ Fabrication and Characteristics study of Aluminium Alloy hybrid Nanocomposite Synthesized with SiC and Waste Metal Powder”, Silicon, (Online Published)
Periasamy Kaliyannan, Murugan perumal, J.Manivannan, R.Venkatesh, “Enhancing Mechanical and Functional Properties of LM25 Alloy Through Squeeze cast Hybrid Nano Composite incorporating Breadfruit seed husk ash and Graphite nano Particles”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, (Online Published)
A.Baraniraj, A.P.Sathiyagnanam, R.Venkatesh, S.Kumaravel, “Characterization Effect of Pozzolanic Waste-Reinforced A356 Alloy Composites by Liquid Metallurgy Semisolid Stir Cast”, Journal of Material Engineering and Performance, (Published Online)
M.Rajesh, S.Kumaravel, M.Kumaresan, “Multiobjective optimization of MIG Welding process Parameters on AA6061-T6 using Taguchi-GRA entropy Method” AIP Conference Proceedings, (Published Online)
P.Venugopal, Thayammal Ganesan Arul, V.Selvam, K.Saranya, “Effect of Electrochemical Process Parameters on the Hastelloy C-276 Alloy for Machining Speed and Surface Corrosion factor” Materiali in Technologije, (Published Online)
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
International Conferences
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “Investigation of the shot peening process and surface modification technique to improve Heat Transfer of the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET- 2023) at Selvam College of Technology on 21.09.2023 & 22.09.2023
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Effective utilization of Plastic Wastes to Bio-Hydrogen via Pyrolysis technique: Characteristics Evaluation”, First IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM 23) on 22.09.2023 & 23.09.2023
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Enhancement of Solar Power Conversion Efficiency by an active dual thin layer of Ga-ZnO for EVs Applications”, First IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM 23) on 22.09.2023 & 23.09.2023
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Effect of ZnO and CdZnO thin Flim Transistors on Solar Electrical and Optical Behaviour Characteristics Study”, First IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM 23) on 22.09.2023 & 23.09.2023.
Mr.N.Kawin, ‘Performance Assessment of four types of Cyclone Seperator using Computational Fluid Dynamics’, International Conference on Emerging Materials and Technology, at K.S.R College of Engineering on 21.02.2024 and 22.02.2024.
Mrs.V.Selvam, ‘Experimental Analysis of ESP in GI Duct’, International Conference on Emerging Materials and Technology, at K.S.R College of Engineering on 21.02.2024 and 22.02.2024.
Dr.A.Nithya, ‘A CFD Analysis of Flow Rate in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger’, International Conference on Emerging Materials and Technology, at K.S.R College of Engineering on 21.02.2024 and 22.02.2024.
Mr.C.Dineshbabu, ‘Spring Design for Knockout machine’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.N.Kawin, ‘Low-Cost Indigenous Paddy Collector and Spreading Machine for the Benefit of the Farmer’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Dr.G.Saravanan, ‘Root Cause Analysis of Novo Pulley Plate’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Dr.N.Sivashankar, ‘Design and Development of Smart E-Moto with Wheel Chair cum Stretcher’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan, ‘Feasiblity Analysis of Mixed tire and plastic oil blends with Cerium oxide Nano Particles in CRDI Engine’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Dr.D.Jagadeesh, ‘Analysis of Eats system in BS6 Vehicle Engines’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.M.Maniyarasan, ‘Design and Fabrication of Jig and Fixture for 3-Axis Vertical Machining Centre’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.M.Maniyarasan, ‘Design and Performance Analysis of Electrochemical Micro Machining on GI Sheet’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mrs.V.Selvam, ‘To eliminate Rejection rate in Production Line by Implementing Poka-Yoke Technique’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.M.Dineshkumar, ‘Evaluating the Solar Chimney with Various parameters for Carbon dioxide Measurement’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.N.Ravikumar, ‘Investigation of SCR System by using Foramide to reduce NOx in Diesel Engine’, International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, at Muthyammal College of Engineering on 20.03.2024.
Mr.V.Muthukumar, ‘Structural Analysis of a Coconut husk shredding machine’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.E.Sivaprakash, ‘Solar based Green Hydrogen Production with Heater and Riser Tube arrangements’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Dr.K.Periasamy, ‘CFD Analysis 0f Plate Heat Exchanger’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.G.Selvakumar, ‘Analysis of ABS in BS-6 Engines using Diagnostic Tools’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Dr.N.Sivashankar, ‘Analysis 0f Overheating on BS-VI Engine’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.R.Periyasamy, ‘Experimental analysis of Ferro Fluid Filled MU Metal Casing for EMI Sheilding in Power Drives’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.R.Periyasamy, ‘Reducing Cycle Time for the CNC Turing Process of 4 Inch Fine Flange’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.R.Karthik, ‘Investigation of Mechanical Property of Magnesium Based nano Composite’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.S.Chandrakumar, ‘Mechanical Behaviour of Kevlar and Glass Fiber Composite for Automobile Application’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Dr.D.Jagadeesh, ‘Effective Pre-Cooling Techniques for Extended Tomato Storage’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.C.Dineshbabu, ‘Enhancing Productivity by using MASTERCAM Programming for Vertical Machining Centre’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.R.Arivazhagan, ‘CFD Analysis of Heat pipe based on Air preheater’, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0, at Velammal Institute of Technology on 03.04.2024.
Mr.S.Mohankumar, ‘Experimental Analysis for improving Cutting parameters on horizontal CNC turning machine’, International Conference on Innovative trends in Engineering and Sciences, at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 26.03.2024 & 27.03.2024.
Mr.Ra.Aravind, ‘Enhancing Productivity through experimental investigation of CNC machine Tool Fixture’, International Conference on Innovative trends in Engineering and Sciences, at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 26.03.2024 & 27.03.2024.
Mr.S.Kumaravel, ‘Design and Analysis of Dissimilar Metal Welde joint’, International Conference on Innovative trends in Engineering and Sciences, at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 26.03.2024 & 27.03.2024.
Mrs.V.Selvam, ‘Investigation of the exhaust system using diagnostic tools to reduce nitrogen oxides in BS6 Engines’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management, at Suguna College of Engineering on 05.04.2024 & 06.04.2024.
Dr.G.Saravanan, ‘Analysis of Vehicle pickup performance in BS6 – c828 Model’, International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control, at Karpagam College of Engineering on 23.03.2024 & 24.03.2024.
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
National Conferences
- Mr.P.Raja, ‘Design the body pump Fixture to minimize the machining cost by CNC Turning Machine’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.Ra.Aravind, ‘Assessing the Mechanical Properties of Banana Glass fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar, ‘CFD analysis of Conjugate Heat Transfer in Combined Aluminium and Copper Made Heat Sink’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, ‘Investigation into the production of prototypes and customized auto parts using 3D printing in the automotive Industry’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.J.Mahendran, ‘Numerical Simulation of welding using transient , thermal and thermo-elasto-plastic formulations’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar, ‘Al359 Composite’s tribological behavior with 5%and 10% Al2o3, flyash and B4C’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.N.Ravikumar, ‘Performance assessment of Single pass Solar Air Heater with and Without Baffles’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan, ‘Microstructural Analysis of wirearc additive manufacturing with AWS ER 70S-6’, National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics, at SRM-TRP Engineering College on 14.03.2024 & 15.03.2024.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, ‘Effects of Plasma arc welding on Dissimilar metals’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Dr.G.Saravanan, ‘Experimental Investigation of TIG-MIG Hybrid Welding Composites’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Mr.R.Karthik, ‘Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Weldmen & AISI304 by Using TIG Welding and Comparison’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Mr.G.Selvakumar, ‘Safety System Implementation in Iron Foundry’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Mr.P.Raja, ‘Development of Digital Twin Technology for Real Time Monitoring and Optimization of Manufacturing Operations’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Dr.A.Nithya, ‘Advanced Additive Manufacturing through Wire Arc Technology’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, ‘Evaluation of the Corrosion Resistance of Steel Element in the Industrial Aggressive Environment’, National Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Science at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 08.03.2024.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, ‘Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Kevlar fiber composites using filler material for automobile applications’, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science at A.V.C College of Engineering on 22.03.2024.
- Mr.P.Raja, ‘Analysis of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Spin Arc Welding in Hast Alloy (c-276)’, National Conference on Advancement in Mechanical Sciences at Velammal Engineering College on 14.03.2024.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar, ‘Analysis of wear behavior of aluminium 7075 hybrid Composites’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Nandha College of Technology on 06.04.2024.
- Mr.N.Kawin, ‘Enhancing the flow rate of shell and tube heat exchanger using Non-newtonian fluid-A CFD Approach’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Nandha College of Technology on 06.04.2024.
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
International / National Journals
- T. Maridurai, R. Arivazhagan, S. SivaChandran, R. Venkatesh, S.Baskar, “Review on direct steam generation using concentrated solar collectors”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2473, Issue 1, pp. 020008 (1-4)
- S. SivaChandran, R. Venkatesh, S. Baskar, R. Arivazhagan, T.Maridurai, “Experimental study of shell and tube heat Exchanger”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2473, Issue 1, pp. 020005 (1-8)
- R. Venkatesh, S. SivaChandran, T. Maridurai, S. Baskar, N.Sivashankar, R. Arivazhagan, “Magnesium alloy machining and its methodology: A systematic review and analyses”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2473, Issue 1, pp. 020003 (1-7)
- S. Baskar, T. Maridurai, R. Arivazhagan, S. SivaChandran, R.Venkatesh, “Thermal management of solar thermoelectric power generation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2473, Issue 1, pp. 020010 (1-6)
- R. Arivazhagan, S.Baskar, R. Venkatesh, T. Maridurai, S. SivaChandran, “Performance analysis of steam generators in thermal power plant”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2473, Issue no. 1, pp. 020006 (1-5)
- S. Marimuthu, P. Lakshmanan, K. Raju, A. Mohana Krishnan, R. Venkatesh, M. Dineshkumar, “Performance study on glazzed solar air heater for agri products”, Elsevier- Materials Today Proceedings, (Online Published)
- R. Venkatesh, S. Marimuthu, A. Mohana Krishnan, N. Ravikumar, K. Gopalakrishnan, T. Thirugnanasambandham, “Incorporating tool identification system in normal machining centre using radio frequency identification”, Elsevier- Materials Today Proceedings, (Online Published)
- G. Saravanan, D. Jagadeesh, C. SaravaMurthi, P.Pugalenthi, “Experimental investigation and optimizing the predict of GTAW process parameter on Al5052”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2473, Issue 1, pp. 020001 (1-16)
- Periasamy K, Sivashankar N, Viswanathan R, Balaji J, “Optimization of multi passes friction stir process parameters on AA7075 Surface Hybrid Composite with reinforcement of SiC and Gr”, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 23, issue no. 3, pp.335-343
- S. Vijayakumar, S. Anitha, R. Arivazhagan, Ashebir Dingeto Hailu, T. V. Janardhana Rao, Hari Prasadarao Pydi, “Wear Investigation of Aluminum Alloy Surface Layers Fabricated through Friction Stir Welding Method”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2022, Article ID 4120145
- Bhiksha Gugulothu, P. Anusha, M. Naga Swapna Sri, S. Vijayakumar, R. Periyasamy, Suresh Seetharaman, “Optimization of Stir-Squeeze Casting Parameters to Analyze the Mechanical Properties of Al7475/B4C/Al2O3/TiB2 Hybrid Composites by the Taguchi Method”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2022, Article ID 3608984
- S. Prabhu, M. Naga Swapna Sri, P. Anusha, G. Saravanan, K. Kannan, Selvaraj Manickam, “Improvement of Mechanical Behavior of FSW Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys by Postweld Heat Treatments”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2022, Article ID 3180442
- R. Venkatesh, P. Raja Sekaran, K. Udayakumar, D. Jagadeesh, K. Raju, Melkamu Beyene Bayu, “Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation Properties of Bimetallic Ag/MgO/Biochar Nanocomposites”, Adsorption Science and Technology, Vol.2022, Article ID 3631584
- K. Periasamy, S. Ganesh, S. Chandra Kumar, S. Nandhakumar, T. Thirugnanasambandham,Murtesa Dabesa Gurmesa, “Appraisal of Thermomechanical Performance of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites Using Stir Casting Technique, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.2022, Article ID 2381425
- K.Suganeswaran, R.Sathiskumar, V.K.Gobinath, K.Periasamy, R.Parameshwaran, N.Nithyavathy, “Microstructural characterization, Hardness and Impact behavior of AA7075/steel slag surface composite fabricated through multipass friction stir process”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, (Online Published)
- G.Ramyadevi, C.B.Priya, C.Dineshbabu, R.Karthick, K.Thanigavelmurugan, Prabhu Paramasivam, “Modelling and Deliberation of Multireinforcement Surface on Tribothermal Adsorption Performance of Nickel Alloy Matrix Nano Composites”, Adsorption Science and Technology, Vol.2022, Article ID 3697662
- N.Sivashankar, R.Thanigaivelan, “Electrochemical Micromachining of Magnesium AZ31 alloy using minimum quantity electrolyte”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, (Online Published)
- N.Ravikumar, R.Vijayan, R.Viswanathan “Multi-response optimization for turning of magnesium alloy with untreated and cryogenic treated carbide inserts by grey relational analysis”, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol.24, No.1, pp. 142-152.
- K.Periasamy, Katragadda Sudhir Chakravarthy, Jabihulla Shariff Md, S.Madhu “A detailed Evaluation of mechanical Properties in newly developed Cellulosic fiber: Cissus vitiginea L as a reinforcement for polymer composite”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (online published)P.Raja Sekaran, H.Ramakrishnan, R.Venkatesh, A.Nithya, “Mechanical and Physical Characterization studies of Nano Ceramic Reinforced Al-Mg Hybrid Composites”, Silicon (online published)
- V.Gopinath, R.Periyasamy, K.Gunasekaran, M.Venkatasudhahar, P.Suresh, “Effect of Corn oil Methyl Ester and Exhaust gas Reciurculation on performance and Emission Characterstics of Diesel Engine”, Mechanika, Vol.29, No.1, pp. 74-80
- R.Venkatesh, Suhas Ballal, A.Mohana Krishnan, S.Prabagaran, S.Mohankumar, Elangomathyavan Ramaraj, “Effect of Fiber layer formation on mechanical and wear properties of natural fiber filled epoxy hybrid composites”, Heliyon, (online published)
- A. Baraniraj, A. P. Sathiyagnanam, R.Venkatesh, Ra. Aravind “Silicon Carbide Particle Enriched Magnesium Alloy (AZ91) Composite: Physical, Microstructural and Mechanical Studies”, Silicon (online published)
- Gobinath Velu Kaliyannan, Uma Gandhi, Rajasekar Rathanasamy, Mohankumar Subramanian, Suganeswaran Kandasamy, Raja Gunasekaran, Sathish Kumar Palaniappan “Effect Of Zinc Oxide—Aluminium Oxide Mechanical Blends for Boosting the Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cell Performance through Antireflection Properties”, Silicon (online published)
- L. Natrayan, Raviteja Surakasi, Pravin P. Patil, S. Kaliappan, V. Selvam, P. Murugan “Optimizing Nu,erous influencing parameters of Nano – Sio2/Banana Fiber reinforced hybrid composites using Taguchi and ANN Approach”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2023, Article ID 3317584
- Srinivasan Appadurai Saravanan Kanthasamy Ganesan, Viswanathan Rangasamy, Karthikeyan Saravanan Kanakasabapathi “Optimization and Effect of Dielectric Fluid With Zr and Ni on Electrical Discharge Machining of Die Steel Material”, Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 311-318
- R.Sasikumar, S.Prabagaran, R.Venkatesh, S.Kumaravel “Effect of Tamarind fruit fiber contribution in epoxy resin composites as biodegradable nature: characterization and property evalution”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (online published)
- R.Venkatesh, R.Roopashree, Souvik Sur,n Gaurav Kumar, P.Raja, Melvin Victor De Poures, “Investigation and Performance study of Hibiscus Saddariffa bast fiber reinforced HDPE Composite enhanced by Silica Nanoparticles derived from agricultural Residues”, Fibers and Polymers (online published)
- P.R.Kannan, K.Periasamy, P.Pravin, J.R.Vinodkumar, “An experimental investigation of wire breakage and performance optimisation of WEDM process on machining of recycled aluminium alloy metal matrix composite”, Materials Science-Poland, Vol. 40, issue no. 3, pp.12-26.
- R.Venkatesh, N.Karthi, N.Kawin, T.Prakash, C.Rameshkannan, M.Karthigarajan, Ketemebobe, “Synthesis and Application of Nanocomposites for Adsorption Heat Transformation and Storage”, Adsorption Science and Technology, Vol.2022, Article ID 7423102.
- L. Natrayan , A. Bhaskar, Pravin P. Patil, S. Kaliappan , M. Dineshkumar, E. S. Esakkiraj, “Optimization of Filler Content and Size on Mechanical Performance of Graphene/Hemp/Epoxy-Based Hybrid Composites using Taguchi with ANN Technique”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol. 2023, Article ID 8235077.
- P.Raja Sekaran, H.Ramakrishnan, R.Venkatesh, A.Nithya, “Mechanical and Physical Characterization studies of Nano Ceramic Reinforced Al-Mg Hybrid Composites”, Silicon (online published)
International Conferences
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh, “Performance Evaluation of Cross over Studies on Solar Duct”, International conference on Adoptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth at Paavai Engineering College 17th March 2023.
- Mr.Ra.Aravind, “Exploring the Environmental Corrosion Resistance and Mechanism of high entropy alloys: An Overview”, at 2nd International Virtual Conference on Advances in Automobile, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (ICAAMME’2023) Eswari Engineering College on 28th April 2023.
- Mr.R.Karthik, “Mechanical and Corrosion behaviour on AZ91/ZRO2 magnesium Metal Matrix Composites using Stir Casting Techniques”, at 2nd International Virtual Conference on Advances in Automobile, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (ICAAMME’2023) Eswari Engineering College on 28th April 2023.
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash, “Effect of PV panel cooling by PCM”, at International conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering JJ College of Engineering and Technology on 17th & 18th April 2023
- Mr.G.Selvakumar, “Remote Keyless Entry Application in Car”, at 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science & technology (RIST 2023) Holy Grace Academy of Engineering on 07th & 08th April 2023.
- Mr.R.Karthik, “Enhancing the Material properties of Surface Composite (AZ61/ZrO2) Fabrication via Friction Stir Processing”, at 5th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science & technology (RIST 2023) Holy Grace Academy of Engineering on 07th & 08th April 2023.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “CFD Analysis and Performance on Heat Exchanger by Shell and Tube Method”, at International Conference on Intelligence in Industrial Automation (ICIIA’23) Velammal Institute of Technology on 05th April 2023.
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash, “Increasing Efficiency of PV/T Collector by PCM”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.N.Kawin, “Performance Evaluation in Three types of Cyclone Seperator”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar, “Root Cause Analysis: Improving Production Efficiency and Quality Control”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.Ra.Aravind, “SRF 15 coupling pump End HMC Fixture”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.J.Gunasekaran, “The Effect of flux core Arc Welding (FCAW) Processes on Different Parameters”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.J.Mahendran, “Experimental and Investigation of E-Glass Fiber, Banana Fiber and Orange Peel Using Brake Pad”, at 7th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Science, Muthyammal College of Engineering 31st March 2023.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “Mechanical Behaviour of Kneaf/Basalt Hybrid Fiber Composite Material”, at SERB sponsored International Conference on Challenges, Oppurtunities and Future Roadmap of Smart Manufacturing, A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology 28th and 29th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “Mechanical and Characterization of Kevlar/Epoxy Fiber with addition of Filler Material Composite”, at SERB sponsored International Conference on Challenges, Oppurtunities and Future Roadmap of Smart Manufacturing, A.K.T Memorial College of Engineering and Technology 28th and 29th March 2023.
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Implementation of ECU’s in CAN BUS using with Vector CANDB++”, at International Conference onAdvanced Materials and Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICAMT 4.0), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 23rd and 24th March 2023.
- Mr.P.Raja, “Effect of Plasma Arc Welding in Various Materials” at International Conference onAdvanced Materials and Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICAMT 4.0), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 23rd and 24th March 2023.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “Recurring Service Agreement” at 3rd International Conference on Advances in Management, Engineering and Technology (ICAMET 2023) RSP Conference Hub 25th and 26th March 2023.
- Mr.J.Gunasekaran, “Recurring Service Agreement” at 3rd International Conference on Advances in Management, Engineering and Technology (ICAMET 2023RSP Conference Hub 25th and 26th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, “Micro structural Characterization of Al/Cu Disimilar Metal prepared by Friction Stir Welding” at International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICAMCE 2023), M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur 17th March 2023.
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash, “Investigations on Wire cut Electric Discharge Machining of Stainless Steel” at International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICAMCE 2023), M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur 17th March 2023.
- Mrs.V.Selvam, “Machining of Textile parts using CNC Machine” at International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICAMCE 2023), M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur 17th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar, “Experimental Investigations of Machining parameters of CNC Milling” at International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICAMCE 2023), M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur 17th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “Mechanical and Characterization of Kenaf/Basalt Hybrid Composites” at International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICAMCE 2023), M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur 17th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “Delamination behaviour of Aramid Fiber Composites on Various matrix Materials” at International Symposium on Lightweight and Sustainable Polymeric Materials, LSPM, Thailand 17th February 2023.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, “Microstructural Characterization of High Entropy Alloys during Mechanical Alloying: A review” at DST-SERB Sponsered International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023), Muthyammal Engineering College, Rasipuram 30th & 31st January 2023.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, “A Review on Microstructural Evolution of Friction Stir Welding/Processing” at DST-SERB Sponsered International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023), Muthyammal Engineering College, Rasipuram 30th & 31st January 2023.
- Mr.N.Sivashankar, “Electrochemical Micromachining on AZ31 Alloy using Sodium nitrate Electrolyte” at DST-SERB Sponsered International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023), Muthyammal Engineering College, Rasipuram 30th & 31st January 2023.
- Mr.M.Maniyarasan, “Performance Analysis of Hybrid Composite Helmet” at DST-SERB Sponsered International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023), Muthyammal Engineering College, Rasipuram 30th & 31st January 2023.
- Dr.P.Muthukumar, “Effect of Direct Particle Injection tool in Friction Stir Processess for Fabrication on Al/SiC Surface Coating” International conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy (ICoFT MADE 2022) at National Institute of Technology, Pondicherry, 14 th to 16 th December 2022.
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash, “Study on the effects of PV Panel Coolingon Hydrogen Production Rate” International conference on Advanced Trends in Renewable Energy (ICATRE 2022) at Nehru Institute of Technology, 13 th to 14 th October 2022.
- Dr.A.Nithya, “Green Nanotechnology for Sustainable Environmental Development” International conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connect Society – 2022 at Edwin Corporation, Dubai, 27 th to 29 th July 2022.
National Conferences
- Mr.N.Ravikumar, “Analysis of Machining Parameters on Turning of Magnesium Alloy Coated Carbide Inserts” at First National Conference on Innovative Smart Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (I-STEMS 2023) Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 06th April 2023.
- Mr.N.Ravikumar, “Analysis of Machining Parameters on Turning of Magnesium Alloy Non Coated Carbide Inserts” at First National Conference on Innovative Smart Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (I-STEMS 2023) Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 06th April 2023.
- Mr.P.Raja, “Optimization of Machining parameters in CNC Turning of Mild Steel (SAE1018) ” at First National Conference on Innovative Smart Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (I-STEMS 2023) Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 06th April 2023.
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan, “Experimental Analysis and Drilling process parameters optimization on UHMWPE with Coated and Uncoated Drill Bits by using Taguchi Technique” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, “Characterization Study of High Entropy Alloy Powder Consolidation” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Dr.G.Saravanan, “Design and assemble of Fixture for Increasing Productivity by using Master CAM Programming” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.V.Muthukumar, “Resistance Spot Welding of Dissimilar Metal Sheets” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.J.Gunasekaran, “Plasma Arc Welding in Dissimilar Materials AISI 304 and Monel Alloy 400” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.M.Maniyarasan, “Automatic Oil Spraying unit in Press shop” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.R.Periyasamy, “Experimental Investigation and Turning process parameters Optimization on Hybrid AMMC with various Nose Radius” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.J.Mahendran, “Optimization Parameters of CNC Milling Programming Machine on the Time, Process Time and effect on the Efficiency” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mrs.V.Selvam, “Flux Cored Arc elding Process Parameter Optimization by using Taguchi L9 Design” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Mr.V.Muthukumar, “Experimental Investigation and Machining Character Analysis on OHNA by using Wirecut EDM” at National Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2023) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 17th March 2023.
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh, “Design and Development of Hexacopter Drone for Health Care” at National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering and Technology (NCRAET’22) Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 11 th November 2022.
- Dr.K.Periasamy, “Experimental Investigation on the Delamination Behaviour of Kevlar Fiber Composites during Drilling Process” at National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering and Technology (NCRAET’22) Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 11 th November 2022.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “Experimental Investigation of Thrust force and Torque in Chemically Treated Kevlar Fiber Composites during Drilling Process” at National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering and Technology (NCRAET’22) Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 11 th November 2022.
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
International / National Journals
- Duraisamy Jagadeesh, Ramasamy Venkatachalam, Gurusamy Nallakumarasamy, “Experimental and numerical study of an overlay composite absorber plate material for a solar air heater”, Material Testing, vol. 63, issue no. 7, pp. 681-686
- Dr.A.Nithya, “A Study on Customer Preferences and Effectiveness of Advertisement of Mattress”, Infokara Research, vol. 1o, issue no. 9, pp. 57-68
- Mr.B.Babu, MrsV.Selvam, “Design and development of Power Generation from Speed pump”, International journal of multidisciplinary educational research, vol. 10, issue no. 6(2), pp. 101-104.
- R. Karthik, K. Gopalakrishnan, R. Venkatesh, A. Mohana Krishnan & S. Marimuthu, “Influence of stir casting parameters in mechanical strength analysis of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (AMMCs)”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, (online published)
- Bhiksha Gugulothu, N. Nagarajan, A.Pradeep, G. Saravanan, S. Vijayakumar & Janardhana Rao, “Analysis of Mechanical Properties for Al-MMC Fabricated through an Optimized Stir Casting Process”, Journal of Nano materials, Vol. 2022, Article ID 2081189
- A.Mohana Krishnan, P. Lakshmanan, K. Raju, J. Mahendran & R. Venkatesh, “Salt spray corrosion study on aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) prepared by powder metallurgy route”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, (online published)
- A.Mohana Krishnan, M.Dineshkumar, S.Marimuthu, N.Mohan & R.Venkatesh, “Evaluation of mechanical strength of the stir casted Aluminium Metal Matrix composites (AMMCs) using Taguchi method”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, (online published)
- N.Santhosh, C.Dineshbabu & M.Srinivasan, “TRIZ based efficiency enhancement of point absorber wave energy converter”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, (online published)
- G.Selvakumar, K.Santhakumar, S.Sanjaykumar, C.Selvakumar & S.Siranjeevi, “Experimental investigation of face milling surface study on AA100 by using VMC”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol. 10, issue no. IV, pp.2853-2857
International Conferences
- Dr.K.Periasamy, “Advances in Manufacturing Technology”, International conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology at Chennai Institute of Technology on 25th & 26th March 2022.
- Dr.K.Periasamy, “Performance of diesel engine using distilled tire oil blends with CEO2 nanoparticles”, at 3rd International conference on “INNOVATIONS IN THERMAL, MANUFACTURING, STRUCTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (ICITMSEE’22)”’, Kongunnadu College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Dr.G.Saravanan, “Physical model of circulating dry scrubber”, at 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Trichy Engineering College on 20th & 21st April 2022.
- Dr.S.Gobinath, “Team Productivity & Strategies to improve performance”, at 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Current scenario and challenges of management practices” Vijay Institute of Management on 21st November 2021.
- Dr.A.Nithya, “Transforming our world sustainable development through seventeen goals”, at International conference on Redefining Business Models For Sustainable Development (ICRBMSD) Kristu Jayanti college, Bengaluru on 25th & 26th March 2022
- Dr.A.Nithya’ “Ethical Issues in Management”, at 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Current scenario and challenges of management practices” (ICCSCMP’21) Vijay Institute of Management on 21st November 2021.
- Dr.A.Nithya, “Emphasis on total quality management”, ”, at 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Current Scenario and Challenges of Management Practices” (ICCSCMP’21) Vijay Institute of Management on 21st November 2021.
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Analysis of metal contamination and performance of automobile lube oil”, at Virtual International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2022) Karpagam College of Engineering on 18th & 19th March 2022.
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Performance analysis of modified floating solar panel”, at virtual “International Conference on Technology Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2022)” AMET University on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Performance of diesel engine using distilled tire oil blends with CEO2 nanoparticles” at 3rd International Conference on “INNOVATIONS IN THERMAL, MANUFACTURING, STRUCTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (ICITMSEE’22)”, Kongunnadu College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Performance of diesel engine using distilled tire oil blends with CEO2 nanoparticles” at virtual “International Conference on Technological Advancement in Mechanical Engineering(ICTAME 2022)” AMET University on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “Virtual reality flight simulator” at 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION (ICMEEP 2021) Bammari Amman Institute of Technology on 10th November 2022.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “TRIZ based efficiency enhancement of point absorber wave energy converter” at 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MATERIALS RESEARCH – 2021 (ICAMR 2.0) Bammari Amman Institute of Technology on 3rd & 4th December 2021.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu, “Prediction of weld strength and optimization of process parameters in FSW of UHMWPE”, at 3rd International Conference on “INNOVATIONS IN THERMAL, MANUFACTURING, STRUCTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING(ICITMSEE’22)”, Kongunnadu College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel, “Emerging trends in materials, computing and communication technology”, at 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies ‘ICETMCCT 2021’Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering on 10th December 2021.
- Mr.G.Selvakumar, “Evaluation of aluminium based composite materials reinforcement with TiC and Tio2”, at 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING(ICAME 2022)”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 24th to 26th March 2022.
- Mr.N.Sivashankar,” Performance of electrochemical micromachining of magnesium alloy through sodium nitrate electrolyte”, at 8th International and 29th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference PSG College of Technology on 9th to 12th December 2021.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar,” Design and development of AC duct using classrooms in CFD method”, at CSIR – FUNDED HYBRID CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS & ADVANCES IN RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES St.Mother Theresa Engineering College on 29th & 30th April 2022.
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar,” Design and analysis of drill jig and fixture for mass manufacturing process”, at 3rd International Conference on “INNOVATIONS IN THERMAL, MANUFACTURING, STRUCTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (ICITMSEE’22)”, Kongunnadu College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan, “The Weld strength evaluation and radiography test on AA2024 by using GTAW process”, at Virtual International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and control (ICMSC 2022) Karpagam College of Engineering on 18th & 19th March 2022.
- Mr.P.Raja, “Experimental investigation of flow visualization in see through cyclone separator”, at 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Trichy Engineering College on 20th & 21st March 2022.
- Mr.P.Raja, “Manufacturing process segregation of cost reduction linear Cartesian robot long traverse”, at virtual “International Conference on Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering(ICTAME 2022)” AMET University on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
- Mr.L.Devakumar,” Macro and tribological investigation of hybrid metal matrix connecting rod on SI engine”, at virtual International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control(ICMSC 2022)Karpagam College of Engineering on 18th & 19th March 2022.
- Mr.J.Mahendran, “Macro and tribological investigation of hybrid metal matrix connecting rod on SI engine”, at virtual International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2022)Karpagam College of Engineering on 18th & 19th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Prakash,” Friction stir welding with dissimilar aluminium alloy of combination with AA6451-AA7020”, at virtual “International Conference on Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2022) Trichy Engineering College on 20th & 21st March 2022.
- Mr.R.Prakash, “Fabrication of auto components by using turning method in CNC machine”, at 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AMET University on 22nd & 23rd April 2022.
National Conferences
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh, “Cross over studys and flow visualization of 500MW power plant duct from air preheater to ID fan including electrostatic precipitator”, at National Conference on Advance in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Dr.G.Saravanan,” CFD analysis of geometrical modified thermosiphons”, at 9th National Conference On Recent Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering(NCRAG’22) Karpagam Academy of Higher Educationon 6th April 2022.
- Dr.V.Gopinath, “Evaluation of mechanical behavior of aluminium metal matrix composite (Al 6063 + Sic+Zn)”, at National Conference On Advance in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan,” An investigation on cut quality of aluminium matrix composites cut by abrasive water jet”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems(NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
- Mrs.V.Selvam,” Influence of combined Egr and injection timing on diesel operation fueled with desulphurized tire oil”, at National Conference On Advance in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mrs.V.Selvam,” Control and analysis of geometric dimension and tolerance in CNC turning and milling operations”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.M.Ravikumar,” Comparison study of symmetric and Asymmetric reflection compound collector for hot water generation”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Karthik, “Design and optimization of bicycle crank arm”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022)Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Karthik, “Evaluation of machining behaviors of metal matrix composite (Al+SiC+Mg)”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash,” Effect of PV panel cooling”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.Ra.Aravind, “Influence of combined Egr and injection timing on diesel operation fueled with desulphurized tire oil”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar,” Work related musculoskeletal disorders among poultry farming workers: An Ergonomics intervention – A Pre- Post design analysis”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.S.Mohankumar, “Experimental investigation on electrical discharge drilling (EDD) for SS 312 material to improve metal removal rate, tool wear rate and geomentrical error using diagonal shaped copper electrode”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.N.Sivashankar,” Investigation of machining parameters of Magnesium AZ31 alloy micro ECM process through critic acid (C6H8O7)”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022)Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.V.Muthukumar,” Heat Treatment analysis of MS shaft ENB and EN19T steel to improve hardness”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” MPI Testing on Ferromagnetic Materials”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” Design and implementation of cone pipe piercing tool”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Periyasamy,” Experimental study on double pass solar air heater with absorber plate”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.R.Periyasamy, “Vehicle tyre rolling friction and tensile test analysis”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar, “CFD Analysis of 500MW air preheater to ID fan inlet flue gas duct cross over studies”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
- Mr.N.Kawin,” Experimental and effects of various end point angle of the SS304 drills performs in drilling”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
- Mr.N.Ravikumar, “Optimization of process parameters of mil steel (EN24) on lathe machines”, at National Conference On Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2022) Mahendra Institute of Technology on 18th March 2022.
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar, “Study the influence of SiO2 nanoparticles on diesel and the blend on diesel engine”, at 9th National Conference On Recent Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering (NCRAG’22) Karpagam Academy of higher education on 6th April 2022.
- Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan,” Experimental investigation and optimum overcut in WEDM process on AL6061+WC metal matrix composites”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu,” Investigation on surface finish EN8 material with respect to machining parameters in soft and hardened conditions”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu,” Prediction of weld strength and optimization of process parameters in FSW of UHMWPE”, at National Conference On Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022) Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21st April 2022.
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
International / National Journals
- Mr.N.Sivashankar, Dr.K.Viswanathan, Dr.K.Periasamy, Dr.R.Venkatesh and Mr.S.Chaandrakumar,” Multi objective optimization of performance characteristics in drilling of Mg AZ61 using twist end mill drill tool”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. Vol 37, pp.214-219.
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh, Mr.M.Vivekanandhan, Mr.A.Natarajan and Mr.S.Chandrasekar, “Experimental conditions to identify the ideal shape of dryer investigation of Six shapes of solar green house dryer in no load”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, Vol 37, pp. 395-403.
- Mr.V.Gopinath, Mr.R.Perisamay, Mr.G.Selvakumar, Mr.RA.Kingslly and Mr.S.Logeswaran,” Evaluation of the effect of gryogenic treatment of HSS drills in drilling SS310”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. Vol 37, pp.449-452
- Mr.Ra.Aravind, Mr.V.Muthukumar, Mr.S.Kumaravel and Mr.E.Sivaprakash,” Performance assessment of 2X90 TPH (AFBC) boiler and study of Hp heater”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. Vol 37, pp.404-408
- Mr.A.Kannan, Mr.R.Mohan, Dr.R.Vishwanathan and Mr.N.Sivashankar,” Experimental Investigation on Surface Roughness Tool Wear and Cutting force in turning of Hybrid (Al7075+Sic+Gr) Metal Matrix Composites”, Journal of Materials Research and technology, Vol 9., No. 6, pp 16529-16540.
- Mr.B.Babu and Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Fabrication of Mechanized Conveyor using Four Bar Mechanism, Stard Reearch”, Vol.7, No.11 pp. 316-319.
- Mr.B.Babu and Mr.N.Mohan, “Defects reduction in a pump manufacturing industry using Sic Sigma methodologies”, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 805-811.
- Mr.M.Vivekanandhan, Dr.K.Periasamy, Mr.C.Dineshbabu ,Mr.G.Selvakumar and Mr.R.Arivazhagan,” Experimental and CFD investigation of six shapes of solar greenhouse dryer in no load conditions to identify the ideal shape”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, Vol.37, pp. 1409-1416
- Mr.M.Vivekanandhan, Dr.D.Jagadeesh, Mr.A.Natarajan, Mr.N.Mohan and Mr.M.Dineshkumar, “Experimental and CFD Investigation of Fully Developed Flow Solar Air Heater”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. Vol.37, pp. 2158-2163.
- Mr.M.Vivekanandhan, Dr.R.Venkatesh, Mr.R.Periyasamy, Mr.S.Mohankumar and Mr.L.Devakumar,” Experimental and CFD Investigation of Helical Coil Heat Exchanger with Flower Baffle”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. Vol.37, pp. 2174-2182
- Mr.M.Vivekanandhan, Dr.G.Saravanan, Mr.V.Vijayan, Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan and Mr.J.Phani Krishna,” Experimental and CFD Investigation of Spiral Tube Heat Exchanger”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings, Vol.37, pp.3689-3696.
- Ganapathi Saravanan, Ramasamy Venkatachalam and Gurusamy Nallakumarasamy,” Experimental assessment on the impact of cutouts on a hollow shaft system”, Materials Testing, Vol.11, issue 62, pp1143-1146.
- Mr.N. Ravikumar, Mr.P. Sharmila, Mr.S.P. Premnath,Mr.Rajakumar, Mr.S. Rai, J. Mohammed Feros Khan and Mr.Ram Subbiah,” Performance and optimization of parameters on rubber punching process”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. (Published in online)
- Dr.R.Viswanathan, Mr.K.G.Saravanan, Mr.J.Balaji,Mr.R.Prabu and Mr.K.Balasubramani,” Optimization of wear and friction parameters in Aluminium7075 Hybrid Composite”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. (Published in online)
- Mr.R.Karthik, Dr.R.Viswanathan, Mr.J.Balaji, Mr.N.Sivashankar and Mr.R.Arivazhagan, “Optimization of WEDM Parameters for machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy using Taguchi Method”, Materials Science and Engineering.
International Conferences
- Dr.R.Venkatesh,” Optimization and Experimental investigation of spiral coil heat exchanger under TEMA standards”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
- Dr.R.Venkatesh,” Performance of temperature of a room by using solar chimney”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
- Dr.G.Saravanan,” Performance Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger”, International Conference on New Scientific Creations in Engineering and Technology at Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2021
- Dr.G.Saravanan,” Experimental investigation and predict the GTAW process parameter on Al5052”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
- Dr.V.Gopinath,” Study of various methods to improve the gas turbine plant efficiency”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Thermal analysis of Semi pyramidal acrylic type solar still and semi pyramidal glass type solar still”, International Conference on New Scientific Creations in Engineering and Technology at Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2021
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Heat transfer analysis of Biofilmed pipe line”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mrs.V.Selvam,” Electrochemical brakes stop motion using Electromagnetic force to apply mechanical resistance”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.K.Balasubramani,” Optimization of catalytic converter emission performance for Genset diesel engine with and without fuel additives”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel,” Experimental Investigation of Electrochemical machining process on copper alloy by varying its process parameters”, International Conference on Emerging Approaches in Mechanical & Automobile Engineering at Arasu Engineering College on 17th and 18th March 2021.
- Mr.S.Kumaravel,” Performance Enhancement of Solar PV panel using appropriate Cooling system”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.G.Selvakumar,” Regenerative braking in electric bus”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan,” Fabrication of pneumatic welding machine”, International Conference on New Scientific Creations in Engineering and Technology at Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2021
- Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan,” Power generation from exhaust gas”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology on 18th & 19th March 2021.
- Mr.N.Mohan,” Identification of the various common collection cause factors and analysis of the centrifugal pump”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.P.Raja,” Experimental Studies on VCR diesel engine with mafuna biodiesel”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology on 18th & 19th March 2021
- Mr.Ra.Aravind,” Computational analysis of exhaust system in diesel engine on thermal laboratory”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.E.Sivapraksh,” Studies on bifacial solar panels with sun tracking system” , International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.E.Sivapraksh,” Performance analysis of asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator”, International Conference on New Scientific Creations in Engineering and Technology at Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology on 19th March 2021
- Mr.S.Mohankumar,” Ergonomic risk factor in poultry farming and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology on 18th & 19th March 2021.
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” Optimization characteristics and microstructure analysis of Al7075 hybrid metal matrix composite by using abrasive water jet machining”, International Conference on Emerging Approaches in Mechanical & Automobile Engineering at Arasu Engineering College on 17th and 18th March 2021.
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” Emission control analysis on Bs-vi diesel engine in heavy vehicle”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Cauvery College of Engineering and Technology on 18th & 19th March 2021.
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar,” Wear properties of Hard facing deposits on mild steel using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)”, International Virtual conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Automobile Engineering at J.K.K.Munirajan College of Technology at 19th April 2021
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar,” Evaluation of geometrical and machining process parameters optimization on EN 24 by using VMC”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
- Mr.V.Muthukumar,” Clean iron casting production”, International Virtual Conference of Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 3rd & 4th July 2020.
National Conferences
- Dr.R.Venkatesh,” Double pass solar air heater using aluminium absorber plate with chimney”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Dr.S.Gobinath,” Design and fabrication of Ground nut Sheller removing machine”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems – 2021 at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Dr.K.Periasamy,” Implementation of multimode vibration absorbing with electro magnetic damping”, Virtual National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 24th March 2021
- Dr.K.Periasamy,” Design and fabrication of robot with crane system”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh,” Design and fabrication of modern Egg incubator”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Dr.D.Jagadeesh,” Solar green house dryer with combination of single pass solar air heater”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Dr.G.Saravanan,” Experimental CFD investigation of TEMA shell and tube heat exchanger”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems - 2021 at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Dr.G.Saravanan,” Experimental analysis of thermal conductivity of fused Zirconia alumina composite”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Dr.V.Gopinath,” Cryo drilling”, National Level Conference on Renewable Energy System & Project Expo at Aiswarya College of Engineering and technology on 13th March 2021
- Mr.R.Arivazhagan,” Analysis for mechanical behavior of jute fibre aluminum powder reinforced hybrid polymer composite”, National Level Virtual Conference (ELECTTRICO-2k21) at v Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 26th March 2021
- Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan,” Automatic railway track crack detection vehicle”, National Level Virtual Conference (ELECTTRICO-2k21) at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 26th March 2021
- Mr.K.Balasubramani,” Fabrication of high performance electrical bycycle”, National Conference on Green Mechatronics System at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.K.Balasubramani,” Design and fabrication of crusher machine for plastic waste”, National Level Virtual Conference (ELECTTRICO-2k21) at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 26th March 2021
- Mr.K.Balasubramani,” Experimental studies on a diesel engine using mahua oil performance, combustion and emission analysis”, National Conference on Green Mechatronics System at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu,” Motorised industrial trolly”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.C.Dineshbabu,” Automatic water level sensing crane”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.S.Kumaravel,” Storage type indirect hot water system b y using flat plate collector”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Mr.S.Kumaravel,” Performance enhancement of solar panel using appropriate cooling system”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering and its Applications at SRM institute of science and technology on 10th April 2021
- Mr.R.Periyasamy,” Effect of injection pressure on diesel engine using Mahuva Biodiesel”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.R.Periyasamy,” Single pass solar air heater by using copper plate”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar,” Ignition control system in Engine using seat belt” Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar,” Double solar air heater using copper plate with vanes & GD lates”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.S.Chandrakumar,” Mechanical behavior of (Aramid) kevlar fiber composite”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.J.Mahendran,” Vehicle tyre rolling resistance and load speed performance test analysis”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.J.Mahendran,” Solar thermo electric refrigeration”, National Level Virtual Conference (ELECTTRICO-2k21) at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education on 26th March 2021
- Mr.R.Karthik,” Study the microstructure properties of AZ318 Magnesium alloy by Nano coating”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.M.Praveen,” Solar operated motorized reciprocating pump”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.M.Praveen,” Comparative analysis of chromium coated HSS tool and non coated HSS tool”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.Ra.Aravind,” Spiral baffle design in double pipe heat exchanger with CFD analysis”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Mr.Ra.Aravind,” Experimental analysis of novel cylindrical shape solar still with a forced collection system”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Mr.S.Mohankumar,” Impllementation of multimode vibration absorbing with electromagnetic damping”, Virtual National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 24th March 2021
- Mr.G.Selvakumar,” Design of oil cooler plate and fin assembly using LCA”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Mr.M.Dineshkumar,” Design and fabrication of multipurpose agricultural equipment”, equipment’Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication at PSNA college of engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” Exhaust gas breaking system”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.A.Natarajan,” Fabrication of Air leakage detector in two wheeler”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash,” Develop and manufacturing of solar panel with sun position tracking system”, Virtual National Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Automation at SRM TRP Engineering College on 15th April 2021
- Mr.E.Sivaprakash,” Glazing solar heat collector for agricultural products”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.N.Mohan,” Experimental investigation of aluminium, Nickel and MOS 2 composite materials”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Mr.V.Muthukumar,” Fabrication and characterization of banana coir steel fiber composites”, National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021
- Mr.N.Sivashankar,” Machinability study of AZ31 by using ECM process”, National Web Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology at Jai Shriram Engineering College on 26th March 2021
- Dr.A.Nithya, “Comparative Analysis of chromium Coated HSS tool and Non coated HSS Tool”, National level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Design and Manufacturing at Hindusthan Institute of technology on 25th March 2021
- Dr.A.Nithya, “Green Mechatronics system”, Virtual National Conference on Green Mechatronics Systems at at Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology on 31st March 2021.
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
International / National Journals
- Venkatesh.R,2020” Combustion analysis of biodiesel blends with different piston geometries”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (Published in online)
- Chandrakumar.S, Periasamy.K, Sivashankar.N, Vairamani.V,2020” Effect of Thurst Force and Torque Analysis on Chemically Treated Kevlar Reinforced Composites during Drilling Process”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol.9 issue No. 3, pp-3101-3106
- Ganapathy Saravanan, Ramasamy Venkatachalam and Gurusamy Nallakumarasamy, 2019” Effect of Cut- outs on the vibrational characteristics of a hollow shaft system”, Materials Testing, Vol.61., No. 7, Pages 652-658.
- Sathish Thanikodi, DineshKumar Singaravelu, Chandramohan Devarajan, Vijayan Venkataraman, Venkatesh Rathinavelu, 2019” Tlonn for the Effective Prediction of Heat Transfer Rates in Tube Heat Exchanger”, Thermal Science, Vol.9., No. 12, Pages 922-927.
- Gopinath.V, Selvakumar.G and Periyasamy. R, 2019” Performance and Emission Characteristics of Preheating Corn Oil Methyl Ester in CI Engine”, Mechanika, Vol.25., No. 5 Pages 413-418.
- Gobinath Velu Kaliyannan,Senthil Velmurugan Palanisamy,Manivasakan Palanisamy, Mohankumar Subramanian,Prabhakaran Paramasivam Rajasekar Rathanasamy, 2019” Development of sol-gel derived gahnite anti-reflection coating for augmenting the power conversion efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar cells”, Materials Science-Poland, Vol.37, No. 3, pp. 465-472
- A.Natarajan , Dr.R.Venkatesh , Dr.S.Gobinath,L.Devakumar and K.Gopalakrishnan, 2019 “CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Circular Tube With Twisted Tape Insert by Using Nanofluids” Elsevier – materials today proceedings, 2214-7853/2019 Elsevier Ltd.
- V.Vairamani, N.Mohan,, Dr.Venkatesh, M.Sakthivel and S.K.Karthikeyan, 2019 “Optimization And Microstructure Analysis of Corten Steel Joint in MAG Welding by Post Heat Treatment”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. 2214-7853/2019 Elsevier Ltd.
- Kawin.P, Dr.D.Jagadesh,G.Saravanan and K.Periasamy, 2019 “Optimization of SugarCane BAGGASSE Ash with Al2Si10Mg alloy Comoposite”, Elsevier – materials today proceedings. 2214-7853/2019 Elsevier Ltd.
- Mohankumar. S ,Aravind. Ra,SelvaKumar. G,Raja. P and Selvam. V, 2019 “Experimental Investigation on the Tribological -Mechanical Properties of B4c And Fly Ash Reinforced Al 359 Composites’. 2214-7853/2019 Elsevier Ltd.
- C.Dineshbabu, R.Arivazhagan Dr.R.Venkatesh K.Balasubramani and R.Periyasamy, 2019” Investigation of Aspect Ratio and Friction on Barrelling in Billets of Aluminium Upset Forging”, Elsevier – Materials Today Proceedings”, 2214-7853/2019 Elsevier Ltd.
- Selvakumar.G, Mahendran.J, Thirunavukkarasu.R, Periyasamy. R, Gopinath.V,2019” Emission Characteristics of Preheating Corn oil Biodiesel Blend in CI Engine”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol.8, No. 4,pp.8251-8254.
- V, Vivekanadan.M, Venkatesh.R, Rajaguru.K and Godwin Anthony.A 2020, “CFD Modelling and analysis of two phase vapor separator” Journal of thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. {Online Published}
- Dr.A.Nithya AP, Mechanical Engineering presented paper on “A Study on customer’s Perception and special Emphasis of Emerging Market on Bajaj Two Wheeler” in the International Journal on Management Research, Vol11,Issue no.3, March 2020,ISSN: 2229-6883
- Periasamy.K, Sivashankar.N, Chandrakumar.N and Viswanathan R 2020 “Measurement of Friction and wear in Aluminium Alloy Al7075/Sic and Gr Processed by Friction Stir Method” International Journal of Innovation Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol.9, pp278-281
International Conferences
- Gopalkrishnan, “Efficiency Analysis of Turbine and Failure analysis of High Pressure Feed water”, 2nd International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th march 2020.
- M.Praveen, “Improving Recovery boiler Efficiency using Automatic Air Port Rodding”, 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technologyat Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 04 & 05thMarch 2020
- Raja, “An Experimental Stress Analysis on 60˚ Metre Bend” , 2nd International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020.
- Balasubramani, “ Active Brake Torque Vectoring in Differential Unit” 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technoogy (ICET-2020) at Selvam College of Technology, Nammakkal on 04th & 05th March 2020.
- M.Dinesh Kumar, “Design and CFD Analysis of intake Manifold of four Cylinder Engine” 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technoogy (ICET-2020) at Selvam College of Technology, Nammakkal on 04th & 05th March 2020
- C.DineshBabu, “Reduction of Heat in Railway Axle Bearing” 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020) at Selvam College of Technology, Nammakkal on 04th & 05th March 2020
- S.Mohan Kumar “Experimental Investigation and Macro Property Analysis on AL6282 Metal Matrix Reinforced with TIO2 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Selvam College of Technology on 04th & 05th March 2020
- G.Selvakumar “Modest Try to Add First Grade Fuel extraction from waste tire Scraps to Diesel Engine”, 6th International Conference on Engineering and Technology at Selvam College of Technology on 04th & 05th March 2020
- G.Selvakumar “Measurement of MRR and Circularity Error in Magnesium Alloy AZ61D during drilling” 6th International Conference on engineering and Technology at Selvam College of Technology on 04th & 05th March 2020
- Nithya “business Management and its Market Strategies” International Conference on “Catalysis in forming Business Management-ICCFBM’20” at Vijay Institute of Management on 7 Feb 2020.
- A.Nithya , “Managing Business Technology and its Innovations” International Conference on “Catalysis in forming Business Management-ICCFBM’20” at Vijay Institute of Management on 7 Feb 2020
- A.Natarajan, “Development of Quality in Casing by minimizing Defects ” , 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- R.Thirunavukkarasu “Effect of Nano Solid Additives to Diesel Engine to Improve the Engine Performance ”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology held on 13th March 2020
- P.Raja, “ Problems in End hole Drilling of different length of Conveyor Roller Idler Shaft ”, 2nd national Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- S.K.Karthikeyan, “ Experimental Analysis and Optimization of parameter in WEDM on SS304”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- Arivazhagan, “Performance and characteristics comparsion of diesel & Bio fuels”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology on VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology held on 13th March 2020.
- N.Mohan, “NDT Evaluation and comparative analysis of steel with/without post wed heat treatment”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology on VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13 March 2020
- S.Chandrakumar, “Friction Stir Welding on AL-6082 by using taper cylindrical tool profile”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology held on 13th March2020
- R.Venkatesh, “ Friction Stir Welding on AL-6082 by using taper cylindrical tool profile”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- N.Ravikumar, “An Experimental Array of Pressure Drop for fluid flow mitre bend in various pipes”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology held on 13th March 2020
- V.Selvam, “Design and Analysis of Rotor in motor”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- R.Periyasamy, “ Design and Analysis of Foot Valve in Pump”, 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- S.Gobinath, “Optimization of catalytic Convertor for Diesel Engine applications with/ without thermal coatings”, in 2nd National Conference on Recent trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- C.Dineshbabu “Poultry egg collection ‘C’ Type Conveyor System using Geneva Mechanism”, National Conference organized St Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Thanjavur on 13th March 2020
- A.Natarajan, “A Novel Approach for Increasing Efficiency of Solar and Heating by improving flow distribution using guide vanes and Flow Restriction”, National Level Conference on “Advance in Mechanical Science-AIMS 2020” at Mahendra Institute of Technology, Nammakkal on 14th February 2020
- R.Karthik, “Helical Coil Heat Exchanger with Flower Shaped Baffle Plates to improve residence time inside shell” in National Level Conference on “Advance in Mechanical Science-AIMS 2020” at Mahendra Institute of Technology, Nammakkal on 14th February 2020
- S.Mohan Kumar “Improvisation of Scale free Reheating in steel Billets” 3rd National conference on current & Emerging Process technology (CONCEPT 2020) at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 25th Jan 2020
- K.Periyasamy, “Helical Coil Heat Exchanger with Flower Shaped Baffle Plates to improve residence time inside shell” ,National Level Conference on “Advance in Mechanical Science-AIMS 2020” at Mahendra Institute of Technology, Nammakkal on 14th February 2020
- A.Nithya “The Impact Total Quality Management on Organisation performance” National Level Conference on “Advance in Mechanical Science-AIMS 2020” at Mahendra Institute of Technology, Nammakkal on 14th February 2020
- V.Selvam “The Impact Total Quality Management on Organisation performance” National Level Conference on “Advance in Mechanical Science-AIMS 2020” atMahendra Institute of Technology, Nammakkal on 14th February 2020
- E.Sivaprakash “Belt & Screw Sorting Machine” , 9th National Level Conference on Renewable Energy system Project Expo “ELECTRONIKA-2K20” at Aishwarya College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 13th March 2020
- Ra.Aravind “Performance assessment of 2× 90TPH (AFBC) Boiler and study of HP Heater”9th National Level Conference on Renewable Energy system Project Expo “ELECTRONIKA-2K20” at Aishwarya College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 13th March 2020
- N.Sivashankar, “Development of Quality Cost system in Cast Iron Foundries”, 2nd National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology at VetriVinayaha College of Engineering & Technology on 13th March 2020
- V.Muthukumar, “ Method of Improving Boiler Efficiency”, 2nd National Conference on Recent Development in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering (RDAME’20) at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 11th March 2020
- A.Arivazhagan, “Experimental Investigation and Optimization Machining parameter for EDM using Copper Electrode on D2 Steel”, 9th National Level Conference on Renewable Energy system Project Expo “ELECTRONIKA-2K20” at Aishwarya College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 13th March 2020
- R.Prakash, “Comparative Mechanical Properties of AL- Metal Matrix Connecting ROD with Various reinforcement”, 9th National Level Conference on Renewable Energy system Project Expo “ELECTRONIKA-2K20” at Aishwarya College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 13th March 2020
Academic Year 2018 - 2019
International / National Journals
- Viswanathan, R, Sivashankar, N, Chandrakumar, S and Karthik, R 2019, ‘Improving Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloy for Aerospace Applications’, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 769-774.
- Periasamy, K, Jayaraman, M and Rajkumar, S 2019, ‘Mechanical Properties of 7075-t6 Aluminium Alloys Surface Hybrid Composites Synthesized by Friction Stir Processing’, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, vol. 8, no. 1/2 pp. 52-64.
- Vivekanandan, M, Venkatesh, R, Sathish, T, Dinesh, S, Ravichandran, M and Vijayan, V 2018, ‘Pressure Vessel Design Using PV-ELITE Software with Manual Calculations and Validation by FEM’, Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 425–433.
- Venkatesh, R, Vijayan, V, Parthiban, A, Sathish, T and Siva Chandran, S 2018, ‘Comparison of Different Tool Path in Pocket Milling’, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 922–927.
- Vijayan, V, Parthiban, A, Sathish, T, Siva Chandran, S and Venkatesh, R 2018, ‘Performance Analysis in End Milling Operation’, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2263–2271.
- Parthiban, A, Sathish, T, Siva Chandran, S, Venkatesh, R and Vijayan, V 2018, ‘Optimization of CO2 Laser Cutting Parameters on Austenite Stainless Steel Using Grey Relational Analysis’, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 984-992.
- Jagadeesh, D, Venkatachalam, R and Nallakumarasamy, G 2018, ‘Transient Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigations on Thermal Performance of Solar Air Heater with Hollow Vertical Fins’, International Scientific Journal-Thermal Science, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2389-2399.
- Gopinath, V and Shanmugha Sundaram, P 2018, ‘Performance Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Corn Oil Biodiesel and Preheating of Inlet Air: The Taguchi Approach’, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 916-923.
- Gobinath, V, Kaliyannan, Palaniappan, SathishKumar and Mohankumar, S 2018, ‘Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of SiC and Fly Ash Reinforced Al 7075 Composites Compared to SAE 65 Bronze’, Materials Testing, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 1225-1231.
- Gobinath, S, Senthilkumar, G, Beemkumar, N 2018, ‘ Comparative study of room temperature control in buildings with and without the use of PCM in walls’, Energy Sources ,Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Vol. 40, no. 14, pp 1765 – 1771.
- Gobinath, S, Senthilkumar, G, Beemkumar, N 2018, ‘Air nanobubble enhanced combustion study using mustard biodiesel in a common rail direct injection engine’, Energy Sources ,Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Vol. 40, no. 15, pp 1809-1816.
- Kalaiselvan, C, Rao, Lokavarapu Bhaskara 2018,’ Highly Accelerated Life Testing of Ceramic Capacitors Using Capacitor Test Board by Lognormal Method and Integrated with PLM Solutions’, Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers Volume 24, Number 8, pp.5859-5865(7).
- Devakumaran, P, Balakrishnan, C, Chandran,S, Azhaguraja,C Veluchamy,B and Vivekanandan,M 2018,’Attainment Of Fully Developed Flow in Air Distribution Duct of Boiler Using CFD Analysis’,IJARIIE, Vol-4 Issue-2, pp,1021-1025.
International Conferences
- Selvam V, ‘Reducing Cycle Time using Special Tools in CNC Machine’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Karthik R, ‘Involuntary Temperature Observing System for Poultry Eco-Friendly Setup’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Vairamani V, ‘Machinability of Aluminium Composite Matrix with Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Medium’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Saravanan G, ‘Design and Fabrication of Trolley for Modified Assembly Layout’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources’ at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Optimisation of Spring in Safety Valve’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources’ at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Mohan N, ‘Design a Fixture for Setting Stub for Manufacturing Header in P91’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Balasubramani K, ‘Recovery of Heat and Water from Boiler Blow Down’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Gobinath S, ‘Utilization of Water Heat by Heat Exchanger’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Selvakumar G, ‘Improvement of Turbine Efficiency in 210MW Thermal Power Station’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Chandrakumar S, ‘Startup Vent’s Steam Utilization in Chemical Recovery Boiler’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Ravikumar N, ‘Design of Hydraulic Lift with Automobile Unloader for House Pulber’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Balasubramani K, ‘Problem Resolving Using Eight D Method’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Gopinath V, ‘Attainment of Fully Developed Flow in Boiler Duct’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Design and Fabrication of Bike Engine for Irrigating Domestic Garden’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Study and Analysis on Supply Chain Management’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Saravanan G, ‘FEA of Supercritical Boiler Back Pass Lug Assembly’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Saravanan G, ‘Lubrication of Paper Machine in Pasaban Pulper Rotor Unit’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Gopalakrishnan K, ‘Eliminate the Repeated in CAP and Base Extruder’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Gopalakrishnan K, ‘Benefits of Baskets Changing from Gas Side to Air of RAPH’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
- Sivashankar N, “Design and Fabrication of Bike Engine for Irrigating Domestic Garden’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 14th and 15th March 2019.
National Conferences
- Balasubramanian R P, ‘Automatic Hydraulic Vertical Baling Press Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Comparative Analysis of Chromium Coated HSS Tool and Non Coated HSS Tool’, National Conference on Advancement’s in Mechanical Engineering at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Conversion of Conventional Gear Box Application to Plantary Gear in Sugar Mills’, National Conference on Advancement’s in Mechanical Engineering at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Problem Resolving Using 8D Method’, National Conference on Advancement’s in Mechanical Engineering at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Devakumar L, ‘Optimization of EDM for Improving Geometrical Errors’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Karthikeyan S K, ‘An Experimental Investigation and Process Parameter Optimization of PMEDM Process on SS304 Steel’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Design and Fabrication of Automatic Waste Collecting Robot’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Sivaprakash E, ‘Fabrication of Spatter Grinding Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Sivaprakash E, ‘Sensor Operated Automatic Bamming Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Karthikeyan S K, ‘Performance Analysis of Watertube Boiler and Its Tube Failure’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Kawin N, ‘Experimental Study of Automatic Lubrication System’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Gopinath V, ‘Analysis of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Panel Processing Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Conversion of Conventional Boiler to Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler in Sugar Mill’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Sivashankar N, ‘Design and Analysis of Bending Angle in Various Material’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Raja P, ‘Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Injection Molding Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019
- Periasamy K, ‘Effect of Corrosion Behavior of Mild Steel Coated with Nickel and Chromium’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Periasamy K, ‘Poultry Egg Collection U Type Automatic Converter System’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Selvakumar G, ‘Study and Analysis of Circularity Error in CNC Machines’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Mohankumar S, ‘Chemical Recovery Boiler Efficiency Improvement by Utilizing Recovery Boiler Blow Down Water’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Karthik R, ‘Design of Faceplate for Horizontal Boring Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Dineshbabu C, ‘Design of Effective Cutting Plan Using Laser and Oxy Fuel Cutting’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Natarajan A, ‘Elimination of Roll Off in Dishpad and Dust in Scorching Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Kumaravel S, ‘Design and Analysis of Finishing House Pulper Belt Conveyor System Using Sensors’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
- Raja P, ‘Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Dissimilar Metal Welding for Monel and Inconel’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Vairamani V, ‘Comparative Analysis of Cryo Treated Weld Vs Conventional Weld’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Sakthivel M, ‘The Economic Reuse of Sugarmill Waste Management’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Balasubramanian R P, ‘Pneumatic Bearing Puller’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Muthukumar V, ‘A Study of Mechanical Properties of TIG Welding Joint of Mild Steel and Stainless Steel’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Kumaravel S, ‘Design of Chamfering Setup in Grinding Machine’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Dineshbabu C, ‘Optimization of Boiler Pipe Lines Using Caeser’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Meganathan J, ‘Rework Analysis in Blow Down Valve Used in Thermal Power Plant’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Mohankumar S, ‘Magneto Abrasive Flow Machining’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Periasamy K, ‘Design of Roller Conveyor with Pneumatic Stopper and Pusher’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Chandrakumar S, ‘Precision Gear-Cut Setting Attachment Through Shaping Machine’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Muthukumar V, ‘Modification of Grease Lubrication into Oil Lubrication System in Vertical Finishing House Pulper’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Ravikumar M, ‘Design and Fabrication of Fixture for Arresting Insulation Blanket of Local Heat Treatment For Circular Joint’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Design of Paddle Agitator for a Semi-Concentrated Black Liquor’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Sakthivel M, ‘Elasto Hydro Dynamic Lubrication in Spur and Helical Gear Contacts’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Problem Resolving in 8D Method’, National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Mechanical Engineering at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 16th March 2019.
- Periyasamy R, ‘Auto Size Changing Mechanism for Paper Machine of Biometric Cutter’, National Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15th March 2019.
- Selvam V, ‘Efficiency and Performance Analysis of Stage I Boiler in TPS II’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Aravind Ra, ‘The Failure Re-Analysis of Top Mill Roll Shaft’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 15th March 2019.
- Aravind Ra, ‘Design of Pivotally Tool Holder’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology at Vetri vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2019.
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
International / National Journals
- Viswanathan, R, Ramesh, S and Subburam, V 2018, ‘Measurement and Optimization of Performance Characteristics in Turning of Mg Alloy under Dry and MQL Condition’, Measurement, vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 107-113.
- Ragunath, N, Arulpandian, P, Gajendran, A, Selvam, V and Kawin, N 2018, ‘Investigation of Immersion Test in Bus body Composites-A Comparative Study on Polymers’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 1017-1022.
- Elavarasan, E, Mageshkumar, M, Periyasamy, R, Vairamani, V and Karthik, R 2018, ‘Experimental Investigation of Thermoacoustic Driven Thermoacoustic Refrigerator’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 116-124.
- Mohankumar, S, JeganPrabhakar, J, Kalaiyarasan, B, Kavinkumar, K and Natarajan, P 2018, ‘Design and Fabrication of Bio Composite Helmet’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1262-1263.
- Saravanan, G, Rubanraj, R, Parthiban, A, Prakash, P and Ranjith Kumar, P 2018, ‘Experimental Analysis on Automation of Header Hydro Dummy Gas Cutting Machine’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1378-1381.
- Sivashankar, N, Mohan, N, Periasamy, K, Vairamani, V and Chandrakumar, S 2018, ‘Stress and Optimal Design of Check Valve Disc Using Finite Element Analysis’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1185-1187.
- Ravikumar, M, Kumaravel, S, Sivaprakash, E and Selvakumar, G 2018, ‘Enhancement of Micro-Sized Furniture by Using Wooden Wastes’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2713-2716.
- Arivazhagan, R, Krishnan, P, Madhan, M, Mohanrajj, K and Nallasivam, Y 2018, ‘Design and Developing the Efficiency of Centrifugal Pump’, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 52-57.
- Sureshbabu, S, Udhayaraj, S and Meganathan, J 2018, ‘Forging Defects Analysis in Suspension Arm and Controlling Flash’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 122-124.
- Raja, P , Abuthakeer, S, AneesAhamed, A, Hariharan, S and Dinesh, S 2018, ‘Power Generation and Reusing the Heat from Tunnel Kiln’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 542-543.
- Nithya, A and Gobinath, S 2018, ‘A Study on Effectiveness of Advertisements on FMCG’, International Journal of Accounts, Economics and Commerce Research,vol. 4, no. 3,pp. 1-2.
- Balasubramani, K, Dineshbabu, C, Karthikeyan, G and Udhayaraj, S 2018, ‘Modernized Advancement of Industrial Washing Machine’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 290-293.
- Ravikumar, N 2018, ‘Review of Contaminated Lubricants in Bearing and Determination of Flash Temperature in Ansys’, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 25-26.
- Prabhakaran, P, Ranganathan, R, Muthukumar, V, Rajasekar, R, Devakumar, L and Pal, S K 2017, ‘Review on Parameters Influencing the Rice Breakage and Rubber Roll Wear in Sheller’, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1875-1880.
- Karthick, S, Karthikeyan, S K and Saravanan, G 2017, ‘Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Stair Climbing Robot with Tri-Wheel and Rover Mechanism’, International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, vol. 3,no. 12, pp. 136 – 139.
- Gopinath V, Shanmugasundram, P, Suresh, P, 2017,’Emission analysis of an Engine Operating on Corn Oil Methyl Ester Blends with Air Pre-heater’, International Journals of Renewable Energy Research, vol.7,no.4, pp. 1682-1685.
International Conferences
- Venkatesh R, ‘Erosion Controller of Water Wall Tubes in Boiler’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Gobinath S , ‘Alternate Bucket Wheel Drive Transmission System’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science, Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Viswanathan R, ‘Design and Analysis to Improve Effectiveness of Boiler Using Regenerator’ International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science, Selvam College of Technology on Namakkal 16th and 17th March 2018
- Viswanathan R, ‘Fabrication of Bio-Plastic Products from Crops’ International Conference on Civil, Mechanical, Chemical Engineering and Technologies’ at SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 23rd and 24th February 2018.
- Periasamy K, ‘Studies on the Fabrication of Surface Composites on CAS Aluminum Alloy by Friction Stir Processing’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science, Selvam College of Technology on Namakkal 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Failure Analysis of Output Shaft of Gear Box’ International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24thMarch 2018.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Design of Belt Conveyor for Finishing House Pulper’ International Conference on Sustainable Materials Design and Applications at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Saravanan G , ‘Automation of Induction Brazing’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science, Selvam College of Technology on Namakkal 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Saravanan G, ‘Development of Tool Holder for Chamfering Bend Tube’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Automatic Brick Measuring System’ International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Science’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 13th and 14thMarch 2018.
- Balasubramani K, ‘Structural and Thermal Analysis of Disc Brake Using ANSYS’, International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Science at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 13th and 14thMarch 2018.
- Gopinath V, ‘Investigation of Cryogenic Treated Drill Bit’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering’, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Karthikeyan S.K, ‘Design of Development of Universal Fixture for Lath Coil’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Karthikeyan S.K, ‘Design and Fabrication of Chest and ABS Crunch Machine’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Dineshbabu C, ‘Slug Removing Magnetic Conveyor’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Selvam V, ‘Elimination of Leakage in Fluid Pipeline of Internal Heat Exchanger’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Karthik R, ‘Advanced in Heat Insulation for Boilers and Pipes’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Mohan N, ‘Analysis on Overall Equipment Effectiveness of a Panel Processing Machine’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rdand 24th March 2018.
- Mohan N, ‘Design and Fabrication of Oscillating Shower in Pulp Washing’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Vairamani V, ‘Design of Reel Splitting Machine by Using Sensor’ International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Kumaravel S, ‘Capacity Enhancement in Panel Processing Machine-II’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Raja P, ‘Power Generation and Reusing Heat from Tunnel Kiln’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Selvakumar G, ‘Boiler Tube Failure Analysis’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16thand 17th March 2018.
- Selvakumar G, ‘Experimental Investigation on Energy Conversion and Conservation in Thermal Power Plant’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Gajendran A, ‘Performance Analysis of Air Preheater and Economizer in 210MW’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Muthukumar V, ‘Effect of Increasing Inlet Feed Water Temperature on Heat Transfer performance of the Economizer in Coal Fired Power Plant’ International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Muthukumar V, ‘Failure Analysis of Hydraulic System in Telescopic Cranes Working in Mines’ International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Karthikeyan G, ‘Design of Feeder for Single Roller Ironer’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Karthikeyan G, ‘Performance Test on Diesel Engine by Using Alternative Fuel’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Sivaprakash E, ‘Design and Analysis of Shaft Failure in Paper Machine’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Meganathan J, ‘Experimental and Stress Analysis of Pipe Routing at Various Temperature and Pressure by Changing the Various Material Support’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Meganathan J, ‘Design the Tool for Manufacturing the Ferrule Easily’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Chandrakumar S , ‘Experimental analysis of Various Couplents in Pulse Echo Manual Contact Ultrasonic Testing on Aluminium and Stainless Steels’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Chandrakumar S, ‘Effect of thrust Force and Torque on Kevlar Reinforced Composites During Drilling Process’, International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 18th to 20th January 2018.
- Kawin N, ‘Fabrication of Sandring Machine’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Arulpandian P , ‘Importing Heat Transfer Characteristics of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger using Helical Baffle on the Annular Space’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Karthick S, ‘Design and Fabrication of Water Drying Machine’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Ragunath N, ‘Automatic Brick Measuring System’, International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Science at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 13th and 14thMarch 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Design and Fabrication of Mini Refrigerator with Thermoelectric Cooling’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Study of Hardness on Copper Alloy Reinforced with Ceramics for Machine Application’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Hydrogen Fired Steam Boiler’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘A Combined Inflated Airbed and Additional Booster System for Emergency Landing’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Tribological Test on Copper Based Hybrid Composite Material’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Design and Fabrication of Mini Solar Refrigerator’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Mohankumar S, ‘Design and Fabrication of Second Operation Capstan Lathe’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Periyasamy R, ‘Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer on Plate in Heat Exchanger at Different Fins with Ceramic Coating’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Mageshkumar M, ‘Performance Evaluation of Four Stroke Diesel Engine with Pungamia Biodiesel as A Fuel’, International Conference on Innovations in Thermal, Manufacturing, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Ravikumar N, ‘Cycle Time Reduction of Gr91 Header’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Computing Exposure Time of Carbon Steel’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Sivaprakash E, ’Fixture for Plug type End Cover Fitup’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd and 24th March 2018.
- Vairamani V, ’ Conservation of Stream in Paper Dryer’, International Conference on Innovation in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 16th and 17th March 2018.
- Mohan N, ’Experimental Investigations of Mechanical Properties of Hardfaced Aluminium by TIG Welding’, International Conference on Advance in Mechanical, Production & Industrial Engineering at AMPIE on 14th and 15th Feb. 2018
National Conferences
- Ravikumar N, ‘Designing of Multiple Hydro test Facility for Full Bore Valve Assembly’, National Conference on Engineering and Technology’ at Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 23rd March 2018.
- Udhayaraj S, ‘Design and Fabrication of Annealing Chain Conveyor’, National Conference on Engineering and Technology’ at Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 23rd March 2018.
- Sureshbabu S, ‘Design and Fabrication of Financially Repairing Radiant Tubes’, National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical, Communication and Soft Computing Techniques at Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 9th March 2018.
- Sivashankar N, ‘Root Cause Analysis and Recommendation on Camshaft Operation Scrap’, National Conference on Engineering and Technology’ at Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 23rd March 2018.
- Elavarasan E, ‘Design and Fabrication of Double Die Drawing Process’, National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Electrical, Communication and Soft Computing Techniques at Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 9th March 2018.
- Kumaravel S, ‘Experimental Analysis of Increasing Condenser Efficiency’, National Conference on Engineering and Technology’ at Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 23rd March 2018.
- Kumaravel S and Ravikumar M, ‘Design and Development of Furniture by Using Micro Sized Wooden Wastes’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical and Manufacturing at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 26th March 2018.
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
International / National Journals
- Viswanathan, R, Ramesh, S, Elango, N, and Kamesh kumar, P 2017, ‘Temperature Measurement and Optimization in Machining Magnesium Alloy Using RSM and ANOVA’, Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 255-262, 2017.
- Karthikeyan, S K, Siva Krishnan, K, Siva Raj, B, Sasikumar, M and Vijayakumar, R 2017, ‘Effect of Fuel Injection Pump on The Engine and Simplified Pump Setting Procedure’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 959-961.
- Arunkumar, M, Shivalingappa, D, Kumaravel, S and Sathish Kumar, A 2017, ‘An Experimental Investigation on Corner Skidding Control System’, International Journal on Recent and Innovative Trend in Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 42-48.
- Arunkumar, M, Ashwin Kannan, S, Sathish Kumar, A and Kumaravel, S 2017, ‘Simulation of Corner Skidding Control System’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 120-125, 2017.
- Saravanan, G, Sankaranarayanan, N, Senthamizhan, S and Sureshkumar, S and Vijay, M S, 2017, ‘The Economic Reuse of Sugar Mill Waste Management’, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 332-337.
- Gopinath, V, Subanesan, M, Vasanth, N, Thiyagu, S and Vignesh, R 2017, ‘Avoiding Drunken Driving Road Accidents by Using Alcoholic Sensors’, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 81-83.
- Vijayakumar, S, Mohan, N, Dineshbabu, C and Karthikeyan, G 2016, ‘Reduce the Mass Losses for Coated Al 7075 by Using Powder Mixed electric Discharge Coating’, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, vol.3, no. 7 , pp. 184-186.
- Aravind, R A, Kumaravel, S, Kavin, M and Raja, P 2016, ‘Numerical Analysis of An Integrated Exhaust Duct System’, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 12-13.
- Ravikumar, M, Muthukumar, V, Rakheeb Basha, A M B and Sureshbabu, S 2016, ‘An Investigations of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Composite Pipe’, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 14-16.
- Karthik, R, Ravikumar, N and Gopinath, V 2016, ‘Experimental Performance Analysis on Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Diesel as Fuel’, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3,pp. 21-23.
- Ravikumar, N, Balasubramani, K and Selvam, V 2016, ‘Dynamic Analysis on the Cross Plane Crankshaft Using ANSYS’, International Journal of Research and Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1-3.
- Arivazhagan, R 2016, ‘Combined Copper Aluminium Heat Exchanger’, International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 4-6.
- Nithya, A and Gobinath, S 2016, ‘Advertising Strategies Towards Britannia Products’, International Journal of Management and Humanities, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 6-8.
- Nithya, A and Gobinath, S 2016, ‘A Study on Brand Preference with Special Reference to JPEE Alloys Coimbatore’, International Journal Engineering Research and Management Studies, vol.3 , no. 12, pp. 36-40.
- Nithya, A and Gobinath, S 2016, ‘Emanating International Advertising Through Modern Technology’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1063-1065.
- Gajendran, A, Chandrakumar, S, ArulPandiyan, P and Karthikeyan, S K 2016, ‘Investigation on The Effects of Methanol-Diesel Emulsions in a Di Diesel Engine Using Various Blends’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 598 – 601.
- Ragunath, N, Selvam, V, Karthikeyan, G, Meganathan, J and Balasubramani, K 2016, ‘Fire Retardant Laminates Test of Epoxy Resin and Polyester Resin Applied on Bus Bodies’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 4 , no. 10,pp.28-30.
- Mohan, N, Vijayakumar, S, Vairamani, V and Raja, P 2016, ‘Analysis of Mechanical Properties on the Coir Fiber Composite Material’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 606-609.
- Sivashankar, N, Karthick, S and Kawin, N 2016, ‘Particle Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Method’, International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 262-266.
- Ravikumar, M, Muthukumar, V, Sureshbabu, S and Kumaravel, S 2016, ‘Study and Investigation of Engine Muffler’, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 825-827.
- Arivazhagan, R and Anban, G 2016, ‘Mobile source in automobiles’, IOSR Journal of mechanical and civil engineering, Vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1-5.
- Jagadeesh, D, Karthi, T, Mohan Raj, R and Raja, P, J, 2017, ‘Root Cause Analysis of Performance Anomalies in Soot Blowers of Chemical Recovery Boiler’ International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 5, Issue 01,pp. 1168-1175.
International Conferences
- Gopinath V, ‘Avoiding Drunken Driving Road Accident by using Alcoholic Sensors’, International Conference on Engineering, Energy and Environment at TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March to 2nd April 2017.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Mechanical Paint Removing Tools’, International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Management at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 30th and 31th March 2017.
- Periasamy K, ‘Bagasse Extraction System’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Periasamy K, ‘Introduction to Water Injection in Cement Factory’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Periasamy K, ‘Lean Manufacturing of Headers’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Periasamy K, ‘Modification of Coal Handling Chute Design’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Viswanathan R, ‘Reduction of Blow Holes in Cylinder Block’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Viswanathan R, ‘Automatic Work Holding in Four Jaw Chuck’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Muthukumar V, ‘Study of F91 Yoke Welding in Globe Valves for Stream Boilers’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Karthikeyan G, ‘Design and Analysis of Economizer and Air Preheater’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Periasamy K and Sivashankar N, ‘Design of FEA Analysis in the Disc of Check Value’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Raja P, ‘Design and Development of the Telescopic Chute for Bagasse Stacker in TNPL’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Aravind Ra, ‘Design of Condenser for Reutilization of Exhaust Steam from Boiler’, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 28th and 29th March 2017.
- Saravanan G, ‘The Economic Reuse of Sugar Mill Waste Management’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Saravanan G, ‘Increasing the Chip Production by Extending the Life of Feed Roller’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Sivashankar N, ‘Design of FEA analysis on the Disk of Check Valve’, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
- Arivazhagan R, ’Performance Analysis of Turbine’, International Conference on Advanced Materials & Processing, Organized by the Centre for Composite Materials at Kalasalingam University on 27th and 28th March 2017.
- Vairamani V, ’Parameter and Optimization of Non-Metallic Laser Cutting’ International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, Civil and Mechanical Science at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 17th and 18th March 2017.
National Conferences
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Root Cause Analysis of Performance Anomalies in Soot Blowers of Chemical Recovery Bolier’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Karthikeyan S.K, ‘Floating Solar PV Panel’, National Conference on Nexgen Technologies at Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 18th March 2017.
- Periasamy K, ‘Design and Analysis of Turbo Charger with 11and 12 Blades’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Meganathan J, ‘Design and Development of on Areca Leaf Plate using Die Fabrication’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Mohan N, ‘Cycle Time Reduction in Once Through Super Critical Boiler Panel’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Ravikumar M, ‘An Investigation of Agro Fuel in Boiler’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Selvam V, ‘Design and Analysis of Belt Conveyor for Finishing House Puiper’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Raja P, ‘Optimizing Process Parameters of Arc Welding on Mild Steel’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Dineshbabu C, ‘Experimental Analysis of MIG Welding SS409’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Balasubramani K, ‘An Investigation and Predication of Flatness and Surface Roughness During Face Milling Operation’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Sivaprakash E, ‘Analysis of Moisture Reduction in Wetlap Machine Pulp Sheet’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Kawin N, ‘Cycle Time Reduction in Heater With Pressing Machine Using Nanolipter’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Karthick S, ‘Design and Modification of Wagon Coader Machine’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Chandrakumar S, ‘Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring in LMV’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Ragunath N, ‘Design of Reel Splitting Machine Using Hydraulic Cylinder’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Study on Defects in Orbital TIG Welding Process’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Karthikeyan S K, ‘Effect of Fuel Injection Pump on the Engine and Simplified Pump Setting Procedure’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Gajendran A, ‘Experimental Analysis and Geometrical Effect on OHNS in CNC Drilling with Various Process Parameter’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Ravikumar N, ‘Power Consumption on Material Transport’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Gopinath V, ‘Optimization of Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine With Corn Oil Methyl Ester Blends and Aph Using Taguchi Method’, National Conference on Annual Research Congress at Karpagam University, Coimbatore on 3rd December 2016.
- Muthukumar V and Ravikumar M, ‘Study and Investigation of Engine Muffler’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Mohan N, ‘Analysis of Mechanical Properties on the Coir Fiber Composite Material’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Selvam V, ‘Fire Retardant Laminates Test of Epoxy Resin and Polyester Resin Applied on Bus Bodies’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Kawin N, ‘An Investigations of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Composite Pipe’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Combined Copper Aluminium Heat Exchanger’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Selvakumar G, ‘Numerical Analysis of an Integrated Exhaust Duct System’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Karthik R, ‘Experimental Performance Analysis on Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Diesel As Fuel’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Karthikeyan S K, ‘Investigation on the Effects of Methanol-Diesel Emulsions in a Di Diesel Engine Using Various Blends’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Ravikumar N, ‘Review of Properties of Shape Memory Alloy’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Jagadeesh D, ‘Root Cause Analysis of Performance Anomalies in Soot Blowers of Chemical Recovery Bolier’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Saravanan G, ‘Optimization of CNC Tool Process Parameter’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Udhayaraj S, ‘Experimental Analysis of TIG Welding SS409’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 22nd October 2016.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Analyse of Ultrasonic Metal Welding on Nonferrous Metal’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
- Venkatesh R, ‘Improve the Reliability of Plug Screw Feeder’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology at Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24th March 2017.
Academic Year 2015 - 2016
International / National Journals
- Elango V, Jagadeesan V, ‘A Study on The Characteristics of Plate Welding of AISI 904L Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Using TIG, MIG and MMAW Processes’,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.10, no.12, pp. 11467- 11479, 2015.
Elango V and Jegadeesan C, ‘Optimization of The Weld Bead Geometry in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of AISI 904L Super Austenitic Stainless Steel by TOPSIS Methods’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, no, 24, pp.44092-44097, 2015.
Nithya A, Gobinath SandMalyadri P, ‘Creative FMCG Packaging and Advertising’,VSRD International Journal of Accounts, Economics and Commerce Research, vol.1, no.1, pp. 15-23, 2015.
Nithya A and Gobinath S, ‘Opportunities and Challenges of MSMEs’, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, vol.3, no.5, pp. 87-90,2016.
Jagadeesh D, Venkatachalam R and Nallakumarasamy G,‘Characterisation of Banana Fiber-A Review’, Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology,vol.2, no.4, pp. 23-26, 2015.
Saravanan G, Nallakumarasamy G andVenkatachalam R,‘Tribological and Thermal Characterization of Glass Fiber-A Review’, Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology, vol.2, no.4, pp. 27-30, 2015.
Babu B, Dharmalingam S, Karthikeyan S K, Karthik R andVairamani V, ‘Investigation of Electro Chemical Micro Machining Process Parameters on Al- SiCp - Gr Composites Using Taguchi Methodology’, International Journal of Chemical Technology Research, vol. 8, no, 8, pp. 278-285, 2015.
Babu B, Raja K, Dharmalingam S, Udhayaraj S and Vairamani V, ‘Electrochemical Micro Machining on Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites’, International Journal of Chemical Technology Research , vol.8, pp. 508-518, 2015.
Periyasamy Kand Jayaraman M, ‘Studies on Fabrication of Surface Composites on Cast Aluminum Alloys Using Friction Stir Processing – A Review’,Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology, vol.5, no, 1, pp. 62-67, 2016.
Ramesh R,Viswanathan R and Ambika S, ‘Measurement and Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear Via Grey Relational Analysis, TOPSIS and RSA Techniques’,Elsevier - Measurement,vol.78, pp. 63–72, 2016.
International Conferences
Venkatesh R, ‘Performance Analysis of Multipurpose Solar Heating System by Using CFD’, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering at Anna University College of Engineering, Villupuram on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Elango V, Jagadeesh D, Periasamy K and G.Saravanan, ‘A Characteristic Study on TIG Welding Process Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks and Response Surface Methodology for Super Austenitic Stainless Steel’, International Conference on Modern, Intelligent and Green Manufacturing at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11th and 12th December 2015.
Elango V, ‘Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process Parameter Optimization of Aisi 904l Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Joints using Taguchi Grey Relations Analysis’, International Conference on Modern, Intelligent and Green Manufacturing at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 11th and 12th December 2015.
Viswanathan R, ‘Temperature Measurement and Optimization in Machining Magnesium Alloy using RSM and ANOVA’, International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences at University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia on 19th and 20th December 2015.
Karthikeyan S K, ‘Lean Manufacturing in Chassis Assembly Through Poka – Yoke’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Kavin M, ‘Investigation and experimental studies on drilling parameters of Aluminium Hybrid metal matrix composites’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Vijayakumar S, ‘Investigation on the Wear Behavior Al 7075 Coated With Nickel + Boron Carbide’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Meganathan J, ‘Design and Analysis of propeller shaft by using composite materials’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Selvakumar G, ‘Particle Concentrations and Effectiveness of Natural Fibre Air Filter in Split Air Conditioner System’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Kumaravel S, ‘Wear Behavior of Aluminium/ Basalt Metal Matrix Composites’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Muthukumar V, ‘Wear Behavior of Rubber Roll Sheller in Rice Milling’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Mohan N, ‘Design and Analysis of Ball Catch Mechanism’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Ravikumar M, ‘Experimental and Investigation of Natural Fiber Composite Material’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Ravikumar N, ‘E-Waste Management and its Approaches’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Udhayaraj S, ‘Improvement of Boiler Efficiency by Indirect Method’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Karthik R, ‘Increasing the Efficiency of Rotary Kiln by Reducing Heat’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Selvam R, ‘Reduction of Friction by using Pull Over Table in Coil Preparation Line’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Raja P, ‘Effect of Process Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of FSW Dissimilar Joints’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Karthikeyan G, ‘Vibration Analysis of Gear Box System’ International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Dineshbabu C, ‘Optimization of Boiler Operation and Maintenance’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
Aravind Ra, ‘Numerical Analysis of Reverse Flow in Multiple T-Joints’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
- Aravind Ra, ‘Numerical Analysis of an Integrated Exhausted Duct System’, International Conference on Sustainable Materials Design and Applications at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Vairamani V, ‘Investigation of Electrochemical Micro Machining Process Parameters on Al-SiCp’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
- Aslam P, ‘Investigation on the Mass Loss of Al 7075 Coated with Nickel + Boron Carbide’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
- Balasubramani K, ‘Optimization of Offset Operation in Micro Turn CNC Machine’, International Conference on Modeling, simulation and control, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15 and 16 October 2015.
- Arivazhagan R, ‘Combined Copper Aluminium Heat Exchanger’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
- Rakheeb Basha A M P, ‘An Investigations of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Composite Pipe’, International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 15th and 16th October 2015.
National Conference
- Viswanathan R, ‘Study of Machining Parameters for Machining of Magnesium Alloy’, National Conference on Advanced Research and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering at KCG College of Technology, Chennai on 22nd and 23rd April 2016.
Academic Year 2014 - 2015
International / National Journals
- Gobinath S, Arumugam C, Ramya G andChandrasekaran M, ‘Optimization of Total Holding Cost in Job Shop Scheduling by Using Hybrid Algorithm’,Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.591, pp. 176-179, 2014.
- Gobinath S, Arumugam C, Tom page and Chandrasekaran M, ‘Solving Multi Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems Using Artificial Immune System Shifting Bottleneck Approach’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 766-767, pp. 1209-1213, 2015.
- Babu B, Karthikeyan S K and Adithya V, ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Al-Al2o3 Composites’, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol.4, no. 2, pp. 321-329, 2014.
- Babu B, Karthikeyan S K and Adithya V, ‘Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Corrosion and Hardness Using Aluminium Composites’, - International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol.4, no.4, pp. 37-46, 2014.
- Babu B, Karthikeyan S K and Selvam V, ‘Experimental and Analysis of Welding Electrode Wire Straightening and Cutting Machine’, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, vol.5, no.1, pp. 333 – 345, 2014.
- Nithya Aand Senthilkumar S, ‘An Overview of Effect of Advertisement on FMCG with Special Reference to Multinational Products in Selected Asian Countries’,International Journal of Applied Environmental Science, vol.9, no.5, pp. 2551-2563, 2014.
- Viswanathan Rand Ramesh S, ‘Optimizations of Turning Parameters on Tool Wear for Magnesium Alloy Using Taguchi Techniques’, IOSRD International Journal of Engineering,vol.1, no.1, pp. 46-50, 2014.
International Conferences
- Gopinath V, ‘Performance Evaluation of Diesel Engine Runs on Bio Diesel Blending’, International Mechanical Engineering Congress at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, on 13th to 15th June 2014.
- Gopinath V, ’Experimental Investigation on Diesel Engine Fuelled by Corn Oil Methyl Ester Blend with Varying Inlet Air Temperature by Using APH’ , International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 27th to 29th September 2014.
- Nithya A, ‘FMCG Ad – Big Issues and Challenging’, International Conference on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Commerce and Management’ at Sri Ganesh College of Arts and Science, Salem on 13th February 2015.
- Viswanathan R, ‘Optimization of Machining Parameters for Magnesium Alloy using Taguchi Approach and RSM’ International Conference on Advances in Design and Manufacturing at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 5th to 7th December 2014.
National Conference
- Nithya A, ‘Emanating Advertising Through Modern Market Layout’, National Conference on Managerial Innovations and Challenges in Globalised Economy at KSR College of Engineering, Namakkal on 26th September 2014.
- Viswanathan R, ‘Optimization of Turning Parameters on Tool Wear for Magnesium Alloy Using Taguchi Techniques’ National Conference on Advances and innovations in Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Vel Tech College, Chennai on 23rd August 2014.
- Gopinath V, ‘Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Using Corn Oil as Fuel’ National Conference on 6th Annual Research Congress at Karpagam University, 5thand 6th December 2014.
Academic Year 2013 - 2014
International / National Journals
Venkatesh, R, & Christraj, W, 2013, ‘Experimental investigation of multipurpose solar heating system’, Journal of Energy Engineering, ISSN:0733-9402, Volume:141, Issue3.
Elango, V , Jagadeesh, D, Saravanan, G & Balasubramani, K, 2014, ‘Optimization of Offset Operation in MicroTurn CNC Machine’ International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , ISSN:2229-5518, Volume:5, Issue2, PP:425-436.
Velmanirajan, K , Karthikeyan, S.K & Dinesh, D, 2013, ‘Lean Manufacturing In Chassis Assembly Through Poka – Yoke’ International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research , ISSN:2347-4289, Volume:1, Issue:1, PP:31-36.
Gobinath, S, Arumugam, C & Chandrasekaran, M, 2013, ‘A Hybrid Approach for Single Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problem’ Life Science Journal , ISSN:1097-8135, Volume:10, Issue3, PP:163-166.
Gopinath, V & Navaneethakrishnan, G, 2013, ‘Performance Evaluation of Gas turbine by reducing the inlet air temperature’ International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research, ISSN:2347-4289, Volume:1, Issue1, PP:20-24.
Velmanirajan, K, Narayanasamy, R & Anuradha, K, 2013, ‘Effect of Chemical Composition on Texture Using Response Surface Methodology’ Journal of Materials Engineering and performance, ISSN:1059-9495, Volume:22, Issue11, PP:3237-3257.
Sivaprakash, E, Sridharan, M & Karthikeyan, S, 2014, ‘Performance Improving Methods For Series Solar Flat Plate Collectors And Introduction Of New Verification Tool’ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN:2347:6710, Volume:3, Issue3, PP:1155-1161.
Sivaprakash, E & Sridharan, M, 2014, ‘Experimental Investigation On Series Solar Flat Plate Collectors With Variable Mass Flow Rates’ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN:2347:6710, Volume:3, Issue3, PP:1150-1154.
International / National Conferences
Venkatesh, R, & Christraj, W , 2014, ‘Analysis of Heat Transfer Characteristics in Multipurpose solar heating system’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Mountzion college of engineering and Technology, Pudukottai, March 2014.
Venkatesh, R, & Christraj, W, 2014, ‘Performance Analysis of Solar Air heater in multipurpose solar heating system’, International conference on Science, Engineering and Management, Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, March 2014 .
Venkatesh, R,& Christraj, W, 2014, ‘Design and Development of Modified Solar Air Heating System in Summer Season’, National conference, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy, March 2014.
Venkatesh, R, & Christraj, W, 2014, ‘Experimental Performance of Modified Solar Air Heating System in Winter Season’, National conference, Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal, March 2014.
Jagadeesh, D, 2013, ‘Business Application of Composite Materials’, International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Saravanan, G, 2013, ‘Performance of Bio fuels in IC Engines’, International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Gobinath, S,2013, ‘Advances in Industrial Engineering’, International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Gobinath, S,2013, ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering’, International conference, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, February 2014.
Nithya, A , 2013, ‘Impact of FMCG Advertisement in Indian Business’ , International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Nithya, A , 2014, ‘Modern advertising strategy & technology for competency’ , International conference, SGSBM, Salem, February 2014.
Ravikumar, N , 2014, ‘Analyzing the vibration failure in pick head of the pick and place robot arm’ , International conference, Paavai Engineering College, May 2014.
Selvam, V, 2013, ‘Impact of Manufacturing Technology in Global Business’, International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Udhayaraj, S, 2013, ‘Impact of Modern Manufacturing Process’, International conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, October 2013.
Dineshbabu, C, 2014, ‘Fabrication of Hydraulic Floor Crane’, National conference, Nandha Engineering College, March 2014.
Aravind, RA , 2014, ‘Design and Analysis of an integrated Exhaust duct’, Kongu Engineering College, National conference, March 2014.
Aravind, RA , 2014, ‘Numerical Analysis of an integrated exhausted duct system’ , International conference,VIT, May 2014.
Karthikeyan, G , 2014, ‘Experimental analysis of composite material blended with thermoplastic & jute fabric’, National conference, Selvam college of Technology, April 2014.
Sivaprakash, E, 2014, ‘Transient thermal analysis on mixed mode solar FPC’ , International conference, Paavai Engineering College, May 2014.
Sivaprakash, E, 2014, ‘Experimental investigation on flat plate collectors with variable mass flow rates’, International conference, K.L.N college of Engineering & Technology, March 2014.
Sivaprakash, E, 2014, ‘Performance improving methods for series solar flat plate collectors & introduction of new verification tool’ , International conference, K.L.N college of Engineering & Technology , March 2014.
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
International / National Journals
Velmanirajan, K , Narayanasamy, R & Anuradha, K, 2013, ‘Statistical Evaluation of Forming Limit diagram for Annealed Al 1350 alloy sheet using first order reliability method’ ELSEVER , ISSN: 0307-904X,Volume:38, Issue1, PP:145-167.
Gopinath, V & Balanarasimman, N, 2012 ‘Effect Of Solidification Parameters On The Feeding Efficiency Of Lm6 Aluminium Alloy Casting’ ISOR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume:4, Issue2, ISSN:2278-1684, PP:32-38.
Nithya, A , 2013, ‘A study of effect of advertisement of four wheeler of tata motors limited’ International journal of management, ISSN:0976-6502, Volume:4, Issue2, PP:85-90.
Nithya, A, 2013, ‘Advertising Strategy’ Indian Journal Of Research, ISSN:2250-1991, Volume:2, Issue2, PP:1-3.
Velmanirajan, K & Narayanasamy, R, 2012, ‘Effect Of Annealing Temperature In Al 1145 Alloy Sheets On Formability, Void Coalescence, And Texture Analysis’ Journal Of Materials Engineering And Performance , ISSN:1059-9495 ,Volume:22, Issue4, PP:1091-1107.
International / National Conferences
Elango, V, 2013, ‘Optimization of process parameters of TIG Welding process on super Austenetic Stainless Steel’, National Conference, Hindusthan college of engineering & Technology, May 2013.
Elango, V, 2012, ‘Optimization of process parameters of MIG Welding process on super Austenetic Stainless Steel’, National Conference, Vels University, November 2012.
Periasamy, K, 2013, ‘Studies on the Fabrication of Surface Composites on Cast Aluminium Alloys by friction stir processing’, National Conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, March 2013.
Arivazhagan, R , 2013, ‘Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation System NCIMAS 2013’ , National Conference, Hindusthan College of Engineering & Tech, May 2013.
Navanethakrishnan, G ,2013, ‘Performance Evaluation of Gas turbine’ , National Conference, PSG College of Technology , April 2013.
Jagadesh, D, Saravanan, G & Balasubramani, K, 2013 ‘Technical Advancement in Mechanical’, National Conference, Selvam college of Engg & Tech ,February 2013.
Nithya, A , 2013, ‘Implementing Advertising Strategy for Sustainable Development ’, International Conference, Sri Ganesh school of business , February 2013.
Karthikeyan, S K, 2013, ‘Rapid Prototyping’, National Conference, Karpagam University Coimbatore, March 2013.
Karthikeyan, S K, 2013, ‘Optimization of cutting Parameter’, International Conference, Vels University, April 2013.
Saravanan, G, 2012, ‘Effect of splitter blades on the flow field of a deep well pump’, National Conference, Vels University, November 2012.
Saravanan, G, 2013, ‘Stress and fatigue analysis of a CAM shaft’, National Conference, Hindusthan College of Engineering & Tech, May 2013.
Navanethakrishnan, G , 2013, ‘Fracture surfaces Analysis and Residual Strength of a rear axial leaf spring in a SUV’, International Conference, Vels University, April 2013.
Navanethakrishnan, G , 2013, ‘Fracture surfaces Analysis and Residual Strength of a rear axial leaf spring in a SUV’, National Conference, Karpagam University Coimbatore, March 2013.
Gobinath, S, 2012, ‘An Overview of Scheduling Problems’, National Conference, Vels University, November 2012.
Gobinath, S, 2013, ‘Optimization Technology’, International Conference, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, February 2013.
Gobinath, S, 2013, ‘A State of art of review of Scheduling Techniques’, National Conference, Vels University, April 2013.
Dineshbabu, C,2013, ‘Challenges And Opportunities in Mechamical Engineering’, National Conference, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, March 2013.
Dineshbabu, C, 2013, ‘Analysis Of Composite Materials Blended With Thermoplastic And Jute Fabric’, National Conference, Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, March 2013.
Udhayaraj, S, 2013, ‘Product Development For Drip Irrigation Process by Sustainability Concepts’, National Conference, JKK Munirajan College of Technology, April 2013.
Udhayaraj, S, 2013, ‘Sustainable Life Cycle Design For Drip Irrigation Process’, National Conference, Kumaraguru College of Technology, April 2013.
Udhayaraj, S, 2013, ‘Product Development For Drip Irrigation Process by Sustainability Concepts’, International Conference, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University, April 2013.
Vairamani, V, 2013, ‘Studies on Automation of Roof sheet Welding using Curved Fixture by MAG Welding Process’, National Conference, Karpagam University, March 2013.
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