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Industrial Training - Faculty
Industrial Training - Faculty
S. No. |
Name of the Faculty |
Name of the Industry Visited |
Date of Training |
Area of Learning/ Domain of Area |
1. |
Dr.A.Sampath |
Anchor Medical Devices, Salem |
26.12.2023 to 28.12.2023 |
Medical components and Systems such as Pumps, Ventilator, Defibrillator, Anesthesia |
2. |
Mr.T.Muthukumar |
MEDVU, Salem |
15.12.2023 to 17.12.2023 |
Basics of Medical Equipments Handling and Manufacturing Process of Medical Devices |
3. |
Mr.K.Bashkaran |
Anchor Medical Devices, Salem |
29.06.2023 to 01.07.2023 |
Medical components and Systems such as Pumps, Ventilator, Defibrillator, Anesthesia |
4. |
Ms.M.Thendral |
Sai Primus Lifebiotech Private Limited, Puducherry |
29.06.2023 to 01.07.2023 |
Tablet Manufacturing Process, Equipment and Machinery, Quality Control |
5. |
Ms.M.Amritha |
St. Xaviers Catholic Multispecialty Hospital, Kanyakumari |
28.12.2023 to 30.12.2023 |
Clinical skills development, Infection control and Prevention, Patient centered care |
Academic Year 2023-2024 (ODD)
S.No | Name of the faculty |
Name of the Industry Visited |
Date of Training |
Area of Learning/ Domain of Training |
1 | Dr.A.Sampath | Prashan Medical Technologies, Salem. | 22.06.2023 to 24.06.2023 |
Hands-on training on Medical Equipment’s Product & Design |
2 | Mr.T.Muthukumar | Prashan Medical Technologies, Salem. | 22.06.2023 to 24.06.2023 |
Hands-on training on Medical Equipment’s Product & Design |
3 | Mr.V.Kalairajan | TMI Systems, Bengaluru | 29.06.2023 to 01.07.2023 |
Electronic Components such as various Resistors, Soldering Iron, PCBs & Assembling and Electrical Safety Analyzer |
4 | Mr.K.Bashkaran | TMI Systems, Bengaluru | 29.06.2023 to 01.07.2023 |
Electronic Components such as various Resistors, Soldering Iron, PCBs & Assembling and Electrical Safety Analyzer |
Academic Year 2022-2023
S.No | Name of the faculty |
Name of the Industry Visited |
Date of Training |
Area of Learning/ Domain of Training |
1 | Ms. N.GOWSIKA | Newton Biomedical Service | 20.01.2023 to 22.01.2023 |
Diagnostic Equipments Maintenance, Calibration & Servicing Methodology |
Power Integrated Solutions |
30.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 & 03.01.2023 |
Sensors and Control Architectures , Programming Skills, Hardware Interfacing |
3. |
Dr. A SAMPATH | Power Integrated Solutions |
30.12.2022 to 31.12.2022 & 03.01.2023 |
Sensors and Control Architectures , Programming Skills, Hardware Interfacing |
4. |
Medingers Healthcare Solutions, Erode. |
28.12.2022 to 30.12.2022 |
Hands on Training on Various Biomedical Equipments (Infusion Pump, Syringe Pump, X Ray, CT scan, MRI, PMS, Nebulizer) |
5. |
Medingers Healthcare Solutions, Erode. |
28.12.2022 to 30.12.2022 |
Hands on Training on Various Biomedical Equipments (Infusion Pump, Syringe Pump, X Ray, CT scan, MRI, PMS, Nebulizer) |
6. |
M/s. Apex Solar Power Plant , Trichy-621 206, Tamilnadu |
15.07.2022 to 18.07.2022 |
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Inverter power Control |
7. |
M/s. Apex Solar Power Plant , Trichy-621 206, Tamilnadu |
15.07.2022 to 18.07.2022 |
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Inverter power Control |
S.No | Name of the faculty |
Name of the Industry Visited |
Date of Training |
Area of Learning/ Domain of Training |
1. | Mrs.G. MAHESHWARI |
Navani Diagnostic Centre, Namakkal |
26.12.2022 to 30.12.2022 |
Urine Analysis, Hematology, Biochemistry Test, Hormone Test, Various Straining Methods, Hair, Neil, and Skin Test |
2. |
Navani Diagnostic Centre, Namakkal |
26.12.2022 to 30.12.2022 |
Urine Analysis, Hematology, Biochemistry Test, Hormone Test, Various Straining Methods, Hair, Neil, and Skin Test |
3. |
Mrs.G.KOWSALYA | Newton Biomedical Service |
20.01.2023 to 22.01.2023 |
Diagnostic Equipments Maintenance, Calibration & Servicing Methodology |
Funds Received
Funds Received From Outside Agencies
Academic Year 2023 – 2024
S.No |
Funding Agency Name |
Event/Project Name |
Amount Sanctioned (Rs.) |
1. |
Shalom Foundation, Thuraiyur |
Consultancy Project on” Fabrication of Inner Layer of Napkin from Banana Fiber” |
50,000 |
2. |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) |
Two Days National Level Workshop on “Navigating the Nanoscale- Innovations and Applications in Nanomedicine” |
85,000 |
International / National Journals
(Academic Year 2023 – 2024)
- Dr.A.Sampath, “A comprehensive hybrid model for early detection of cardiovascular diseases using integrated CardioXGBoost and long short-term memory networks”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume : 95 (2024) 106281/ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2024.106281
- Dr.A.Sampath, “Non- Additive noise reduction in medical images using Bilateral Filtering and Modular Neural Networks”, Soft Computing, July 2023/ https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-08968-2.
- Dr.S.Amuthameena, “Synthesis of nitrogen‐doped zinc oxide nanomaterials for hydrogen gas sensing applications”, Journal of Material Science - Materials in Electronics, September 2023 /htps://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-023-11294-w.
- Mr.T.Muthukumar, “An Io T base d forest fire detection system using integration of cat swarm with LSTM model”, Computer Communications, Volume 211/ Pages 37-45 /November 2023/ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2023.08.020
International / National Conference
(Academic Year 2023 – 2024)
Dr.A.Sampath Presented a paper entitled “An Automatic Anesthesia Control system Through sensor using Node MCU” in the International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2024) during 23.03.24 to 24.03.24
Mr.T.Muthukumar Presented a paper entitled “Body Posture Determination of the Heart Failure Patient from Ankle Orientation Measurement” in the International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2024) during 23.03.24 to 24.03.24
Ms.M.Thendral Presented a paper entitled “Design of Smart Pillow for Patient with Nocturnal Hypoventilation Syndrome (NHS) using IOT” in the International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2024) during 23.03.24 to 24.03.24
Ms.M.Amritha Presented a paper entitled “Remote Controlled Bed Cum Chair Transformation for Maximizing Convenience” in the International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2024) during 23.03.24 to 24.03.24
Ms.M.Amritha Presented a paper entitled “Eyeball Gesture Controlled Automatic Wheelchair using Recurrent Neural Networks” in the International Conference on Manufacturing, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2024) during 23.03.24 to 24.03.24
Dr.A.Sampath Presented a paper entitled “Non Invasive Blood Group Detector using NIR Spectroscopy” in the International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2024) on 28.03.24
Ms.M.Amritha Presented a paper entitled “Diagnosis and Prevention of Varicose Vein Disease using Peltier Effect” in the International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2024) on 28.03.24
Mr.T.Ashok Presented a paper entitled “Deep Learning Based Multimodal Ensemble Classification of Breast Cancer as a Prognosis” in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Information Technology (ICIT-24) during 03.04.24 to 04.04.24
Mr.T.Ashok Presented a paper entitled “Pregnancy Postpartum Hemorrhage Detection using Ultrasonic Sensor and Automated Blood Compensation” in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Information Technology (ICIT-24) during 03.04.24 to 04.04.24
Dr.P.Elamurugan Presented a paper entitled “A Non Invasive Pre Eclampsia Predictor using Machine Learning” in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Information Technology (ICIT-24) during 03.04.24 to 04.04.24
Ms.M.Thendral Presented a paper entitled “Real time ECG Monitoring and QRS Complex Detection in Wearable Wrist Band” in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Information Technology (ICIT-24) during 03.04.24 to 04.04.24
Ms.M.Amritha Presented a paper entitled “Embedded Solution for Managing Diabetic Foot Ulcer” in the International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Information Technology (ICIT-24) during 03.04.24 to 04.04.24
Dr.P.Elamurugan Presented a paper entitled “Amalgamation of Phototherapy in an IoT Based Smart and Secure Infant Incubator.” in the International Conference on Data Analytics and Intelligence Computing on 06.04.24
Mr.T.Muthukumar Presented a paper entitled “Reliable Explosion Risk Detection System for Oil and Gas Industries to Alert Potential Threats” in the International Conference on Data Analytics and Intelligence Computing on 06.04.24
Mr.K.Bashkaran Presented a paper entitled “Accelerometer based Orthopedic Braces for Rehabilitation” in the International Conference on Data Analytics and Intelligence Computing on 06.04.24
Mr.K.Bashkaran Presented a paper entitled “Design and Implementation of Centralized Medical Air Plant” in the International Conference on Data Analytics and Intelligence Computing on 06.04.24
Dr.P.Elamurugan Presented a paper entitled “Tracking of Volumetric Blood Flow Measurements” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Dr.P.Elamurugan Presented a paper entitled “Wireless Power Transfer System for Charging Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Dr.A.Sampath Presented a paper entitled “EMG Controlled 3D Printed Bionic Arm for Upper Limb Amputation Person” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Dr.A.Sampath Presented a paper entitled “An Early Warning System that Employs Sensor Based Methodology in the Oil and Gas Industry to Swiftly Detect Leaks” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Mr.T.Muthukumar Presented a paper entitled “A Scent Free Solution for Composting Kitchen Waste at Home” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Mr.K.Bashkaran Presented a paper entitled “Exhaled Breath Analysis for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Diabetes Level in Patients” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Mr.K.Bashkaran Presented a paper entitled “Innovative COPD Management Utilization System with Mobile Application” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24
Ms.M.Thendral Presented a paper entitled “An Education Based Game Application for Children with Autism Disorder” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24) on 06.04.24.
International / National Journals
(Academic Year 2022 – 2023)
- S.Amuthameena, “Green hydrothermal synthesis of Ga doping derived 3D ZnO nanosatellites for high sensitive gas sensors”, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, Volume 379, 15 March 2023, 133215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2022.133215
- Dr. K.Baskar, “An Efficient Outlier Detection with Deep Learning-Based Financial Crisis Prediction Model in Big Data Environment”, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2022, Article ID 4948947, 10 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4948947
International / National Conference
(Academic Year 2022 – 2023)
- K.Bashkaran, Presented a paper entitled “An Efficient System for the Prediction of House Prices Using a Neural Network Algorithm” in the International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA 2022) during 13.10.22 to 15.10.22.
- T.Ashok, Presented a paper entitled “Real Time Health Monitoring System” in the International Conference on Innovations in Science Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023) during 30.01.23 to 31.01.23.
- T.Ashok, Presented a paper entitled “Smart Shoe for Visually Impaired People” in the International Conference on Innovations in Science Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023) during 30.01.23 to 31.01.23.
- A.Sampath, Presented a paper entitled “Wireless Digital Stethoscope using Bluetooth” in the International Conference on Innovations in Science Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023) during 30.01.23 to 31.01.23.
- V.Kalairajan, Presented a paper entitled “IOT based Paralysis Patient Healthcare Monitoring System” in the International Conference on Innovations in Science Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023) during 30.01.23 to 31.01.23.
- K.Bashkaran, Presented a paper entitled “IOT based Paralysis Patient Healthcare Monitoring System” in the International Conference on Innovations in Science Engineering And Technology For Sustainable Development (ISETSD 2023) during 30.01.23 to 31.01.23.
- K.Baskar, Presented a paper entitled “Secure Multimodal Biometric System Based on Robust LSB-DWT Digital Watermarking Algorithm” in the International Conference on Computational Systems and Communication (ICCSC 2023) during 03.03.23 to 04.03.23.
International / National Journals
(Academic Year 2021 – 2022)
- T. Ashok,Dr R Prabakaran “System Lifetime and Performance Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks by Having Improved Energy Distributed Unequal Clustering Protocol”, Wireless Personal Communication, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-021-09019-5.
- A.Sampath, Dr. T. R. Sumithira, B. Yogasivashankar and J. K. NitheshSharma, “Automatic Mask Wearing Detection and Temperature Detection using Raspberry PI” in Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Grenze ID:01.GIJET.7.1.620_1.
- Mr.A.Sampath, “Sparse Based Recurrent neural network long short term memory (RNN-LSTM) model for the classification of ECG signals”, Artificial Intelligence, DOI: 10.1080/08 839514.2021.2018183
- Mr.T.Dineshkumar, “Comparative Study of BER with NOMA system in different fading channels”, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, DOI:10.11591/eei.v1 li2.3311.
- Mr.T.Dineshkumar, “Automatic wireless health instructor for schools and colleges”, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, DOI:10.11591/eei.v1 lil.3330.
- Mr.T.Dineshkumar, “Design and Development of Smart Portable System for Underground Pipeline Leakage Monitoring Based on IoT”, Journal of Physics, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062081.
- Mr.T.Dineshkumar,“Air Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT”, Journal of Physics, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062065.
International / National Conference
(Academic Year 2021 – 2022)
- Mr.T.Ashok, Mr. A. Sampath and Mrs.B.Subashini, Presented a paper entitled “ Evaluation of Phyto chemical analysis and in vitro anti diabetic activity of azadirachta indica and mangifera indica leaves” in the International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications ICAIMLA 2022 during 27.05.2022 to28.05.2022.
The infrastructure provides a very good environment for learning and developing skills in biomedical field. The department is enriched with well-experienced Faculty members and has a conducive lab environment for learning.
The laboratories of the department are broadly classified into three segments
- Clinical Diagnosis Laboratory
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipments Laboratory
- Biochemistry Laboratory
- Medical Image Processing Laboratory
Class Rooms:
- The class room infrastructure provides peaceful and spacious environment with LCD projector.
Internet Facility:
- Uninterrupted internet with 100 Mbps Broad Band connectivity is available in the College.
- 24 Hours Wi-Fi Connectivity.
- Students are given full access to the Internet at our college premises.
- Numerous titles and volumes in the diverse fields of Biomedical engineering were procured to fulfill the needs of the students and faculty.
News Letter
Student Achievements
Student Achievements
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Sabari Kameshwaran.S and Dinagar K won 2nd prize in Paper presentation organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology on 21st July 2023. |
2 |
Rithika.S won 2nd prize in Drawing organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology on 21st July 2023. |
3 |
Dinagar K won 2nd prize in Drawing organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology on 21st July 2023. |
4 |
Praveen. S won 2nd prize in Paper presentation organized by K.S.R College of Engineering on 01st Sep 2023. |
5 |
Prasanth N and Madhuvarshini J won 2nd prize in a State Level Hackathon (Digital Nurture Technoverse) conducted by Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) with an Internship Opportunity. |
6 |
Delkowshiyasri. M and Aiswarya. N won 1st prize in Bug Finder organized by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd Sep 2023. |
7 | Vignesh R won 1st prize in Treasure Technical Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November 2023 |
8 |
Vignesh R won 1st prize in Treasure Technical Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November 2023 |
9 |
Gokul N won 1st prize in Treasure Technical Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November |
10 |
Gokul S won 2nd prize in Treasure Technical Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November 2023 |
11 |
Selva S won 1st prize in Treasure Technical Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November 2023 |
12 |
Gokul S won 2nd prize in Paper Presentation Conducted as a part of Gaming Club –SPARZZO,2k23 Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering on 03st November 2023 |
13 |
Pranesh K.Pwon 1st prize in Think & Sync at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
14 |
Dharshini R won 1st prize in Wise Wizard at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
15 |
Logeshwaran S won 1st prize in Wise Wizard at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
16 |
Gokulnath M won 1st prize in Wise Wizard at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
17 |
Mahesh R won 1st prize in Wise Wizard at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
18 |
Mahesh Rwon 1st prize in Bit Rebels at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
19 |
Sudarshana R won 1st prize in Think & Sync at the International Level Technical Symposium Zelos’23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering on 1st November 2023 |
20 |
Rakesh V , won 1st prize in Web Sketch in Fest APEX 2023 Conducted the Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy on 7th November 2023 |
21 |
Rakesh V , won 3rd prize in Code Bug Race in Fest APEX 2023 Conducted the Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy on 7th November 2023 |
22 |
Dinesh E, Sivakumar.M, Rajalakshmi.R, Sivakumar P Trust based access control with hybrid cryptographic algorithm based data security on cloud for e-learning application.DOI:10.3233/JIFS-224287 |
23 |
Mahesh .R,Won III rd prize in Paper Presentation organized by department of civil engineering by sona college of technology salem on 15 th September 2023 |
24 |
Logeshwaran S .R,Won III rd prize in Paper Presentation organized by department of civil engineering by sona college of technology salem on 15 th September 2023 |
25 |
Gokul Krishnan.M,won 1st prize in codathon at the National Technical SymposiumUNIQUE-2K23 Organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College on 22nd September 2023 |
26 |
Del Kowshiya Sri.N,won 1st prize in paper Presentation at the National Technical Symposium BRAHMASTRA 23-A Organized by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd September 2023 |
27 |
Aiswarya Nanthakumar won 1st prize in Bug Finder at the National Technical Symposium BRAHMASTRA 23-A Organized by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd September 2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No | Details |
1 |
Praveen .S, won 2nd prize in Paper Presentation at the National Technical Symposium GRID 2K23 Organized by KSR College of Engineering, Namakkal on 1st September 2023 |
2 |
Rithika .S, won 2nd prize in Drawing at the National Technical Symposium Tech Utsav2k23 Organized by PGP College of Engineering And Technology, Namakkal on 21st July 2023 |
3 |
Dinagar .k won 2nd prize in Blind Coding in the National Technical Symposium Tech Utsav2k23 Organized by PGP College of Engineering And Technology, Namakkal on 21st July 2023 |
4 |
Dinagar .k Sabari Kameshwaran.S, Tharun J.P, won 2nd prize in Power point Presentation in National Technical Symposium Tech Utsav2k23 Organized by PGP College of Engineering And Technology, Namakkal on 21st July 2023 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No | Details |
1 | N.Prasanth won Zone 1st place in Sastra University Colosseum 13 - National Level Sports Fest - Table tennis held from 10/03/23 to 12/03/2023 |
2 |
Roshan.B, won 2nd prize in Spell Bee in FESTRON X’23 A Starte level Technical Symposium Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy on 7th March 2023 |
3 |
Dinagar K, won 1st prize in Code Debugging in FESTRON X’23 A Starte level Technical Symposium Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy on 7th March 2023 |
4 |
Dinagar K, won 2nd prize in Decode in FESTRON X’23 A Starte level Technical Symposium Organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy on 7th March 2023 |
5 |
Tharun J.P, Sabari Kameshwaran S, won Third price in Paper Presentation in IMAGE2K’23 A National level Technical Symposium organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Chennai on 21st March 2023 |
6 |
Madhumitha T, Madhuvarshini J, Shanthiya won Third price in Paper Presentation in IMAGE2K’23 A National level Technical Symposium organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Chennai on 21st March 2023 |
7 |
Sabarish P, Vishwanathan M, Parvesh Muzaraf R won 1st price in Technical Connection in TECKON’2023 National level Technical Symposium organized by MAM College of Engineering and Technology on31st March 2023 |
8 |
Vikram V won 2nd prize in Blind Code in National level Symposium VIRUKSHA’23 on 31st March 2023 |
9 | Muthuvel K,Shaunak J of Second Year Artificial Intelligence and Data Science department won First Prize in Technical Quiz Organized by Sasurie College of Engineering on 5th November 2022. |
Value Added Courses
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science encourage the students to enroll in value added courses in every semester.
Objective of these courses are to equip the students in current technologies and also to reduce the gap between academic and industry.
Academic Year 2024 - 2025
S.No | Course Name | Resource Person | Students |
1 |
“Machine Learning with AI Applications” |
Mr.Durairaj, Python Developer, Mr.Loganathan R, Senior Trainer – Mobile Applications, Xplore IT Corp, Coimbatore |
III Year |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.No | Course Name | Resource Person | Students |
1 | Web Application Development |
Mr.Aravinth Kuppusamy, Head – Training & Development, Xplore Intellects Private Limited, Coimbatore. |
II Year |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No | Course Name | Resource Person | Students |
1. | Machine Learning with AI Applications |
Mr.Gobinath Arumugam, Development Head, XPLORE IT Corp, Coimbatore. |
II Year |
2. | Diversity in Python Programming |
Mr.Gobinath Arumugam, Development Head, XPLORE IT Corp, Coimbatore. |
II Year |
3. | Web Application Development |
Mr.K.Sridhar, Web Application Developer, XPLORE Intellects Private Ltd, Coimbatore. |
II Year |
4. | Digital Marketing |
Mr.S.Tamilarasu, Digital Marketing Specialist, Macnus Solutions, Coimbatore. |
II Year |
Guest Lecture / Seminar / Workshop / Others
Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | Seminar on “Unlocking the Future: Exploring the Power of GenAI, LLM” |
Mr.Mohanraj Krishnamoorthy, Solutions Architect, Nexla, Inc San Mateo, California,United States |
23.07.2024 |
2 | NCSS Inauguration with Seminar entitled “Lockdown Your Digital Life: The Importance of Online Security” |
Mr.Sathish Aswin, Head-Information Security,Gain Credit. |
08.08.2024 |
3 | Workshop on “Data Analytics using Power BI” | Mr. Mohan Natesan, Corporate Trainer, Cognizant Academy, Bangalore | 30.08.2024 |
4 | Workshop on “Generative AI & its Applications” | Dr.A.Venkata Subramanian, Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Gitam University, Bangalore | 14.09.2024 |
5 | “Twelfth National Level Technical Symposium” (TEKCLUSTER`24) |
Mr.K.Subramanian, HR / Learning & Development,TVS Group,Chennai. |
21.09.2024 |
6 | One day National Level Workshop on “Decision Making with Power BI Analytics” | Mr. Aravinth Kuppusamy Director – Training & Development, Xplore IT Corp, Coimbatore | 28.09.2024 |
7 | One day Seminar on Future directions and guidance for securing high-paying roles in IT industry" | Mr.Bala Shanmugham, Senior Software Engineer, Caterpillar, Coimbatore | 28.09.2024 |
8 | Guest Lecture on “Building Dynamic Web Applications with Angular and MySQL” |
Mr.Prabhakaran Mani,Assistant Manager, Renault Nissan BCI PVT Ltd.,Chennai. |
03.10.2024 |
9 | One day Workshop for on “The Role of Angular in Industries” |
Puviyarasan Stephan, Senior Software Engineer a CGI, Bangalore. |
19.10.2024 |
Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | One day Webinar on “AI: The Invisible Hand Shaping Every Industry” | Mr. Senthilnathan Chidambaranathan, Associate Director, Technology Virtusa Corporation. USA. | 25.05.2024 |
2 | One day Webinar on “Natural Language Processing Advancements and Application” | Mr. K.Aravinth, Head-Training and Development, Proplus Logics Solutions Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. | 28.04.2024 |
3 | Faculty Development Program on “Build a Machine Learning Model using NLP” | Mr.Gobinath Arumugam, Head -Training and Delivery, Xplore Intellects Private Limited, Coimbatore. | 13.04.2024 |
4 | One day Workshop on “iOS App Development” | Mr. U. Balaji, Software Developer, Pearson Education, Chennai. | 31.03.2024. |
5 | The Two days Hands on workshop on “Data Analytics” . |
Mr. M.Ajith, Team Leader, Knackbay Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. |
08.03.2024 |
6 | One day Seminar on ‘Career Opportunities in Emerging Technology’ | Mr.M.Maharaj, Founder & CEO, BCBUZZ Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore. | 29.02.2024. |
7 | One day Webinar on ‘Build your Own Generative AI Model’ | Mr.Trivikram, AI Expert, IIT, Delhi | 16.02.2024. |
8 | One day Workshop on ‘Exploring Cloud Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure’ | Mr.Kuppurasu Nagaraj, Microsoft MVP, Senior Software Engineer, Kovai.co, Coimbatore. | 06.01.2024. |
9 | Workshop on Data Science |
Mr.T.Nandhakumar, Web Developer, Nettel Solutions India Pvt ltd, Coimbatore. |
25.11.2023 |
10 | Webinar on Tableau |
Mr.Santhosh Kumar Web Developer, Accent Techno Soft(ATS) Coimbatore. |
21.11.2023 |
11 | Introduction to Deep Learning and it’s Applications |
Mr.Sathish Kumar Content Build and Activation Team SAP, Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore. |
28.10.2023 |
12 | Overview of SAP ERP, CRM, SAP customer cloud |
Karthikeyan C Software engineer Deutsche Borse Group,Luxembourge,Europe |
29.9.2023 |
13 | Eleventh National Level Technical Symposium- Tekcluster23 |
Senthil Rajamathandan Senior Program Director CTS. Chennai |
26.08.2023 |
14 | Challenges in Adoption of AI |
Mr.C.Balakrishnan Design Engineering Manager, Try CAE Industrial Engineering Pvt.Ltd, |
03.05.2023 |
15 | Webinar on Microsoft Power BI |
K.Santhosh Kumar, Web Developer Accent Techno Soft(ATS) Coimbatore |
07.02.2023 |
16 | One day national level workshop on “Mongodb with python” |
Mr.Nandhakumar T, Web Developer, ATS Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore. |
31.01.2023 |
17 | Webinar on “Emerging Trends in Software Engineering Technology Evolutions” |
Mr.Prasanth Ravi Senior Engineer,Vaken Technologies Pvt.Ltd,Chennai |
12.11.2022 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | Advanced Faculty Skillset Program | Dr.S.RM.sokkalingam | 26.06.2023 to 27.06.2023 |
2 | Computer Training Programme | KNCET Faculties (AI & DS, CSE, IT) |
24.04.2023 to 28.04.2023 |
3 | Artificial Nural Networks | Mr.R.Prasanth | 08/05/2023 |
4 | Challenges in Adoption of AI |
Mr.C.Balakrishnan |
03/05/2023 |
5 | Recent Trends and Technology Developments in AI | Mr.Er.I.Sadhik Basha | 29/04/2023 |
6 | Cyber Security | Dr. Vidhyyasagar | 14/03/2023 |
7 | Data Analytics Tools | Mr.S.S.Sivakumar | 13/03/2023 |
8 | Microsoft Power BI | Mr. K.Santhosh Kumar | 07/02/2023 |
9 | MongoDB with Python | Mr.T.Nandhakumar | 31/01/2023 |
10 | Emerging Trends in Software Engineering Technology Evolution | Mr. R Prasanth | 12/11/2022 |
11 | Scope of AI & Employment | Mr. P. Shanmugam | 19/10/2022 |
12 | Tenth National Level Technical Symposium- Tekcluster22 | Mr.Sarath Chandar | 17/09/2022 |
Academic Year 2023 - 2024
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1 | 8th National Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication Technology |
Dr.S.Kaliraj M.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Information and Communication Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Institute of Eminence), Manipal 576104, Udupi, Karnataka, India. |
05.04.2024 |
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
S.No |
Event Name |
Resource Person |
Date |
1. |
4th International Conference on innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE`23) |
Dr.L.Agilandeeswari, Associate Professor, Department of Software Systems and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu. |
21.04.2023 To 22.04.2023 |