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Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32


The undergraduate program (B.E) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) was commenced in the year 2010 with an intake of 60. The department has been accredited by NBA during the year 2019 and has been futhur re-accredited during the year 2022. The permanent affiliation has been received for B.E-Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Anna University Chennai, from the academic year 2020-2021 onwards.

The department holds 13 U.G University ranks. Students have been placed in various MNCs such as Cognizant Technology Solutions, Infosys Limited, Tata Consultancy Services and IVTL Infoview Technologies Pvt. Ltd, BYJU’S limited, etc.

The department was well established with 7 laboratories namely Engineering Practices Laboratory, Electrical Machines Laboratory, Control and Instrumentation Laboratory, Electron Devices and Circuits Laboratory, Power Electronics and Drives Laboratory, Power System Simulation Laboratory and Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory.

To enhance the students in practical experience, two additional labs the Centre of Excellence laboratory on IoT and Embedded Systems, Robotics and Industrial Automation in association with ABE and Texas Instruments, Bangalore has been established during the year 2016 and 2018 respectively.

The department has research laboratory in which majority of the student’s project was developed. The Department received 3rd rank for the product developed by students team in the topic of Waste Management for implementation of prototype under the theme “How to Enhance the Income of Village’ at the National convention of Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2019.

Also received “Best Innovator Award” for the innovative product development from banana waste during the national convention that took place in ICAR-NRCB. The team “Agro Queen” of EEE students receives “Fellowship Award” during March 2019 from Tamilnadu Innovators 2019, EDII-Chennai. Also the department has received various funds from NABARD,TNSCST and AICTE, etc.

Through professional societies such as IEEE, ISTE and E-Cube students association, the department organizes guest lectures, workshops and seminars on recent trends and clubs such as Energy club and Tamil Mandram to enhance the technical knowledge and equip the skills of students. Students are given an exposure on industry environment through industrial visits, internship programs and onsite projects in various reputed organizations.

The department has signed 11 MoUs with industries like Saranya Spinning Mill Pvt.Ltd, ICAR- National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), ABE Semiconductor Designs, DMW Electric Industries Pvt Ltd, GUVI Geek Network Private Ltd, Siemens Centre of Excellence in Manufacturing, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, CIIRC Jyothi Institute of Technology ,Bangalore, Edveon Technologies Pvt. Ltd ,Tech-Fi Technologies, Infynect Technologies and Texas Instruments Teaching Lab & STEPS Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd. The department has filed 13 patents and 6 Industrial Designs.

Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Academic Environment

EEE department always provides different environment to learn technical subjects by conducting conferences, seminars and training workshop to understand and implement the recent developments  in the field. The main teaching and assessment methods in our department are:

Teaching Methods:

  • Chalk and talk

  • Lecture using slide and multimedia presentation

  • Lecture with quiz

  • Assignment / Tutorial

  • Industrial visit

  • Group discussion

  • Technical Seminars /Workshops / Guest  Lectures

  • Video Lecture and presentations

  • Experimental Demonstration

  • Field Trips

  • Laboratory Practicals

  • e-Learning

  • Value Added Courses



    Assessment Methods:

  • Projects (Mini and Main)

  • Internal Examination

  • University Examination

Each class is allocated an Advisor, who will be an academic member within their department. Students can discuss with  Class Advisor about their problems, either personal or academic, and advisors will offer advice and support. Class Advisors also monitor students' attendance work, so that they can address any problems quickly.


The department provides counseling to all the students. Each faculty member is allotted 15 students for effective counseling. Counselor will take the responsibility of their counseling students to motivate them to get good marks in the University examinations and also to get placement before completing their course especially in the final semester.


The college has a Wi-Fi learning environment. All the students are permitted to access this facility whenever they will be free. Due to this facility students can easily prepare to attend the other competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, TOEFL,IIT Spoken Tutorial etc. In addition, they can also access the technical videos from NPTEL to learn more about the recent developments in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Labs and Science Facilities

World class laboratories with latest equipments are provided to the students to enrich their practical knowledge in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 


Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Programmes and Syllabus



 Programme Name




B.E - Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Full Time) - KNCET-UGR2020

[2020 admitted]




B.E - Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Full Time) - KNCET-UGR2020

[2021 admitted]

60 Download



Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32



The well-equipped laboratories in this Department are :          View Photos

  • Engineering Practices Laboratory
  • Electron Devices and Circuits Laboratory
  • Electrical Machines Laboratory
  • Power Electronics Laboratory
  • Simulation Laboratory
  • Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory
  • Center of Excellence Laboratory - IoT & Embedded Systems
  • Center of Excellence Laboratory - Industrial Automation

Internet Facility

  • Uninterrupted internet with with 100 Mbps Broad Band connectivity is available in the College.
  • 24 Hours Wi-Fi Connectivity.
  • Students are given full access to the Internet at our college premises
Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Placement Details

Our students are placed in the following companies 

Academic Year 2022 - 2023


Company Name


Cognizant Technology Solutions


Tata Consultancy Services


Mallow Technologies


Aspire Systems


Centizen Inc


Trane Technologies


Renault Nissan Technologies 


KG Invicta Services Private Limited


Aquasub Engineering


Texmo Industries-Taro Pumps


TVS Sundram Fasteners Ltd


Anand Engineering Products Ptv. Ltd


Pegatron Technology India Pvt Ltd


Sutherland Global Services Pvt Ltd


Mitsuba India Private Limited


Arthur Grand Technologies Private Limited


V R Della IT Services Private Limited


Academic Year 2021 - 2022


Company Name


Aspire Systems Pvt. Ltd.


Capgemini Technology services India limited


Infosys Limited


Tata Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.


Wipro Limited




MSys technologies


Centelon Limited


Maverick Systems


Avasoft IT Services


Shree Abirami Engineering Works


Aquasub Engineering

Ettiksoft Technologies Private Limited


Sakthi Auto Components Limited


Texmo Industries


Syrma SGS Technology


Sutherland Global Services


VDart Inc


Arthur Grand Technologies

Academic Year 2020 - 2021


Company Name


Techvolt Technologies Pvt Ltd


Arthur Grand Technologies




Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd


Sutherland Global Services





Academic Year 2019 - 2020


Company Name


Techvolt Software Pvt Limited


E Noah Solutions


IVTL Infoview


PST Empire




Syrma Technology




Infosys Limited


Aquaflow Engineering


Hap Solutions &Qantler Technologies


Arthur Grand Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Gestamp Automotive Pvt. Ltd.


Dynamic Labs Ltd


Aquasub Engineering Pvt. Ltd.


Aagna Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Shree Abirami Engineering Works




Mitsuba Sical India Pvt. Ltd.

Academic Year 2018 - 2019


Company Name


RiDSYS Technology


TechtiqQSoft  Pvt. Limited


Shri Balaji Alloys


CodeMantra Pvt Limited

Just Dial


Tata Consultancy Services


IVTL Infoview Technologies Pvt. Limited


Cognizant Technology Solutions


CMS IT Services


BYJU’S limited


Vdart Technologies


Visteon Electronic India Pvt. Ltd.


Syrma Technology Pvt. Limited


Fluid Systems & Controls


Paragon Digital Services Pvt. Limited

Academic Year 2017 - 2018


Company Name


Gateway Software Solutions

Hinduja Global Solutions


Super Auto Forge Pvt. Ltd


RiDSYS Technology

Syrma Technology Pvt. Limited


Moral Gains Management Service


Aquasub Engineering


Intelenet Global Services


Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited


Purani Textiles


Eureka Forbes Limited


Gamma Process Hub India Limited


Sutherland Global Service Pvt. Ltd


Zealous Services


DR  Enterprises

PST Engineering Construction

 Academic Year 2016 - 2017


Company Name


Aqua Pure Plus Pvt. Ltd.


CBE Core Solutions


Diraa HR Services


Integrated Wireless Solutions


Maintech Technologies


Moral Gains Management Service


NY Systems


Raasi Constructions


Sundram Finance


Tech Mahindra Limited


TVS Sundram Fastners Autolec Division


VDart Group


Zealous Services

 Academic Year 2015 - 2016


Company Name


IVTL Infoview Technologies Pvt. Limited


Wipro Limited


Sanmina SCI Technologies Limited


Integrated Wireless Solutions


iNET Technologies


Sutherland Global Services Pvt. Limited


Zealous Services


EP Software Technologies Pvt. Limited




Fourth Dimension Technologies Limited


Sundram Finance


IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Limited


Daebu Automotive Seat India Pvt. Limited

Sarada Motors Pvt. Limited


Woory Automotives India Pvt. Limited


Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Fund Received from Outside Agencies

Academic Year 2023 – 2024


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)

1 Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India

Indigenous Production of Eco Friendly-Sustainable Furniture and Veneer sheet from Banana Tree Waste (MUSA Acuminata with Wheat Gluten (Ref.File.No:17(2)/MSMSE Innovative/ PMAC/2021-22 dated.13.07.2023)


Academic Year 2022 – 2023


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)

1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) National Level Seminar on “Introduction to Cyber Security Issues and Unit Commitment Problems in Power System” 10,000
2 Coir Board, Regional Office,Pollachi Seminar on R&D Technological Interventions on Coir for Sustainable Development 1,00,200

Indian Council of Social science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Education,

New Delhi.
3 days National Seminar on “Social and Technological Impact of Power Electronics based Hybrid Electric Vehicles for sustainable Environment” 1,00,000

Academic Year 2021 – 2022


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)


Ministry of Education (MoE), Governtment of India Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Self-Sufficient ‘Village Republics’


2. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Two Days National Level Seminar on “Introduction to Cyber Security Issues and Unit Commitment Problems in Power System” 10,000

Academic Year 2020 – 2021


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)


AICTE STTP on “Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing IoT and Machine Learning for Smart Grid Distribution Systems”



NABARD Innovation in Rural Empowerment and Woman Welfare


Academic Year 2019 – 2020


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)


TNSCST Recent Innovations in Power Generation using Bloom Energy Technology


2. NABARD Intelligent farm security system to avoid crop damage from wild animals using animal sound


3. Minister of Human Resource Development, Government of India Zerobin-Waste Management – ‘How to Enhance the Income of Village’ 21,000
4. TNSCST Portable Battery Banana Stem Juicer 7,500
5. Tamilnadu Student Innovators 2019 Agro Queen-The development of food serving plates and cups from Banana tree waste 1,00,000

 Academic Year 2018 – 2019


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)


TNSCST Recent Advancements In Energy Storage Technologies For Smart Grid Applications




Identification and testing of paper and paper based products from banana residues for the benefit of banana farmers in Trichy district


Academic Year 2017 – 2018


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)



Exhibition on Science & Technology


 Academic Year 2012 – 2013


 Funding Agency Name

Event/Project Name

 Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)



FDP on Rural Development by Green Energy



Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Faculty Members


S.NoName of the FacultyDesignationQualification

Nature of Association (Regular/ Contractual/


Dr. P. Arul


Ph.D  Regular


Professor & Head

Ph.D  Regular


Associate Professor

Ph.D  Regular

Mr. T. Rajamanikandan

Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D)  Regular

Mr. K. Karthik

Assistant Professor

M.E Regular 


Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


 Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


 Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D)  Regular


 Assistant Professor

M.E (Ph.D)  Regular


Assistant Professor

 M.E (Ph.D)  Regular


Assistant Professor

 M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


Assistant Professor   M.E (Ph.D) Regular 


Mr.A.Athifshah Assistant Professor M.E Adjunct

 Supporting Staff - EEE





Lab Assistant



ITI( Electrician)

Lab Assistant




Lab Assistant




Lab Assistant




Lab Assistant


Mr. M.Ramesh Kumar DEEE Lab Assistant


Ms.D.Sandhiya DEEE Lab Assistant


Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32


Academic Year  2023 - 2024

International / National Journals

  • Murugan Marimuthu, Shanmuganathan Chandrasekaran, Manjunathan Alagarsamy and Tamilnesan Pannerselvam, ‘Machine Learning –Based Power Quality Improvement of Wind-PV System using ANFIS’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, December 2023, DoI:10.1080/ 15325008.2023.2295364, IF:1.5,SCIE.
  • Malathi Govindasamy, A.M.J.Zubair Rahman, S.D.Vijayakumar and Karthikeyan Jayabalan, ‘Machine Learning –Based  Optimization of Wind –PV Solution for Grid Demand’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, December 2023, DoI:10.1080/15325008.2023.2295363, IF:1.5,SCIE.
  • Sengolrajan Thanasingh, A.N.Sasikumar, K.Mahendran and R.Saranya,’Optimizing Distributed Generation Resources for Power Grid Quality Improvement using Hybrid Optimization Technique’ Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, Jan 2024, DoI: 10.1080/ 15325008.2023.2298280, IF: 1.5, SCIE.
  • Malathi Govindasamy, O.Cyril Mathew, Mathan Kumar Boopathi and Gowrishankar Chandran, ‘IoT and AI-based MPPT Techniques for Hybrid Solar and Fuel cell’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, Jan 2024, DoI: 10.1080/ 15325008.2023.2298277, IF: 1.5, SCIE.
  • Shankar Rajukkannu, Kavitha Maruthai, Gomathy Velmurugan & Ramkumar Pandian, ‘An Effective SST-FLC for Mitigation of Reactive Power Compensation of DFIG based Wind Energy conversion System’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISN.No: 1532-5008, Jan 2024, DoI:10.1080/ 15325008. 2023.2295363, IF:1.5, SCIE.
  • V.Karthi, S.Revathi, Ramesh Kumaraswamy, Arun Anthonisamy, S.D.Vijayakumar and A. Ramkumar, ‘Blockchain Empowered Solar Energy Trading: A Decentralized Grid Integration  Revolution’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, Feb 2024, DoI: 10.1080/ 15325008 .2024.2316250, IF:1.5, SCIE.
  • B.Balraj, K.Dhayalini, T.Sengolrajan, C.Vivek, Pandiaraj Saravanan, Mostafizur Rahaman and G.Mohankumar, ‘Nb Ions Induced  Morphology  and Enhanced  Photoelectrochemical Functionalities from 3DZn1-x NbxO Nanostructures’, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Springer, ISSN: 1574-1443, July 2023,DoI: 10.1 007/s10904-023-02789-4, IF:4.0,SCIE.

  • Manojkumar Palanisamy, Jeyasudha Segaran, Ravivarman Shanmugasundaram and Sengolrajan Thanasingh,’ A Level Shifted Pulse Width Modulated Multilevel Inverter Fault analysis Technique’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN.No:1532-5008, August 2023, 10.1080/15325008.2023.2246468, IF: 1.5,SCIE.

  • T.Rajamanikandan, S.Banumathi and  B.Karthikeyan,’ Investigation of the dielectric properties and mechanical stability of lignocellulosic biomass based electrical insulation materials for high voltage applications’, Materials Research Express, IoP Publishing Ltd, ISSN.No: 2053-1591, Vol.10, No.8, August 2023, DoI:10.088/2053-1591/ acead3, I.F: 2.3,SCIE.

  • Arul.P, Balraj.B, Siva.C and  Vivek.C, ‘Titanium oxide decorated Zinc oxide nanoparticles for dye-sensitized solar cell and heterojunction diode applications’, Chemical papers, Springer, ISSN.No:0366-6352, August 2023, I.F.2.2, SCIE.

  • L.Nagarajan, Bhoopathi Mariappan, P.A Gowrishankar and J.Karthikeyan, ‘Analysis and Controlling of Uncertainty in BLDC Motor using Optimal Hybrid algorithm in state space’’, Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 1532-5008, Nov 2023, DoI:10.1080/ 15325008. 2023.2281631, IF: 1.5, SCIE.

International / National Conference

  • K.K.Pradeep, P.Tamilvani, P.N.Palanisamy, M.Mohammadha Hussaini, S.Ragul and N.Selvam, ‘An Intelligent IoT based Advanced Accident Detection and Sensor Fusion Categorization System’, (2023) 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS), Pudukkottai, India on 11th-13th December, pp.1647-1655, DoI:10.1109/ ICACRS58579.2023.10405257.

  • M. Pavithra, A. Murugesan, K. Saranya, T. Srihari, K.Mohanraj and M. Parimala Devi, ‘Facial Detection and Recognition-based Smart System on Feature Extraction using Raspberry Pi, (2023) 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), Bengaluru, India, pp.1076-1082, DoI: 10.1109/ICIMIA60377.2023.10425794.

  • T.Rajamanikandan, S.Adaikalraj, N.Gokul and P.Vijay, ‘Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Lignocellulosic Materials’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • T.Rajamanikandan, V.Harija, V.Deepana Sree and S.T.Sugitha, ‘Stray Insulation Board using Musa Paradisiaca’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • R.Manikandan, S.Jenith, S.Sarathkumarand J.Thomas Maria Jones, ‘ÁI based Cotton Roll Carrying Device for Spinning Industries’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • J.Karthikeyan, S.Sathishkumar, S.Karthi and G.Karthikeyan, ‘Crafting AI-Enhanced Herbal Mosquito Repellents’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • Dr.T.Sengolrajan, A.Kirubabanthan, C.Ragavendra and S.Praveen, ‘AI based Vertical axis Wind Turbine for Energy Generation’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • Dr.T.Sengolrajan, M.Dhivyadharshini and S.Kiruthika, ‘Integration of Measurement Machine Camera’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24 to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • Dr.P.Arul, S.Sanjay, M.Vignesh and V.Vaseekaran, ‘IoT based Streamlined Communication device for Official Broadcasting’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • S.Ragul, M.Keerthana, P.Pavithra and A.Swetha,‘Integration of New Automated Encapsulation Line for Regulator Assembly’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24  to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • R.Manikandan, S.Sathya and M.Winmathi,‘Design and Development of Flash Test Rig for Optimizing High speed Data Transfer’, Second International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Reset-2024) from 22.3.24 to 23.3.24 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.

  • Dr.R.Shankar, R.S.Keerthivasan, D.Prasanth and A.Sureshkumar, ‘Thermal Resilience Evaluation of Submersible Pumps in Hot Water System with Advanced Controls’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • K.Mohanraj, R.S.Alageswaran and  P.Praveen Xavier, ‘Automatic Industrial Motor Safety Controller’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • J.Karthikeyan, R.Balaji, R.Boopathi and  R.Dhilipraj,‘Artificial Intelligent based Three Phase Fault Failure Detection using Internet of Things’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • P.Tamilnesan, A.Chandru, V.Pragatheeswaran and M.Vignesh,‘Sensors Optimized Industry Electricity Management using Machine Learning’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • R.Deebika, V.Nandhakishore, S.Sarathkumar and  T.Thinagaran, ‘Safety System for Industrial Workers with EZ-Screen Type 2 System’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • K.Karthik, V.Deepak Kumar and  B.Kishorekumar,‘Implementation of Traceability in IFA Rectifier assembly Line’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • R.Gopalakrishnan, E.Kaviyan, S.Suresh and M.Harish, ‘Design and Implementation of a Motor-Generator Frequency Conversion System for Adjustable Power Supply in Industrial Applications (Pump Testing Panel)’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.

  • C.Gowrishankar, A.Hesingraj, R.Nisanth and  P.Santhoshkumar,‘Single Power Conversion Battery Chargers for Light Vehicles’, 8th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’24) at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 20.03.2024.                       

  • Sruthi.S, Karthikumar.K, Narmitha.D, Sekhar.P and Karthi.K., ‘Transformer-Less Grid Connected PV System Using TSRPWM Strategy with Single Phase 7 Level Multi-Level Inverter’, Book Chapters, ISBN:9781119872078, Smart Grids for Smart Cities, Vol.1, John Wiley & Sons, USA, June 2023, DOI:10.1002/9781119872108.ch11, Scopus.

  • Kanika, Shankar.R, Eswaramoorthi.R, Joselin Jeya Sheela.J, Ashish Suri and Vellachi.N, ‘High-Performance Digital signal Processing Circuit Design and Analysis for Wireless Communication systems’, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC-2023), ISBN:979-8-3503-0088-8,20th -22nd  September, 2023, pp. 495-499, IEEE Xplore part No:CFP23V90-ART, DoI:10.1109/ ICOSEC 58147. 2023.10276043.

  • Karthik.K, Deepa.N, Sengolrajan Thanasingh and Pandiaraja Perumal, ‘A Gesture Translation for Hearing-Impaired’, Springer 3rd International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking (ICSPN-2023) during 28th -30th  September, 2023 in Dubai, UAE (Virtual Mode).

  • Dr.R.Shankar, R.Gopalakrishnan, S.Hariharan and S.Girieshwaran, ‘IoT based Monitoring and Controlling Parameter of Three Phase Induction Motor’, AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Recent advances & Innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering & Management’ at Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai on 4th-5th October, 2023


Academic Year  2022 - 2023

International / National Journals

      • Dr.P.Arul, S.Gokul, V.Dhanush, M.Prasanth and S.Harirajaram, ‘Smart PV based Off Grid System’, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR),ISSN:2349-5162,Vol.10, No.3,March 2023,pp.275-280, UGC.

      • Partheeban.M, Ramachandran.S,Raja.M, Gowrishankar.C, Deivamani.G and Rathinam, ‘Certain Analyses on Static  Compensated Voltage and Frequency Modulation in the Wind Energy System using the Solar PV Interface QZSI Impedance Source Network’, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN:2094-0343/2326-9865, Vol.72, No.1, February, 2023, pp.279-295, Scopus.

      •  Annapandi.P, Ramya.R, Kotaiah.N.C, Rajesh.P and Subramanian Arun, ‘Optimal energy Management System for the design of Off grid hybrid renewable energy Systems: A hybrid technique’, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, ISSN:1064-1246, Vol.44, No.2, pp.2593-2614, January, 2023, DOI:10.3233/JIFS-221176, SCIE,I.F:1.737, IOS Press.

      •  T.Rajamaikandan, S.Banumathi, B.Karthikeyan, R.Palanisamy, Mohit Bajaj, Hossam M.Zawbaa and Salah Kamel, ‘Investigation of Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of Lignocellulosic Rice Husk Fibril for high and medium voltage electrical insulation applications’, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T), Elsevier, ISSN:2238-7854,Vol.22, November 2022, pp.865-878, SCIE, IF:6.267,

      •  R.Jai Ganesh,Manjunathan Alagarsamy, G.Gabriel Santhosh Kumar, P.Tamilnesan, K.Kaarthik and Jemal Mohammed Yimer,’Aquatic Emission and Properties Analysis for Wind Turbine Blades’, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Hindawi, ISSN: 1687-8434,Vol.2022,October 2022, pp.1-9,  IF: 2.098, SCIE, Article ID: 5746688,

      •  M.Venkatesan, S.Gouse Basha, A.Ramkumar, R.Manikandan, M.Easwaran and Baseem Khan, ‘Switched Capacitor Based High Step-up Multilevel Inverter with self-Balancing Ability and Low Switching Stress’, International Transactions on Electrical Energy systems, Hindawi, ISSN :2050-7038,  Vol.2022, Article ID:4150590,October,2022, pp.1-12, SCIE, I.F:2.639, 10.1155/2022/4150590.

      •  Shankar R, Sengolrajan T, Mohanraj K and Balraj B, ‘Integration of wind and solar farms in a doubly fed induction generator using hybrid GA-ANN controllers’, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, ISSN:0378-7796,Vol.213, pp.1-13, August, 2022, I.F:3.818, SCIE, https: // / 10.1016 / j.epsr. 2022.108764.

      •  Dhamodharan Selvaraj, Dr.R.Dhanalakshmi, Dr.P.Arul , R.Gopalakrishnan, Hybrid PSO-IC Algorithm for Grid Connected PV Power System with EV Battery, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, ISSN:1006-3080,Vol.65,No.3,pp.513-524,August,2022, IF:0.08,Scopus,

      • B. Karthikeyan, T. Rajamanikandan, S. Banumathi and  R. Manivasagam, ‘Analysis of mechanical properties of DCH and PCFS used in electrical insulation boards’, Materials Today: Proceedings, ISSN: 2214-7853,Vol.69,No.3,pp.773-778, July 2022, IF:1.24, Scopus, https:// 10.1016 /j.matpr. 2022.07.205.

      • Dr.P.Arul and R.Gopalakrishnan,‘Three-level Inverter with LSMC-SVPWM Control in Power Quality Control of a Solar Power Generator’, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol.10, No.3, March 2023, pp.620-628.

      • S.Arun, Dr.P.Arul, K.Suganeshwari, V.Myuri, P.Meera and R.Gunavarshini,’ IoT Enabled Attendance Monitoring System for Gardeners using RFID’, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol.12, No.3, March 2023, pp.85-89.

      • Arul P, Vivek C, Balraj B and Sankaran A, ‘Optoelectronic and Hydrogen Gas-Sensing Applications of Ultrasonically Fabricated ZnO-Au Nanoparticle-Decorated MWCNTs’, Journal of Electronic Materials, ISSN:0361-5235,Springer,May, 2023, s11664-023-10495-7, SCI, I.F:1.938.

      • T.Sengolrajan, C.Kalaivani, J.Ashok, A.Manikandan, A Novel Design of 9 Level Cascade Multi-level inverter for Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame in State Delay Controller, Journal of   Engineering Research, ISSN: 2307-1877, June 2023,, SCIE.

      • P.S.Raghavendran, S.Ragul, R.Asokan, Ashok Kumar Loganathan, Suresh Muthusamy, Om Prava Mishra, Ponarun Ramamoorthi and Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan (2023), “A new method for chest x-ray images categorization using transfer learning and CovidNet_2020 employing convolution neural network” in Soft Computing, Springer,, SCIE, IF-4.1, July 2023.

 International / National Conference  

      • G.Pradeepkumar, T.Monika,C.Gowrishankar,C.Rohith Bhat,V.Gowrishankar and M.Senthilkumar, ‘An IoT based Low Cost E-Parking System in Smart Cities’ IEEE Proceedings of  the Second International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2023) on 02nd -04th March, 2023 at St.Mother Theresa Engineering College, Tuticorin,, ISBN.No:979-8-3503-4664-0/23.

      •  G.Pradeepkumar, M.Prabu, Manimuthu Ayyannan, V.G.Pratheep, Revathi.S and Neelam Sanjeev Kumar, ‘Healing and Preventing Trees from Beetles using Pesticides’ in IEEE ‘2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics’ on 23-25 January 2023 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, proceedings ISBN.No:978-8-3503-4821-7/23.

      •  T.Jayakumar, P.Ponmurugan, B.Karthi, K..C.Anandhan., S.Ragul, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar and D.Rajkumar , ‘Review of Hybrid Wind –Solar PV Technology in the Generation of Electricity’  in IEEE ‘2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics’ on 23-25 January 2023 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, proceedings ISBN.No:978-8-3503-4821-7/23.

      • Ravichandran.V, Gopinath Singaram, Velmurugan.J, Sivaramkrishnan.M, Karthikeyan.J and Neelam Sanjeev umar,’A Review of the Challenges in EV Wireless Charging Technology’, IEEE proceedings of the 8th  International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2023), ISBN: 979-8-3503-9663-8/23 at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 1-3 June, 2023, pp.253-259.

      • P.S.Raghavendran,A.Sheela,J.Alwin Joseph and S.Ragul,’Optimization of Electric Vehicle (EV) Routing to Facilitate EV Hub’ IEEE Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and  Communication Systems (ICACCS) at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, doi:10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10112938 on 17th & 18th March 2023, pp.624-628.

      • P.Tamilnesan,  C.Chowmya, R.Dharshini and  M.Shalini,  ’AI Empowered MPPT Technique in Solar Power Generation’ IEEE Proceedings of the   International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer  Communication and Business Management (ICRTCCB 2023), ISBN.No:978-93-5810-814-9 at Sethu Institute of Technology, Virdhunagar on 10th March, 2023, pg.21. 

      • C.Gowrishankar,  N.Divyabharathi, K.Lalithapriya, Pooja.S and A.Srilekha,  ’Modified Luo Based Boost Converter with Single Input and Multi Output Topology’ IEEE Proceedings of  the     International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Communication and Business Management  (ICRTCCB 2023) ,ISBN.No:978-93-5810-814-9 at Sethu Institute of Technology, Virdhunagar on 10th  March, 2023, pg.20. 

      • J.Karthikeyan,  M.Mohammed Mydeen, S.Purushothaman and C.Nithish ’Design and Implementation of  Smart Board system’ IEEE Proceedings of  the     International  Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Communication and Business Management  (ICRTCCB 2023), ISBN.No:978-93-5810-814-9,  at Sethu Institute of Technology, Virdhunagar on 10th  March, 2023, pp.74. 

      • C.Kalaivani, M.V.Subramanyam, Gopinath Singaram, A.Udhaya Kumar, K.Mohanraj and R.Saravanakumar,’Review of Hybrid Microgrid Power Management using Renewable Energy Sources’ 2023, IEEE Proceedings of  the  9th International  Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS 2023) at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore,  DoI:10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10112787 on 17th  -18th March, 2023, pp.1491-1496. 

      • G.Pradeepkumar, G.Praveen Santhoshkumar, C.Rohith Bhat, M.Jeyalakshmi, T.Muthukumar and Neelam   Sanjeev Kumar ,’  IoT based  Smart U-Turn Vehicle Accident Prevention System ’ IEEE Proceedings of  the International  Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS-2023) DVD Part Number:CFP23AZ5-DVD at Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Erode, ISBN.No:978-1-6654-9199-0 /23 on 23rd -25th  March, 2023, 

      • K.Mohanraj, S.Jeevanantham,S.Midhun Kumar,R.Ragupathi and K.Sudhakar, ’Novel Modulation Strategies of Parallel Connected NPC-PWM Inverters or Grid connected Applications’, Proceedings of  the     International  Conference on Smart Engineering for Renewable Energy Technologies-2023  (ICSERET-2023)  on 24th  -25th  March, 2023 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, ISBN.No:978-93-5737-601-3, pg.16. 

      • R.Manikandan, P.Karthikeyan, K.R.Srinivasan and P.Premkumar, ’Design and Implementation of Smart Control Electrical Appliances for Institutional Building’, International  Conference on ‘Recent Trends in science, Engineering and Technology’(KIRSET 2023) on 09th -10th  March, 2023, Kamaraj  College of  Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar. 

      • T.Sengolrajan, S.Jawahar, M.Shankar, P.Jeevarathinam and  G.Paveen, ‘Development of Automatic Seed Sowing and Counting Machine’, International  Conference on ‘Recent Trends in science, Engineering and Technology’(KIRSET 2023) on 09th -10th  March, 2023, Kamaraj  College of  Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar. 

      • T.Rajamanikandan, R.Bharathkumar, Sundar.C, Ganesan.P and Sowthri.T, ‘Design and Development of Smart Wearable Device for Protection of Wallet debit or Credit Card using ATMEGA 328P Microcontroller’, Second International  Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing’(ETCVSP’23) on 24th  -25th  March, 2023 , J.J College of  Engineering and Technology, Trichy. 

      • J.Karthikeyan, B.Sureka, M.Sri Dharshini, and  T.Malathi, ’ Design and Implementation of Online Scoreboard System for Multisport ’    International  Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2023) on 10th  -11th  March, 2023, Karpagam College of  Engineering, Coimbatore.

      • Dr.R.Shankar, G.Arulselvan, A.Rishanth, R.M.Karuppiah and  S.Anbarasan, ’ IoT based Monitoring and Controlling Parameters of  Three Phase Induction Motor’    International  Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2023) on 10th  -11th  March, 2023, Karpagam College of  Engineering, Coimbatore.

      • K.Karthik, M.Saravana Kumar, G.Kamalesh, S.Praveen and S.Monish, ’IoT based Monitoring and Controlling Parameters of  Three Phase Induction Motor’    International  Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2023) on 10th  -11th  March, 2023, Karpagam College of  Engineering, Coimbatore.

      • T.Rajamanikandan, R.Kishore, C.Karuppasamy, S.Manoj and P.Muthamil Pandiyan,  ’ Battery Operated Tricycle for Physically Challenged Person’, Proceedings of the     International  Conference on Emerging Engineering Technologies (ICEET 2023) on 11th  -12th  March 2023, Raji Publications, pg.27.

      • R.Gopalakrishnan, M.Agith, R.Aswinth, J.Jayaraj and S.Sathish, ’  Battery Energy System for  Renewable Energy Integrated Power System Stability Enhancement’  Proceedings of  the  International  Conference on Emerging Engineering Technologies (ICEET 2023) on 11th  -12th March, 2023, Raji Publications, pg.22.

      • T.Muthukumar, C.Kishore, G.Gopinath, E.Monish and V.Sivaramakrishnan’,  Design and Development of IoT based DC Stepper Motor Control for Grinding Application’  Proceedings of  the     International  Conference on Emerging Engineering Technologies (ICEET 2023) on 11th -12th March, 2023, Raji Publications, pg.19.

      • K.Karthik, M.Saravana Kumar, G.Kamalesh, S.Praveen and S.Monish , ’ Modelling and Control of Heat Distribution in a Powder Bed Fusion’   National  Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Research (NCITER-2023) on 10th  March, 2023 at  AVC College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai.

Academic Year  2021 - 2022

International / National Journals

      • Dr.Suresh Seetharaman, Dr.R.Shankar, Dr.T.Sengolrajan and Dr.SP.Umayal, ’Bridgeless SEPIC Power Factor Correction Rectifier in DCM with reduced losses’, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12, No.13,June 2021, pp.5732-5740, Scopus.
      • Dr.T.Sengolrajan, Dr.P.Suresh Pandiarajan, Dr.K.Kalaiselvan and Dr.S.P. Umayal, ‘Detection of Voltage and Frequency Variations in Power Grid with Arduino’, Journal of Design Engineering (Toronto), Issue 5,September 2021, pp.2446-2452, ISSN: 0011-9342, Scopus Indexed.
      • Karthikeyan J, Dr.Sangeetha M and.Glarida Amala L 2021 ‘Design and Implementation of Row or Column wise Banana Tree Cutter using IoT’ Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET), ISSN: 2395-5295, Spl. Issue, vol.7, no.1, pp.838-842, July, Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.7.1.613, Indexed in Scopus.
      • Muthukumar.T, Pranesh Raj.S, Raman A, Thirunavukarasu G and Nishanth S 2021 ‘Sensor Fusion for IoT based Intelligent Agriculture System’ Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET), ISSN: 2395-5295,Spl.Issue, vol.7, no.1, pp. 843-847, July, Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.7.1.617, Indexed in Scopus.
      • Dr.Raghavendran P S, Ragul S, Dr.Asokan R and.Sarathkumar D 2021 ‘ÍoT based Automated Cattle Fodder System’ Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET), ISSN: 2395-5295,Spl.Issue, vol.7, no.1, pp. 939-944, July, Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.7.1.630, Indexed in Scopus.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Dr.Banumathi S and Dr.Asokan R 2021 ‘Performance Analysis of Electrical Properties of Resin Transfer Molded Banana Leaf Reinforced Polymer Composites’ Journal of University of Shanghai for science and Technology (JUSST), ISSN:1007-6735, vol.23, no.10, pp.179-194, October, DOI: 10.51201/JUSST/21/10736, Scopus Indexed.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Dr.Banumathi S and Dr.Asokan R, 2021 ‘Investigation of the Dielectric Characteristics of Banana residue-Reinforced Epoxy Resin’ International Journal of Electrochemical Science, ISSN:1452-3981,vol.16, no.11, Article No:21124, pp.1-13 , November, DOI:10.20364/ 2021.12.20, SCIE Indexed, A1,IF:1.765.
      • Dr.Arul P, Arun S, Dr.Kalaiselvan K and Dr.Umayal SP 2021 ‘Complementary Switching Multilevel Inverter with Wave Shift Multi Carrier Modulation Control’ Design Engineering (Toronto), ISSN: 0011-9342, Vol.2021, No.9, pp. 844-853, November, 2021, Scopus.
      • Kalairajan V, Dr.Sengolrajan T, Dr.Arul P and Dr.Raghavendran P.S 2021 ‘Eco Friendly Modern Agriculture Machinery Control and Monitoring with IoT’ Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils (NVEO) journal, ISSN: 2148-9637, vol.8, no.5, pp.7402-7410, November, Scopus, IF:0.21
      • Dr.Suresh Pandiarajan P, Tamilnesan P, Karthik K and Dr.Umayal SP, 2021, ’27-Level inverter using Multi-Tapped Multi-Winding transformer with Single Input DC Source’, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME), ISSN: 0974-5823, vol.6, no.3, pp.1371-1379, December, Scopus.
      • Srinivas Rao M P, Revathi S, Rajaprasanna R, Vijay Muni T, Asha A, Manoj Prabaharan A, 2022 ’Nitrogen (N2) based Antenna Design for Real-time Mechanical Applications’, Materials today: Proceedings, ISSN: 2214-7853, (In press),, January, Scopus.
      • Sankaran A, Amuthameena S, Vimalraj S, Vivek C, Karthic Kumar R, Balraj B and Kumaraguru K ‘Influence of Gd2O3 on ZnO Nanomaterials for the Enhancement of Catalytic Behaviour’ Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, ISSN:1557-1939, April 2022(online),SCIE
      • Amuthameena Subramanian, Dhayalini Karuppiah and Balraj Baskaran ‘La2O3/ Nd2O3 Incorporated SnO2 Nanomaterials for Solar Cell and Electrochemical Supercapacitor Applications’ Journal of Electronic Materials, ISSN:0361-5235, Vol.51, Issue.7, pp. 3958–3969, May 2022 (online), Springer, SCIE.

 International / National Conference 

Academic Year  2021 - 2022

      • Amuthameena SubramanianDhayalini Karuppiah and Balraj Baskaran,‘Investigations on Electrical Energy Generation and Storage using Nanotechnology ’,  1stInternational Conference on  ‘Advanced Developments in Chemistry and Allied sciences-2021(ADCAS-21) ’, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science  and Technology, Sonipat, India on 16th-17thDecember, 2021.
      • T.Rajamanikandan, Dr.S.Banumathi and Dr.R.Asokan, ’Investigation of the Dielectric Characteristics of Banana Residue Press Board Insulation', proceedings of National Institute for Engineering and Research (NIER) International Conference, World Congress on Green Chemistry and Green Engineering (WCGCGE-21) on 22nd May 2021 at Coimbatore,pp.5-8.
      • Sruthi S, Narmitha D, Dr.Karthikkumar K, Dr. Chandra Sekhar P and Karthik K ‘Transformer-less Grid connected PV System using TSRPWM Strategy with Single Phase 7 Level Multi-Level Inverter’ International conference on ‘Control in Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid with Renewable Energy Synergies for Sustainable Development’ (VIT-CES-RES) held at VIT, Chennai on 7th to 8th October, 2021.
      • Tamilnesan P, Dr.Sengolrajan T & Karthikeyan J ‘Supervisory Control and Monitoring of IoT Enabled Optimized MPPT in Mass Solar Power Plant’ International Conference on ‘Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS-2021)’held at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 20th October, 2021.
      • Gopalakrishnan ‘Power Quality Improvement of Microgrid under Demand Response Schemes’ International Conference on ‘Energy Power Integrated Circuits and Systems (EPICS-2021)’ at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam on 22nd -23rd December, 2021.
      • S.Ragul, S.Revathi, S.P.Raghavendran & R.Gopalakrishnan ‘Design and Development of Automated Solar based Grass Cutter with Sprinkler and Cleaning in Agricultural System’ International Conference on ‘Smart Technologies and Applications- 2022(ICSTA 2022)’, Ramco Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar on 11th & 12th March, 2022.
      • K.Rajalashmi, Dr. A.Sheela, Dr. K.Prithivi, V. Gowrishankar & S. Revathi ‘A Battery Charger with Bridgeless AC-AC Converter for Electric Vehicles’ International Conference on ‘Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences (iCATCHCOME 2022)’, KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, 24th – 25th March, 2022.
      • P.Tamilnesan, M.Mohamed Aslam, B.Santhosh, M.Poovarasan & M.Harikrishnan ‘IoT Enabled Optimized MPPT Techniques for Solar Power Generation in Smart Building’  DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy,  21st – 22nd April, 2022
      • Tamilnesan, Dr.R.Shankar, S.Karthika, M.Suwathy & J.Vidhya, ‘Supervisory Control and Monitoring of IoT Enabled Paddy Cultivation’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • Abirami, P.Berlin Glary, J.Jeya Priya, G.Praveena & T.Rajamanikandan, ‘Design and Fabrication of Micro Machined Hot/Wire anemometer using Embedded Systems’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • S.Amuthameena, P.Kousika, S.Nalini, M.Sangavi & A.Sowmiya ‘Automatic Gear Lubrication System in Rotary Turbine using IoT’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy,  21st – 22nd April, 2022
      • Sathish Kumar, R.Gokul, M.Priyadharsan, P.Parthiban & S.Ragul ‘Novel Improved Hybrid Charge Controller for Renewable Energy Applications’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • Kalairajan & S.Arun ‘IoT based Weather Monitoring System with Sensors and Node MCU for Agriculture’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • S.Revathi, N.V.Shobana, S.Swetha, P.Kabarthini, & C.Kalaivani ‘Integration of  Residential Power Plant through Microgrid using Particle Swarm Optimization’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy,  21st – 22nd April,2022.
      • Nandhini, G.Sathya, M.Saranya, K.Sujeetha & A.C.Divya ‘Gear System and Coupling Management in Horizontal Wind Turbine using Artificial Intelligence Techniques’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • Arun, S.Sudharsan, M.Sanjay, Y.Praveen Kumar & S.Praveenkumar ‘Instrumentation of IoT based Tablet Making Machine’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • V.Kalairajan, S.Prabhu, A.Kaviraj, V.Manikandan and T.Lekkaiyaraja ‘Design and Fabrication of  IoT based Tablet Making Machine’ DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy, 21st – 22nd April, 2022
      • J.Karthikeyan, K.Mohana Priya, S.Dhivya, S.Nivetha & T.Deepa, Voltage/Frequency Control in Power Inverter using AI, DST-SERB Sponsored 1st International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Electric Vehicles and Smart Technologies (ICETEVST-22)’, SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy 21st – 22nd April, 2022.
      • K.Balaji, Z.Akthar Farvees, R.D.Gowtham, S.Manoj & K.Mohanraj ‘Battery Management System for Renewable Energy Production using Artificial Intelligence’ Virtual International Conference on ‘Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2022)’, AMET University, Chennai, 22nd -23rd April, 2022.
      • J.Harivignesh, M.Guru Prasanth, R.Sandheep, R.Gowrishankar & T.Rajamanikandan ‘Artificial Intelligence based Solar Tracking System’ Virtual International Conference on ‘Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2022)’, AMET University, Chennai on 22nd -23rd April, 2022.
      • R.Gopalakrishnan, E.M.Harish, A.Shahir Ahamed, P.Thirumoorthy and R.Ragul Prasad, ‘Efficiency Improvement of Power Converters using FPGA’ International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Emerging Technologies and Engineering –ICRTETE-2022’, IIRM, Andhra Pradesh, 24th April, 2022.
      • T.Sengolrajan, P.Nitheesh Kumar, P.Vasanth babu, K.Vignesh & A.Kishore, ‘Design and Development of Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy Systems’ AICTE Sponsored International Conference on ‘Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2K22)’, Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Samayapuram, 28th -29th April 2022.
      • Premkumar, T.Naveen Kumar, P.Rajesh, P.Bharathmano & K.Karthik, ‘Design and Fabrication of Smart Switch Board using COIR’, AICTE Sponsored International Conference on ‘Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2K22)’, Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Samayapuram, 28th -29th April 2022.
      • J.Karthikeyan, V.Suriya Prakash, T.Guhan, S.Vignesh & G.Navin Kishore, Fabrication of  IoT based E-Vehicle for Physically Challenged People, AICTE Sponsored International Conference on ‘Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2K22)’, Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Samayapuram, 28th -29th April 2022
      • P.Kavinshore, S.Gobinath, V.Manosh, L.Mathiyazhagan, & T.Muthukumar ‘Climate Monitoring System using IoT in Thottiyam Block for Wind Power’ National Conference on ‘Mechatronics and Automation Systems (NCMAS 2022)’, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, 21st April, 2022.
      • A.Sheela, Dr.T.Logeswaran, S.Revathi and Dr.K.Rajalakshmi, ‘Distributed MPPT Configuration for Improving Solar Energy Production’ 3rd International Conference on ‘Emerging Technology (INCET 2022)’, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi, Karnataka, 27th -29th May, 2022.

Academic Year  2020 - 2021

International / National Journals

      • ParthibaS, SheelaA and Revathi S(2020),‘Design and Development of Portable Stand-Alone Solar Power Generator’, Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Vol. 10, No. 6, June, pp. 2946-2955,ISSN:2245-4586,Scopus indexed
      • Prathiba S,Ragul S, Dr.SheelaAand Revathi S (2020), ‘Review of Solar Panel Tracking and Cleaning Methods and a Design of Solar Panel with Automatic Cleaning Mechanism’, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.14,No.7, July, pp.1580-1587, ISSN:1001-2400,UGC Care Group2&Scopus indexed.
      • Janaki K and Jawahar.K (2020),Design of Power Demand Controller for Domestic Loads (2020), Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications (BBRC), Special Issue,Vol.13, No.4, July, 2019, pp.271-274, ISSN:2321-4007, ESCI Web of Science, Group ‘A’ of UGC  Care List indexed, IF:0.11
      • DivyaA  C, Pavithra M, Pavithra B, Tamilselvi R and Srimathi M (2020), ‘Fabrication and Testing of LED Tube Making System’, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, (IJNIET), Special Issue on –ICET 2020, August, pp. 64-70, ISSN: 2319-6319,UGC Approved Journal
      • Shankar R, Prasanth D, Parthiban S, Parthiban N and Saravanan R , ‘Regeneration of Power by using Thermoelectric Generator in Boiler’, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, (IJNIET), Special Issue on –ICET 2020, August, pp. 113-130, ISSN: 2319-6319,UGC Approved Journal.
      • Deebika R, Arun V, Gunalan K, Manojkumar,R.K, Praveen.K, ‘Design of High Accuracy Incense stick Making Machine’,International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, (IJNIET), Special Issue on –ICET 2020, pp. 54-58, August , ISSN: 2319-6319,UGC Approved Journal
      • Ragul S, Arunkumar M, Diviyan S,  Gowtham M C, Design and Fabrication of Incense Stick Making Machine, ‘Design of High Accuracy Incense stick Making Machine ’, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, (IJNIET), Special Issue on –ICET 2020, August,pp. 47-53,  ISSN: 2319-6319,UGC Approved Journal
      • Revathi S, Kabila R, Kanimozhi M and Shamima A, Investigation and Rectification of continuous Error occur in Incense Stick Catching Pointer’, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, (IJNIET), Special Issue on –ICET 2020, August, 95-99, ISSN: 2319-6319, UGC Approved Journal.
      • Anton Amala Praveen A, Tamilnesan P, Muthukumaran M and Udayakumar M D, ‘Experimental Analysis of moisture content with involuntary irrigation structure in Soil’, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, October 2020, pp.2-5 (in press, corrected proof).
      • Priyanka R, Reena Catherine J, Renuka K & Andril Alagusabai, Design and Implementation of Single phase AC Voltage Controller, Journal of Information and Computational Science,Vol.10(10), October 2020, pp.652-660,UGC-Care Group-II.
      • Divya A. C, Deebika R, and Sasikumar A , An overview of DC-DC Converters to Analyse Output Voltage, Journal of Xidian university, Vol 14 (12), December 2020, pp.182-191, UGC Care Group2 & Scopus indexed.
      • Kalairajan V, Karthikeyan J, Dr.Sengolrajan T and Sampath A, Design and Implementation of Smart Floor Cleaner using Arduino Controller’ Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7(18), December 2020, pp.4211-4217, Scopus indexed.
      • Sheela A, Atshaya M, Revathi S and Jeyapaul singh N, ‘Investigation on PMSM for electric vehicle applications using Co-Simulation of MATLAB and Magnet Software’, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering Journal, February 2021, pp.1-12, ISSN:1055-012138, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012138 (Scopus Indexed).
      • Karthikkumar K, Karthik.K, Karunanithi P, Chandrasekhar P and Sathyanathan P, ‘SSA-RBFNN Strategy for Optimum Framework for Energy Management in Grid-connected Smart Grid Infrastructure Modelling’, Material Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, February 2021, ISSN: 2214-7853, DOI.10.1016 (Scopus Indexed).
      • Sheela A, Atshaya M, Revathi S and Jeyapaul singh N, ‘Investigation on PMSM for electric vehicle applications using Co-Simulation of MATLAB and Magnet Software’, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering Journal, February 2021, pp.1-12, ISSN:1055-012138, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012138 (Scopus Indexed).
      • Karthikkumar K, Karthik.K, Karunanithi P, Chandrasekhar P and Sathyanathan P, ‘SSA-RBFNN Strategy for Optimum Framework for Energy Management in Grid-connected Smart Grid Infrastructure Modelling’, Material Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, February 2021, ISSN: 2214-7853, DOI.10.1016 (Scopus Indexed).
      • Reena Catherine J, Priyanka R, Andril Alagusabai and Renuka K 2021 ‘Zigbee Based Hazard Detecting Helmet’, IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering Journal, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1084/1/012069, March, pp.1-8.
      • Dharmalingam M, Umarani B, Shankar R and Kumar K 2020 'Analysis of Internet of Things in Smart Manufacturing Industry’ Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol.17, no.12, DOI: 10.1166, pp.5495-5502.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, Santhosh S, Subash R, Sudharsan S and Tamilselvan T 2021 ’Production of Betel Powder for Human Increasing Immunity from Portable Solar Drier for Nourishment, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, vol.9, no.1, April, pp.107-117.

 International / National Conference 

      • Aiswarya T R,Priyadharsini S, Priyanka R, Gomathi S and Sariga R C, ‘Intelligent Farm Security System to avoid crop damage from wild animals’, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Engineering and Technology (ICRET-2020) , Technically sponsored by IEEE-Product Safety Engineering Society organized by the organization of Science & Innovative Engineering and Technology (DSIET), India, 21st June, 2020, pp.20-21.
      • Sheela A, Atshaya M and Revathi S, ‘Multi Domain Analysis of PMSM for Electric Vehicle Applications’,Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Automation, Signal processing and Energy Systems (ICASE-2020), Organized by the School of Electronics and Electrical Technology, Kalasalingam Academy of Research Education, Krishnankoil, 19th&20thJune, 2020, pp.20-24.
      • Santhosh Kumar K, Mohan Prasath M, Prakash S, Prithviraj P and Sampath A, ‘Low cost, Less weight of Banana Pseudo Stem Juicer with high Efficiency’, Proceedings of Web Conference on Advanced Technologies in Electrical Engineering (ATEE-2020),Organized by Department of EEE, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Madurai,6th& 7th August, 2020, pp.5.
      • Gowri A S , Kowsalya J, Jawahar Kand Gethsiya Florida S, ‘Monitoring and Control of Substation using PLC and SCADA’, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Communication Technology, Organized by the Department of EEE& ECE, Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, 15th-17th, September 2020.
      • Tamilnesan P, Praveenkumar S, Revanth P, Naveen S and Santhosh B, ‘Substation Automation using PLC and SCADA’,Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Communication Technology,organized by the Department of EEE& ECE, Sri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, 15th-17th, September 2020.
      • Divya A.C and Deebika R, ‘An overview of DC-DC Converters to Analysis output voltage’,Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Power, Control, Signal and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI’ 2020), Organized by the Department of EEE, Saveetha Engineering college, Chennai, 28th August, 2020.
      • T.Rajamanaikandan & Mohanraj.K, ‘Fabrication and Testing of Electrical Insulation board and sheet from Banana residues’, conference on Advanced Technologies in Electrical Engineering(ATEE 2020) held at Kamaraj college of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 6th & 7th August 2020.
      • R.Gopalakrishnan, S.Ajithkumar, M.Logasundhar, M.Venkateswarar and M.Ahamed Tharik, ‘Production and Testing of Low Cost High Efficient Portable Solar Dryer’, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Research and Developments-2020(ICRIRD-2020), held at International Institute of Research in Multidisciplinary Skill Development Trust, Andhra Pradesh on 13th Sep 2020.
      • Dr.K.Muthumanickam, Dr.T.Sengolrajan, R.Palanikumar and Dr.R.Shankar, ‘Smartphone Based Botnet Detection using Behavioral Analysis’, International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS’20), held at Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai on 10th & 11th Dec 2020.
      • Reena Catherine J, Priyanka R, Andril Alagusabai, ‘Zigbee Based Hazard Detecting Helmet’, First International Conference on Circuits, Signals, Systems and Securities (ICCSSS’20), held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 11th & 12th Dec 2020.
      • Dr.Balamurugan C R and Dr.Sengolrajan T ‘Performance analysis of Reduced Switch Multilevel inverter using Pulse Width Modulation Technique’ 2nd International Conference on ‘Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE)’ held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 6th & 7th November 2020.
      • Aarthi A, Kirubashankari N, Harshapriya R, Jenisha S and Karthik K ‘Magical Water Bottle’ AICTE Sponsored Virtual Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2021) held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 26th & 27th February 2021.
      • Ramadevi N, Dr.Balamurugan C R and Dr.Sengolrajan T ‘An Overview on Multiport DC Converters for Integration and Energy Harvest from Renewable Energy Sources’ International Conference on Research and Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRDSET 2021) held at St.Anne’s College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti on 5th March 2021.
      • Dharani P, Logalakshmi C, Maheswari S and Dhivya A C ‘Lollipop Camera for Child Throat Infection Detection’ AICTE Sponsored Virtual Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2021) held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 26th & 27th February 2021.
      • Tamilarasan M, Manivannan.G, Neelam Sakthivel.S, Vigneshwaran R and Dr.Shankar R ‘Smart Barricade Implementation in High Dense Traffic Area by using IoT’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Poomathi V, Rajalakshmi M, Sindhu S, Preethika M and Deebika R ‘Smart Helmet for Blind with Integrated GPS and Image Processing for Vehicle Detection Alert System’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Aarthi R, Aarthi V, Indhumathi K, Nandini C and Gopalakrishnan R, ‘Solar Dryer and Betel Powder’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Abarna K, Divya Sree A, Indhumathi S, Mythili T and Revathi S, ‘Women Self Help Group for Record Maintaining’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Bhadrinath G, Gokul K and Ragul S, ‘A Novel Gravel Clock with a Smart Event Reminder’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Priyanga S, Tharani H, Sharmila R, Vinitha K and Priyanka R, ‘Dis-Infection Box’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Arivazhagan V, Aziz N, Chandra Bose K, Kannan P and Muthukumar T, ‘Government Schemes Notifying App’ Virtual Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Bharathi M, Deebeka G, Hamshini N K, Kavitha S and Mohanraj K, ‘Banyan Aerial Root Bristle Tooth Brush with Oral Irrigator, Virtual National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 24th March 2021.
      • Poomani M, Ragul S, Prabhakar M, Nishal K M and Dr.Sengolrajan T, ‘Smart Farming using IoT for Efficient Crop Growth’ Virtual International Conference on Power Initiatives (ICPI-2021) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 29th & 30th March 2021.
      • Sangavi B, Devi V, Vishnuvarthini B, Priyadharshini D, Karthikeyan J and Muthukumar T, ‘Multifunctional Smart Dustbin’ Virtual International Conference on Power Initiatives (ICPI-2021) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 29th & 30th March 2021.
      • Tamilnesan P and Arun S, ‘Analyze the Effect of Power System Parameters in Various Load Conditions Employ with Power Simulator’ Virtual International Conference on Power Initiatives (ICPI-2021) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 29th & 30th March 2021.
      • Bhadrinath G, Gokul K, Kirubanithi R and Bharath T, ‘A Novel Gravel Clock with a Smart Event Reminder’ Virtual International Conference on Power Initiatives (ICPI-2021) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 29th & 30th March 2021.
      • Ajay Krishna A, Dinesh R, Gokulan A, Jawahar V and Dhivya A C, ‘Arduino Based Smart LED Intensity Controller’ Virtual International Conference on Power Initiatives (ICPI-2021) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 29th & 30th March 2021.
      • Subash Chandra Bharath A, Prakash T, Tamilvanan R, Saravanan S and Dr.Sengolrajan T, ‘Design and development of Manual Mode of Slipper Making Machine’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Sowntharya V, Shanmathi R, Sathiyajayam K, Priyadharshini M and Karthikeyan J, ‘Digital Mask with UV Disinfection and Air Quality Monitoring System’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Abuvaran A, Nantha Kumar S, Ajai Kumar.A, Ajith Kumar S and Mohanraj K, ‘Fabrication of Slipper Making Machine’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Subash M, Pasupathi R, Prakashraj A, Parthiban R and Kalairajan V, ‘Energy Saving Night Lamp using PIR Sensor’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Boopathi M, Gokul G, Gugan P, Kathiravan M and Arun S, ‘Intelligent Crop Production System’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Parthiban B, Parthiban R C, Ramakrishnan G, Tamilselvan S and Revathi S, ‘Temperature and Face Mask Wearing Recognition by using Arduino and Raspberry Pi’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Mouleeswaran S, Madhankumar S, Karthikeyan M, Ganeshkumar V and Rajamanikandan T R, ’Farm Security System from Animals’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Sivaraj R, Tamilarasan N, Vikram M, Thansing D and Tamilnesan P, ‘Smart Egg Incubator’, National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Sathish M and Sampath A, ‘Design and Fabrication of E-Vehicle for Physically Challenged People’ National Level Web Conference on Cutting Edge Research in Electrical Engineering (CEREE) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli on 31st March 2021.
      • Dr.Raghavendran P S, Ragul S and Dr.Ashokan R, ‘IoT Based Automated Cattle Fodder System’ 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE'21) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27th March 2021.
      • Karthikeyan J, Dr.Sangeetha M and Glarida Amala L, ‘Design and Implementation of Row or Column wise Banana Tree Cutter using IoT’ 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE'21) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27th March 2021.
      • Muthukumar T, Pranesh Raj S, Nishanth S, Raman A and Thirunavukarasu G, ‘Sensor Fusion for IoT Based Intelligent Agriculture System’ 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE'21) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27th March 2021.
      • Sampath A, Yogasivashankar B, Nithesh Sharma J K, ‘Automatic Mask Wearing Detection and Temperature Detection using Raspberry’ 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE'21) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27th March 2021.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, Santhosh S, Subash R, Sudharsan S and Tamilselvan T, ‘Production of Betel Powder for Human Increasing Immunity from Portable Solar Drier for Nourishment’ International Conference on Advances in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies (ICAMCCT 2021) held at Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, Kanyakumari on 10th April 2021.
      • Praveen R, Ragul M, Arun S, Srilakshmanan M and Rajamanikandan T R, ‘Fabrication and Testing of Solid Insulator from Banana Waste’ Virtual National Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Automation (NCDMA-2021) held at SRM TRP Engineering College on 15th April 2021.

Academic Year  2019 - 2020

International / National Journals

      • Kalairajan V, Karthikeyan J, Dr.Sengolrajan T &Vignesh K S,2020 ‘Smart Electric Hand-Held Device for Female and Children Safety’, International Journal of Advanced science and Technology, Vol.29, no.9s, pp.3576-3584, ISSN: 2207-6360, Scopusindexed
      • Sindhu K, Karthik B and Sengolrajan T, ‘Power System Diagnostic condition monitoring of transformative intrinsic algorithm based unified power flow control in high voltage grid system analysis’ Journal of Electrical Engineering(JEE), vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 406-418, September 2019, ISSN:1582-4594.

      • Sheela A, Revathi S and Ragul S, ‘Strategy for Flawless Transfer of Islanded and Grid Connected Modes with Modified Droop Controller’, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1123-1133, September 2019, ISSN:2278-3075.

      • Sureshpandiarajan P, Vimala P, Balamurugan C R and Sengolrajan T, ‘Comprehensive Analysis of PID and FOPID controller fed BLDC Motor’, Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), Vol.20,No.1, pp.147-153, November, 2019, ISSN:1582-4594.

      • Balamurugan C.R, Vijayakumar.P, Sengolrajan.T, A novel impedance source fed H-type flying capacitor multilevel inverter, International Journal of Advances in Applied sciences (IJAAS), Vol.8, No.3, September, 2019, pp.225-231, ISSN:2252-8814, Scopus, Web of Science indexed.

International / National Conference

      • Ragul S, Indhumathi K, Deebeka G & Kirubasankari N,IOT Based Efficient Automatic Smart Bin Collector’, ISTE Sponsored National e-Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy (Ne-CETRE 2020)’ held at Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem on  24th April 2020
      • Revathi S,Divyasree A, Bharathi M & Maheswari S, ‘Automatic Speed Control of Vehicle Based on Real Time Biometric System’, ISTE Sponsored National e-Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy (Ne-CETRE 2020)’ held at Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem on  24th April 2020
      • Arun S & Tamilnesan P, ‘Analysis of Sampling and Hold Period of Electronic Circuits using Different Value of Capacitor’, International E-Conference on ‘Latest Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICLTSET’20)’ held at Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 13th April 2020
      • Divya A C & Deebika R, ‘A Comparative Study of DC-DC Converters for the analysis of Output Voltage’, International Conference on ‘Power Engineering (POWERCOIN’20)’, held at Sona College of Technology, Salem on 12th & 13th March 2020
      • Revathi S, Kabila R, Kanimozhi M, Shamima A & Srinithi A, ‘Investigation and Rectification of Continuous Error Occur in Incense Stick Catching Pointer’,International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’ held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Ragul S, Diviyan S, Arunkumar M, Gowtham & Kumaravel G, ‘Design and Fabrication of Incense Stick Making Machine’,International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’, held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Muthukumar T, Karthick R, Logesh P, SathyaMoorthi N & Gopalsamy S, ‘Efficiency Improvement in Incense Stick Making Machine by Using Ultrasonic Sensor to Reduce Unfinished Stick’,International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’, held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Dr.Shankar R, Prasanth D, Parthiban S, Parthiban N & Saravanan R, ‘Regeneration of Power by using Thermoelectric Generator in Boiler’,International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’, held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Deebika R, Manoj Kumar R K, Arun V, Praveen K & Gunalan K, ‘Design of High accuracy Incense Stick Making Machine’,International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’, held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Divya A C, Pavithra M, Pavithra B, Srimathi M & Tamilselvi R, ‘Fabrication and Testing of LED Tube Making System’, International Conference on ‘Engineering and Technology (ICET-2020)’, held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th & 5th March 2020
      • Jawahar K, Dr.Sengolrajan T& Muthukumar T , ‘Performance & Analysis Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor’,National Conference on ‘Robotics & Automation Engineering-2K20’,held at Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur on 2nd March 2020
      • Sampath A & Dr. Sumithira T R, ‘Efficiency Improvement of Banana Pseudio Stem Juicer’,National Conference on ‘Robotics & Automation Engineering-2K20’,held at Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur on 2nd March 2020
      • Kalairajan V, Karthikeyan J and Dr. Sengolrajan T & Vignesh K S, ‘Smart Electric Handheld Devices for Women and Children Safety’, International Conference on ‘Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES 2020)’, held at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 20th & 21st February 2020
      • Gopalakrishnan R, Karthik K & Mohanraj K, ‘Transformer Less Single-Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply based on Z-Source Inverter’,International Conference on ‘Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and computer communication (EEICC)’,held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 24th January 2020
      • Sheela A, Revathi S and Atif Iqbal, ‘Cyber Risks Assessment for Intelligent and Non-Intelligent Attacks in Power System’,  2nd International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC-2019) organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai , pp.69, 21st -23rd August, 2019.
      • Karthikeyan J, Arikrishnan S, Balakrishnan K, Boobalan N and Bharanidharan M,’Smart Control Techniques in E-Vehicle’, Second National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology organized by Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology ,Thottiam on 13th March,2019
      • Karthik K, Bharath M, Elango P, Gnanaguru S and Sathishkumar P,’ Investigation of LED lumens monitoring and Control Techniques using MATLAB’, Second National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology organized by Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology ,Thottiam on 13th March,2019

Academic Year 2018-2019

International / National Journals

      • Sengolrajan T, Balamurugan C R and Shanthi B, ‘Comparative Assessment of PWM Strategies for Three Phase Trinary Source Nine Level Inverter with Rectified Sine Carriers’, Journal of Electrical Engineering(JEE), vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 45-57, May 2019, ISSN:1582-4594.

      • Dr.T.Sengolrajan, Aug 2018 ‘Assessment of various Bipolar Variable Amplitude SPWM Strategies for a Three Phase Trinary Source Nine Level Inverter’, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), (Indexed with Web of Science), Volume 13, Issue: 08, PP. 2533-2538,.  ISSN No:1823-4690

      • Preethisri Varadaraju, Nirmalkumar P, Deepa Jose and Neelam Sanjiv kumar, ‘Content Addressable Memory as A Teaching Aid for Low-Power Technique Study’, The International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education, pp. 1-12, 2019, ISSN: 0020-7209.

      • Kalai Rajan V and Karthikeyan J, ‘Bluetooth and IoT Based Advanced Energy Monitoring System for Middle Class Home Appliances’, Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC), 6, no. 3, pp. 410-413, March 2019, ISSN: 1076-5131.

      • Sampath A and Kalai Rajan V, ‘Development of Smart Thread Monitoring Device for Spinning Mill Industry Using Internet of Things’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1,(Special Issue), pp. 289-292, May 2019.

      • Gokul P and Kalaiselvan K, ‘IoT Based Motor Monitoring System Using ELMEASURE MPU 5110’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5,  no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 244-247, May 2019.

      • Jawahar K, Balaji M, Nareshkumar B.K, Dinakaran B and Dineshkumar B, ‘Automated Jaggery Making Machine’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 272-276, May 2019

      • Tamilnesan P, Gopalakrishnan R and Arul P, ‘Domestic Smart Sugar (JAGGERY) Making Machine Using PLC’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 308-312, May 2019

      • Revathi S and Ragul S, ‘Detection of Faults in Power System Network to Protect from Cyber Attacks’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 277-288, May 2019

      • Muthukumar T, Arun S and Kalaiselvan K, ‘Security Monitoring in Coal Mining Using Wireless Underground Sensor Network’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 260-271, May 2019

      • Rajamanikandan T, Mohanraj K and Karthik K, ‘Cost Allocation for Transmission System  Using Distribution Factor’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 253 – 259, May 2019

      • Kalairajan V, Sampath A and Karthikeyan J, ‘Smart Underground Waste Garbage System’, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue), pp. 248 – 252, May 2019.

      • Kalaiselvan K, Purushothaman J and Deepika R, ‘Telegram Based IoT Robot’, GRENZE’ International Journal of Engineering and Technology(GIJET), vol. 5, no. 1(Special Issue),   pp. 313 – 317, May 2019

 International / National Conference 

      • Sengolrajan T, Balamurugan, C R, Kalaiselvan K and Arul P, ‘Performance Evaluation of Three Phase Trinary Source Nine Level Inverter for Rectified Sine Carrier with THI Reference’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Management (ICRTSM’18) at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) and TECHOWN, Chennai, pp. 19, 23rd and 24th November 2018, ISBN: 9788193221358

      • Sampath A, Kalaiselvan K, Sengolrajan T and Sumithira T R, ‘Photovoltaic Power-Generation Using Interleaved Soft Switching Converter with MPTT Control’, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Management (ICRTSM’18) at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) and TECHOWN, Chennai, pp. 12, 23rd and 24th November 2018, ISBN:9788193221358

      • Venkataramanan K, Sengolrajan T and Shanthi B, ‘FPGA Based Implementations of Optimized Pulse Width Modulation Strategy for Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverters’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 52, 23rd March 2019.

      • Meenalochani K, Shanthi B, Sengolrajan  T and Premsunder G, ‘FPGA Based Real Time Implementation of Various PWM Strategies for Seven Level qZ-Source fed MCHB with AVL Cell’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication 23rd March 2019.Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, pp. 52, 23rd March 2019.

      • Palanivel S, Sakthivel G, Natarajan S.P  and Sengolrajan T ‘MRAC for a Spherical Tank  System’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, pp. 48, 23rd March 2019.

      • Prabhu S, Balaji S, Elangovan P, Kalaimagal V and Sengolrajan T, ‘Prototype   Implementation for Vibration Analysis in E-Core Switched Reluctance Flux Reversal Free   Motor’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical,  Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19), at Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology, Thottiam pp. 48, 23rd March 2019

      • Johnpowl S, Ganesh Kumaran S, Sengolrajan T, ‘Implementation of Child Tracking System Using Mobile’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, pp. 54, 23rd March 2019.

      • Deeksha S, Keerthana K, Madhumitha K, Mownica N and Jawahar  K, ‘Telegram Based IoT Robot’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 56, 23rd March 2019.

      • Dheepa N, Jayarathna  R, Kavya  S, Madhumitha R and Sampath A, ‘Wireless Multifunctional Robot’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 57, 23rd March 2019.

      • Chandhiraleka S, Harini S, Haritha B, Kanimozhi M and Sengolrajan T, ‘IoT based AC Energy Monitoring Using Elmeasure LG 5310’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 58, 23rd March 2019

      • Srinivasan T, Kalaiyarsan  J, Karthick  V and  Tamilnesan P, ‘PLC Based Automated Sugar (JAGGERY) Making Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 59, 23rd March 2019

      • Nareshkumar B K, Dhinakaran B, Balaji M, Dineshkumar B and  Jawahar K, ‘Automated Sugar (Jaggery) Making Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 60, 23rd March 2019

      • Arunkumar V, Dhanasprabu R, Murugan K, Narasimman T V and Gokul P, ‘IoT Based Branch Circuit Monitoring System Using Elmeasure PDU5110D’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 61, 23rd March 2019

      • Aravinth C, Gokul S, Lingeshkumar S, Mohankumar R, and Gokul P, ‘IoT based Motor Monitoring System Using Elmeasure MPU5110’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 62, 23rd March 2019

      • Dhanush Kumar T, Arun Kumar M, Chandiraamohan N, Gopinath R and Sengolrajan T, ‘IoT  based Motor Protection System’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 63, 23rd March 2019

      • Gowthaman S, Ravikumar M, Rajkumar S and Gopalakrishnan R, ‘Power Control Techniques in Thermo Electric Pressing Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 64, 23rd March 2019

      • Kumaravel D, Mohanbabu S, Mohanraj M, Gopinath P and Mohanraj K, ‘Analysis of Problems in Hybrid Electro-Thermal Compression Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 65, 23rd March 2019

      • Kannan G, Karthikeyan E, Kavinkumar S, Chandru S and Karthik K, ‘Wireless Accessing Controller for Digital Score Board’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 66, 23rd March 2019

      • Jaikumar B V, Manoj P, Mariyappan M, Vignesh S and Arul P, ‘Oil Flow Monitoring and Control of Electric System for Hydraulic Pressing Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 67, 23rd March 2019

      • Palanisamy S, Deepak P, Ragupathi S, Sathish Kumar G, Sureshkumar T and Sampath A, ‘Development of IoT Based Monitoring Spinning Industry Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 68, 23rd March 2019

      • Sathishkumar K, Dineshkumar S and Gokul P, ’Low Cost IoT Enable for Photovoltaic Monitoring System’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 69, 23rd March 2019

      • Vengatesh A, Selvakumar R, Srikanth M,  Sridharan P, and  Tamilnesan P, ‘Smart E-Grocery and Radiation Selling Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 70, 23rd March 2019

      • Sundararajan K, Sugumar S, Sudhakar K J, Vinothprabu S, Tamilnesan P, ‘E-Ration Distribution System’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 71, 23rd March 2019

      • Rubeshkumar M, Senthilkumaran S, Sarathkumar A and  Karthikeyan J, ‘Smart and Low Cost Relay Control System for Thermal Compression’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 72, 23rd March 2019

      • Velmurugan A, Sriram R, Pravin Kumar M, Sathishkumar S and Rajamanikandan T, ‘Improvement of Energy Efficient Thermostat for Areca Plate Making Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 72, 23rd March 2019

      • Natarajan N, Sasikumar K, Siva V, Loganathan T and Karthik K, ‘Automatic Press Release Electric System for Areca Plate Machine’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 73, 23rd March 2019

      • Narmadha Shree B, Koushika P, Priyadharshini R and Sengolrajan T, ‘Efficiency Improvement of RL Load’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 74, 23rd March 2019

      • Pradeepa B, Sridevi M, Swathi Priya  S, Sweetha  P T  and Kalaiselvan K, ‘Smart Automated Sugar (Jaggery) Making Machine’,  2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 74, 23rd March 2019

      • Rashika R, Sangavi S, Swathi P T, Vijayalakshmi R and Muthumumar T, ‘Wireless Underground Sensor Networks’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 75, 23rd March 2019

      • Sangeetha P, Priyadharshini B, Reshma N, Subbulakshmi S and Rajamanikandan T, ‘Fabrication and Testing of Electrical Insulation Paper From Agro Waste’, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19) at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam pp. 76, 23rd March 2019

      • Gokul P, ’Portable Electronic Score Board’, National Conference on Smart Computing and Advanced Communication (SCAC’19) at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul on 15th March 2019

Academic Year 2017 - 2018

International / National Journals 


      • Rajamanikandan T, et al., “Eco Friendly Energy Efficient Vacuum Light Switch,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.47/2017, pp.43883, 24/11/2017. Reference no: E-2/3476/2017-CHE, CBR no. 35507, Application no: 201741041093, Patent filed on 17/11/2017.
      • Rajamanikandan T, et al., “Zero Burn and Zero Emission Hydraulic Powered Vehicle,” Indian Patent Reference no: E-2/3474/2017-CHE, CBR no. 35503, Application no: 201741041091, Patent filed on 17/11/2017.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Ragul S, Karthik K, Karthikeyan K, Kalairajan V, Revathi S, et al., “Portable and Smart Gear Lock System,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.28/2018, pp.26234, 13/07/2018. Reference no: E-2/2051/2018-CHE, CBR no. 18564, Application no: 201841025026, Patent filed on 05/07/2018.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Arul P, Mohanraj K, et al., “Low Cost Two in One Mosquito Catcher and Terminator,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.28/2018, pp.26235, 13/07/2018, Reference no: E-2/2052/2018-CHE, CBR no. 18566, Application no: 201841025029, Patent filed on 05/07/2018.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Kalaiselvan K, Gopalakrishnan K, et al., “Automatic Agriculture Crop Protection System from Monkeys in Hilly Area,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.28/2018, pp.26238, 13/07/2018, Reference no: E-2/2055/2018-CHE, CBR no. 18567, Application no: 201841025032, Patent filed on 05/07/2018.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Arul P, Gopalakrishnan R, et al., “Elongated Hexagonal Pyramid Shaped Portable Solar Dryer,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.28/2018, pp.26237, 13/07/2018, Reference no: E-2/2054/2018-CHE, CBR no. 18566, Application no: 201841025031, Patent filed on 05/07/2018.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Arul P, Jawahar K, et al., “Electro-Hydraulic Compression Based Pseudo Stem Juicer,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, no.28/2018, pp.26236, 13/07/2018. Reference no: E-2/2053/2018-CHE, CBR no. 18566, Application no: 201841025030, Patent filed on 05/07/2018.   
      • Deebika R, 2018, “Temperature Sensor Based Security Alert System Using Arduino Controller”, International Journal of Advance in Engineering and Emerging Technology, ISSN 2321-452X, vol. 9, no.2, pp.11-18.
      • Divya N, Divyaparkavi K and Saranya S, 2017, “Solar Powered Air purifier used in Solar Helmets”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 23221-9653, vol. 5, no.10, pp.2213-2216.
      • Saranya S and Divya A.C., 2017, “Fuel cell- Life Time Enhancement with Interleaved Boost Converter”, International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-8761, vol. 02, no.6, pp.88-99.
      • Saranya S and Divya A.C., 2017, “Life Time Enhancement of Fuel Cell with Interleaved Boost Converter”, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1995-0772, EISSN: 1998-1090, no.8, pp.670-679.
      • Karthikeyan M, 2017, “Optimal Power Flow in UPFC using Artificial BEE Colony and Artificial Neural Network Technique”, International Journal in IT and Engineering, ISSN: 2321-1776, vol. 05, no.5, pp.5-21.
      • Saranya S, Maheswari K and Gokul P, 2017, “A Novel Approach for the Design of Controllers with Interleaved Boost Converter”, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 2454-4248, vol. 03, no.11.

International / National Conference

      • Kalaiselvan K, “Micro Turbine by using AIR Compressor for Generating Power in Standalone System”, International Conference on Computing Information Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICCIEEE’18) in Idhaya Engineering College for Women, Villupuram on 20.03.2018.
      • Karthikeyan K and Tamilnesan P, “Design of Smart Grid Energy Management system with Non-Conventional Energy Generation,” International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018.
      • Arul P, “Effect of Distributor Generation on IEEE 30-Bus system”, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018.
      • Karthik K, Gopalakrishnan R and Arul P, “A survey on Vegetable Solar Dehydrator”, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018.
      • Jawahar K, Kalairajan V and Mohanraj K, “A Design of Advanced Energy Monitoring System of Individual load with Bluetooth and IoT module for Middle class home applications”, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018.
      • Kalairajan V and Shanmugapriyan S, “A Design of Smart Solar Charge Controlled UPS with PV/EB Hybrid System using Load Sharing Method for Middle Class Domestic Appliances,” International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 30.03.2018 to 31.03.2018.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, “Compact Low Cost Solar Dryer with Backup System”, Fourth National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems(EPES-2K18) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 24.03.2018.
      • Maheshwari K, “Atmospheric Water Generator”, National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Sciences in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11.04.2018.
      • Tamilnesan P, “Green Energy Conservation of Hybrid E-Rickshaw”, National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Power, Signal Processing and Communication Network System in Selvam college of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2018.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, “Development of IoT based Smart Security and Monitoring Devices for Agriculture”, National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Power, Signal Processing and Communication Network System in Selvam college of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2018.
      • Pandiyan R, “Automatic Bottle Filling Process using Wiper Motor based PLC Controller”, National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Power, Signal Processing and Communication Network System in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2018.
      • Deebika R, “Temperature Based Security Alert System using Arduino Microcontroller”, National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Power, Signal Processing and Communication Network System in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2018.
      • Deebika R, “Pyro Electric Sensor Based Security Alert System”, National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems – 2018 (EPES-2K18)in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam on 24.03.2018.
      • Mohanraj K, “Economic Portable Semi-Automatic Dish Washer,” National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems – 2018 (EPES-2K18)in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam on 24.03.2018.
      • Ragul S, “Advanced Library Management System,” National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems – 2018 (EPES-2K18)in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam on 24.03.2018.
      • Jawahar K, “Performance analysis of Electrical Controller Hydraulic Stem Juicer,” National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems – 2018 (EPES-2K18)in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam on 24.03.2018.
      • Tamilnesan P, “Hybrid Solar Rickshaw,” National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems – 2018 (EPES-2K18) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam on 24.03.2018.
      • Ragul S, “Design Fabrication and Evaluation of a Motorized Fruit Juice Extractor”, National level Conference on Emerging Trendz in Engineering in Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24.03.2018.
      • Arul P, “Hybrid Energy in E-Rickshaw”, National level Conference on Emerging Trendz in Engineering in Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 24.03.2018.
      • Mohanraj K, “Advanced Design of Robot Controllers using DC-DC Boost Converter”, ISTE Sponsored National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering in Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram on 07.09.2017.

Academic Year  2016 - 2017

International / National Journals

      • Rajamanikandan T, “Plug Outable Cylindrical Shaped Rotary Switch Board,” Official Journal of the Patent Office, India, Issue no: 41/2016, pp.69467, 30/09/2016. Reference no: E-2/2788/2016-CHE, CBR no. 24468, Application no: 201641032301.
      • Ragul S, 2016, “Sensor Control for Energy Saving in Building using GSM”, International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2349-3585, vol. 6, no.4, pp.56-59.
      • Mohanraj R, 2016, “Brain Signal Detection Methodology for Driver Alert System using Brain Wave Sensor”, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2278-7844, vol. 5, no.5, pp.231-234.
      • Jeevanantham R, 2016, “Designing of Passive RFID based Sensor Solution for Indoor Localization”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 4, no.6, pp.1-4.
      • Ragul S, 2016, “Monitoring Maize Irrigation System using Arm Microcontroller LPC2148”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, ISSN(Online): 2321-2004, vol. 3, special no.3, pp.1-6

International / National Conference

      • Ragul S, “Sensor Control for Efficient Energy Usage using GSM,” International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology in K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy from 28.03.2017 to 29.03.2017.
      • Divya A.C., Saranya S and Karthik K, “Current mode Controller for Fuel Cell FED Interleaved Boost Converter,” International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology in K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy from 28.03.2017 to 29.03.2017.
      • DhivyaRubavathy J, “Wireless Sensor Networks based Smart Home Control System using GSM”, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology in K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy from 28.03.2017 to 29.03.2017.
      • Boomidevi R, “Finger Vein System based on Authentication”, First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Sharmila S and Hemalatha S, “Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm Implementation for PV Applications”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Rajasekaran N and Pandiyan R, “Speed Control of Stepper Motor using Model Predictive Control with Feedback Linearization”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Rajamanikandan T, Karthikeyan K and Karthik K, “Electricity Generation from Household Waste Water by Bacterial Power Cell”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Ragul S and Janani R.S., “Analysis and Design a PET Model using Matrix Converter for Micro Grid Applications”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Gopalakrishnan R and Mohanraj K, “Designing a Higher Efficiency Resonant Converter without Electrolytic Capacitor for Low Output Voltage a DC LED Drives”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Hariprabhu M, “Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Motor using Fuzzy Logic”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE-17’) in Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
      • Boomidevi R, “Sensor Pillow: Observing Cardio Respiratory and Gesture Recognition for Paralyzed People”, Proceedings of IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET) in Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 16.12.2017 to 17.12.2017, 978-1-5090-3212-9, vol. 5, pp. 303-306
      • DivyaRubavathy J, “A Smart Electronic Toll Collection using RFID Technology”, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources (ICISRES-17) in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.

Academic Year  2015 - 2016

International / National Journals

      • Kannan P and Karthikeyan M, 2016, “Fully Automated Ration Shop Monitoring System Based on Embedded Processors and Controllers”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN (Online): 2278-8875, DOI: 10.15662/IJAREEIE.2016.0505062, vol. 5, no.5, pp. 4206-4213.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, 2016, “A Novel Method for Improving Web Page Search using Raspberry Pi”, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, ISSN: 2321-0613, vol. 4, no.4, pp.904-908.
      • Rajamanikandan T, 2016, “Power Generation from Microbial Fuel Cell using Microcontroller”, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2278-7844, vol. 5, no.6, pp.8-12.
      • HariPrabhu M, 2016, “Automatic Railway Security System using GPS, GSM and Sensor Network”, International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2349-3585, vol. 5, no.6, pp.94-99.
      • Boomidevi K and Ragul S, 2016, “Monitoring Maize Plant Irrigation System Using Arm Microcontroller LPC2148 with Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Advanced Innovative Research, ISSN: 2278-7844, vol. 5, no.6, pp.86-93.
      • Saranya S, 2016, “Monitoring and Fault Analysis of Wind Turbine using CAN Bus based System”, International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2349-3585, vol. 5, no.6, pp.116-119.
      • Jeevanantham R, 2016, “A Detection of Underground Coal Mining Implemented by ARM Processor”, International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2349-3585, vol. 5, no.6, pp.112-115.
      • Rajkumar N, 2016, “A Real Time Implementation of Healthcare System using LABVIEW Software”, International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, ISSN: 2349-3585, vol. 5, no.6, pp.89-93.
      • Kannan P and Karthikeyan M, 2016, “Fully Automated Ration Shop Monitoring System”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2394-3785, vol. 3, no.3, pp.254-259.
      • HariPrabhu M and Hemalatha R, 2016, “Automatic Railway Security System using Multisensors”, International Electrical Engineering Journal, ISSN: 2078-2365, vol. 7, no.1, pp.2130-2135.
      • Kannan P and Karthikeyan M, 2015, “Smart Ration Distribution System”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 3, no.10, pp.347-353.
      • Divya A C, 2015, “Automation of Home Energy Management System and Energy Monitoring using ZIGBEE and GSM”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 3, no.10, pp.323-327.
      • Hemalatha S, 2015, “An authentication by Finger Vein Recognisation System”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2394-4099, vol. 1, no.5, pp.419-422.
      • Mohanraj K and Hemalatha R, 2015, “A Detection of Drowsiness using EEG Base Power Spectrum Analysis”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-1990, vol. 1, no.5, pp.423-426.
      • Kannan P and Sivakumar M, 2015, “Tracking / Erosion Resistance Analysis of Nano-Al(OH)3 Filled Sillicone Rubber Insulating Materials for High Voltage DC Applications”, Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology, ISSN: 1975-0102, vol. 10, no.1, pp.355-362.
      • Saranya S and DhivyaRubavathy J, 2015, “Fault Diagnosis and Monitoring in Wind Turbine using CAN Bus”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 3, no.11, pp.60-63.
      • Gopalakrishnan R and Vandhana S, 2015, “An Efficient Method to Find Images by Interactive Searching Method”, International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology Research, ISSN: 2278-7798, vol. 4, no.11, pp.3807-3809.
      • Hariprabhu M and Deepika R, 2015, “Automatic Railway System using Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 3, no.9, pp.436-440.
      • Sharmila S and Karthik K, 2015, “A surveillance Robot for Home Security with Docking System”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2278-7798, vol. 4, no.11, pp.3826-3829.
      • Ragul S and Sudharshanan S, 2015, “Corn Farmland Monitoring System using Wearable Sensors”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-0072, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, vol. 2, no.8, pp.88-93.
      • Rajkumar N and Vinothkumar V, 2015, “Human Health Monitoring System using Wearable Sensors”, International Research Journal Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-0072, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, vol. 2, no.8, pp.122-126
      • Kannan P and Karthikeyan M, “Fully Automated Ration Distribution System”, International Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, ISSN: 2394-8280, EISSN: 2394-8299, vol. 2, no.1, pp.82-87.
      • Jeevanantham R, 2015, “A Measurement of Medium Range of Underground Coal Mine using Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 3, no.11, pp.275-278.
      • Hemalatha R and HariPrabhu M, 2016, “Design of STATCOM for Power System Stability Improvement”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 4, no.3, pp.312-318.
      • Pandiyan R, Rajasekaran N and Boomidevi K, 2015, “Monitoring Cardio Respiratory and Gesture Recognition System using Sensor Pillow”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, vol. 2, no.8, pp.83-87.

International / National Conference

      • Saranya S and Divya A C, “Bridgeless SPEIC Converter to Drive SRM Motor”, International Conference on Recent Advancements in Design, Automation and Intelligent Systems in Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.03.2016.
      • Divya A C, “Automatic Power Sharing During Power Demand Time and Energy Monitoring using Mobile Phones”, International Conference on Recent Advancements in Design, Automation and Intelligent Systems in Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.03.2016.
      • Gopalakrishnan R, “Designing a Higher Efficiency Resonant Converter without Electrolytic Capacitor for Low-output Voltage AC-DC LED drivers”, International Conference on Electrical Electronics Information and Computational Applications (ICEEICA-16) in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2016 to 03.03.2016.
      • Mohanraj K, “Brain Detection Methodology for Driver Alert System using Brain Wave Sensor”, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (ICAEECI-16) in K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 22.02.2016.
      • Hemalatha S, “Real Time Embedded System for ATM Authentication using Wireless Module”, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (ICAEECI-16) in K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 22.02.2016.
      • Rajkumar N, “A GSM Based Wearable Sensors for Physiological Monitoring System”, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (ICAEECI-16) in K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 22.02.2016.
      • Kannan P, “Smart Ration Distribution and Stock maintenance Based on IoT and Data Mining”, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS) from 17.03.2016 to 18.03.2016, 978-1-4673-8207-6, pp. 248-253.
      • Divya A C and Saranya S, “Voltage Mode Controller for Fuel Cell Fed Interleaved Boost Converter”, National Conference on Enhancing Intelligence in Technical Aspects in K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 02.03.2016.
      • Ragul S, “Monitoring Maize Irrigation System using ARM Microcontroller LPC 2148”, National Level Conference on Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy in Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem on 04.04.2016.

Academic Year  2014 - 2015

International / National Journals

                                        • Karthikeyan, M & DivyaRubavathy, J, November 2014, ‘A Hybrid Approach to Control Home Area Networks’, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN No:2348-6219, Volume 1, Issue no. 9, pp. 1463-1467.

                                        • Karthikeyan, M & Hariprabhu, M & Anusya, R, November 2014, ‘A Novel Approach for Vehicle Anti-Theft System’, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN No: 2348-7968, Volume 1, Issue no. 9, pp. 416-419.

                                        • Karthikeyan, M & DivyaRubavathy, J, April-June 2015, ‘Controlling Home Area Network by Smart Phone’, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research, ISSN No: 2348-1196, Volume 3, Issue no. 2, pp.228-233.

                                        • Karthikeyan, M & Vimalraj, D & Ajay, P, May-June 2014, ‘Enhancement on Power Transfer Capability in Long Transmission Line Using Shunt FACTS Device’, International Journal of Engineering Innovation and Research, ISSN No: 2277-5668, Volume 3, Issue no. 3, pp.370-376.

                                        • Rajamanikandan, T & Mohan Raj K & Pratheepa, M & Priyadarshini, B, November 2014, ‘CAN Interfaced with Arm to Maintain a Regular Surveillance of Wind Turbine’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN No: 2320-3765,Volume 03, Issue no. 11, pp. 13298-13302.

                                        • Rajamanikandan, T & Mohan Raj K & Pratheepa, M & Priyadarshini, B, November 2014, ‘Investigation of Neural Network Based Voice Controlled Robot for Home Service Applications’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology, ISSN No: 2348-8190, Volume 2, Issue no. 8,pp. 304-307.

                                        • Vandhana, S & Radhika, J.K, October 2014, ‘Independent Smart Parking & Retrieve of Vehicle Using Mobile Application Based on GSM Modem Technology’, International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology, ISSN No: 2278-0882, Volume 3 Issue no. 7, pp.1054-1058.

                                        • Vandhana, S & Vinothini, T.R, November 2014, ‘Multisensory Analysis for Everyday Human Health Monitoring in Order to Improve the Health in Critical Situation by Using Android Mobile’, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies, ISSN No: 2349-8862,Volume 01, Issue no. 5, pp. 42-45.

                                        • Karthick, K & Prasanth.B, October 2014, ‘Design and Implementation of Multiprocessing Hybrid System Controlled by Arm Processor’, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ISSN No: 2348-8379, Volume 1, Issue no. 8, pp. 21-27.

                                        • Hemalatha, S & Kavitha, S, October 2014, ‘Background Estimation of Lost Values Using Kinect’s Sensor in an Inpainting Technique’, International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering and Technology, ISSN No: 2278-0882, Volume 03, Issue no. 8, pp.2379-2486.

                                        • Hemalatha, S & Priyadharsini, S & Preethisri, V, November 2014, ‘Learning Based Semi-Autonomous Controller for Coal Mine Rescue Robot Using Embedded System’, International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, ISSN No: 2321-7545, Volume 02, Issue no. 11, pp. 2379-2384.

                                        • Hemalatha, R, & Sharmila.S & Prasanth.B, January 2015, ‘Resonant Converter for Wind Energy Generation’, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies, ISSN No: 2349-8862, Volume 2, Issue no. 1, pp. 17-21.

                                        • Rajkumar, N & Vinothkumar, & V, Ganapathi, November 2014, ‘Dc-Dc Dual Active Bridge Converters Driving Three – Phase Inverters’, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, ISSN No: 2348-7550,Volume 02, Issue no. 11, pp. 217-224.

                                        • Pandiyan, R & Ravishankar, A, November 2014, ‘Embedded System Based Sensor Failure Detection and Industrial Environment Control over Wireless Network’, International Journal of Engineering Research, ISSN No: 2319-6890, Volume 03, Issue no.11, pp. 716-719.

                                        • HariPrabhu, M & Sathya, M, November 2014, ‘Performance Analysis Of SRM Drives Using Soft Computing Technique Based Fuzzy Logic Controller’, International Electrical Engineering Journal, ISSN No: 2078-2365, Volume 5, Issue no. 11, pp.1632-1638.

                                        • Rajasekaran, N & Kiruthika, S, November 2014, ‘Implementation of GPS Based Surveillance Navigation System for Fisherman’, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies, ISSN No: 2349-8862, Volume 01, Issue no. 5, pp.58-62.

International / National Conferences

                                        • Karthikeyan, M, April 2015, ‘An Integrated Approach to Solve Optimum Power Flow Problem with UPFC’, International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu.

                                        • Karthikeyan, M, April 2015, ‘Controlling Home Area Network by Smart Phone in National Conference on Recent Trends In Communication, Control, Signal & Image Processing Applications’, Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem

                                        • Karthick, K, December 2014, ‘Design and Implementation of Multiprocessing Hybrid System Controlled by Arm Processor’, International Conference on Energy and Sustainability in Engineering Systems, CIT, Coimbatore, 16 to 18 December 2014

                                        • Karthick, K, April 2015, ‘Energy Management System Implementation for Distributed Generation Controller by Arm Processor’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Control, Signal & Image Processing Applications, CIT, Coimbatore,7 April 2015

                                        • Hemalatha, S, March 2015, ‘Semi-Autonomus Controller for robotic Exploration of Coal mine’, International Conference on Advances in Bio Technology, Civil and Mechanical Science, Selvam College of Engineering, Namakkal, 13.03.2015 & 14.03.2015

Academic Year  2013 - 2014

International / National Journals

                      • Gayathri, K.S & Vandhana, S, October 2013, ‘Neural Signal-Action Potential Spike Count Transmission through Embedded Wireless Mote’, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, ISSN No: 2277-9655, Volume 2, Issue no. 04, pp. 27867-2862.

                      • Rajamanikandan, T & Saranya, B, October 2013, ‘Grid Connected Photovoltaic System for Power Sharing Application Using MATLAB’, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN No: 1816-949, Volume 2, Issue no. 06, pp. 273-279.

                      • Rajaguru, V, May 2014, ‘Application of Energy Storage Units in Power System for Improving the System Dynamics’, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, ISSN No: 2319-8885, Volume 3, Issue no. 8, pp. 1394-1400.

                      • Sivakumar, M, & Jayaprakashnarayanan, V & Karpagavani, K & Chandrasekar, S, March 2014, ‘Prediction of Flashover and Pollution Severity Of High Voltage Transmission Line Insulators Using Wavelet Transform And Fuzzy C-Means Approach’, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, ISSN No: 1975-0102, Volume 9, Issue no. 5, pp. 1677-1685.

Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Student Achievements


 Academic Year 2024 - 2025



1 A.Bharath and A.Muzamil of  III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Third Prize in “Non-Technical Event - Funny Room” at National Level Technical Symposium, XLARATZ-24 held by Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 05th September 2024.
2 A.Sam and M.Ishaq of  III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in “Technical Event - Circuit Debugging” at  State Level Technical  Symposium, e-Mission 2K24 held by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 25th September 2024.

 Academic Year 2023 - 2024




V.Dharshini and R.Brundha of  III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Electric Vehicle Technology’ at National Level Technical Symposium, GRID 2K23 held by K.S.R. College of Engineering, Namakkal on 1st September 2023.


P.Vinothini of  II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Green Energy Technology’ at National Level Technical Symposium, E3 FEST - 2K23 held by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21st September 2023.


A.Kirubanandhan and B.Balaji of  IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘Connections’ at National Level Technical Symposium, E3 FEST - 2K23 held by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21st September 2023.


M.Malini and P.Pavithra of  IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘Connections’ at National Level Technical Symposium, E3 FEST - 2K23 held by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21st September 2023.


S.Dharshini of  IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘Technical Quiz’ at National Level Technical Symposium, E3 FEST - 2K23 held by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21st September 2023.


N.Gokul and S.Sarath Kumar of  IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘Current Explore’ at National Level Technical Symposium, Brahmastra-23 held by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22nd September 2023.


N.Gokul and S.Sarath Kumar of  IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘Electric Tech Expo’ at National Level Technical Symposium, Brahmastra-23 held by Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22nd September 2023.


C.Kokilavani of  II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘QUIZATHON’ at National Level Technical Symposium, DECIBERTZ'23 held by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22nd September 2023.


P.Vinothini and S.Maheswari of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Renewable Energy in modern Technology’ at National Level Technical Symposium TECHSYM SARYU - 2023 held by Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26th & 27th September 2023.


M.Keerthana and M.K.Kaviyadharshini of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Technical Event on title ‘Just a Minute’ at National Level Technical Symposium TECHSYM SARYU - 2023 held by Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26th & 27th September 2023.


S.Kiruthika and S.T.Sugitha of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Technical Event on title ‘Connexion’ at National Level Technical Symposium TECHSYM SARYU - 2023 held by Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26th & 27th September 2023.


I.Gopi Krishnan and P.Akilan of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Green Energy’ at National Level Technical Symposium TECHSYM-23 held by Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 13th October 2023.


R.Manoj and V.Ajay of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the Technical Event on title ‘E-Games’ at National Level Technical Symposium held by Sasuri College of Engineering, Tiruppur on 11th November 2023.


R.Manoj and V.Ajay of  II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the event ‘E-Games’ at National Level Technical Symposium held by Sasuri College of Engineering, Tiruppur on 4th November 2023.


V.Vijika and R.Vijayadharshini of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in the event ‘Scramblers’ at National Level Technical Symposium held by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 14th February 2024.


R.Arunkumar of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Third Prize in the event ‘Free Fire’ at UDHAYAM'24 held by Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 01st March 2024.


B.Srinivasan and A.Dhanasekaran of  III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Third Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘'Plastic Waste Pyrolysis’ at National Level Technical Symposium held by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 01st March 2024.


P.Siva, T.Abishek  and P.Anandan of III Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in TEZARIO HACKATHON – 2024 organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 08th March 2024 to 9th March 2024.


M.Vigneshwaran of II Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Third Prize in TECHSNAG 2K24 organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd March 2024 to 23rd March 2024.

 Academic Year 2022 - 2023 




Kishore and G. Gopinath of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Eco-friendly Modern Agriculture Machinery Control and Monitoring with IoT’ at ELECTRA COMMUNIX 2K22- National Level Technical Symposium held by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 12th October 2022.


Sathya of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Advanced Technology in Internet’ at KTECH FESTA’22- National Level Technical Symposium held by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Manapparai on 14th October 2022.

3. R.Kishore of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Recent technology in IoT’ at TECHSYM SAITYU 22- National Level Technical Symposium held by Sengunthar Engineering College, Tiruchengode on 19th and 20th October 2022.

Kishore and C. Sundar of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Third Prize in Technical Fest on title ‘DRONETRIX & AMPHIBOT’ at CONSCIENTIA 2022- National Level Technical Symposium held by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Kerala on 4th to 7th November 2022.


Jagesh and B. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in event title as ‘D-SIM’ at INVENTE-22- National Level Technical Fest held by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 4th November 2022.

6. B. Kishore and A. Anas Mohamed of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in event title as ‘No-Jargon’ at INVENTE-22- National Level Technical Fest held by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 4th November 2022
7. R. Nishanth of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Low cost-effective trains’ at E3-Technovate 22- National Level Technical Symposium held by University college of Engineering, Kancheepuram on 2nd December 2022

Sedupathi and V. Pragatheswaran of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in event title as ‘Connexion’ at E3-Technovate 22- National Level Technical Symposium held by University college of Engineering, Kancheepuram on 2nd December 2022.


Infant Steve and R. Nishanth of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in event title as ‘Connexion’ at E3-Technovate 22- National Level Technical Symposium held by University college of Engineering, Kancheepuram on 2nd December 2022.


A. Anas Mohammed, S.T.Sugitha, S. Sarathkumar and M.K.Kaviyadharshini of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III Prize in Project presentation on ‘Banana Tree Waste Converted into Electrical Switch Board, Furniture and Food Serving Plates and Cups’ at India International Science Festival 2023 (IISF), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh on 21st -24th January 2023.

11 S.Anbarasan of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won ARCANE’23 in Pitching Event, Tap Tycoon organized by Cauvery College for Women, Trichy on 3rd February 2023

S. Sarathkumar and T. Thinagaran of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Home Automation using Google Assistant’ in National Level Technical Symposium TECHSET-2K23 organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7th February 2023.


M. Vignesh, B. Kishore and M.K. Kavyadharshini of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Connection (General) in National Level Technical Symposium TECHSET-2K23 organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7th February 2023.


S. Vignesh and A. Thomas Maria Jones of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘AI in Power Station’ in National Level Technical Symposium SCIENSEA 2K23 organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15th February 2023.


S.T. Sugitha, A. Sanforensha and M. Keerthana of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Rechargeable Camphor Diffuser Machine’ in National Level Technical Symposium SCIENSEA 2K23 organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15th February 2023.

16 S.Akash, P.Santhoshkumar and R.Dhanush of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Extraction of fuel and Electricity from waste plastics’ in National Level Technical Symposium POWVAZ-2K23 organized by P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 23rd  February 2023

S. Gokul of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Presentronix in National Level Technical Symposium Henosis 2K23 organized by Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25th February 2023.


S. Gokul of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Robo Soccer in National Level Technical Symposium Henosis 2K23 organized by Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25th February 2023.


S. Gokul of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Black Box in National Level Technical Symposium Henosis 2K23 organized by Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25th February 2023.


S. Gokul of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Embedded Hackathon in National Level Technical Symposium Henosis 2K23 organized by Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25th February 2023.


C. Ragavendra, A. Thomas Maria Jones and T. Thinagaran of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘AI in Power Station’ in National Level Technical Symposium GEARS TO GO 2K23 organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 1st March 2023.


M.K.Kaviyadharshini and M.Winmathi of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II Prize in Boot Camp on Robotics at Entrepreneurship Development Cell & Institution Innovation Council organized by Cauvery College for Women, Trichy on 1st & 2nd March 2023.

23 S. Sathishkumar, P.Santhoshkumar and R.Nishanth of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Power Density Measurements of Aloe Vera Battery’ in National Level Technical Symposium CYBORG 2K23 organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 2nd March 2023.
24 P.Vijay, V.Deepak Kumar and S.Jenith of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Silicon Based Solar Panel using Sand and Clay’ in State Level Technical Symposium FESTRONIX’23 organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7th March 2023

M.Thayanithi of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II Prize in Circuit Debugging in State Level Technical Symposium FESTRONIX’23 held by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7th March 2023.


M.Vignesh of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III Prize in Photography in State Level Technical Symposium FESTRONIX’23 organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7th March 2023.


S.Sarathkumar and N.Gokul of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Paper presentation on title ‘Tamarind Acid Battery’ in National Level Technical Symposium ELECTRICO-2K23 organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 17th March 2023.

Academic Year 2021 - 2022




S.Vignesh of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Best Paper Award in Paper Presentation on Salient Sound Technology in INFIERNIX 2K21- National Level Technical Symposium held by Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 5th June 2021.


S. Vignesh of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in FLASH TALK, INFIERNIX 2K21, National Level Technical Symposium held at Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 5th June 2021.


M.K.Kaviyadharshini of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Drawing Competition on Kamarajar's Birthday Celebration- 2021 held by Virudhunagar Hindhu Nadar's Senthikumara Nadar College on 15th July 2021.


C.Sundar and R.Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Project Expo on title ‘Weather Monitoring Based on IoT’ at POWER FEST-2K21,National Level Technical Symposium held by Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Andhra Pradesh on 2nd August 2021.


S.Gokul of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Second Prize in Project Expo on title ‘Fire Fighting Robot’ at POWER FEST-2K21,National Level Technical Symposium held by Geethanjali Institute of Science and Technology, Andhra Pradesh on 2nd August 2021.


C.Sundar and R.Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Project Expo on title ‘Weather Monitoring Based on IoT’ at Inspiron 2021- National Level Technical Symposium held by N.B.K.R Institute of Science and Technology, Andhra Pradesh on 14th August 2021.


C.Sundar and R.Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won First Prize in Paper Presentation on title ‘Smart Agriculture Techniques’ at SZIKRA 2K21-A National Level Technical Symposium held by Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur on 01st October 2021.


R. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Paper Presentation- ACME 2K21 - National Level Technical Symposium, held at M.A.M. School of Engineering, Trichy on 13th October 2021.


S. Gokul of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Circuit Debugging- ACME 2K21 - National Level Technical Symposium, held at M.A.M. School of Engineering, Trichy on 13th October 2021.


S. Gokul of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Connection- ACME 2K21 - National Level Technical Symposium, held at M.A.M. School of Engineering, Trichy on 13th October 2021.


R. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in CIRCUITO - E-DRESTEIN'21- National Level Intercollegiate Technical and Management Fest, held at Saveetha College of Engineering, Chennai on 22nd October 2021.


C. Sundar and R. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in IDEATHON- E-DRESTEIN'21- National Level Intercollegiate Technical and Management Fest, held at Saveetha College of Engineering, Chennai on 22nd October 2021.


R. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Know What You Eat- E-DRESTEIN'21- National Level Intercollegiate Technical and Management Fest, held at Saveetha College of Engineering, Chennai on 22nd October 2021.


C. Sundar and R. Kishore of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II position in Engineering project presentation held at 7th India International Science Festival-2021, Panaji, Goa on 10th -13th December 2021.


S Gokul of III Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III Prize in AICTE -SPICES sponsored Idea/PoC competition organized by K.S.R College of Technology on 29th January 2022.


G. Kamalesh & M. Gopinath of III Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in 24 Hrs Hardware Fest-TECHSNAG organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 3rd March 2022 to 4th March 2022.


R. Bharathkumar of III Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II Prize in 24 Hrs Hardware Fest-TECHSNAG organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 3rd March 2022 to 4th March 2022.


A. Rishanth of III Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Smart India Hackathon- Electroblitz – 2K22 organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 18th March 2022 to 19th March 2022.


S. Adaikalraj & S. Vignesh of II Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I Prize in Smart India Hackathon- Electroblitz – 2K22 organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology on 18th March 2022 to 19th March 2022.


S. Vignesh of II Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II Prize in Paper Presentation titled ‘Primary Lobe based Lunge Diseases Detection using Deep Learning’ organized by Government College of Engineering, Thanjavur.

21. K.S.Vignesh of IV Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department awarded as ISTE Best Student Award (for the year 2021) by Indian Society for Technical Education, Tamilnadu Section

C. Kalaivani of IV Year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department awarded as Department Best Outgoing Students Award (2018-2022 Batch) by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy.

Academic Year 2020 - 2021




P.Koushika of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Paper Presentation on Augumented Reality and Project Class held by Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur on 10th October 2020.


S.Nandhini of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Paper Presentation on Augumented Reality and Project Class held by Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur on 10th October 2020.


V.Ganeshkumar & A.Divyasree of IV year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won Independent Scientist Award in Online Community Quiz Series held by Independent Scientist You Tube Channel on 24th June 2020.


P.Koushika of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Paper Presentation on Augumented Reality and Project Class held by Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur on 10th October 2020.


M.Saravanakumar & R.Kishore of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Project Expo held at Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam on 10th March 2021.


C.Sundar & K.R.Srinivasan of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Hackathon in ‘Hacksym’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12th & 13th March 2021.


C.Karuppasamy & S.Anbarasan of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Technical Quiz in ‘Hacksym’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12th & 13th March 2021.


S.Manoj of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Bigg Boss in ‘Hacksym’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 12th & 13th March 2021.


S.Gokul of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Hackathon in ‘Shockware’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 13th & 14th March 2021.


K.Suganeshwari of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Hackathon in ‘Shockware’ held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 13th & 14th March 2021.


S.Pooja & T.Malathi of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Paper Presentation held at Narasu's Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26th March 2021.


R.Kishore of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Electro Hunt held at SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur on 03rd April 2021.


S.Purushothaman & C.Sundar of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Project Presentation held at Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 09th April 2021.


P.Rajesh, K.S.Vignesh & K.Prem Kumar of III year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Project Presentation held at Bannari Amman Institute of Techonology, Sathiyamangalam, Coimbatore on 12th & 13th April 2021.


C.Sundar & R.Bharathkumar of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Project Presentation held at Bannari Amman Institute of Techonology, Sathiyamangalam, Coimbatore on 12th & 13th April 2021.


S.Gokul, R.Bharathkumar & K.Suganeshwari of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize with cash of Rs.5000/- in National Level Product Development Hackathon (NDPH) held at Computer Society of India, Chennai on 17th & 18th April 2021.


S.Gokul, R.Bharathkumar, K.Suganeshwari & A.Srilekha of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won III prize in Paper Presentation held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 30th April 2021.


S.Gokul, R.Bharathkumar, K.Suganeshwari & A.Srilekha of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won II prize in Project Presentation held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 30th April 2021.


C.Sundar & R.Kishore of II year Electrical and Electronics Engineering department won I prize in Paper Presentation held at Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai on 08th May 2021.

 Academic Year 2019 - 2020




S.Indhumathi and P.Kannan had won second prize in the event AUTOBOT organized by Sona College of Technology on 06.03.2020 & 07.03.2020


R.Sharmila and S.Priyanka had won third prize in the event Project Innova organized by V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur on 29.02.2020.


H.Tharani, M.Priyadharshini, K.Vinitha and B.Vishnuvarthini  had won second prize in the event Project Innova organized by V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur on 29.02.2020.


H.Tharani had won second prize in the event College Making organized by V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur on 29.02.2020.


H.Tharani and M.Priyadharshini had won first prize in the paper presentation organized by V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur on 29.02.2020.


S.Indhumathi and M.Bharathi had won second prize in the paper presentation organized by N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology,Karur on 29.02.2020.


S.Indhumathi and M.Bharathi had won first prize in the paper presentation organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020.


K.Harikaran, S.Vadivazhagan, M.Arunkumar and M.Srilakshmanan had own Chhatra Vishwakarma Award 2019 organized by AICTE, New Delhi on 24.02.2020


K.Gokul and G.Bhadrinath had won first prize in the paper presentation organized by Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai on 20.02.2020 & 21.02.2020.


A.DivyaSree  and C.Logalakshmi had won second prize  in the paper presentation organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 08.02.2020


M.R.Baradwaj, C.Dinesh and P.PachayappaJeeva had won third prize in the event Infomania organized by R.M.D Engineering College, Chennai on 03.02.2020


M.R.Baradwaj, C.Dinesh and P.PachayappaJeeva had won third prize in Paper Presentation organized by R.M.D Engineering College, Chennai on 03.02.2020


K.Sujeetha, S.Nanthini has won second prize in Paper Presentation organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.01.2020


M.Sathish, S.S.Neelam Sakthivel has won third prize in Multimedia Presentation organized by Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology on 06.09.2019


T.Tamilselvan, S.Santhosh has won first prize in Mad Marketing organized by M.A.M.College of Engineering on 04.09.2019


S.Nishanth, S.Pranesh Raj has won second prize in TECHNO organized by Saveetha Engineering College on 06.09.2019 & 07.09.2019


S.Pranesh Raj, S.Nishanth, A.Raman, G.Ramkrishna has won second prize in Dumb Design organized by Saveetha Engineering College on 06.09.2019 & 07.09.2019


R.Boopalan has won second prize in TILED organized by Mahendra College of Engineering on 13.09.2019


M Kanimozhi, A Srinithi has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Selvam College of Technology on 30.08.2019


T.Tamil Selvan, S.Santhosh has won second prize in Puzzle Box organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology on 26.08.2019 to 28.08.2019


T.Lekkaiyaraja, K.S.Vignesh has won first prize in Project Expo organized by Jansons Institute of Technology on 17.08.2019


T.Lekkaiyaraja has won first prize in Circuit Debugging organized by Jansons Institute of Technology on 17.08.2019


K.S.Vignesh has won second prize in Project Expo organized by AVS College of technology on 30.07.2019


S.Santhosh, M.Ragul has won Best Paper Award organized by Hindustan Institute of Technology on 04.07.2019

 Academic Year 2018 - 2019




S.Prakash, S.Vijay, M.Venkateshwar has won best paper award in paper presentation  organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 19.09.18


S.Raghunath has won second prize in circuit debugging  organized by Sengunthar Engineering College on 18.09.18


S.Raghunath has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Sengunthar Engineering College on18.09.18


V.Arun, R.K.Manoj Kumar, S.Ajith Kumar has won first prize in  innovation challenge organized by SNS College of Engineering on 17.09.18


S.Aravind  has won first prize in  innovation challenge organized by SNS College of Engineering on 17.09.18


R.K.Manoj Kumar, K.Praveen has won first prize in  short films organized by Selvam College of Technology on 15.09.18


A.MohammedFaizal, S.Naveen has won second prize in circuit scrub  organized by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 12.09.18


T.R.Aiswarya, R.C.Sariga, S.Priyadharshini has won first prize in circuit scrub organized by Karpagam Institute of Technology on 12.09.18


M.Pavithra has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Gnanamani College of Technology on 30.08.18


M.Pavithra has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Selvam College of Technology on 12.09.18

Academic Year 2017 - 2018




S.Sirajudeen  has won first prize in word formation organized by K.S.Rangasamsy College of Technology on 16.02.18


S.Sirajudeen  has won second prize in word formation organized by K.S.Rangasamsy College of Technology on 16.02.18


D.Samuel Jebasingh  has won first  prize in talk show organized by Paavai Engineering College on 02.02.18


S.Raghunath has won first  prize in connection winner organized by Paavai Engineering College on 02.02.18


D.Samuel Jebasingh, J.Rampriya has won first  prize in paper presentation organized by Paavai Engineering College on 02.02.18


D.Samuel Jebasingh has won first  prize in connection organized by Paavai Engineering College,on 02.02.18


B.Pavithra, P.Tamilselvi, T. Dhanush Kumar has won first  prize in project expo organized by Paavai Engineering College on 02.02.18


B.V.Jaikumar has won first  prize in paper presentation organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 14.09.17


B.Narmadha Shree has won first  prize in paper presentation organized by Educational Research and Institute  University on 14.09.17


K.Keerthana has won second  prize in paper presentation organized by Educational Research and Institute  University on 14.09.17


E.Madhubala has won second  prize in happy seekers organized by Government College of Engineering on 13.03.17

R.DhanasPrabhu has won first prize in happy seekers organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 14.09.17


                Academic Year 2016 - 2017




E.Madhubala has won second prize in happy seekers  organized by Government College of Engineering on 13.03.17


S.Raghunath, D.SamuelJabsingh has won second prize in Dubs Mash by Indira Ganesan College of Engineering 17.03.17


G.Kirubarani, B.Kiruthika has won first prize in Jumbling organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology on 03.03.17


Sasikumar.K has won second prize in circuit Debugging organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering on 03.03.17


Balamurugan.V has won. second prize in Paper presentation organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 01.03.17


M.Velmurugan, A.Vairamani has won in connections organized by INFO Institute of Engineering


M.Velmurugan has won. second prize in connectrical organized by M.I.E.T Engineering college on 23.02.17


S.Senthil Kumaran has won first prize in Tamil Debate organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology on 23.02.17


V.Marimuthu,G.Gokul has won best project for project Expo organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology on 17.09.16


V.Marimuthu,G.Gokul has won young achiever Dr.Kalam award organized by World Youth Federation on Year 16


V.Marimuthu,G.Gokul has won first prize in Paper presentation organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology on 17.09.16


P.Prakash has won first prize in circuit debugging organized by Paavai College of Engineering on 17.09.16


P.Prakash has won. second prize in paper presentation organized by Paavai College of Engineering on 17.09.16


D.Deenadayalan,.VAravind P. Dheiveegan R.gokul has won second prize in paper presentation organized by JJ College of Engineering on 17.09.16


P.Deepika, has won second prize in brain game organized by Tagore Institute of Technology on15.09.16


V.Arunkumar has won first prize in technical quiz organized by Selvam college of Technology on15.09.16


A.Arul Pandiyan G.Karthik S.Rabin N.Purusothaman S.Anbarasu V.Arunkumar has won second prize in project expo organized by Selvam college of Technology on15.09.16


S.Rabin has won first prize in technical quiz organized by Selvam college of Technology on 15.09.16


S.Buvaneshwaran has won second prize in project expo organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology on 15.09.16


R.Gayathiri has won second prize in brain game organized by Tagore Institute of Technology on 15.09.16


R.Gayathiri has won second prize in paper presentation organized by Tagore Institute of Technology on 15.09.16


B.Karthik has won second prize in project expo organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology on 15.09.16


B.Narmadhasree has won second prize in Geek Quiz organized by Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 15.09.16


G.Kannan has won second prize in boast hunter organized by Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 15.09.16


P.Dheiveegan has won third prize in circuit debugging organized by MAM College of Engineering on 10.09.16


R.Priyadharshini has won first prize in CIRCUITRIX organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College on 10.09.16


V.Gopinath has won second prize in spot events organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


S.Arun has won first prize in paper presentation organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


G.Gokul,V.Gopinath,S.Arun has won third prize in project expo organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


V.Gopinath has won third prize in circuit debugging organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


T.Balaganeshan has won second prize in technical quiz organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


K.Azharudeen has won first prize in project expo organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


K.Azharudeen has won first prize in paper presentation organized by University College of Engineering on 08.09.16


M.Venkatesh, S.Raguraman has won second prize in paper presentation organized by Mahendra College of Engineering on 26.08.16


P.K.PAadityavignesh, C.Gowtham has won first prize in quiz organized by Anjaliammal Mahalingam Engineering College on 20.08.16

             Academic Year 2015- 2016




R.Prabu, S.ShamirBasha Venkatesh has won second prize in bug to bag organized by Sona College of Technology on 16.03.16


V.Gopinath, G.Pradeep has won second prize in technical quiz organized by Excel College of Engineering and Technology on 09.03.16


B.MohamedSiddik has won first prize in IEEE Collegiate project design contest organized by Mahendra Engineering College on 23.02.16


V.Dhinesh has won second prize in Paper presentation organized by Selvam College of Technology on 18.02.16


S.ShamirBasha, R.Prabhu has won first prize in circuit debugging organized by Selvam College of Technology on 18.02 16


T.Selva Kumar, P.Prakash has won second prize in circuit debugging organized by Velammal Institute of Technology on 26.09.15


V.Dinesh has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Kings College of Engineering on 19.09.15


V.Dinesh has won first prize in pin point quiz organized by Kings College of Engineering on 19.09.15


G.Vinothini has won second prize in circuit debugging organized by M.A.M College of Engineering on 19.09.15


V.Dinesh has won first prize in AD-ZAB organized by Kings College of Engineering on 19.09.15


B.Oviya, P Sangeetha, M.Jayanapriya, K.Iswarya has won first prize in AD-ZAB organized by Cheran College of Engineering on 26.08.15


S.Sugaasini, G.Vinothini has won second prize in paper presentation organized by M.A.M College of Engineering on 26.08.15


P.Deepika, G.Kirubarani, R.Gayathiri, B.Kiruthika has won first prize in AD-ZAB organized by Cheran College of Engineering on 26.08.15


V.Dinesh has won second prize in paper presentation organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College on 08.08.15


V.Dinesh has won second prize in KRAZY Quiz organized by by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College on 08.08.15


S.Sugaasini, G.Vinothini has won first prize in paper presentation organized by Vaigai College of Engineering on 04.08.15

               Academic Year 2014 - 2015




M.Sarveswaran and C.Ashwin of III year won First prize in Paper presentation organized by Senguthar Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2015.


J.Srilekha and A.Srinidhi of III year won Third prize in Paper presentation organized by P.A College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 07.02.2015.


M.Sarveswaran and C.Ashwin  of III year won First prize in Paper presentation organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 10.02.2015.


M.Sarveswaran and K.Gowtham of III year won Second prize in Paper presentation organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College on 06.02.2015.


P.Dinesh and D.Yogesh of III year won First prize in the event ADZAP organized by Mahendra College of Engineering And Technology, Namakkal on 11.03.2015


M.Sarveswaran and C.Ashwin of III year won Second prize in the event Kojoint organized by Senguthar Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2015


M.Sarveswaran and C.Ashwin of III year won First prize in the event Logo Manager organized by Senguthar Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2015


M.Sarveswaran of III year won First prize in the event Tamil Debate organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 20.02.2015


M.Sarveswaran of III year won Second prize in Paper Presentation organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 20.02.2015

                   Academic Year 2013 – 2014




S.Priyadharshini & M.Pavithra of III year EEE student got Third prize in Paper presentation organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 25.02.2014




Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Industrial Training and Visit

Industrial Visit

Academic Year 2023 -2024



Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit


Ashok Textile Mills (Solar Site), Namakkal

IV Year - 65 23.03.2024


Lucas TVS, Nettapakkam, Pondicherry III Year- 65 26.02.2024


Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem II Year - 64 21.02.2024


Athikadavu Avinashi Project, Erode

II Year - 65



Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem

III Year - 65



Masco Tea Factory, Vagamon, Kerala

IV Year - 47



Padmavahini Transformers Private Limited, Coimbatore

IV Year - 60


Academic Year 2022 -2023 


Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit

1 S&T Workshops/S.Rly/Podanur., Coimbatore II Year - 56 08.02.2023
2 Kadamparai Power House, Coimbatore III Year - 54 28.01.2023


HMT Machine Tools Limited, Kalamassery, Kerala. IV Year - 50 22.10.2022
4. Kannan Devan Hills Plantation Company, Munnar, Kerala. III Year - 52 21.10.2022
5. Keltron Controls, Aroor, Kerala. II Year - 53 21.10.2022
6 Mattur Thermal Power Plant, Salem. III Year - 60 21.09.2022
7. NLC Tamilnadu Thermal Power Plant, Tuticorin. III Year - 63 02.09.2022


Electromotive Power Drives Pvt Ltd,

Chettipalayam, Coimbatore
II Year – 65 27.08.2022
9. Swelect Energy Systems Limited, Kolakudi Village, Trichy. II Year - 65 24.08.2022

Academic Year 2019 -2020


Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit

1. 100MW Solar Power Plant, Kamuthi, Ramanathapuram III-B Sec-55 13.03.2020
2. TVS Motor Company Limited, Hosur III-A Sec-54 12.03.2020
3. SathishDhawan Space Centre, ISRO, Shriharikotta,  Andhra Pradesh IV Year-47 07.02.2020
4. NLC India Limited, Neyveli Township. III -A Sec-63 13.12.2019
5. Mettur Thermal and Hydro Power station, Mettur II Year-53 08.07.2019 
6. Central Institute of Agriculture Engineering, Coimbatore IV Year-55 18.07.2019
7. Kudamkulam Nuclear Power plant, Tirunelveli III-B Sec-61 13.08.2019

Academic Year 2018 -2019


Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit

1. Mettur Thermal and Hydro Power Station, Salem II-A Sec & 54 03.07.2018
2. Mettur Thermal and Hydro Power Station, Salem II-B Sec & 50 04.07.2018
3. Mettur Thermal and Hydro Power Station, Salem III-A&B Sec & 50 05.07.2018
4. TVS MOTORS, Hosur IV-A Sec & 39 11.07.2018
5. Saranya Spinning Mills(P) Ltd, Namakkal IV-B Sec & 50 08.09.2018

Academic Year 2017 - 2018


 Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit

1. Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli IV / A - 54 22.12.2017
2. CPRI, Bangalore IV / B - 55 22.12.2017
3. Pentagon Switchgears, Coimbatore III / A - 38 22.12.2017
4. EMP Drives, Coimbatore III / A - 44 22.12.2017
5. Sharp Electrodes, Coimbatore III / B - 22 23.12.2017
6. Arun Rega Machineries Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore III / B - 23 23.12.2017
7. Pentagon Switchgears, Coimbatore III / B - 45 23.12.2017
8. Salem Steel Plant, Salem III / A - 35 27.12.2017

Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli

IV / B - 51 29.12.2017

TVS Motors, Hosur

III / B - 48 25.01.2018

Salem Steel Plant, Salem

II / A and B - 56 20.01.2018

Swelect Energy Systems Pvt Ltd (Solar Plant), Salem

II / A and B - 56 20.01.2018

TNEB - Substation, Erode

II / A and B - 47 03.02.2018

230/110KV Substation, Coimbatore

IV / A and B - 120 01.07.2017

EMP Drives, Coimbatore

IV / A and B - 120 01.07.2017

Mettur Thernal Power Plant, Mettur

III / A - 49 18.07.2017

Mettur Thernal Power Plant, Mettur

III / B - 48 19.07.2017

Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli

III /A - 48 28.07.2017

Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli

III / B - 48 04.08.2017

Swelect Energy Systems Pvt Ltd (Solar Plant), Salem

II / A and B - 62 19.08.2017

Mobitech/Realtech Wireless Solutions, Perundurai

IV / A and B - 11 24.08.2017

Kundha Hydro Power Plant, Ooty

III / A and B - 60 23.08.2017

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Kudankulam

III  / A and B - 54 01.09.2017

Pentagon Switch Gear Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

II / A and B - 49 09.09.2017

Swelect Energy Systems (Inverter Manufacturing Unit), Salem

IV / A and B - 60 16.09.2017


Academic Year 2016 - 2017


 Name of the Industry

Number off Students

Date of visit


ISRO Propulsion Complex, Tirunelveli

II / A and B - 40



Center for Fuel Cell Technology, Chennai

III / A and B - 57



IIT Research Park, Chennai

III / A and B - 57



Gilbarco Veeder-Root India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

IV / A - 48



Welspun Solar Pvt Ltd, Musri

III / A and B - 128



Anna Aluminium, Cochin

III / A - 53



ACE Components and Electronics Ltd, Mysore

IV / B - 44



Radio Astronomy Center, Ooty

II / A and B - 51 18.07.2016

Kerala Electrical and Allied Engineering Co Ltd, Kerala

III / B - 49 18.07.2016

ACE Components and Electronics Ltd, Mysore

IV / A - 48 16.07.2016

Academic Year 2015- 2016


Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit


Sharp Electrodes Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

III / A - 48



Sree Rengraj Ispat Industries Ltd, Erode

III / A - 48



Sharp Electrodes Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

III / B - 49



Sree Rengraj ISPAT Industries Ltd, Erode

III / B - 49



110 KV Non-Grid Substation,Valayapatti

III / A - 48



110 KV Non-Grid Substation,Valayapatti

III / B - 49



Anna Aluminium Company Private Ltd, Cochin

III / B - 52



Anna Aluminium Company Private Ltd, Cochin

IV / A - 42 19.07.2015

Radio Astronomy Center, Ooty

II / A - 48 18.07.2015

Academic Year 2014 - 2015


 Name of the Industry

Number of Students

Date of visit


Saranya Spinning Mills(P) Ltd, Namakkal

IV Year - 64



Saranya Spinning Mills(P) Ltd, Namakkal

III Year - 72



Anna Aluminum Company Private Ltd,Kerala.

IV Year -46



Anna Aluminum Company Private Ltd,Kerala. 

III Year - 40



Radio Astronomy Center

II Year - 50


Academic Year 2013 – 2014


 Industry Name




Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited,Karur.

III Year - 44 Students



Radio Astronomy Center,Ooty.

I Year(M.E) - 13 Students



Saranya Spinning Mills(P) Ltd,Namakal.

II Year - 56 Students



Pentagon Switch Gear Pvt Ltd,Coimbatore.

 II Year - 51 Students



Anna Aluminum Company Private Ltd,Kerala.

III Year - 52 Students






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