Super User
IQAC Objectives
- IQAC is to Establish and Strengthen quality parameters in the Institutional growth
- To develop standard Strategic plan for Academic and Administration level
- To support the Establishment of Quality Assurance Policy and Best Practices involving the stakeholders in the development and implementation process
- To ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and strengthen the Institutional Governance and Leadership
- Documentation of different initiatives and activities aimed at improving the quality
- Creating and implementing quality standards for diverse Academic and Administrative activities in Institution
- Compiling and submitting the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in accordance with NAAC guidelines and parameters
- Collecting input from the stakeholders to facilitate continuous improvement
- Promoting Student - Centric Environment to enhance the quality of education and the faculty as expertise and cutting - edge technologies for interactive teaching and learning
IQAC Membership
S.No |
Category |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Management |
Dr.PSK.R.Periaswamy |
Chairman |
2 |
Chairperson |
Dr.R.Asokan |
Principal |
3 |
Coordinator/Director of the IQAC |
Dr.J.Yogapriya |
Dean (R&D) |
4 |
Administrative Officers |
Dr.P.Arul |
Professor & CoE |
Dr.D.Jagadeesh |
Associate Professor & Head /Mechanical |
5 |
Teachers |
Dr.S.Kavipriya |
Associate Professor & Head /Civil |
Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
Associate Professor & Head /CSE |
Dr.M.Dharmalingam |
Professor & Head /ECE |
Dr.R.Shankar |
Associate Professor & Head /EEE |
Mr.N.Premkumar |
Associate Professor & Head /IT |
Dr.K. Balasubramanian |
Associate Professor & Head /S&H | ||
Mr.T.Ashok |
Associate Professor & Head /BME |
Dr.V.Gopinath |
Associate Professor & Head /AGE |
Dr.K.Baskar | Associate Professor & Head /AD | ||
Mr.N.Kannan | Coordinator / S&H | ||
Dr.A.Nithya | Associate Professor /Mechanical | ||
Dr.K.Natarajan | Librarian | ||
6 |
Nominees from local society, Students and Alumni |
P.Navaneetha |
Student-IV Year ECE |
M.Janesh |
Student-IV Year CSE |
Mr.G.Karthikeyan |
Asst.Engineer, NTC Logistics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. (Mech Alumni) |
7 |
Nominees From Employers / Industrialists / Stakeholders |
Mr.M.William (Employer) |
HR Manager, Wonjin Auto Parts India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. |
Mr.N.Sathish Kumar (Industrialists) |
Managing Director, KKP Group of Companies, Namakkal |
R.Mohanraj (Parent) |
Controller of Examination, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Coimbatore. |
Dr. J. Yogapriya
Dean (R&D),
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Namakkal – Trichy Highways,
Tholurpatti , Thottiam,
Trichy – 621 215.
E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: 8012510197
Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D
S.No |
Name of the Faculty | Department | Area of Research |
1. |
Mr.C.Radhakrishnan |
Cloud Computing |
2. |
Mr.K.Karthick |
Adhoc Networks |
3. |
Mrs.T.Meenal |
Image processing |
4. |
Mr.V.Krishnakumar |
Mobile adhoc networks |
5. |
Mr.K.Kumar |
Network security |
6. |
Mr.V.Bharathi |
Embedded with image processing |
7. |
Mr.D.Karthikeyan |
Wireless networks |
8. | Mr.S.Baskar | ECE |
Image Processing |
9. | Mrs.T.Beni Steena | ECE |
Optical Communication |
10. | Mr.N.Jayapal | ECE |
Image Processing |
11. | Mr.T.Dineshkumar | BME |
Embedded with Image Processing |
12. |
Mr.T. Rajamanikandan |
Solid Insulators |
13. |
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan |
Renewable Energy |
14. |
Mr.A.Sampath |
Bio Medical Signal Processing |
15. |
Mrs. R.S.Janani |
Networking |
16. |
Mr. R. Karthik |
Mechanical |
Vibration |
17. |
Mr. C. Dinesh Babu |
Mechanical |
Manufacturing |
18. |
Mr. N. Ravikumar |
Mechanical |
Manufacturing |
19. |
Mr. N.Sivashankar |
Mechanical |
Micromachining |
20. |
Mr. S.Kumaravel |
Mechanical |
Composites |
21. |
Mr. Ra.Aravind |
Mechanical |
Ergonomics |
22. |
Mr. S.Chandrakumar |
Mechanical |
Composites |
23. |
Mr. S.Mohankumar |
Mechanical |
Ergonomics |
24. |
Mr. G.Selvakumar |
Mechanical |
Energy |
25. |
Mr. E.Sivaprakash |
Mechanical |
Energy |
26. |
Mr. N. Karthikeyan |
Mathematics |
A Study on Fuzzy Differential Equations |
27. |
Mr.N.Premkumar | IT |
Cloud Security |
28. | Mrs.S.Sangeetha |
IT |
Deep Learning |
29. | Mr.R.Palani Kumar | IT |
Deep Learning |
30. | Mr.J.Sathishkumar | IT |
Deep Learning |
31. |
Mrs.V.Preethisri |
VLSI Design |
32. |
Mr.S.Ragul |
Electrical Drives and Control |
33. |
Mr.V.Kalairajan |
Power Electronics |
34. |
Mr.J.Karthikeyan |
Power Electronics |
35. |
Mrs. S.Revathi |
Power systems and Cyber Security |
36. |
Mr.D.Karunanithy |
Physics |
Nano Technology |
37. |
Mr.M.Prem kumar |
Mathematics |
Fuzzy Algebra |
38. |
Mr. J.Sophers |
Mathematics |
Matrix Algebra |
39. |
Mrs.T.Jeeva |
Mathematics |
Matrix Algebra |
40. |
Mrs.G.Kalaimagal |
Chemistry |
Ploymer Chemistry |
41. |
Mr.M.Dhanapal |
Mathematics |
Applications of Nano Topology |
42. | Mr.M.Sakthivel | Civil |
Textile Waste Management |
43. | Mr.S.Southamirajan | Civil |
Bacterial Concrete |
44. | Mr.B.Sasivarman | Civil |
Wastewater Treatment |
45. | Mr.A.Karthik | Civil |
Concrete and water quality |
Ph.D.Scholars Completed
Ph.D Guideship Details
Name of the Supervisior : Dr.R.Asokan
S.No |
Name of Research Scholar | Name of the University | Research Area |
Status |
1. | Ms.S.Chandika | AUT,CBE | Investigation on piezo driven valveless micro pump | Completed |
2. | Ms.P.Nimala Devi | AUT,CBE | Statistical anomaly traffic detection of distributed denial of service attacks using neuro-fuzzy based clustering. | Completed |
3. | Ms.T.C.Kalaiselvi | AUT,CBE | Enhancing resource selection using optimization methods promote grid scheduling. | Completed |
4. | Mr.S.Maheswaran | AUT,CBE | Certain investigations on the performance enhancement by novel and effective de-noising algorithms for electrocardiogram. | Completed |
5. | Ms.S.Balambigai | AUT,CBE | Improving quality of service in routing of mobile ad-hoc network using hybrid optimization. | Completed |
6. | Mr.P.S.Raghavendran | AUT,CBE | Performance analysis of undecimated wavelet based adaptive despeckling filters for ultrasound images. | Completed |
7. | Ms.S.K.Nivetha | AUT,CBE | Wireless sensor network health monitoring of plant operators with fuzzy logic controller based thermo electric generator power source for medical server. | Completed |
8. | Mr.N.Krishnamoorthy | AUT,CBE | QoS Based Reservation in grid Computing | Completed |
9. | Mr.K.Saravanan | AUT,CBE | Security Mechanism for DDOs Attacks | Completed |
10. | Mr.M.Senthilkumar | AUT,CBE | Performance enhancingvof hierarchical adhoc networks | Completed |
Research Supervisors
S.No |
Name of the Faculty Member | Designation/ Department | University | Reference Number | Research Area |
1. | Dr.R.Asokan | Principal & Professor/ECE | Anna University, Chennai | 2140028 |
Networking and security signal and Image Processing, Cloud Computing |
2 | Dr.B.Umarani | Professor/ ECE |
Anna University, Chennai | 2940118 | Image Processing, Network Security, Optical Communication, Soft Computing |
3 | Dr.S.Gobinath | Professor/ Mechanical |
Anna University, Chennai | 3420012 | Industrial Engineering,Scheduling,Air Nano Bubbles,Combustion |
4 | Dr.K.Muthumanickam | Associate Professor/ IT |
Anna University, Chennai | 3540017 |
Network and lnformation Security, lmage Processing, Wireless and Mobile Computing, lnternet of Things |
5 | Dr.D.Jagadheesh | Associate Professor/ Mechanical | Anna University, Chennai | 4020003 | Composite Materials,Solar Energy,Engineering Design |
6 | Dr.G.Saravanan | Associate Professor/ Mechanical | Anna University, Chennai | 4020026 | Vibration, Design, Mechanical |
7 | Dr.V.Gopinath | Associate Professor/Agriculture | Anna University, Chennai | 4020067 | IC Engines, Alternative Fuels, Thermal Renewable Energy |
8 | Dr.S.Kathiresan | Associate Professor/Chemistry | Anna University, Chennai | 4170074 | Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry |
9 | Dr.A.Viji | Associate Professor/Physics | Anna University, Chennai | 4170095 | Quantum Chemical Studies,Specto Scopy , Docking Studies, Nano Materials |
10 | Dr.P.Muthukumar | Associate Professor/Mech | Anna University, Chennai | 4120194 | Surface Coating,FSP,FEA |
11 | Dr.R.Sathya | Assistant Professor/IT | Anna University, Chennai | 4140199 | Image and Video Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. |
12 | Dr.M.Paranthaman | Assistant Professor/ECE | Anna University, Chennai | 4290014 | Antenna,Communication System,Biomedical,Telemedicne |
13 | Dr.K.Periasamy | Professor/MECH | Anna University, Chennai | 4320018 | Manufacturing Engineering, Friction Stir Processing, Composite Materials, Welding |
14 | Dr.P.Preethi | Associate Professor/CSE | Anna University, Chennai | 4340030 | Cloud Computing,Data Analytics,Machine Learning,Networks |
15 | Dr.J.Yogapriya | Professor/CSE | Anna Univerity, Chennai | 4440001 | Image Processing,Data Analytics,Machine Learning,Cloud Computing |
Books Published
Solid State Drives(KNCET-UGR 2020)​
S.No |
Title | Author |
Year of Publication |
Publisher | ISBN No |
1 | Embedded System |
Dr.M.Karthikeyan Ms.S.Hemalatha |
2015 | Sams Publication |
978-93-80485-71-3 |
2 | Electromagnetic Theory | M.Karthikeyan | 2013 | Sams Publication | 978-93-80485-07-2 |
3 | Power System Analysis | M.Karthikeyan | 2013 | Sams Publication | 978-93-80485-25-6 |
4 | Power System Operation and Control | M.Karthikeyan | 2013 | Sri krishna Publications | --- |
5 | Engineering Graphics | Dr.R. Venkatesh | 2015 | Maruthi Publishers | 978-93-80757-66-7 |
6 | Engineering Mechanics | Dr.R. Venkatesh | 2015 | Maruthi Publishers | 978-93-80757-98-8 |
7 | Applied Geology | K.Madheswaran | 2013 | Anuradha Publications | 978-81-84722-32-1 |
8 | Irrigation Engineering | B.Saranya | 2013 | SCM Publishers | --- |
9 |
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations |
2013 | SCM Publishers | --- |
10 | Engineering Physics II | A. Iruthayaseelan | 2013 | SCM Publishers | --- |
11 | Physics Lab Manual for Engineers | A. Iruthayaseelan | 2010 | SCM Publishers | --- |
12 | Electronic Devices | Mr. M. Dharmalingam | 2016 | Charulatha Publications | --- |
13 | Circuit Theory | Mr. M. Dharmalingam | 2016 | Charulatha Publications | --- |
14 | Total Quality Management | Mr. V.Bharathi | 2016 | Sri Seyon Publications | --- |
15 | Problem solving and python programming | Dr.C.Saravanabhavan | 2017 | JBR TRI SEA Publishers Pvt. Ltd. | 978-81-932242-0-5 |
16 | Digital Signal Processing(1st Edition) | Mr.R.Shankar | 2017 | Chess Educational Publishers | 978-81934-303-16 |
17 | Programming in C | Dr.C.Saravanabhavan | 2017 | JBR TRI SEA Publishers Pvt. Ltd. | 978-81-932242-29 |
18 | Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing |
Mr.R.Shankar Mr.V.Bharathi |
2017 | Chess Educational Publishers | 978-81936-245-00 |
19 | Antenna and Wave Propagation | Mr.N.Jayapal | 2017 |
Chess-Educational Publications |
978-81936-245-24 |
20 |
Energy Management |
Dr.T.Sengolrajan | 2018 | LAMBERT Academic Publishing International Book Market Service Ltd, Mauritius. | 978-613-9- 86875-9 |
21 |
Simulation Studies on 3-phase Trinary Nine level Inverter with FATC |
Dr.T.Sengolrajan | 2018 | LAMBERT Academic Publishing International Book Market Service Ltd, Mauritius. | 978-613-9-89969-2 |
22 | Digital Signal Processing (2nd Edition) | Mr.R.Shankar | 2018 |
Chess-Educational Publications |
978-81-937830-1-6 |
23 | Sensors and Transducer | Dr.T.Sengolrajan and Mr.A.Sampath | 2019 |
Sri Krishna Hitech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, ChennaI |
978-81-942267-1-0 |
24 | Cryptography & Network Security | Mrs.S.Sangeetha | 2020 | Charulatha Publications | 978-93-89970-28-9 |
25 | Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation | Dr.M.Dharmalingam | 2020 |
Sri Krishna Hitech Publishing Company Pvt.Ltd |
978-93-898781-5-8 |
26 |
Digital Signal Processing (Third Edition) |
Dr.R.Shankar | 2020 | Chess Educational Publishers,Chennai | 978-93-89190-27-4 |
27 | Technical English-I | Mr.S.Senthilkumar Mr.B.Raguraman Ms.B.Sangavi |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-89-6 |
28 | Engineering Physics | Mr.N.Kannan Mr.D.Karunanithy Mrs.T.Kanagapriya |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-84-1 |
29 | Engineering Chemistry | Mr.V.Sriram Mrs.G.Kalaimagal Dr.S.Kathiresan |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-83-4 |
30 | Transforms and Partial Differential Equations | Mr.J.Sophers Mr.K.T.Baalasubramaniyan Mr.M.PremKumar |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-17-9 |
31 | Discrete Mathematics | Dr.K.Balasubramanian Mr.N.Karthikeyan Mrs.P.Thangamani |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-25-4 |
32 | Mathematics-I | Dr.K.Balasubramanian Mr.E.Manikandan Mrs.T.Jeeva |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-90-2 |
33 | Electron Devices and Circuits | Mr.A.Sampath | 2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-09-4 |
34 | Anatomy and Human Physiology |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-57-5 |
35 |
Engineering Geology |
Mrs.K.Anbarasi Mr.S.Gowtham, |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-59-9 |
36 | Construction Materials | Mr.M.Vijay, Mr.M.Sakthivel |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-58-2 |
37 | Mechanics of Fluids | Mr.S. Ramkumar, Mr.D. Dhavashankaran |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-66-7 |
38 | Strength of Materials-1 | Mr.S.Southamirajan, Mr.M. Sakthivel |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-60-5 |
39 | Surveying | Ms.P.Kanaka, Mr.C.Kannan |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company | 978-93-90967-61-2 |
40 | Semiconductor Devices | Dr.M.Dharmalingam | 2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-44-5 |
41 | Electronic Circuits-I | Dr.P.Elayaraja Mrs.T.Beni Steena |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-75-9 |
42 | Signals and Systems | Dr.T.Yuvaraja Mr. V.Bharathi |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-76-6 |
43 | Digital Electronics | A.SureshKumar, R.Deebik S.Revathi |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-73-5 |
44 | Digital Principles and System Design | Mr. Suresh Kumar Mrs.R.Deepika Mrs.S.Revathi |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-82-7 |
45 | Analog and Digital Communication | Mrs.M.Geethalakshmi Mr.S.Baskar |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-49-0 |
46 | Communication Engineering | Mrs.M.Geethalakshmi Dr.B.Umarani |
2021 | THE CHARULATHA PUBLICATIONS, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-65-0 |
47 | Electrical Machines-I | K.Karthik J.Karthikeyan |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-81-0 |
48 | Analog Electronics |
Mr.S.Arun |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-74-2 |
49 | Electromagnetic Fields | Dr.R.Shankar Mr.T.Muthukumar Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan Mr.V.Krishnakumar |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-01-8 |
50 | Electrical Drives and Control | Mr.S.Ragul Mr.V.Kalairajan |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-69-8 |
51 | Manufacturing Process -I | Mr.N.Sivashankar Mrs.V.Selvam Mr.S.K.Karthikeyan | 2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-53-7 |
52 | Engineering Metallurgy | Mr.N.Mohan Mr.Ra.Aravind Mr.V.Muthukumar | 2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-51-3 |
53 | Engineering Thermodynamics | Dr.V.Gopinath Mr.E.Sivaprakash Mr.G.Selvakumar Mr.R.Prakash | 2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-52-0 |
54 | Manufacturing Process -II | Dr.D.Jagadeesh Dr.K.Periasamy Mr.R.Karthick |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-14-8 |
55 | Electrical Machines-II |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-30-8 |
56 | Transmission and Distribution |
Mr.K.Mohanraj Mr.V.Kalairajan
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-38-4 |
57 |
Measurements and Instrumentation |
Mr.P.Tamilnesan Mrs.S.Revathi
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-66-9 |
58 |
Basics of Electrical Engineering |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-54-4 |
59 |
Database Management System |
Dr.C.Saravanabhavan Mr.N.Premkumar Mrs.M.Mythili |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-92663-20-8 |
60 |
Operating Systems |
Dr.K.Baskar Dr.S.Dhanabal Mr.S.Simonthomas |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-92663-07-9 |
61 |
Computer Networks |
Mr.G.Karthik Mr.K.Kathick Mr.R.Krishna Prakash |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-85-8 |
62 |
Design and analysis of Algorithm |
Dr.C.Saravanabhavan Dr.M.Muthumanickam Dr.P.Preethi |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-92663-12-3 |
63 |
Software Engineering |
Dr.S.Sathya Mrs.S.Sangeetha Mr.C.Radhakrishnan |
2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Books & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-93-3 |
64 |
Electric Circuit Analysis (Regulations 2017) |
Mr.J.Karthikeyan, Mrs.A.C.Divya, Mr.T.Muthukumar Mrs.S.Revathi |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. | 978-93-90967-42-1 |
65 | Electronic Circuits-II |
Dr.P.Elayaraja T.Beni Steena |
2021 |
The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-62-9 |
66 | Communication Theory |
N.Jayapal T.Meenal |
2021 |
The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-92663-07-9 |
67 | Linear Integrated Circuits |
Dr.M.Dharmalingam V.Bharathi |
2021 |
The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. |
978-93-90967-70-4 |
68 | Control System Engineering |
Dr.M.Dharmalingam Dr.K.Amudha |
2021 | The Charulatha PublicationsBooks & IT Solutions Company, Chennai. | 978-93-90967-86-5 |
69 |
Title: Deep Learning Applications and Intelligent Decision Making in Engineering Chapter: Deep Learning With Conceptual View in Meta Data for Content Categorization |
Dr. R.Asokan Dr.P.Preethi |
2021 | IGI Global PUBLISHER of TIMELY KNOWLEDGE | 10.4018/978-1-7998-2108-3.ch007 |
70 |
Digital Electronics (KNCET-UGR-2020) |
Mr.A.SureshKumar, R.Deebika and S.Revathi |
2021 |
The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-90967-73-5 |
71 |
Digital Principles and System Design (KNCET-UGR-2020) |
A.SureshKumar, R.Deebika and S.Revathi | 2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-90967-82-7 |
72 |
Electric Circuit Analysis (Regulations 2017) |
J.Karthikeyan, A.C.Divya, T.Muthukumar and S.Revathi | 2021 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-90967-42-1 |
73 |
Title: Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare Chapter: Automated Epileptic Seizure Classification Model using Adaptive Genetic Model Auto Encoder |
Dr. R.Asokan Dr.P.Preethi Mr.C.Radhakrishnan Mr.K.Karthick |
2022 | IMMORTAL PUBLICATIONS | ISBN NO.: 978-935566-688-8 |
74 | Internet of Things | Dr.T.Yuvaraja | 2022 |
The Charulatha Publications |
978-93-93479-75-4 |
75 | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
Dr.D.Karthikeyan T.Dineshkumar |
2022 |
The Charulatha Publications |
978-93-93479-76-1 |
76 | Digital Communication |
Dr. B.Umarani T. Beni Steena |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications | 978-93-93479-83-9 |
77 | Transmission Lines and Waveguides | N.Jayapal | 2022 | The Charulatha Publications |
978-93-93479-51-8 |
78 | Basic Electrical Electronics and Measurement Engineering, Regulation (KNCET-UGR2020) |
Dr.R.Shankar, S.Arun and S.Amuthameena |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-93479-54-9 |
79 |
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Regulation (KNCET-UGR2020) |
P.Tamilnesan, S.Ragul and A.C.Divya | 2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-93479-48-8 |
80 |
Basic Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Regulation (KNCET-UGR2020) |
T.Muthukumar, V.Kalairajan and K.Mohanraj |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-93479-49-5 |
81 |
Solid State Drives (KNCET-UGR 2020) |
Dr.R.Shankar, S.Ragul and V.Kalairajan |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-93479-59-4 |
82 |
Power System Analysis (KNCET-UGR 2020) |
Dr.P.Arul, S.Revathi and R.Gopalakrishnan |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-95211-69-7 |
83 |
Protection and Switchgear (KNCET-UGR 2020) |
R.Gopalakrishnan and S.Ragul |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-95211-69-7 |
84 |
Power System Operation and Control(KNCET-UGR 2020) |
Dr.P.Arul, J.Karthikeyan and S.Arun |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-95211-68-0 |
85 |
Electric Vehicles, Regulation (KNCET- UGR 2020) |
Dr.T.Sengolrajan and P.Tamilnesan |
2022 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-93-95211-73-4 |
86 |
Sensors and Transducers (Regulation KNCET UGR 2020) |
Dr.T.Sengolrajan and Mr.A.Sampath |
2022 | Sri Krishna Hitech Publishing Company Pvt Ltd, Chennai | 978-93-93808-12-7 |
87 |
Discrete –Time Signal Processing (20EE604) | Dr.R.Shankar | 2023 | Chess Educational Publishers, Chennai & Kerala | 978-93-89190-1-4 |
88 |
Power System Transients (Regulation KNCET-UGR 2020) |
R.Gopalakrishnan and S.Revathi |
2023 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-81-19056-36-1 |
89 |
Embedded Systems and Industrial Automation (Regulation KNCET-UGR 2020) |
Dr.T.Sengolrajan, P.Tamilnesan and J.Karthikeyan | 2023 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-81-19056-51-4 |
90 |
Power System Operation and Control(KNCET-UGR 2020),Second edition |
Dr.P.Arul, J.Karthikeyan and P.Tamilnesan |
2023 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai | 978-81-967753-0-8 |
91 |
Transmission and Distribution, Regulation (KNCET-UGR2020),Third edition |
R.Gopalakrishnan, K.Mohanraj and C.Gowrishankar |
2023 | The Charulatha Publications, Chennai. | 978-81-967753-1-5 |
92 | Digital Electronics |
Dr.E.Kavitha, R.Gayathri, R.Riddhi, R.Mirajkar and R.Manikandan |
2023 |
Aasan Publications, Virudhunagar. |
978-81-19313-72-3 |
93 |
Electric Energy Conservation, Utilization and conservation, First edition |
S.Revathi, R.Gopalakrishnan and K.Mohanraj | 2023 | R.K.Publishers, Coimbatore. | ISBN.No.978-81-965312-8-7 |
Faculty Publications
Funds Recieved
Project Sanctioned Details from Various Funding Agency
S.No |
Principal Investigator/Company/ Incubator/Guide /Students |
Title of the Project |
Name of the Funding Agency/Competitions |
Amount |
Academic Year |
1 |
Dr.J.Yogapriya Dean (R&D) Dept. of CSE Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Tiruchirappalli-621 215 |
Smart toilets for sustainable fertilizer production through automated sensor technology |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
7500 | 2023-2024 |
2 |
Mr.A. Sampath Assistant Professor Dept. of Biomedical Engg. Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Tiruchirappalli-621 215 |
Automatic insulin injector |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
7500 | 2023-2024 |
3 |
R.V.Viswanathan Assistant Professor Dept. of IT Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Tiruchirappalli-621 215 |
Implementation of Unmanned Vehicle (UV) sanitizing system using Raspberry PI |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
7500 | 2023-2024 |
4 |
Dr.T.Yuvaraja Associate Professor Dept. of ECE Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology Tiruchirappalli-621 215 |
Smart fire accident prevention and alert system for cracker factories using iot |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
7500 | 2023-2024 |
5 |
Mr.N.Kawin Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engg. Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Tholurpatti - 621 215 |
Autogeneous Table For Welding |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
6000 | 2023-2024 |
6 |
Dr.S.Kavipriya Professor and Head Dept. of Civil Engineering Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Tholurpatti (P) Tiruchirappalli-621 215 |
A Novel method of developing eco-friendly concrete blocks using Melted Polymer and Quarry Sand (MEPCON) |
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
7500 | 2023-2024 |
7 |
Dr.J.Yogapriya Prof/CSE&Dean(R&D) Dr.C.Saravanabhavan Prof/CSE & Head Dr.P.Preethi, ASP/CSE |
Assistive System to Impart the Fertility Stage of Women from Remote Provinces Using Nano-based Wearable Device | DST SERB POWER Grant, New Delhi |
26,23,720 |
2023-2024 |
8 |
Mrs. Sangeetha.S AP/IT Dr.Sathya R AP/IT |
Ayurvedic Medicinal Leaf Grading System Using AI and IoT | MSME IDEA HACKATHON 3.0 (WOMEN) |
Total Project Cost: Rs.15 Lakhs Rs.12.75 Lakhs (MSME) Rs.02.25Lakhs (Incubatee Share) |
2023-2024 |
9 |
Ms. Sathya V, AP/AD Dr.K.Baskar ASP & HoD/AD |
Design and Development of Brain Tumor Pathology Classification using Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm |
Total Project Cost: Rs.15 Lakhs Rs.12.75 Lakhs (MSME) Rs.02.25Lakhs (Incubatee Share) |
2023-2024 |
10 |
R.Baskar, II Year/Master of Engineering, Applied Electronics, Department of ECE |
Design of Mind Machine Interface (MMI) based Smart Digital Nursing Robot for Quadriplegic and Paraplegic Patients |
MSME IDEA HACKATHON 2.0(Theme Based),New Delhi | 15 Lakhs | 2023-2024 |
11 |
Mr.T.Rajamanikandan Head(IPR & Product Development) Department of EEE |
Indigenous Production Of Eco Friendly - Sustainable Furniture And Veneer Sheet From Banana Tree Waste (Musa Acuminata) With Wheat Gluten | MSME IDEA HACKATHON 2.0(Theme Based),New Delhi | 12.75 Lakhs | 2023-2024 |
12 |
A b Hirthik Roshan, Harish s l Jesus Anbu Rose j Dharmarajan d Barathi raja j Final Year Mechanical Engineering |
Recharging Mobile Phone Through Mobile Case | MSME IDEA HACKATHON 2.0(Theme Based),,New Delhi | 15 Lakhs | 2023-2024 |
13 |
Department of Mechanical S. L. Harish, A.B. Hrithik Roshan, D. Dharmarajan |
Low Cost Paddy Collecting and Spreading Machine with No Fuel Requirement for the Benefit of Farmers and Grain Handlers. | EDII-TN,Tamil Nadu Student Innovators (TNSI), Anna University BIT Campus,Trichy,Tamilnadu | 1,00,000/- | 2022-2023 |
14 |
Department of Civil M. Udhayakumar, V. Kamalini, B. Kishore |
Termite Resist and Corrosive Control Paint Made by Coconut Husk |
EDII-TN,Tamil Nadu Student Innovators (TNSI), Anna University BIT Campus,Trichy,Tamilnadu | 1,00,000/- | 2022-2023 |
15 |
Department of Mechanical Hirthik Roshan A B,Harish S L,Jesus Anbu Rose J,Barathi Raja J,Dharmarajan D |
Decentralized Sewage Treating Method By Ultrasonic Waves And Ultra-violet Rays With Roller And Vibrating Filters |
National Level Project Competition,Ramaiah Institute of Technology , Bengaluru | 1,50,000/- | 2022-2023 |
16 | Department of Mechanical
Harish S L , Hirthik Roshan AB, Guna K,Jesus Anbu Rose, Barathi Raja J, Deva dharshini T |
Ultrasonic And Evaporative Sewage Treatment Plant With Roller And Vibrating Filters |
Smart India Hackathon SIH 2022,AICTE,MoE,IIC,New Delhi | 1,00,000/- | 2022-2023 |
17 |
Mr. T.Rajmanikandan Assistant Professor/EEE |
Formulation and Scaling up the Production and Commercialization of Products from Banana Residues | National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development(NBARD), Chennai | 9.75 Lakhs | 2022-2023 |
18 |
Mr. Sivashankar N Assistant Professor/Mechanical Students Name Muthukumaran D Sanjai S Sanjay G Sankar M |
IoT based Onion Storage Container | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2022-2023 |
19 |
Mr.N.Ravikumar Assistant Professor/Mechanical Students Name K. Abdul Kalam R. Bharath S. Dhanush Prasanth T. Ganesh Babu |
Design and Fabrication of Fire Fighting Robot | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2022-2023 |
20 |
Mr. Dhavashankaran Assistant Professor/Civil Students Name V. Ramkumar S. Muthu M. Vetriselvan S. Manojkumar |
Building Products using Kota Stone Cutting and Slurry Waste | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2022-2023 |
21 |
Dr. R.Sathya Assistant Professor/IT Students Name Jeevitha A Keerthika S Nitharsana S |
Traffic police gesture rule recognition for autonomous driving system using ai and IoT | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2022-2023 |
22 |
Mr.Dineshkumar T Assistant Professor/ECE Students Name Veeramani S Ajay S Velmurugan C Yasween Adithya B |
Automated lpg gas cylinder leakage detection and fire alarm system using IoT | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2022-2023 |
23 |
Incubatee : Mrs.R.Sasikala Incubator: Shine Tek Bio Bag Mentor :Dr.S.Vijayakumar Dean(Project & Consultancy), Professor(Chemistry), KNCET |
Novel Process for Recycling Post-Consumer Pla (Poly Lactic Acid) Waste For Sustainable Production of Methyl Lactate By Catalytic Methanolysis | Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME),Govt.of India |
Total Project Cost: Rs.24.92 Lakhs Rs.12.75 Lakhs (MSME) Rs.12.17Lakhs (Incubatee Share) |
2022-2023 |
24 |
Dr.R.Asokan Dr.M.Dharmalingam
Design and Development of Low Power Consumption and Portable Device for Finding Trapped People during Disaster Scenes using Wi-Vi Technology |
AICTE,New Delhi Research Promotion Scheme(RPS) |
Rs.9,81,666/- | 2021-2022 |
25 |
Dr.G.Saravanan K.Sanjai, S.Shanmugam, V.Sivasankar, D.Sudharsan |
Design and Fabrication of Garbage Collecting Robot | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2021-2022 |
26 |
Mrs. K. Anbarasi M.Gokulraj A.Meghna A.Dhanushiya M.Keerthivasan |
Experimental Study of Floating Concrete | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2021-2022 |
27 |
Ms.M.Mythili Aswin.S, Muhilan.M.S, Raguram.S, Vikas.D |
Fire Alarm using Web and IoT | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7,500/- | 2021-2022 |
28 | EEE Students S.Kishore,C.Sundar & V.Kalairajan |
Eco Friendly Modern Agriculture Machinery Control and Monitoring with IoT |
India International Science Festival (IISF)-2021 at Goa | 20,000 | 2021-2022 |
29 |
Mechanical Students S.Nithishkumar M.Naveenkumar,V.Sathish Kumar |
Crafty Agro Tech Solutions Solar Dryer |
Tamilnadu Nadu Student Innovator, Anna University BIT Campus, | 1,00,000/- |
2019-2020 |
30 | EEE Students TR.Aiswarya S.Priyadharsini M.Bavithra |
Aqro Queen Development of food serving plates and cups from banana tree waste in Trichy Zone |
Tamilnadu Nadu Student Innovator, Anna University BIT Campus, | 1,00,000/- | 2019-2020 |
31 |
Mechanical Students S.Nithishkumar M.Naveenkumar M.Praveen Kumar P.Raja |
Engine Care Equipment | IIT Madras- IDEA SPARK 2019-2020 | Rs.25,000/- | 2019-2020 |
32 |
Dr.J.Yogapriya Dean(R&D)Professor/CSE Students Name:R.Yeshwanth S.Aravind Kishore B. Srija E.Mathumitha |
Prediction of LearningDisabilities in Public SchoolChildren | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu. | Rs.7500/- | 2019-2020 |
33 |
Mr. T.Rajmanikandan Assistant Professor/EEE Students Name: S.Vadivazhagan B. Rajesh D. Lakshmanan T.Vijayrathinam |
Portable Battery Banana StemJuicer | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7500/- | 2019-2020 |
34 |
Dr.R.Venkatesh Professor & HOD/Mechanical Students Name : S.Nithishkumar M.Praveen Kumar T. Ragavan P. Raja |
Smart Solar Air Heater for DryingAgricultural Products | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7500/- | 2019-2020 |
35 | Mr.T.Rajamanikandan Assistant Professor/EEE |
Intelligent Farm Security Systems to avoid the Crop Damage from the Wild Animals using Animal Sound |
National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development(NBARD), Chennai | Rs.3,00,015/- | 2019-2020 |
36 | Mr.T.Rajamanikandan Assistant Professor/EEE |
Identification and Testing of Suitable Banana Residue for Production of Paper & Paper Products |
National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development(NBARD), Chennai | Rs.2,66,000/- | 2018-2019 |
37 | Dr.J.Yogapriya Dean (R &D) Professor/CSE Students Name: P.Bharanidharan. P K.R.Shanmugaraj M.Parameshwari P.Shalini |
Automated external nipah virsu defect dectection system in banana |
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.5000/- | 2018-2019 |
38 |
Mr.T.Yuvaraja Assistant Professor/ECE Students Name: N.Abuthaheer V.Gowtham B.Jaisurya M.S.Hariharan |
Forest fire detection and rescue system for hill areas in India |
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7500/- | 2018-2019 |
39 |
R.Viswanathan Assistant Professor/MECH Students Name: S.Boopathi Raja S.Azhagappan S.Bharanitharan Balamurugan |
Solar Based Dust Collecting Machine By Artificail Intelligence |
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.7500/- | 2018-2019 |
40 |
Mr.K.Madheswaran Associate Professor & HOD/Civil Students Name: C. Selvakumar, R.Shankar, P.Sruthi, S.Vijai |
Effective MicroOrganisms For Solid Waste Management | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.10,000/- | 2017-2018 |
41 |
K.Balaji Assistant Professor/ECE Students Name: M.Dinesh Kumar,M.Prakashraj, G.Rangarajan, S.Sharan |
Toxic Gas Neutralizer in Septic Tank For Sanitation Workers | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.10,000/- | 2017-2018 |
42 |
Dr.R.Venkatesh Professor & HOD/Mechanical Students Name: K.Sedhu Ramanan P.Vigneshram |
Improvement in Solar Greenhouse Dryer For Banana Fig | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.10,000/- | 2017-2018 |
43 |
Mr.K.Periaswamy Associate Professor/Mechnical Students Name: A.M.Syedhammed V.Vignesh S.Sanjei N.Umaresath |
Automatic Food Serving Machine | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Tamilnadu | Rs.10,000/- | 2016-2017 |
Science Camp/FDP/Seminar/Workshop/Entrepreneurship Camp/Science Exhibition Sanctioned Details from Various Funding Agency
S.No |
Title |
Funding Agency & Scheme |
Co-ordinator (s) |
Amount (Rs) |
Year |
1. |
Science Camp under Inspire Internship |
Department of Science and Technology |
Dr. R. Asokan Prof.K.Sekar Prof.M.Dharmalingam |
9,75,000.00 |
2012-2013 |
2. |
FDP on Computer Networks |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of ECE Dr. R.Asokan |
90,000.00 |
2013-2014 |
3. |
FDP on Rural Development by Green Energy |
Department of EEE Dr. R.Asokan Dr.M.Karthikeyan |
4,00,000.00 |
2013-2014 |
4. |
FDP on Soil Mechanics |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of Civil Dr. R.Asokan Prof. R.Vasanthi |
90,000.00 |
2013-2014 |
5. |
Course on Information, Communication and Technology under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana Scheme in Trichy District. |
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana Scheme in Trichy District. |
Dr. R.Asokan Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
50,000.00 |
2013-2014 |
6. |
FDP on Mathematics I |
Anna University,Chennai |
Department of S&H Dr. R.Asokan Mr. R. Srinivasan |
90,000.00 |
2013-2014 |
7. |
FDP on Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of CSE Dr. R.Asokan Dr .J. Vellingiri |
30,000.00 |
2014-2015 |
8. |
FDP on Mathematics I |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of S&H Dr. R.Asokan Dr.G.M.Arun Prasath |
60,000.00 |
2014-2015 |
9. |
Seminar grant on Bioethics and Computational Intelligence in Health Informatics |
Department of Bio Technology, Government of India. |
Department of IT Dr.R.Asokan Prof. K.Sekar |
40,000.00 |
2015-2016 |
10. |
Seminar grant on E- waste Management Approaches and its Impacts on Environment and Health |
Department of Science and Technology |
Department of Mechanical Mr. N.Ravikumar |
50,000.00 |
2015-2016 |
11. |
Seminar grant on Health Care Problems and Environmental Defects Caused by Mobile Towers Radiation |
Department of Atomic Energy |
Department of IT Prof. K.Sekar Mrs.T.Dheepa |
25,000.00 |
2015-2016 |
12. |
FDP on CS6402-Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of CSE Dr. R.Asokan Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
22,500.00 |
2014-2015 |
13 |
Bioenergy Routes And Conversion Technologies And Its Impacts On Environment |
Science and Engineering Research Board |
Department of Mechanical Mr. N. Ravikumar |
50,000.00 |
2016-2017 |
14. |
Science Exhibition on Science and Technology |
Dr.R.Asokan T.Rajamanikandan |
15,000 |
2016-2017 |
15. |
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (DST-NIMAT Project 2016-2017) |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp |
Department of IT Prof. K.Sekar Mrs.T.Dheepa |
20,000.00 |
2016-2017 |
16. |
Workshop on Recent Internetworking Technologies in Distributed Systems |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, NewDelhi |
Department of CSE Dr. R.Asokan Dr. J. Yogapriya Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
20,000.00 |
2016-2017 |
17. |
Workshop on 'Concurrent & Stream Analytics in Big Data' |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, NewDelhi |
Department of CSE Dr. R.Asokan Dr. J. Yogapriya Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
30,000.00 |
2016-2017 |
18. |
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) |
National Level Seminar on Research Focus on Analog & Mixed Signal ASIC Design |
Department of ECE
Dr. R. Asokan
15,000.00 |
2016-2017 |
19. |
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (DST-NIMAT Project 2017-2018) |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp |
Prof. K.Sekar |
60,000.00 |
2017-2018 |
20. | Energy Generation from Municipal Solid Waste by Innovative Technologies | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Dr.R.Venkatesh |
50,000 | 2016-2017 |
21. | Recent Trends : Bioenergy Routes And Conversion Technologies And Its Impacts On Environment | Science and Engineering Research Board | Department of Mechanical Mr. N.Ravikumar |
75,000 | 2017-2018 |
22. | Recycling of Agro-Industrial Wastes through Cleaner Technology | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Dr.R.Venkatesh |
30,000 | 2017-2018 |
23. | Internet Of Things (IOT)- A Technology That Empower People With Disability | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of ECE M.Dharmalingam |
40,000 | 2017-2018 |
24. | Impact of E-Waste Pollution to Human Health | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
30,000 | 2017-2018 |
25. |
Crystal Growth for Optoelectronic and Piezoelectric Applications |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
25,000 | 2017-2018 |
26. |
FDTP on Principles of Digital Signal Processing |
Anna University, Chennai |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan Mr. M.Dharmalingam |
Self Supported | 2017-2018 |
27. |
Nationwide Competition to Create Awareness about the Legal Rights of Women |
National Commission for Women |
Dr.A.Nithya |
23,200 | 2017-2018 |
28. | FDTP on Graph Theory and Applications | Anna University, Chennai |
Department of CSE Dr.C.Saravanabhavan |
Self Supported | 2018-2019 |
29 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC) |
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (DST-NIMAT Project 2018-2019) |
Dr.R.Asokan Mr.N.Premkumar |
20,000 | 2018-2019 |
30 | Nano structured Materials for Photonics applications | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
25,000 | 2018-2019 |
31 |
Blockchain and Deep Learning: A Technology for Future Artificial Intelligence |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | Department of IT Mr.N.Premkumar |
20,000 | 2018-2019 |
32 |
Deep Learning Using loT for Speech Recognition: A Technology for Differently abled People |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | Department of CSE
Dr.J.Yogapriya |
15,000 | 2018-2019 |
33. |
Quantum Mechanics in Nanophotonics Applications |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
15,000 | 2018-2019 |
34. |
Thin Film Technology for Gas Sensing Applications |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
15,000 | 2018-2019 |
35. |
Recent Advancements In Energy Storage Technologies For Smart Grid Applications |
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology |
Department of EEE Dr.P.Arul |
20,000 | 2018-2019 |
36. |
Recycling of E-Waste into Nanoparticles for Construction |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Civil Mr. K.Madheswaran |
25,000 | 2018-2019 |
37. |
Recent Trends and Advancement of Nanomedicine Applications in Womens Health and Safety |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Dr.A.Nithya |
35,000 | 2018-2019 |
38. | FDTP on Control Systems | Anna University,Chennai |
Department of EEE Dr.P.Arul Dr.T.Sengolrajan |
Self Supported | 2018-2019 |
39. |
Advances in Finite Element Analysis for Structural Engineering |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | Department of S&H
Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
35,000 | 2019-2020 |
40. |
Innovations in Number Theory for Cryptographic Applications |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of S&H Mr.K.Balasubramanian |
15,000 | 2019-2020 |
Recent Innovations In Power Generation Using Bloom Energy Technology | Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology |
Department of EEE Dr.R.Shankar |
20,000 | 2019-2020 |
42. |
Emerging Trends in Welding Technology |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Dr.R.Venkatesh |
25,000 | 2019-2020 |
43 | Wireless Communication | Anna University Sponsored FDP |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan Dr.M.Dharmalingam |
30,000 | 2019-2020 |
44 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC) | Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (DST-NIMAT Project 2019-2020) |
Dr.R.Asokan Mr.N.Premkumar |
20,000 | 2019-2020 |
45. | Research Challenges and Applications of Internet of Things(IoT) in Smart Agriculture |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored Short Term Training Program(STTP) |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan |
3,86,000 | 2020-2021 |
46. | Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing IoT and Macine Learning for Smart Grid Distribution Systems |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored Short Term Training Program(STTP) |
Department of EEE Dr.P.Arul |
3,05,600 | 2020-2021 |
47. | Emerging Trends and Challenges in VLSI Mixed Signal Processing for Fourth Industrial Revolution |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored Faculty Development Program(FDP) |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan |
5,14,333 | 2020-2021 |
48. | Modernization of Embedded System Laboratory based on Internet of Things(IoT) in Real Time Applications |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored Modernisation And Removal of Obsolenscence (MODROBS) |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan |
5,43,725 | 2020-2021 |
49. | Emerging Trends and Research Challenges in Next Generation Wireless Networks |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored Short Term Training Program(STTP) |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan |
3,83,500 | 2020-2021 |
50. | Internet of Things(IoT) | AICTE - Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Programme |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan Dr.M.Dharmalingam Dr.T.Yuvaraja |
93,000 | 2020-2021 |
51. | Innovation In Rural Empowerment And Women Welfare | NABARD,Chennai |
Department of EEE T.Rajamanikandan |
35,000 | 2020-2021 |
52. |
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’21) |
AICTE,New Delhi Sponsored International Conference |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan Dr.M.Dharmalingam Dr.K.Amudha |
2,00,000 | 2021-2022 |
53. | Internet of Things(IoT) in Smart Cities | AICTE - Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Programme |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan |
93,000 | 2021-2022 |
54. | The Role of E-Waste as Filler for Composites - An Overview | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr.G.Saravanan S.Kumaravel |
8,000 | 2021-2022 |
55. | Impact Lecture Series Program | MoE,Goverment of India,New Delhi |
Dr.J.Yogapriya |
12,000 | 2021-2022 |
56. | Photocatlysis-Past,Present & Future | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi |
Department of Chemistry V.Sriram Dr.S.Vijayakumar
15,000 | 2021-2022 |
57. | COVID'19 Data Analytics using Deep Learning Algorithms | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Dr.J.Yogapriya S.Dhivya |
8,000 | 2021-2022 |
58 | Biotechnological Applications using Fiber Optic Sensors | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan T.Beni Steena |
8000 | 2021-2022 |
59 | Big Data Analytics | Anna University,Chennai |
Department of IT N.Premkumar Dr.K.Muthumanickam |
30,000 | 2021-2022 |
60 |
Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework of NAAC: Understanding and Opportunities in HEI’s |
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC),Bengaluru |
IQAC Dr.R.Asokan Dr.J.Yogapriya N.Ravikumar |
30,000 | 2021-2022 |
61 |
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Self –Sufficient “Village Republics” Cluster of Villages: Arasalur,Natham,Thirunarayanapuram,Tholurpatti, Thottiyam |
Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt of India. |
Mr.T.Rajamanikandan AP/EEE |
5,50,000 | 2021-2022 |
63 | Recent Developments in Portable Oxygen Concentrator For Treating COVID Patient | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), New Delhi |
Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr.D.Jagadeesh A.Natarajan |
20000 | 2021-2022 |
64 | Analysis and Diagnosis of Brain Tumour using Deep Learning Techniques | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), New Delhi |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan T. Meenal |
20000 | 2021-2022 |
65 | Impact of Climate Change on Human Health Using Deep Learning Algorithms | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of IT Dr.K.Muthumanickam S.Saravananan |
8000 | 2022-2023 |
66 | Future Trends of Biodegradable Packaging in Food Industry | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of Chemistry G.Kalaimagal Dr.S.Vijayakumar |
8000 | 2022-2023 |
67 |
Introduction to Cyber Security Issues and Unit Commitment Problems in Power System |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), New Delhi |
Department of EEE Dr.R.Shankar S.Revathi |
10,000 | 2022-2023 |
68 | Classification and Detection of Cervical Cancer based on Deep Learning Algorithm | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of ECE Dr.R.Asokan N. Jayapal |
8000 | 2022-2023 |
69 | Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms for Better Healthcare Services | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of IT N.Premkumar G.Karthik |
8000 | 2022-2023 |
70 | Biological Plastic Degradation - Current and Future Perspectives | Department of Bio Technology (DBT),New Delhi |
Department of Chemistry Dr.S.Kathiresan Dr.S.Vijayakumar |
8000 | 2022-2023 |
71 | Biomimicry in Civil Engineering – A creative and Innovative way of Problem Solving Inspired by Nature |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),New Delhi |
Department of Civil M.P.Iniya |
70,000 | 2022-2023 |
72 |
AI for Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities |
Indian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR),New Delhi |
Department of CSE Dr.J.Yogapriya |
80,000 | 2023-2024 |
73 | Social and Technological Impact of Power Electronics based Hybrid Electric Vehicles for Sustainable Environment | Indian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR),New Delhi |
Department of EEE Dr.R.Shankar |
1,00,000 | 2023-2024 |
74 | Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Resilience to Natural Disasters | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),New Delhi |
Department of Civil M.Sakthivel |
80,000 | 2023-2024 |
75 | Current Scenario and Trends on Green Concrete Technology | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),New Delhi |
Department of Civil Mr.D.Dhavashankaran |
80,000 | 2023-2024 |
76 | Navigating the Nanoscale - Innovations and Applications in Nanomedicine | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),New Delhi |
Department of Biomedical Dr.K.Amuthameena
85,000 | 2023-2024 |
77 | Unveiling the Current Trends and Sustainable Developments in Shear Wall Technology | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB),New Delhi |
Department of Civil Dr.G.Saravanan |
90,000 | 2023-2024 |
Research Committee
S.No. | Name of the faculty | Designation |
Department |
1 | Dr.R.Asokan |
Principal |
2 | Dr.J.Yogapriya | Dean(R&D) |
3 | Dr.S.Vijayakumar | Dean(Project & Consultancy) | Chemistry |
4 | T.Rajamanikandan | Head(IPR & Product Development) | EEE |
5 | Dr.C.Saravanabhavan | Professor & Head |
6 | Dr.M.Dharmalingam | Professor & Head | ECE |
7 | Dr.R.Shankar | Associate Professor & Head |
8 | Dr.D.Jagadeesh | Associate Professor & Head | Mechanical |
9 | Mr.N.Premkumar | Associate Professor & Head |
IT |
10 | Dr. S. Kavipriya | Professor & Head | Civil |
11 | Mr T Ashok | Associate Professor & Head | Bio-Medical |
12 | Dr.K.Balasubramanian | Professor & Head | Mathematics & S and H |
13 | Dr.K.Baskar | Associate Professor & Head | AD |
14 | Dr.V.Gopinath | Associate Professor & Head | Agri |
15 | Dr.T.Yuvaraja | Associate Professor | ECE |
16 | Dr.P.Preethi | Assistant Professor | CSE |
17 | Dr.T.Sengolrajan | Associate Professor | EEE |
18 | Dr.R.Sathya | Assistant Professor | IT |
19 | Dr. R.Saravanan | Professor | Civil |
20 | Dr.K.Baskar | Assistant Professor | BME |
21 | Dr.A.Viji | Assistant Professor | Physics |
22 |
Mr.N.Kawin |
Assistant Professor | Mechanical |
23 | Mr.V. Sriram | Assistant Professor | Chemistry |
24 | Mr.M.Sivakumar | Assistant Professor | AD |
25 | Ms. G.Veera Karunya | Assistant Professor | Agri |