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Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Conference, Workshop and FDP Organized

Academic Year 2023 - 2024


 Name of the Event

Resource Person



National Level Technical Symposium -


Mr.Senthil Rajamarthandan,

Senior Program Director,

Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai.



Two Days Workshop on

“Industrial Robotization Using PLC and SCADA”


Sr. Training Coordinator,


Project Engineer

ECI Systems Private Limited – Unit III







Workshop on Emerging Simulation Platforms in IoT

and its Applications”

Mr.J.Karthikeyan & Mr.P.Tamilnesan,

Assistant Professor,

Department of EEE,



Workshop on ‘Industrial  Automation using

Embedded Sensors with IoT Technology’

1.Mr.Madhan kumar,


Power Integrated Solutions, Trichy.



Power Integrated Solutions, Trichy.





Workshop on ‘Industrial Automation

using Siemens PLC and SCADA’

1.Mr.F.Antony Shane Caris, Project Engineer,

Basell Automation System Pvt Ltd, Chennai.

2. Mr.P.Tamilnesan,

Assistant Professor,

Department of EEE,




6 EUREKA-2K24- Project Expo


Deputy Manager, Automation C&SP,

Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd, Chennai.


Academic Year 2022 - 2023


 Name of the Event

Resource Person


Tenth National Level Technical Symposium (Tekcluster-2022)

Mr.Sarath Chandar,


Vaken Technologies (P)Ltd,




 National Level Workshop on

“Future Trends in Industrial Automation”


Project Manager,

Basell Automation System Private Limited,

No: 66, Krishna Industrial Estate,



Project Engineer,

Basell Automation System Private Limited

No: 66, Krishna Industrial Estate,











Professor & Head,

Department of EEE,


10-03-2023 &



Two Days Workshop on “MEP-ELECTRICAL”

Mr.V.Muthu Prakash,

MEP-Training Executive,

Innovation Engineering Solution,


29-03-2023 &


Workshop on “Recent Trends in Internet of Things”

Mr.J.Karthikeyan & Mr.K.Baskar,

Assistant Professor,

Department of EEE,


Academic Year 2021 - 2022


 Name of the Event

Resource Person


Ninth National Level Technical Symposium (Tekcluster-2021)
Dr.R. Shankar,
Associate Professor,
Department of EEE,
CoE- Industrial Automation "Innovations in Plant Automation-studio 5000" Logic designer
Control Engineer,
Elia Automation Solutions Pvt.Ltd,
Hyderabad, India.
01.11.2021 &
Inter-Department Talent Show & 24 Hours Hackthon "Electroblitz-2022"
Dr. R.Shankar,
Professor & Head, 
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
Two Days Hands on training “SIEMENS S7 1200 PLC”
Mr.P.Mohamed Rafeeq,
Senior Project Engineer (Automation),
Ingenious Power and Control Systems Pvt.Ltd.,
Two Days National Level Workshop on “IoT Based Smart Home Appliances using ESP 32
Technical Lead,
Vthink Technologies Pvt Ltd,
Sixth National Conference  on “Electrical Power and Energy Systems” (EPES- 2022)
Dr.R. Shankar,
Professor & HOD
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy

Academic Year 2020 - 2021


 Name of the Event

Resource Person


1. Modelling and Simulation of MEMS based Devices
Mr.Kaustubh Kumar Shukla,                                  Assistant Professor,                                          Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Vidyanikethan Engineering College,Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
2. Electric Vehicle and Mobility
Dr.Gandhi Ramasamy,                                        Technical adviser,Raga Technologies, Namakkal.
3. Interview Preparation and Corporate Expectations
Mr. T.C.M. Gokul,
Founder & Director,E-CAP,
Human Resource and Professional,Karur.
4. Model View Controller (MVC) based Application Development
Senior Software Engineer,
Virtusa Consulting Services,Chennai.
5. Education after COVID-19
Mr. Karthikeyan Balasubramanian,
Founder and Director,
Thick India,Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
6. Bio-Sensors and Its Applications
Mr.G.Gowtham Raj,
Senior Associative Engineer,Takeda Biopharmaceuticals,Singapore.
7. Igniting Young Entrepreneurs
Field Co-ordinator,
Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute,Trichy Hub, University College of Engineering, Trichy
8. Webinar on Electric Vehicle and its Applications
Thermal Simulation Engineer, 
Valeo India Pvt Ltd,Chennai.
9. Webinar on Build the Pro in Me
Mr.V.J.Ram Ganesh,
Technical Solutions Professional,
Microsoft India,Chennai.
10. Webinar on Recent Technology Issues in Power Quality
Assistant Professor, 
Jimma Institute of Technology,Ethiopia.
11. Knowledge Sharing Session: Challenges and Opportunities in IT Sector and as Anchor
Mr.Dinesh Venugopal,
Anchor and Producer,
Puthiya Thalaimurai,Chennai.
12. System Overview of Two Wheelers
Test Engineer, 
UCAL Fuel System Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
13. Solar Energy in 2020
Mr.B. Suresh Manickam,
CEO-Maaya Solar Power tech Solutions, Chennai.
14. Eighth National Level Technical Symposium (TEKCLUSTER-2020)
Associate Professor & HoD/EEE,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology.
15. Battery Management System
Dr. Kumar Chinnaiyan V.,
Professor and Head/EEE,
Head Ranking and Accreditation Steering committee,
KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore.
16. Investment Avenues and Opportunities For Entrepreneurship
Sanmati Engineering College, Washim,
Maharashtra and Director - Keyway Academy, Erode, Tamilnadu.
17. Digitalization of Power Plant
Er. S. Ananda Kumar, 
Deputy Chief Engineer,
Thermal Power Station-II, 
NLC India Limited, Neyveli. 
18. Internet of Things in Industries
IT Security Analyst,
Dunnes Stores,Dublin, Ireland.
19. Importance on EEE (Energy, Environment and Engineering)
Chief Executive,
Navitas Smart Energy Solution, Salem, Tamilnadu
20. Basics of Android and it’s Application
Managing Director,
VEI Technologies, Chennai.
21. Zero to Hero
Dr.Jubilee Prince Stephen,
Soft Skills Trainer,
Entrepreneur and Musician, Chennai
22. Power Quality
(Alumni of batch 2010-2014),
Testing Engineer, Siemens, Bangalore.
23. Trends in Electric Traction System
Associate Professor/EEE,
Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous),
24. KIC in association with EEE, Design Thinking, Critical Thinking & Innovation Design
IPR Activity Co-ordinator IIC,
Kongunadu College of Engineering
and Technology, Thottiam,
Trichy District.
25. KIC in association with EEE, Entrepreneurship Development Phases
Dr.Sunder Balakrishnan,
Natur Tec. India Pvt Ltd,
26. Certificate Course on Industrial Internet of Things (iIoT) with Siemens CoE in Manufacturing
NIT Trichy Mr.J.R.Manju,
IoT Application Engineer,
Siemens Centre of Excellence in Manufacturing,
NIT, Trichy.
08.01.2021 to 13.01.2021
27. NABARD Sponsored one day Webinar,
Innovation in Rural Empowerment and Woman Welfare

Additional Director, EDII, Chennai.
Dr.P.Balaji, AP, Department of Agri &Rural Management (CARDS),
TNAU, Coimbatore.

(Woman Entrepreneur), Miss& Misses Pvt Ltd, Madurai.

Integrated Water Resource Management, Anna University, Chennai.

28. Power Sector Scenario in India
Professor & Head, Department of EEE, Vivekananda College of Technology for women, Tiruchengode.
29. Industrial Perspective of Electrical Engineering
Deputy Manager,
Hot Rolling Mill-Electrical Department,
steel Authority of India Limited,
Salem Steel Plant.
30. Soft Computing applications in IT Industry
System Engineer (Developer),
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd, SIPCOT IT park, Chennai.
31. IoT Applications for Smart Grid
Director & Head,
Natioal Power Training Institute,
NLC India Limite, Neyveli-609803.
32. Indian Power Scenario
Associate Professor &NCC officer,
Kongu engineering college , Erode
33. Recent trends in IT sector

Assistant system engineer,
Tata consultancy services, Chennai.

Assistant system engineer,
Tata consultancy services, Chennai.

34. Hacksym’21
Associate Professor/EEE,
KNCET, Thottiyam
35. Recent trends inartificial Intelligence and its Application in power system
Associate Professor/EEE,
CVR college of engineering,
Vastungar, Hydearbad.
36. Smart Grid in Distribution System
Associate Professor/EEE,
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women,
37. KIC in association with Prototype/Process Design and Development- Prototyping (Motor)
Component Manager,
University Collaboration and Patenting Support,
Indian operations,
KONE Elevator Indian Pvt Ltd
38. Future trends in Power system and Evolution
Er.G.Pravin Babu
Senior attesting engineer,
Toshiba transmission and distribution system private limited, Hyderabad.

39. An overview on Soft Computing Techniques its Implementation
Dr.A.Sheela, Associate Professor/EEE, Kongu engineering college, Erode

40. Overview of Digital Electronics
R.Lasvanthi, Software engineer, Qualcomm India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

41. Project Management
Er.S.Pradeevraj, Engineer, Avalon Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai.

42. Innovations in MSP 430 and It’s Applications
Mr. M.S.Kamalesh, Assistant Professor/EEE, Kongu Engineering College, Erode.

43. Innovations in Industrial Automation –TIA portal Siemens
Prabakaran. C Senior PLC Engineer, Honeybees Technologies, Bangalore.

08.05.2021 & 09.05.2021
44. Career Included Towards Software Technology
Ms.Vinothini G , QA Associate, Expelo Solutions, Chennai.


Academic Year 2019 - 2020


 Name of the Event

Resource Person


1. Webinar on Technological Development of Switchgears

Er.R.Viswanathan,                                    Manager,PGCIL, Bengaluru, Karnataka

2. Three days online workshop on Research Ideas of Switched Reluctance motor using FEA software

Dr.S.Prabhu,                                                      Assistant Professor/EEE,                                    Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering college,      Tirupati, Andra Pradesh.

          29.05.2020                  to               31.05.2020

3. Webinar on Expectations of Industries from Young Engineers

Er.R.Satish,                                                      Senior Manager/HRM-Electrical,                      Salem stel plant, SAIL, Salem

4. Webinar on Advanced Embedded Controller for Power Electronics Applications

Dr.R.Vijayarajeswaran,                                  Managing Director, Vi Microsystems Pvt Ltd. Chennai

5. Webinar on Genetic Algorithm for Engineering Automation

Dr.S.Ramesh,                                          Professor/EEE,Vel Tech Rangarajan

Dr.Sagunthala                                                        R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.

6. Webinar on Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable Energy Integrations to National Grid

Mr.A.P.Suresh,                                                  Senior Project Engineer,                              SWELECT Energy System Limited,  Chennai.

7. Webinar on Power Flow Analysis Using Power World Simulator

Mr.P.Tamilnesan,                                              Assistant Professor/EEE,                              Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiyam.

21.05.2020 &22.05.2020
8. Webinar on Are You Ready? For Life After Graduation

Mr.S.Raghunath,                                                Program Analyst Trainee,                              Cognizant Technology Solutions,Chennai

9. Webinar on Scope on digital Image, Signal Processing and SSD

Mr.K.Paarthipan,                                                Training Manager, Apple Inc, Bangalore.

10. Webinar on Robotics Operating System- ROS

Mr.M.Arunbalaji,                                                    Project Engineer,Robotics & Automation Engineering PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

11. Webinar on Basics of Fuzzy Logic

Dr.S.P.Umayal,                                                Dean/EEE,                                                          PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli.

12. Webinar on Industrial Safety Solutions

Mr.K.Sathishkumar,                                            Senior Engineer,Multivista Global Pvt Ltd,      Bangalore.

13. Webinar on E-Vehicle and Autonomous Control Technology

Mr.Kirubakaran,                                                  Founder & Director,                                            Experts Hub-Industry Skill Development Center, Chennai.


Industrial Processing Automation – PLC,SCADA

Mr.P.Tamilnesan,                                                Assistant Professor /EEE-KNCET

15. Entrepreneurship & Technology Outreach Program (E-Top) &Global Innovation Challenge (GIC) on“Internet of Things” Mr.Revanthkumar, Mr.Vishnu                            System Engineers, TCS, Chennai.      S.Karthick,Vice President, Expertshub.




Machine Tool Automation

Mr.P.Tamilnesan,                        Assistant Professor /EEE-KNCET


Workshop on “IoT Based Domestic Appliances And Its Control”

Dr. T.Sengolrajan,                                          ASP/EEE / KNCET                                      Mr.V.Kalairajan,                            Assistant Professor /EEE-KNCET

18. Workshop on “Home Automation and Sensors Integration  Using IOT”

Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE, KNCET


Internal Hackathon on “Ignite Innovative Brain 2K19”

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan,                                          Assistant Professor /EEE,KNCET


 20. Workshop on “Arduino  based Real Time Products”

Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE, KNCET

21. Seventh National Level Technical Symposium (TEKCLUSTER-2019)

General Manager,
District Industries Centre, Trichy

22. Workshop on “TIA based Industrial Automation” (Powered by Siemens)

Mr. P. Tamilnesan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE, KNCET


Academic Year 2018 - 2019


 Name of the Event

Resource Person



National level Technical Symposium

Vice President –HR , Legal & Admin   Sundaram Motors, Chennai.


National Workshop on Hands on Training on Core Electronics

Mr.Jenish Samraj
Haradware trainer, Galwin technology,


 5 National Workshop on IOT Based Smart Energy Systems

Dr.S.Senthil Kumar,
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade)/EEE,
Government College of Engineering,Salem.

Trainer,VI Microsystems, Chennai.

Er. P.Arvind,
Trainer,VI Microsystems, Chennai.

 6 Hands-on Training on “Core Electronics

Mr. JenishSamraj,
Trainer, Galwin Technology, Trichy


Academic Year 2017 - 2018


Name of the Event

Resource Person



National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy System

Dept of EEE, KNCET



Workshop on Industrial Corporate Robotics Tech Show'17                            

Dr.J.Jijo Christo,
Senior Application Engineer, Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore.



National level Technical Symposium (TekCluster'17)

Mr.R.Gururajan , Asst Executive Director
Finance at Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited, 
Dalmiapuram. Ariyalur


Workshop on Design of Electrical components by using CADD modelling

Mr.R.Ram Prasanth, Business Head,
CADD Centre Training Services,
Musiri, Trichy.


National Conference on Electrical Power & Energy Systems-2018

Dr. R.Asokan, Principal
Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology,


Workshop on Fuzzy Logic Based Embedded System Design using MATLAB SIMULINK

Mr. P.Gokul, Assistant Professor,
Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology,

 7 Workshop on Embedded Programming using

Mrs. K.Boomidevi, Assistant Professor, Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam



Academic Year 2016 - 2017


Name of the Event

Resource Person



International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and communication Engineering

Dr. K.Krishna kumar
Technical Officer, DRDO, Bangalore.

22.03.2017 & 23.03.2017 

Workshop on Industrial Safety 

Rtn. Dinesh Subramanian
Industrial Trainer
National Safety Council and program Organizer,Rotary club of Namakkal Educationalx City.

Mr.Rubash Kumar
State level Students Trainer
National safety council & St. john’s Ambulance, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization.


Workshop on IoT & Embedded systems

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan, AP/EEE
Ms.S.Saranya, AP/EEE
Kongunadu College Of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam.

24.01.2017 to 20.02.2017 

Workshop on IoT & Embedded systems

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan, AP/EEE
Ms.S.Saranya, AP/EEE
Kongunadu College Of Engineering & Technology, Thottiam.


Workshop on IoT & Embedded systems

Mr.A. Athif Shah,
Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai

14.12.2016 & 17.12.2016

National Level Technical Symposium

Shri. Chalapathy Meka Venkata
Hiring Head ( India)
Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd Hyderabad



Workshop on Programming in Ardino Microcontroller

Mr.Aravinth, Proprietor & Training Head, Infotech, Namakkal


Academic Year 2015 - 2016


Name of the Event

Resource Person



Third National Level Conference on “Electrical Power and Energy Systems” (EPES’16)

Kongunadu Institutions


Workshop on Recent Trends in Industrial Automation

Mr.K.Siva Kumar,
Team Head,
Mr.Edward Cyril,
Senior Manager, Power Tech Automation ,


Workshop on Solar System Based Robotics

Mr.S.Suresh kumar
Technical Training Engineer
Macnus Solutions, Trichy



National Level Technical Symposium


Mr.R.Shankar Narayanan
Chief Operating Officer ,  
Harita Techserv Ltd,
TVS Group of Company, Chennai.



Work shop on Recent Trends in Embedded Systems

Mr.P. DhanaKumar
Managing Director
Renewable Resources & Power Products, Coimbatore. 



Faculty Development Program on Instructional Design and Delivery

Mr.Giridharan &  Mr.Shanmuganeedhi
NITTTR, Chennai  .

 18.06.2015 - 21.06.2015

 Academic Year 2014 - 2015


Name of the Event

Resource Person



National Level Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems






Faculty Development Program

Mr.R.Sujith Kumar,

Location Head, HR


08.02.2015 - 09.02-2015


 Mini Project Expo



KNCET, Thottiyam


Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of EEE,

KNCET, Thottiyam.

08.02.2015 - 09.02-2015


One day workshop on Finite Element Analysis

Mr. Theejo

Senior Technician,

Entuple Technologies, Bangalore.



One day workshop on PLC & SCADA


Proprietor, Power Tech Automation, Trichy.



Faculty Development Program



Smart Guruz,Chennai.

12.06.2014 - 14.06-2014

 Academic Year 2013 - 2014


Name of the Event

Resource Person



National Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems EPES’14



Kongunadu Institutions.



National Symposium

Mrs.Priyasri Anil Kumar

CEO, Honey Well Technologies, Chennai 



Science Expo



Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering and Technology,


05.09.2013 - 06.09.2013


Workshop on Modern Power Electronics

Mr.P.Vijay & Mr.SathishRajendran

Project Engineer,

Pantech Protech,Coimbatore.



Workshop on Energy Efficiency & Electrical Safety

Er.F.X.Mary Magdalin Princy

Senior Manager,

Technical Training & Development Center,




Workshop on VLSI Design

Mr.K.Senthil Kumar

Technical Head,

Lambda Embedded Systems &Solutions, Namakkal.



FDP on Rural Development by Green Energy


Executive Engineer,

TANGEDCO, Namakkal.


Dr. J. Baskaran

Professor and Head

Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathu

03.06.2013 -15.06.2013


Workshop on Energy Efficiency & Electrical Safety

Er.F.X.Mary Magdalin Princy

Senior Manager,

Technical Training & Development Center,




Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Guest Lectures and Seminar Organized

Academic Year 2023 - 2024


 Name of the Event

Resource Person



ICSSR Sponsored Three Days National Level Seminar on

“Social and Technological Impact of Power Electronics

Based  Hybrid  Electric Vehicles for Sustainable




Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

National Institute of Technology,



Professor & Head,

Department of Energy and Power


School of Electrical Engineering,

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.

3. Dr.L.Ashok Kumar


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

4. Mrs.Y.Uma Maheswari

Senior Associate,

Cognizant Technology Solutions,


5. Dr.P.ARUL,


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, Tiruchirappalli.





Guest Lecture on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy and E-Mobility”

Er.D.Babu, M.E., (Ph.D.,)

Assistant Executive Engineer   

Kethanur  substation,

TNEB,  Pollachi-642001.



Seminar on  “IoT in Smart Grid Technology and Applications”


Deputy Director, 

National Power Training Institute,




Seminar on “IoT in Agriculture”

Mr. K. Dhevendhiran

HR Manager,

Mobitech Wireless Solution Private Limited,

SIPCOT, Perundurai, Erode – 638 052



Seminar on “Embedded System Programming in Automation”

Dr.M.M.Babu Annadurai B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.,

Full Stack Developer & Trainer,

Technical Head,

JCluster Software Solutions,




Guest Lecture on “Recent Trends in Industrial Revolution 4.0”

Mr. Mohamed Ithyas

Founder &CEO,

Robotian Private Limited,Trichy



Webinar on Evolution of Semiconductors in Industry 4.0

Mr.Rahapriyan M P,

R&D Principal Software Engineer,

Cadence Design Systems,

San Jose, California.
8 Guest lecture on Career opportunities in the IT Industry


IVTL Infoview Technologies,

Web Developer,



Seminar on Assembling, Analyzing & Testing of EV application Motors & Controllers


EV-Operations Head,

Lucas TVS Limited,

Eripakkam Village,

Nettapakkam Commune, Pondicherry.


Guest lecture on “Safety Integration in Industrial Automation”

Mr.K.Sathis Kumar,

Managing Director,

Innovative Solutions,

Peenya 2nd  Stage,

11 Guest lecture on Impact of DC-DC Converters in Electric Vehicle Technology.


Assistant Professor/EEE,

School of Electrical and Communication Sciences,

B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science And Technology, Chennai.

Academic Year 2022 - 2023


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. National level seminar on “Introduction to Cyber Security Issues and unit Commitment Problems in Power System”

1. Dr.L.Ashok Kumar,


Department of EEE,

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

2. Dr.A.Sheela,

Associate Professor & Head,

Department of EEE,

Kongu Engineering College, Erode.

3. Dr.P.Arul,


Department of EEE,


4. Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan,

Assistant Professor,

Department of EEE,





Guest Lecture on

“Opportunities for Innovative Engineers”

1. Dr.V.Suvekbala,

Chief Executive Officer, 

EDII – Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation, 

University College of Engineering,

BIT Campus,

Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.

2. Mr. Vinoth Malaikani,

Incubation Scientist,

EDII – Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation, 

University College of Engineering,

BIT Campus,

Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.

3 Seminar on “Incubators and Startup”


Chief Executive Officer, 

EDII – Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation, 

University College of Engineering, BIT Campus,

Anna University, Tiruchirappalli -620024.

4 Webinar on “Industrial Opportunities in ARM Processor”


Associate Professor,

School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT),

VIT University, Vellore.




Webinar on “Recent Technology in Electric Vehicles”


Lead Engineer, HCL Technology, Chennai



Webinar on “Role of PLC & SCADA in Power Sector”


Chief Executive Officer,

L&P Renewable System Integrator, Erode-638012



Seminar on “Sensor Technologies in IoT”

Mrs.Jerlin Hemnath,

Trainer Head,

Hitakey Infosys,Trichy.



Seminar on

“Success Story of Agropreneur”

Farmer & Innovator, M/S Balaram Agro,Karur.



Webinar on “Live Streaming of IOT Device Messages”


Senior Analyst, Caterpillar Inc, Chennai.



Webinar on “Recent Trends in Industry 4.0”

Mr.Vignesh Ramados

AXIS Global Automation,Chennai.



Webinar on “The Filling Procedure of Patents”

Mrs. Savithri Suresh Babu,

Senior Associate,

A.K.Mylsamy &  Associates,



R&D Technological Interventions on Coir for Sustainable Development


Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, Government of India.



Seminar on “ Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence”

Dr.A.Athif Shah,

Chief Executive Officer,

ABE Intelligence Groups,

Ashok Nagar, Chennai.


Academic Year 2021 - 2022


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Testing of Electrical Equipments Mr. S. Elangovan,
Assistant Manager – Testing and Commissioning (Electrical),
Voltech Engineers Pvt Ltd, Chennai.


2. A Realistic Approach in Power Plant control System Mr.Dasthageer Khan
System Engineer (Distributed Control System),
Integral Services Company for Mechanical and Instrumentation W.I.I.,
Shuaiba Power Station, Kuwait


3. Priorites Your Goal Ms.S.Abirami,
Senior Systems Software Engineer,
American Megatrends India Pvt Ltd.


4. Introduction to LABVIEW Dr.S.Navaneethan
Assistant professor (Sr.Gr)/ I&CE,
PSG College of technology, Coimbatore


5. Job Prospects in Electrical Engineering Mr. K.Harikaran,
Production Engineer,
TVS Sundram Fastners Ltd, Chennai


6. Job Opportunities in Electrical Sector Mohana Priya S,
Validation Engineer,
Fuji electric consul neowatt, Perungudi, chennai-96


7. Basics of Web Development Er.S.Chandru
UI Developer,
Changepond Technologies,
System Engineer,
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd,


8. Recent trends in ticketing software Mr.V.kalairajan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of EEE,


9. Entrepreneurship For New India Mr.S.Jaishankar,
Project officer,
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India,


10. Control Of Wind Energy Conversion Mr.M.Ganesh,
Research Scholar,
Research Centre for Wind Energy Technology,
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering,
Kunsan National University,
South Korea.


11. Artifical Intelligence with Teachable Machine Mr. R.Baskar,
Robotics Inspector,
Rancho Labs,
IIT Campus, New Delhi.

18.09.2021 to

12. Role of Quality Engineer in Industry Er.J.Sivabalan,
Senior Quality Engineer,
Lakshmi Machine works, Coimbatore


13. Importance of GATE Exam Mr.S.Sivakumar,
CEO of Trichy Plus,
Director of Gateforum,Trichy Division


14. SAP Analytics Cloud Ms.B.Pavithra,
SAP Junior Analytics Associate,
Sierra Digital Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore.


15. Impacting the Future Development using IoT Mr.G.Gokul,
(Alumni 2017),
Programmer, SRM Technologies Private Limited, Chennai.


16. Energy Management and Auditing Dr.K.Dhayalini,
Professor & Head/EEE,
K.Ramakrishna College of Engineering (Autonomous), Trichy..


17. Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Dr.A.Athif Shah,
Chief Executive Officer,
ABE Intelligence Groups, Chennai-600 083.


18 Embedded Systems Development and its Applications

Mr. Shamir Basha Shamsudeen,

Embedded Design Engineer,

RAACTS- RAAJ Consulting and Technology services, Trichy
19 Analysis of Control Methods in BLDC Drive for Various Applications Dr. R.Ganesan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
R.V.S College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
20 Life after GATE & ESE

Mr. Pabba Ramesh

Motivational Speaker – Career Guidance,

Sr. Faculty / ACE Engineering, Academy EE Engineering,


21. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Introduction to Cyber Security Issues and Unit Commitment Problems in Power System”

Dr. L.Ashok Kumar,

Professor/ EEE,

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.


Associate Professor & Head/EEE, Kongu Engineering College,





Academic Year 2020 - 2021


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. National Seminar on “Start Up Funding For Students   Cum Product Exhibition” Dr.K.Kumaraguru,EDII TN-EDP Hub Coordinator,AP/DPCT  & Coordinator E2E EDC  UCE

Mr.M.Vinoth,,Field Coordinator, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy.


Academic Year 2019 - 2020


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. National Seminar on “Start Up Funding For Students   Cum Product Exhibition” Dr.K.Kumaraguru,EDII TN-EDP Hub Coordinator,AP/DPCT  & Coordinator E2E EDC  UCE

Mr.M.Vinoth,,Field Coordinator, BIT Campus, Anna University, Trichy.



Seminar on “ IOT  with Embedded Programming”

Mr.A.Karthi,Senior Electronics Engineer,Iotics technology Pvt Ltd,Coimbatore. 31.01.2020

Guest Lecture on

Mr.Vijesh.M.Nayir,National Head,                        CADD Centre, India. 18.12.2019
4. Seminar on Recent Innovations in Power Generation using Bloom Energy Technology

Professor/Instrumentation Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Annamalai University,

Dean (Academics) & Professor/EEE,
Selvam College of Technology,

Dr.K.Ramash Kumar,
Associate Professor/EEE,
Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology,

 5. Guest lecture on “Industry 4.0”

Application Engineer,
Axis Global Institute of Industries, Coimbatore.

6. Guest lecture on “Energy Conservation”

Dr.P.R.Natarajan,                                                  Chairman of IE,
Coimbatore Local Centre,


 Academic Year 2018 - 2019


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Seminar on ARM Processor for Power Electronics

Dr .P.Ponnambalam ,
Associate Professor, Department of EEE,
School of Electrical Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore-632 014.



Guest lecture on Steel Plant Electronics

Mr. R.Sathish, Deputy Manager,                          Hot-Rolling Mill-Electrical Department, SAIL, Salem.

3. Guest lecture on “Trends in Transmission and Distribution Systems”

Dr.S.Ganesh kumaran, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor/EEE,
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College,


Academic Year 2017 - 2018


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on Modeling and Performance of Transmission Line

Assistant Professor, Department of EEE,
Anna University-BIT Campus,


 2. Guest Lecture on Testing and Performance Analysis of Electrical Machines

Assistant Professor, Department of EEE,
Anna University- BIT Campus,

 3. Guest Lecture on SCADA and Power System Automation

Dr.M.Balasingh Moses,
Associate Professor, Department of EEE,
Anna University -BIT Campus,

 4. Guest Lecture on Design of Controllers       

Dr.Habee Bullaha Sait,
Associate Professor, Department of EEE,
Anna University-BIT Campus,

5 Seminar on Employability in Industry

Mr.S.Swaminathan, Manager, HR,
Williams LEA Tag &
Mr.Leslie Praveen kumar,
Team Manager,
ALSEC Technologies Ltd, Chennai.



Guest Lecture on Unemployment and Entrepreneur

Soft Skill Trainer, (Motivational Speaker)
Manapari, Trichy.

 7 Guest lecture on Introduction to
LABVIEW Programming

Er.R.Vasantha Kumar,
Team Leader, Vi Solutions, Bangalore.


 8 Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Solar based Power System

Senior Engineer,
Power Integrated Solutions, Trichy.


9 Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in            Industrial Automation

Dr.J.Jijo Christo,
Senior Application Engineer,
Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore.


10 Guest Lecture on Advanced  Lead-Acid Batteries for Micro-Hybrid Vehicles

Dr. Mayavan Sundar,
Senior Scientist,


Academic Year 2016 - 2017


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on Industry Expectations for Engineering Graduates

Senior Design Engineer-R&D- Motor Division, Ampere Vehicles Pvt . Ltd,



Guest Lecture on Industrial Safety

Rtn. S.Dinesh Subramanian, Industrial Trainer, National Safety Council and Program Organizer, Rotary Club, Namakkal.



National Level Seminar on Key to Success

Mr.Chandramouli Subrahamanayan,
Director SI and Web Support at INTEL Security,



Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Power System Protection

Mr.M.Parthiban, Senior Engineer, and

Technical Advisor,

SS  Project Solution.& & Zoul Tech Solution,Chennai



National level Seminar on Electromagnetic Theory




Guest Lecture on Testing on  Electronic Components

Info Tech, Namakkal.



Guest Lecture on Introduction to Programming in Aruduino Microcontroller

Design Engineer,
Info Tech,  Namakkal



Guest Lecture on PCB Designing

Team Head,
MSB Electronics Industries,


 Academic Year 2015 - 2016


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on Job Opportunities

Assistant General Manager,
Murugappa Group,



Guest Lecture on Introduction to SAP Solutions & Support

Technobel Solution
India Pvt Ltd.,



Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Electronics

Team Leader,
Premier Evolvics Pvt Ltd.,



Guest Lecture on Power Quality Issues and Empowerment on Embedded System

EDA Engineer,
Live wire,



Guest Lecture on Introduction to Embedded C Programming

Mr.K.Sasi Kumar,
CRG Engineer,
Prolific System Technologies,



Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Energy Efficient Induction Machine

Assistant Manager -HR,
Texmo Industries,


Academic Year 2014 - 2015


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on Employment Oppurtunities

Dr.P.Suresh Kumar

Fromer Regional Deputy Director,

Employment &Training, Trichy. 



Inauguration of Energy Club and Guest Lecture on Energy Auditing


Associate Professor,

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai



Seminar on Recent Trends in Science and Technology


Senior Principal

Scientist and Head,

CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi.


Academic Year 2013 - 2014


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on Higher Studies Opportunities

Mr.B.Sivakumar and


Trichy Plus Institute, Trichy.



Guest Lecture on Advanced Embedded System Technology


Managing Director,

Namus Embedded Resources, Erode.



Seminar on Electromagnetic theory


Associate Professor,




Guest Lecture on Employment Opportunities


CEO, Suguna Pumps, Coimbatore.




Friday, 28 April 2017 07:32

Value Added Courses

 The Department of EEE Engineering is organizing the value added courses to all the students at the end of every semester.

The main objective of this course is to equip the students in current technologies and also to reduce the gap between academic and industry.

Academic Year  2023 - 2024


Course Name

Number of students


Name of the resource person with designation


VACEE14-Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical

64 (II - EEE)


Design Engineer

C Cube Technologies, 



VACEE13 - AI for Electrical Engineering 65 (III - EEE)

Dr.A.Athif Shah,

Founder, CEO

ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai


VACEE12 - Embedded C for Electrical Engineering 65 (II - EEE)

Dr.A.Athif Shah,

Founder, CEO

ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai

Academic Year  2022 - 2023 


Course Name

Number of students benefitted

Name of the resource person with designation


VACEE11 - Simulation of Electronics Circuit using PSPICE-OrCAD

65 (II - EEE)



KNCET, Trichy


VACCS09 - Problem Solving Skill in C++ and Java Programming

65 (II - EEE)





KNCET, Trichy


VACEC06 - Industrial IoT using MSP430 and CC3200 Launchpad

66 (III - EEE)


Design Lead

Mr.S.Sriram & S.Furnika Shree

Design Engineer

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.

Academic Year  2022 - 2023


Course Name

Resource Person



Industrial IoT using MSP430 and CC3200 Launchpad


Design Lead,

Mr.S.Sriram & S.Furnika Shree,

Design Engineer,

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.

III -Year


Academic Year  2021 - 2022


Course Name

Resource Person



IoT Applications in Smart City

Mr.V.Kalairajan Assistant Professor /EEE

III & IV- Year


Networking and It's Software Tools

Ms.R.Priyanka Assistant Professor /EEE



PCB Design (Organized by ECE)

Dr.K.Amutha Associate Professor /ECE

Mrs.T.Meenal Assistant Professor / ECE



Java Programming Language

Software Developer
Orasoft Solutions, Chennai



Smart Industrial Safety Solutions

Mr.K.Sathish Kumar,
Managing Director ,
Innovative Solutions, Bangaluru.


6. Applications of Sensors with Arduino and Node MCU



PLC Programming for Manufacturing Industry



Academic Year  2020 - 2021


Course Name

Resource Person



Industrial Internet of Things

Mr.Manju J R,
IoT Application Engineer,
Siemens Center of Excellence in Manufacturing,
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.

II & III-Year


Process Plant Automation




Embedded Programming and IoT Applications with Different Platforms




SCADA – Wonderware Intouch




Academic Year  2019 - 2020


Course Name

Resource Person



Internet of Things

Mr.K.Baskar, Senior System Architect/RIDSYS



C Programming Language

Ms.S.Selvalakshmi, Technical Trainer/C2C,KNCET



Manufacturing of Ceiling Fan and Commercial LED Lamps

Mr.J.Karthikeyan, AP/EEE,KNCET


4. Power Automation

Mr.P.Tamilnesan, AP/EEE,KNCET

II -Year
5. Foundation course on Electronics

Mrs.R.Deepika, AP/EEE,KNCET                                      Mrs.AC.Divya, AP/EEE,KNCET                                            Mr.S.Arun, AP/EEE,KNCET

6. Electrical Estimation and Energy Auditing

Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan, AP/EEE,KNCET                      Mr.J.Karthikeyan, AP/EEE,KNCET

7. Industrial Internet of Things

Mr.V.Kalairajan, AP/EEE,KNCET

8. Networking and Software Tools

Ms.R.Priyanka, AP/EEE,KNCET


Academic Year  2018 - 2019


 Course Name

Resource Person


1. Making & Maintenance  of Electrical Appliances

Mr.J.Karthikeyan, AP/EEE,KNCET

II -Year 
2. Basics Industrial Automation 

Mr.P.Tamilnesan, AP/EEE,KNCET

 II -Year 
3. Java Programming

Mr.K.Karthik, AP/CSE,KNCET

 III -Year
4. Automation using PLC(FUJI) and SCADA



Embedded System Design using Arduino

6. Building Blocks of Java

Mr.B.Hari Boopala Krishnan,
Technical Trainer, C2C, KNCET

7. Factory Automation using PLC(FUJI) and SCADA

Mr.P.Tamilnesan,AP/EEE, KNCET


Academic Year  2017 - 2018


 Course Name

Resource Person



Embedded Programming using Arduino

Mrs.R.Boomidevi,AP/EEE, KNCET III-Year
2. PCB design and fabrication

Mr.M.Dharmalingam ASP & HOD/ECE, KNCET
Mr.D.Karthikeyan AP/ECE, KNCET.

3. Programming in C and C++

Mr.P.ArulPandiyanMr.S.AmalaVinodhaAP/ECE, KNCET

4. Assembling and Testing of Electrical

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.K.Karthik AP/EEE, KNCET

 5. Fault analysis in home appliances

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.K.Karthik AP/EEE, KNCET

 6. Basic industrial automation

Mr.C.Prabakaran, Senior Executive,
Infinity Technologies

7. Lab view

Mr. S. Sunil, Application Engineer, VI Solutions


Mr.P.Tamilnesan, AP/EEE, KNCET

 9. Design and fabrication of solar landhar

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan AP/EEE, KNCET

10. Web design

Mr. D. Felix Xavier Dhas,Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCET
Mr. S. Balasubramanian,Tech Head, KNCET,
Mr. B. HariBoopalaKrishnan, Technical Trainers,          C2C, KNCET

11. Hardware and networking essentials

Mr.S.Azarudeen,  KNCET.
Mr.M.Siranjeevi, KNCET.
Mr. R. Ravi Kumar, KNCET Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCET



Web development :: PHP and MySQL

Mr. D. Felix Xavier Dhas,Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCET
Mr. S. Balasubramanian,Tech Head, KNCET,
Mr. B. HariBoopalaKrishnan, Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCET




Er.S. Muruganantham,(Avalon Technologies, Chennai)
Mr.V.Kalairajan, AP/EEE, KNCETMr.S.Shanmugapriyan, AP/EEE, KNCET


Academic Year  2016 - 2017


 Course Name

Resource Person


1. Design and Fabrication of Low Voltage Transformer

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.R.Gopalakrishnan AP/EEE, KNCET
Mr.K.Karthik AP/EEE, KNCET

Mr.K.Mohanraj AP/EEE, KNCET

2. JAVA and .NET Programming

Mr.J.Prabakaran,Senior Executive,
Infinity Technologies

3. MATLAB Programming

Mr. V. Ganeshan, Managing Director, Adroit Solutions

4. Programming in C & C++

Mr.D.Felix Xavier Dhas Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCET
Mrs.P.Preethi AP/CSE, KNCET

5. PLC and SCADA

Mr. V. Ganeshan, Managing Director, Adroit Solutions

6. Fault Analysis in Electrical Appliances

Mr.T.Rajamanikandan, AP/EEE,


Academic Year  2015 - 2016


 Course Name

Resource Person



C and C++ Mr.D.Felix Xavier Dhas Technical Trainers, C2C, KNCE



MATLAB Programming Mr. V. Ganeshan, Managing Director, Adroit Solutions.



Recent trends and technology Mr. V. Ganeshan, Managing Director, Adroit Solutions.




Friday, 28 April 2017 07:20

Value Added Courses

 The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is organizing the value added courses to all the students at the end of every semester.

The main objective of this course is to equip the students in current technologies and also to reduce the gap between academic and industry.

Academic Year  2022 - 2023


 Course Name

Resource Person

No of Students 

1 Fundamentals of C and Python Programming Language

Mr. B. Karthik,

Founder & CEO,

Skynoveau Technology, Pvt. Ltd.


    II ECE-A

   66 Students
2 Embedded system programming for Industrial Application

Mr. R.S.Venkatachalam,

Embedded Engineer

Wizaard System,



  67 Students
3 IoT Implementations using Arduino


Robotics Instructor, Rancho Labs,

IIT Campus, New Delhi.

III Year

23 Students

4 Full Stack Web Development using AWS

Mr. B. Karthik,

Founder & CEO,

Skynoveau Technology, Pvt. Ltd.

III Year

56 Students
5 Design of Applications in IoT


Robotics Instructor, Rancho Labs,

IIT Campus, New Delhi.

II Year

136 Students


Academic Year  2021 - 2022


 Course Name

Resource Person

No of Students 

1 Verilog Programming

Prabakar V

Team Lead-Verification

Tessolve semiconductor Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore.

Nepolean M

Design Engineer

Tessolve semiconductor Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

III Year

95 Students
2 Industrial IoT using MSP430 & CC3200 Launchpad


Design Lead,

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd.,


III Year

34 Students
3 Basics of Python Programming


Technical Specialist

IBM, Chennai

III Year

53 Students


Advanced C programming

Ms.C. Kavya,

AI Developer,

Galwin Technology,

Trichy - 2

III Year

57 Students


Java Programming

Mr. R. Janarthanan,

Embedded Developer,

Galwin Technology,

Trichy - 2

III Year

36 Students


Machine Learning and Data Science using Python

Mr. V. Veerapandian,

AI Developer,

Galwin Technology,

Trichy - 2

III Year

24 Students


Academic Year  2020 - 2021


 Course Name

Resource Person

No of Students 

1 PCB Design and Fabrication
M.S.B Electronic Industries, Salem.
Dr.K.Amudha,Associate Professor             
Mrs.T.Meenal, Assistant Professor                 
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam,Trichy

II Year

71 Students

 2 Web Design Ms.S.Meena ,
Web Developer
Galwin Technologies, Trichy

III Year

91 Students

3 PCB Design and Fabrication
M.S.B Electronic Industries, Salem.
Dr.K.Amudha,Associate Professor             
Mrs.T.Meenal, Assistant Professor                 
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam,Trichy

II Year

40 Students

4 Internet of Things

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam, Trichy

II Year

43 Students

Academic Year  2019 - 2020


 Course Name

Resource Person

No of Students 

1 PCB Design and Fabrication
Mr. R.S.Venkatasalam, Wizaard System, Coimbatore.
Dr.K.Amudha,Associate Professor              Mrs.T.Meenal, Assistant Professor                  Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam,Trichy

II Year

71 Students

2 Machine Learning

Mr.Nethaji Nirmal,Foursteps Training Solutions,Chennai

III Year

109 Students

3 Industrial Application based Embedded System

Mr. T. Selva Kumar,Embedded Developer,                Galwin technologies,Trichy

III Year

121 Students



Dr.K.Amudha,Associate Professor,                    Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam,Trichy

II Year

95 Students

Academic Year  2018 - 2019


 Course Name

Resource Person



PCB Design

Mr. R.S. Venkatachalam,
Mr. Sathish Kumar, Wizaard System, Coimbatore.

II Year


Building blocks of Java

Mr. Hari Boobala Krishnan,Campus to Corporate Department,Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam-Trichy (Dt)

III Year


Artificial Intelligence using Raspberry Pi

Mr. M. Kannan, Senior Technical Engineer,                    Mr. G. Gowtham Raj, Senior Application Engineer,Enthu Technology Solutions, Coimbatore

III Year

Academic Year  2017 - 2018


 Course Name

Resource Person



PCB Design and  Fabrication                                                                                                           Department of ECE, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam-Trichy (Dt)               II Year


JAVA Programming Galwin Technologies, 3rd floor Periyasamy Tower, Trichy – 620002.  III Year

Academic Year  2016 - 2017


 Course Name

Resource Person



Circuit Design & PCB Fabrication

TCIL-IT Education and Training centre, Trichy

       II Year



Neolysi Technologies, New No 15, VPS Complex 2 ND Floor, (Opposite ) New Bus Stand , Arthanari Nagar, Salem

        III Year

Academic Year  2015 - 2016

S.No  Course Name

Resource Person

1. Passionate on C

Efy Tech Center,

Hotel Mangala International Campus,

Nehru Street, Ramnagar, coimbatore.

II & III Year

Academic Year  2014 - 2015


 Course Name

Resource Person



 Circuit Design & PCB Fabrication

Technical Person,

MD Renewable Resource and Power Products,


II Year


“Embedded Systems” using MP LAB tool. 

Technical Person,

Neyolsi Technologies Pvt Ltd.,


III Year


Raspberry  PI  

EFY Tech Center,

Hotel Mangala International Campus,

Nehru Street, Ramnagar, Coimbatore.

II & III Year

Academic Year  2012 - 2013


 Course Name

Resource Person



‘C’ Programming course

LAMBDA Embedded Systems and Solutions   

II Year


Embedded System Program 

Purple Leap-Pearson Educomp Company

II & III Year


Friday, 28 April 2017 07:07

Guest Lectures and Seminar Organized

Academic Year 2023 - 2024


 Event Name

Resource Person



Mr. Jagan Javid,


IT Expert Training, Chennai.

Mr. Muhammed Ilyas,


IT Expert Training, Chennai.
2 Seminar on “INDUSTRIAL IOT”

Mr. Ajay Godara,

Techno-Preneur, Founder & CEO,

Enovate Skill, Chandigarh, India



Project Engineer,

IPCS Automation Pvt. Ltd.,Trichy.


Mr. Rajendran Marimuthu,

Technical Account Manager,

Blueyonder Technologies Limited,

Bellander, Bangalore.

5 Seminar on “VLSI-ASIC System Design for Next Generation IOT and SOC Implementations”

Dr.R.Murali Krishna

Assistant Professor,


6 Seminar on “Embedded System in Automotive Domain”

Mr. T. Sadananthan,

Operations & Project Management (Head),

Ettisoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

3 Guest Lecture on “Electronic Circuit Design for Beginners”

Dr. M.Vijayakumar,

Manager (R & D),

IndiGuard Systems Pvt. Ltd.,


Seminar on “Recent Trends and Job Opportunities in VLSI Field”

Mr.Nepolean Mani,

RTL Design Engineer,

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.,



DECRA’23 Association Inauguration

Mr.Nepolean Mani,

RTL Design Engineer,

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.,




Academic Year 2022 - 2023


 Event Name

Resource Person



Seminar on “ Supervised Machine Learning – Support Vector Machine”

Dr. K. ManojPrabhakaran M.E., Ph.D,

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,


Guest lecture on “Carving  a Niche Career in Electronics System Design”

Dr.M.Vijaya kumar,

Manager (R&D),

IndiGuard Systems Pvt Ltd,


Seminar on “Evolution and Recent Advancements in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology”


Managing Director,

VEI Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,

4 Webinar on “Constitution of India”

Mr. Sriram Vasanth Prasad

Advocate (Civil & Criminal),

Madurai High Court,

5 Webinar on “Applications of IoT Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi”

Mr. Vikas Gowda D V

IoT Application Engineer,

Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,

6 Webinar on “Product Development Using React”

Mr. Mohanraj. V

Software Engineer,

React Developer,

Kissflow Inc.,


Webinar on “Classification and Detection of Cervical Cancer based on Deep Learning Algorithm”

Dr. P.A. Sridhar,

Research Assistant Professor,

SRM Institute of Science and Technology,



Mr. V. Chandran,

Certified NVIDIA Instructor for Deep Learning, Chennai.

Seminar on “Fabrication and Programming in FPGA”

Ms.Gayatri Padhy,

Hardware Engineer,

Object Automation System Solutions Pvt Ltd.,


9 DECRA’22 Association Inauguration

Dr.S.Madhavapandian, Design Lead,

Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.,




Academic Year 2021 - 2022


 Event Name

Resource Person


1 Guest lecture on “Opportunities After Engineering through GATE | ESE | PSU”

Mr.Pabba Ramesh, B.E, M.Tech(Ph.D),

Sr. Faculty,

ACE Engineering Academy,

EE Engineering,Telangana.

2 Online webinar on “Passion in Profession”

Mr.R. Kishore Kumar,

Talent Acquisition Specialist,

CareerNet Technologies,Chennai

3 Online webinar on “How to Plan for Start-Up and Legal & Ethical Steps”

Mr. M. Sriraaman,Manager, Annamalai Innovation and Incubation Research Foundation – EDH, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.

4 CSIR Sponsored seminar “Analysis and diagnosis of Brain Tumor using Deep Learning Techniques”


Certified NVIDIA Instructor for Deep Learning,


Dr.D.Karthika Renuka,

Associate Professor/IT

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

Mr.M.Deepan Raj,

Technical Lead –Data Scientist,

HCL Technologies, Chennai.

29.03.2022 & 30.03.2022
5 Seminar on “Basics of Python Programming”

Mr. Kalaivanan,

Technical Specialist/IBM, Chennai

6 DBT Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Biotechnological Application using Fiber optic Sensors”


Assistant Professor/ECE,

Indian Institute of Information Technology,

Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM), Chennai

Dr. N. Ayyanar,

Assistant Professor/ECE,

Thiagarajar College of Engineering , Madurai,

7 Seminar on “Software Industry Overview and Interview Insights”

Mr. Selvaraj Nallaiyan,

Product Consultant,

Cognizant, Chennai

8 Online webinar on “IoT”

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Head of Centrs for IoT & Advance Computing,

Member of Institute Innovation council(MHRD)

Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh

9 Online webinar on “Real Time Applications of AI and ML”



Paavai Engineering College,Namakkal.

10 Guest lecture on “Optical Communication and its Applications”

Dr. S. Kumar Ganesh,


Knowledge Institute of Technology,Salem.

11 Online webinar on “Recent Innovations in Latest Technologies”


Embedded and IoT Engineer,

Galwin Technologies,Trichy.

12 Online webinar on “Embracing Digital Transformation  during crisis”
Mrs.Nihar Sulthana
Senior Business Analyst
Fin Tech
Iris Software Inc.


Online webinar on “Python for Beginers” Mr.R.Baskar
Robotics Inspector,
Rancho Labs (by New Delhi IITians),
IIT Campus, New Delhi.


Online webinar on “Professional Transformation” Ms.R.Uthra
System Engineer,
Tata Consultancy Service(TCS),
Campus 42,
45-P,Hosur Rd,Electronic City Phase II,
Bengaluru, Karnataka


Online webinar on “Legal Steps for Starting a Business in India“ Mr.K.Sankara Subramanian,
Practicing Company Secretary

Online webinar on “Innovative Programming Concepts in C”

Paavai Engineering college, Pachal


Online webinar on “Disaster Management” Mr. H. Melbin Joel,
Assistant Professor/Civil Engineering
CAPE Institute of Technology, Levengipuram,

Online webinar on “What’s Next? A Carrier Guidance after Getting Graduated”

Junior Software Developer,
IVTL Infoview Technologies,
Karapakkam, Chennai.
19 Online webinar on “Attaining Market-Product Fit: Prototype Designing Process and Tools for Developement of Minimum Viable Product(MVP)”

Associate Professor/ECE,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,

20 Online webinar on “Introduction to VLSI Design & Implementation”

Assistant Professor/ECE,
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology ,

21 Online webinar on “Opportunities after Engineering through GATE/ESE/PSU” Mr.S.Manimohan Trinath,
GATE/ESE Trainer,
ACE Engineering Academy,
22 Online webinar on “Basics of Android Mobile Development” Mr.I.Anantraj
Assistant Professor/CSE,
K. Ramakrishnan college of technology,

Academic Year 2020 - 2021


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Online webinar on “Analog Circuits: Oscillators “ Dr.P.Thiruvalar Selvan,
Professor/ ECE,
SRM TRP Engineering College,Trichy.
2. Online webinar on “Life Experience with Electromagnetics “ Dr.M.E.Paramasivam
Assistant Professor/ECE,
Sona College of Technology, Salem
3. Online webinar on “Digital Twin Technology
Dr.M.Baritha Begam,
Associate Professor
Saranathan College of Engineering, Trichy.
4. Online webinar on “Online Learning Simulation Tools for Electronic Design “ Dr.S.Suganthi,
Professor/ ECE,
K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy.
5. Online webinar on “VLSI Design and Modelling “ Mrs.C.Saranya
Assistant Professor
K.S Rangasamy College of Technology,
6. Online webinar on “Wireless Communication “ Dr. Rahul Johari
Assistant Professor / CSE
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
7. Online webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and IP Management for start - up “ Dr.A.Balaji Ganesh,
Dean (R&D),
Professor/CSE,Patent Agent,
Vellammal Engineering College,
8. Online webinar on “Advanced Antenna system for 5G “ Dr. S. Kokila,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women
9. Online webinar on “Internet Of Things – Current trends and the future” Ms. Ramya Jayakumar,
Senior Project Engineer,
Wipro Technologies,
10. Online webinar on “Cutting Edge Technologies In Industrial Automation“ Mr. Vasanth Kumar,
Assistant Manager,
VI Solutions,
11. Online webinar on “Wireless Sensor Networks and It’s Applications” Dr.R Sundarmani,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Avinashilingam University,
12. Online webinar on “Introduction to VLSI” Mr.Suresh A
Senior Technical Leader,
Engineering Project Manager,
Aricent Technologies,
13. Online webinar on “Simulation Tools for Microprocessor and Microcontroller” Dr.P.Anandan,
Associate Professor/ ECE,
VelTech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University), Chennai.
14. Online Guest lecture on “ VLSI design “ Dr. S. Kokila,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women
15. Online webinar on “Implementation of Digital Circuits using QCA” Dr. B.Sakthivel,
Smart Makers Research,
16. Online webinar on “Signal and Image Processing“ Dr. Nirmala Madian
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology,
17. Online webinar on “Identifying Intellectual Property Component at the Early Stage of Innovation“ Dr.A.Balaji Ganesh,
Dean (Research & Development),
Professor (CSE),
Patent Agent,
Vellammal Engineering College,
18. Online webinar on “Web based Tools for
Signals and Systems”
Associate Professor, ECE,
VelTech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology(Deemed to be University),
19. Online webinar on “Natural Language
Sr.Project Engineer-ML & AI,
Pantech, Trichy
20. Online webinar on “IOT and its
Dr. Swarnapriya R M
Associate Professor,
School of IT,
VIT, Vellore.
21. Online webinar on “Accelerate your
career in Data Science with AI”
Dr. Dharani SenthilKumar
Founder of Vani Analytics,
22. Online webinar on “Role of Electronics
Engineers in Medical Science”
Dr.D.Benet Bosco Dhas,
Chief Executive Officer,
30M Genomics Private Limited,
West Godavari,
Andhra Pradesh.
23. Online webinar on “Career
Opportunities for budding
Engineering Students”
Dr. C Oswald,
Assistant Professor(Sr. Grade)
Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
24. Online webinar on “Artificial Intelligence” Mr.K.Sarath Babu, Founder and Director,
Yes Labs Pty Ltd,


25. Online webinar on “Android
Dr. B.Ezhilavan,
Managing Director,
VEI Technologies Chennai.
26. Online webinar on “5G based Applications
& RF Front End Components”
Mr. T.V.Jayanandan, Founder, CEO,
Tesla Minds,


Academic Year 2019 - 2020


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Online webinar on “Introduction to Packet Tracer Simulator”

Mr. Sarathkumar Rangarajan, Research Scholar & Casual Lecturer, Victoria University, Australia.

2. Online webinar on “Circuit Design using Tinkercad tool” Mr. Ajay Godara, Founder & CEO, Enovate Skill,
3. Online webinar on “Introduction to VLSI Design” Mr. Lokeshwaran Kittappan,
Senior FPGA Hardware Architech,
4. Seminar on “VLSI Design Using Verilog HDL” Mr.P.R.Siva Kumar,
CEO & Founder,
Maven Silicon, Bangalore


5. Guest lecture on Career Opportunity in Core Engineering Mr.M. Siddharthan,Project Manager,Chennai 17.08.2019

One day seminar on”Bio-Medical Instrumentation for Human monitoring systems”

Mr. T.Ashok,
Associate Professor, Mam school of engineering, Trichy

Academic Year 2018 - 2019


 Event Name

Resource Person



Seminar on “Creative carrier in UI/UX”

Mr. E.D. Sathish Kumar, Managing Director, ICAT Design and media College , Chennai


Guest Lecture on Industrial Exposure on Embedded Systems

PremKumar, Software Engineer,
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solution Ltd., Coimbatore


Guest Lecture on Industrial Exposure on Embedded Systems

PremKumar, Software Engineer,
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solution Ltd.


Seminar on “Development of RTOS Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi”

Mr. G. Gurumoorthy,
Propellor Technology,
R & D, Trichy


Academic Year 2017 - 2018


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture On C-Programming Ms. K.Prithiya, Managing Director, GalwinTechnology,Trichy 27.07.2017


Seminar on Project Guidance Mr. R. Lakshmanan, Manager, Spiro Solutopn Private Ltd., Namakkal 08.09.2017


Guest Lecture on Project Guidance Mr. S. NateshKannan,M.E Managing Director, Elite Systems and Controls 08.12.2017

Seminar on “Highlights of IEEE Benefits, Funding and other Opportunities”

H R Mohan, Vice Chairman, IEEE Madras Section 20.12.2017


Seminar on Process Automation and PLC Mr. N.R. Muralidaran, Consultant, Infinity Technologies 30.12.2017

Guest Lecture on “Research Methodology & Guidelines for writing Project Proposals”

Dr.A.Kandaswamy, Dean, Industrial Research & Development, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 20.01.2018
7.  Seminar on “VLSI Design”

Mr.K.Lokeshwaran, Application Engineer, Xilinx, Bangalore

8.  Seminar on “Power Employability in Industry”

Mr.Swaminathan, Manager, HR,Williams Lea Tag.
Mr. Leslie.J.Praveen Kumar, Team Manager, Alsec Technologies



Academic Year 2016 - 2017


 Event Name

Resource Person



Motivational Program

Mr.Vijaimithra, Director,
REN Academy ,Thanjavur



Seminar on ISRO Sponsored one day National Level Seminar on Analog and Mixed Signal ASIC design.

Assistant Professor,
Anna university ,Regional Campus, Coimbatore.

RTL Design Engineer
Caliber Embedded Technologies India (P) Ltd, Coimbatore



Seminar on Embedded System


Project Engineer , 

Nuance Technology, Chennai



Project Initiative Seminar on Embedded System

Mr. N.Santhanam,

TCILIT Computer Educational Training,




Seminar on Embedded System with practical initiatives

Mr. N.Santhanam,

TCILIT Computer Educational Training,



Academic Year 2015 - 2016


 Event Name

Resource Person



Seminar on Tone Your Skills


Human Resources Senior Manager , 

Emerson Industrial Automation, Chennai



Guest Lecture on Placement Motivational Program


Director Placement,

Anna university ,Chennai



Seminar on Embedded Systems


Project Manager,

Neolysis Technologies ,Chennai



Seminar on IBM Blue Mix

Mr.R.S.Sachin Kumar,

Community Manager

IBM Academic Initiative,




Seminar on Embedded Systems


Technical Head,

Spiro Solution, Namakkal.



Seminar on Auto Electricals


Senior Manager,

T.V.Sundaram& sons Ltd, Madurai.



Seminar on Employability Skills Development program with Industrial Automation

Mr. SanthanamNalliah,

Senior Engineer,

TCIL-IT Education and Training,




Seminar on Industrial Automation


Senior Engineer,

Elegant Training services, Madurai.


Academic Year 2014 - 2015


 Event Name

Resource Person



Guest Lecture on  Embedded  Systems and its  Applications


Technical Head

RPS Technology Refined, Salem 



Seminar on  Android Applications


Business development Manager

Mr.R.Sundara Vigneshwaran

Software Developer, Griffin Solutions





Seminar on  Recent trends in Electronics and Communication


Training Manager

Nokia India Private Ltd,Chennai



Guest Lecture on  Avionics


Southern Pilot Training Academy Salem



Seminar on Electronic CAD


Technical Head

CAD Centre ,Musiri



Seminar on  NPTEL - Classle


Assistant manager



Seminar on Television & Video Engineering

Mr.M. Dharmalingam,


Mr.K.Kumar, AP/ECE

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology



Guest Lecture on  Control system Engineering


Associate  Professor

United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


Academic Year 2013 - 2014


 Event Name

Resource Person



Seminar on “Placement guidelines


Verizon Data services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai



Guest lecture on “Latest trends in Embedded  Technologies "


Embegins Technologies, Namakkal 



Guest lecture on “Wireless networks” in IETE Student Forum




Academic Year 2012 - 2013


 Event Name

Resource Person



Seminar on “Recent trends in Electronics and project capitulation”




IBM,Infoys Bangalore 



Guest Lecture  on “NPTEL Awareness program ”


Classle, Chennai 



Seminar On “Defense Awareness”


Mr. Ashok Kumar

Defense Awareness Seminar



Guest Lecture  on “Robotics”


ACCET, Karaikudi



Guest Lecture on “Advanced Embedded system Technology ”



Namus Embedded Resources, Erode



Seminar on  “Power of thoughts”





Friday, 28 April 2017 06:48

Conference, Workshop and FDP Organized

Academic Year 2023 - 2024


 Event Name

Resource Person



7th National Conference on Emerging Trends in

Communication and Networking (ETCAN’24)


Technical lead,

Aarican Technologies,Trichy

2 TECHSNAG 2K24 – 24Hrs Hackathon

Mr. Jagan Javid,


IT Expert Training, Chennai.

Mr. Muhammed Ilyas,


IT Expert Training, Chennai.




3 BYTE’SYN  - National Level Technical Symposium

Dr. M. Dharmalingam,

HoD/ECE, KNCET, Thottiam.

4 Hands on Training in PCB Design and Fabrication



M.S.B.Electronic Industries,


5 TEK CLUSTER 2023 -  11th National Level Technical Symposium

Mr.Senthil Rajamarthandan,

Senior Program Director,

Cognizant Technology Solutions,


Vaken Technologies(P) Ltd.,




Academic Year 2022 - 2023


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. 4th International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’ 2023)

Dr.L. Agilandeeswari,


Department of Software Systems and Engineering,

School of Information Technology and Engineering,

Vellore Institute of Technology,

Vellore, Tamilnadu.



2. PCB Design and Fabrication

Dr. K.Amudha

Associate Professor/ECE

Mrs. T. Meenal,

Associate Professor/ECE

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,

Thottiam, Trichy

3. Hands on Training workshop on “Machine Learning using Python”

Mr. V. Chandran,

Data Scientist,

NVIDIA Certified Trainer,




Dr. M. Dharmalingam,Professor/ECE,

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,



5. TEK CLUSTER’22 -  Tenth National Level Technical Symposium

Mr.Sarath Chandar,

GM – HR,

Vaken Technologies(P) Ltd.,




Academic Year 2021 - 2022


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. National Level Workshop titled “Hands-On training in Machine Learning using PYTHON”

Mr. Arunjit Chowdhury,

CEO/ Enterprise Building,

Training Solution,Mumbai

2. AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication & Networking(ETCAN’21)

Dr.Jonathan M cansino,

Quality Assurance Head-EEE Section,

University of Technology and Applied Science,

Sultanate of Oman, Muscat.


Mr. J. Arul, BE, MS.,

IT Specialist,San Jose, Califonia, US

22.10.2021 & 23.10.2021


AICTE – Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy
Sponsored Programme on Internet of Things in Smart cities

1. Mr.Ajay Godara
Founder & CEO,Enovate Skill
Mentor of change (NITI Ayog G.O.I.),
NITTTR, Chandigarh.

2. Dr.Noor Mohammad S.K
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design & Manufacturing(IIITDM)
Kancheepuram, Chennai.

3. Dr. Selvakumar K
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Application
National Institute of Technology, Trichy.

4. Dr.Natesh R.K
Associate Professor
School of Information Technology and
VIT University, Vellore

5. Dr. Lalit Singh
Department of Atomic Energy
Govt. of India

6. Mr.Arunkumar
Technical Manager,
NOKIA Networks , Chennai.

7. Dr.Suresh Babu E
Assistant Professor
NIT, Warangal, Telengana

8. Satish Rao
Technical Manager
Enterprise Building Training Solutions
(EBTS), Patlipada
Thane (W) , Maharashtra.

9. Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.

10. Dr Hitesh Mohapatra
Associate Professor, KL University,
Andhra Pradesh.

11. Dr.R.Murugan
Assistant Professor/ECE,
National Institute of Technology,

12. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor/ EEE,
PSG College of Technology,

13. Dr. Manu K. Vora
Chairman and President, Business
Excellence, Inc., USA Fulbright Specialist,
U. S. Department of State, USA Adjunct
Faculty, School of Professional Studies,
Northwestern University, USA

14. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and
Trichy, Tamilnadu

20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021


DECRA’21 Association Inauguration & Career Guidance Programme

Regional Join Director,
District Employment Career Guidance Centre,




Dr. R.Asokan,
Kongunadu college of engineering and technology,



Academic Year 2020 - 2021


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. AICTE Sponsored Online Two Weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) On Emerging Trends and Challenges in VLSI Mixed Signal Processing for Fourth Industrial Revolution- Phase III 1. Dr.Kumaravel.S
Associate Professor / Head
Department of ECE,
2. Dr. Rajesh mehra
NITTTR, Chandigarh
3. Dr. Kumar Prasannajit Pradhan
Assistant Professor / ECE
IIITDM, Kancheepuram.
4. Dr. V. Geetha
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu college of engineering,
5. Mr.Raj kumar,
Application Engineer
VI solutions
6. Dr Shaila Subbaraman
Ex-Dean (Academic),
Walchand College of Engineering
Senior Digital IC Design Engineer,
ST Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Lte,
8. Mr. Suresh A
Senior Technical Leader,
Aricent Technologies,
9. Dr. R. S Sabeenian,
Sona College of Engineering,
10. Dr. B. Sargunam,
Professor and Head / ECE,
School of Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore- 641 108.
11. Mr.Kedharnath, Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
12. Dr. D. Malathi,
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu College of Engineering,
13. Dr. K. Paramasivam,
Professor, EEE
Kumaraguru College of Technology,
14. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor/ECE & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
15. S.Umadevi,
Assistant Professor
VIT chennai
16. Dr. V. Jeyalakshmi,
Anna university
17. Mrs. Umamaheswari,
Technical Manager,
Parnura Sftware Ltd.,
18. Mr. Navin Sankar,
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
19. Lokeshwaran Kittappan,
Tonbo imaging Pvt ltd,
Senior member in technical team
12.04.2021 to 24.04.2021
2. 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’21)
Dr.M.Sridevi, Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
National Institute of Technology,Trichy
3. AICTE Sponsored Online Two Weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) On
Emerging Trends and Challenges in VLSI Mixed Signal Processing for Fourth Industrial Revolution- Phase II
1. Dr.Kumaravel.S
Associate Professor / Head
Department of ECE,
2. Dr. Rajesh mehra
NITTTR, Chandigarh
3. Dr Shaila Subbaraman
Ex-Dean (Academic),
Walchand College of Engineering
4. Dr. V. Geetha
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu college of engineering,
5. Mr. L.V. Kedharnath
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
6. Mr. L.V. Kedharnath
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
7. Dr. D. Jayanthi,
8. Mrs. Uma Maheswari Y,
Manager Technology,
Pramura Software Private Limited, Tamilnadu.
9. Dr. R. S Sabeenian,
Sona College of Engineering,
10. Dr. B. Sargunam,
Professor and Head / ECE,
School of Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore- 641 108.
11. Mr. Navin Sankar,
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
12. Mr. Navin Sankar,
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
13. Dr. D. Malathi,
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu College of Engineering,
14. Dr. K. Paramasivam,
Professor, EEE
Kumaraguru College of Technology,
15. Dr. Kumar Prasannajit Pradhan
Assistant Professor / ECE
IIITDM, Kancheepuram.
Senior Digital IC Design Engineer,
ST Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Lte,
17. Dr. V. Jeyalakshmi,
Anna university

18. Mr. Suresh A
Senior Technical Leader,
Aricent Technologies,
01.03.2021 to 13.03.2021
4. AICTE Sponsored Online Two Weeks Faculty Development Program (FDP) On
Emerging Trends and Challenges in VLSI Mixed Signal Processing for Fourth Industrial Revolution- Phase I
1. Dr.Kumaravel.S
Associate Professor / Head
Department of ECE,
2. Dr. Rajesh mehra
NITTTR, Chandigarh
3. Dr. S. Yuvaraj,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
4. Dr. V. Geetha
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu college of engineering,
5. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Associate HoD,
Department of EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
6. Dr.Jeyalakshmi,
Anna university
Senior Digital IC Design Engineer,
ST Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Lte,

8. Dr.D.Malathi,
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongu college of engineering.
9. Dr. R. S Sabeenian,
Sona College of Engineering,
10. Dr. B. Sargunam,
Professor and Head / ECE,
School of Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore- 641 108.
11. Mr. Navin Sankar,
Entuple Technologies Pvt & Ltd
12. L.V. Kedharnath
Entuple technologies pvt & ltd
13. Dr. J. Manjula
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Kattankulathur Campus,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
14. Dr. Kumar Prasannajit Pradhan
Assistant Professor / ECE
IIITDM, Kancheepuram.
15. Dr Shaila Subbaraman
Ex-Dean (Academic),
Walchand College of Engineering
Sangli, Maharashtra, India
16. Dr.R.Murugan
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar,Assam.
17. Prof. M. Hasan
(PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Department of Electronics Engineering
AMU, Aligarh, India.
18. Dr. V. Amudha,
Saveetha school of engineering,
19. Lokeshwaran Kittappan,
Tonbo imaging Pvt ltd,
Senior member in technical team
08.02.2021 to 20.02.2021
5. AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) On
Emerging Trends and Research Challenges in Next Generation Wireless Networks-Phase IV
1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor/ECE & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
2. Dr. Jagadeesh Kakarla
Assistant Professor / CSE
IIITD&M Kancheepuram
3. Dr.Rahul Johari,
Assistant Professor,
School of Information, Communication and Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi.
4. Dr.S.K.Nivetha,
Associate Professor/ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode,Tamil Nadu.
5. Dr. R. S Sabeenian,
Sona College of Technology,Salem,
6. Dr. G.Prakash
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade)/CSE,
Amrita School of Engineering,
7. Dr.K.Kanagasundaram
Principal Technical Specialist
Nokia, Bangalore
8. Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel,
Program Director,
University of Technology,
9. Dr. Jonathan M Cansino
Quality Assurance Head- EEE Section University of Technology,
10. Dr.V.Mohanraj
Professor/ IT
Sona College of Technology, Salem
11. Mr.Arunkumar
Technical Manager Nokia Netwoks, Chennai
29.03.2021 to 3.04.2021
6. AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) On
Emerging Trends and Research Challenges in Next Generation Wireless Networks-Phase III
1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor/ECE & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Trichy, Tamilnadu
2. Dr. Jagadeesh Kakarla
Assistant Professor / CSE
IIITD&M Kancheepuram
3. Dr.S.K.Nivetha,
Associate Professor/ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode,Tamil Nadu.
4. Dr. R. S Sabeenian,
Sona College of Technology,Salem,
5. Dr.V.Bhanumathi
Assistant Professor/ECE
Anna University Regional Campus
6. Dr.Rahul Johari,
Assistant Professor,
School of Information, Communication and Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi.
7. Dr.K.Kanagasundaram
Principal Technical Specialist
Nokia, Bangalore
8. Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel,
Program Director,
University of Technology,
9. Dr. Jonathan M Cansino
Quality Assurance Head- EEE Section University of Technology,
10. Dr.M.E.Paramasivam
Assistant Professor/ ECE
Sona College of Technology
11. Dr. G.Prakash
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade)/CSE,
Amrita School of Engineering,
15.03.2021 to 20.03.2021
7. AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) On
Emerging Trends and Research Challenges in Next Generation Wireless Networks-Phase II
1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor/ECE & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
2. Mr. Navin Sankar,
Entuple Technologies pvt Ltd
3. Dr.R.Sudarmani
Associate Professor/ECE Avinashilingam University
4. Dr.S.K.Nivetha,
Associate Professor/ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode,Tamil Nadu.
5. Dr.Rahul Johari,
Assistant Professor,
School of Information, Communication and Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi.
6. Dr. G.Prakash
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade)/CSE,
Amrita School of Engineering,
7. Dr. Jagadeesh Kakarla
Assistant Professor / CSE
IIITD&M Kancheepuram
8. Mr.S.Esakki Raja
Sr.Application Engineer
VI Solutions, Bangalore
9. Dr.K.Kanagasundaram,
Principal Technical Specialist
Nokia, Bangalore
10. Dr. Jonathan M Cansino
Quality Assurance Head- EEE Section University of Technology,
11. Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel,
Program Director,
University of Technology,
22.02.2021 to 27.02.2021
8. AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) On
Emerging Trends and Research Challenges in Next Generation Wireless Networks-Phase I
1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor/ECE & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
2. Dr. Jagadeesh Kakarla
Assistant Professor / CSE
IIITD&M Kancheepuram
3. Dr.R.Sudarmani
Associate Professor/ECE
Avinashilingam University
4. Dr.S.K.Nivetha,
Associate Professor/ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode,Tamil Nadu.
5. Mr.A.Manimaran
Assistant Manager
VI Solutions, Bangalore
6. Dr. G.Prakash
Assistant Professor(Sr.Grade)/CSE,
Amrita School of Engineering,
7. Dr.K.Kanagasundaram
Principal Technical Specialist
Nokia, Bangalore
8. Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel,
Program Director,
University of Technology,
9. Dr. Jonathan M Cansino
Quality Assurance Head- EEE Section University of Technology,
10. Dr.Rahul Johari,
Assistant Professor,
School of Information, Communication and Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi.
01.02.2021 to 6.02.2021
9. STTP on Research Challenges and Application of Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture- Phase IV 1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Trichy, Tamilnadu
2. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Associate HoD,
Department of EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
3.Dr.P.Ganesh Kumar
Department of IT,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai, Tamilnadu.
4. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University,
Vellore, Tamilnadu
5. Dr.K.V.Eswaramoorthy,
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Design & Manufacturing(IIITDM), Kurnool
Andhra Pradesh.
6.Mr.Ajay Godara
Founder & CEO,Enovate Skill
Mentor of change (NITI Ayog G.O.I.),
NITTTR, Chandigarh.
8.Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode, Tamil Nadu.
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu
Assistant Professor/ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam.
14.12.2020 to 19.12.2020
10. STTP on Research Challenges and Application of Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture- Phase III 1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Trichy, Tamilnadu
2. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Associate HoD,
Department of EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
3.Dr.P.Ganesh Kumar
Department of IT,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai, Tamilnadu.
4. Dr.S.Maheswaran,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode, Tamil Nadu.
Assistant Professor/ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam.
6. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University,
Vellore, Tamilnadu
7.Mr.Ajay Godara
Founder & CEO,Enovate Skill
Mentor of change (NITI Ayog G.O.I.),
NITTTR, Chandigarh.
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu
9.Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
10. Dr.R.Murugan
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar,Assam.
30.11.2020 to 05.12.2020
11.   STTP on Research Challenges and Application of Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture-Phase II  1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Trichy, Tamilnadu
2. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Associate HoD,
Department of EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
3.Dr.P.Ganesh Kumar
Department of IT,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai, Tamilnadu.
4.Mr.Ajay Godara
Founder & CEO,Enovate Skill
Mentor of change (NITI Ayog G.O.I.),
NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Assistant Professor/ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam.
6. Dr.R.M.Swarnapriya
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu
7. Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
8. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University,
Vellore, Tamilnadu
9. Dr.R.Murugan
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar,Assam.
10. Dr.S.Maheswaran,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode, Tamil Nadu.
17.11.2020 to 22.11.2020 
12. STTP on Research Challenges and Application of Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture- Phase I

1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,
Trichy, Tamilnadu

2. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Associate HoD,
Department of EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
3. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University,
Vellore, Tamilnadu
.4.Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
5. Mr.J.R.Manju
IoT Lab Faculty,
Siemens Center of Excellence in Manufacturing,
National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamilnadu
6. Dr.R.Murugan
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam.
7. Dr.P.Ganesh Kumar
Department of IT,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai, Tamilnadu.
8. Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel,
Program Director,
University of Technology,
9. Dr.S.Maheswaran,
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode, Tamil Nadu.

02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020
13. AICTE – Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy
Sponsored Programme on Internet of Things (IoT)
1. Dr.R.Asokan
Professor & Principal,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamilnadu.
2. Mr.Ajay Godara
Founder & CEO,Enovate Skill
Mentor of change (NITI Ayog G.O.I.),
NITTTR, Chandigarh.
3. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu
4. Dr.Rahul Johari
Assistant Professor,
School of Information, Communication and Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi.
5. Dr.R.M.Swarnapriya
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu
8. Dr.K.Suganyadevi
Assistant Professor/ECE,
National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam.
9. Dr.Muruganatham Ponnusamy
Saintgits Group of Institutions
Kottukulam Hills, Pathamuttom
Kottayam, Kerala.
10. Dr. L. Ashok Kumar
Professor/ EEE,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
11. Mr.T.N.Raj Vignesh
Chief Technical Officer,
Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLP,
Salem, Tamilnadu.
12. Dr.P.Ganesh Kumar
Professor/ IT,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai, Tamilnadu.
13. Dr.V.Mohanraj
Professor / IT
Sona College of Technology, Salem.
25.01.2021 to 29.01.2021



Dr. R.Asokan,
Kongunadu college of engineering and


15. Decra Fest 2020 Dr.Gunasekaran Thangavel ,
Program Director,
Telecommunication engineering ,
EEE Section , University of
Technology and Applied Sciences ,
Muscat, sultanate of Oman.


DECRA’20 Association Inauguration

Dr.Prakash Duraisamy, Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
University of South Alabama, U.S.A.


Academic Year 2019 - 2020


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Intra-Department Techno Event "Resisthor" Dr.PSK.R.Periaswamy, Chairman, Kongunadu Educational Institutions, Thottiam


2. National Conference titled “Emerging Trends in Communication & Networking”

Dr.R.Asokan, Principal, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam.

3. National Level Workshop titled “Hands on training on Artificial Intelligence”

Ms. Shanmugapriya Selvi, AI Developer, Galwin Technology,Trichy

4. National Level Workshop titled “Hands on training on IoT”

Ms. Barveen Rizana Begam,IoT Developer,Galwin Technology,Trichy

Mr.Dheepan,Embedded Developer, Galwin Technology, Trichy

5. Workshop on “Optimized Design Analysis for Xilinx 7 Series FPGA Using VIVADO”

Mr.K.Lokeshwaran,Senior FPGA Architect

Optimal Solutions,Bangalore.

6. Workshop on “Hands on training on Artificial Intelligence”

Shanmugapriya Selvi,AI Developer

Galwin Technology,Trichy

7. Workshop on “Hands on training on IoT”

BarveenRizanaBegam,IoT Developer

Dheepan,Embedded Developer

Galwin Technology,Trichy

 8. Faculty Development training programme on EC8562-Wireless Communication

Dr.N.Sathish Kumar,,Professor/ECE

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering college, Coimbatore

Dr.V.Bhanumathi,Assistant Professor/ECE

Anna university regional campus,Coimbatore.

Dr.P Kumar,Professor/ECE

K.S.R College of Technology,Tiruchengode.

Dr.R.Vinod Kumar,Professor/ECE

Sona college of Technology,Salem

Dr.A. Immanuvel,Professor/ECE

Paavai college of Engineering,Namakkal.

Dr.M. Dharmalingam,HOD/ECE,

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,


09.12.2019 to 14.12.2019 
9.  Workshop on “Hands on training Arduino”

 Mr. Lithin K. Devasia,
Technical Leader,
Networkz systems,
Bhadra Centre,
Ayurveda college junction,

  10. Workshop on “Training in PCB design and fabrication”

Mr. Sundarasan Muthaiyah,Proprietor,MSB Electronics,Salem

11. TEK CLUSTER 2019 Mr.G.Ravindran,General Manager,District Industries Centre,Trichy 09.08.2019
12. DECRA 2K19 Association Inauguration

Mr. V. Muruganandam, JGM,CCNS,
Airports Authority of India,


Academic Year 2018 - 2019


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. ISTE workshop on “Digital Image Processing” using MATLAB

Mr. T. Yuvaraja, Assistant Professor
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

2. National level workshop on “Emerging Trends in Internet Of Things”

Ms. K.Prithiya, Managing Director, Galwin Technology, Trichy




Mr.M.V.Ravichandar, Senior General Manager, HR & Legal Sundram Motors,Coimbatore



DECRA 2K18 Association Inauguration

Mr. V. Ramachandran, General Manager, Kothari Sugars & chemicals, Lalgudi, Trichy



International Conference on  Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’19)

Dr.R.S.Sabeenian, Professor & Head, Department of ECE, Sona College of Technology, Salem

Dr.C.Govindaraju, Assistant Professor/EEE, Government College of Engineering, Salem

Dr. G. Subashini, Professor, Department of Robotics and Automation Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
 6. Workshop on “Hands on Training in PCB Design and fabrication”

Dr. K. Amudha, Associate Professor,

Mrs. T. Meenal, Assistant Professor,

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam
 7.  Workshop on IOT

Ms. M. Prithiya

Managing Director,

Galwin Technology, Trichy
8. Workshop on Emerging Trends in Wireless Communication using  Arduino and Raspberry PI

Mr. G. Gurumoorthy,

Software Engineer,

Propeller Technology,

9. Workshop on Recent Trends in MEMS Technology

Mr. G. Gurumoorthy,

Software Engineer,

Propeller Technology,


Dr. B. Umarani, Associate Professor

Mr. S. Baskar, Assistant Professor

Mr. A. Sureshkumar, Assistant Professor

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam
10. Awareness Program on “First Aid Management for public” Dr. M. Sivakumar, Orthopaedic Surgeon, M.M Hospitals, Namakkal 07.08.2018
11. Workshop on MATLAB for Engineers

Mr. R. Shankar,

Assistant Professor

Mr.T. Yuvaraja,

Assistant Professor

Mr. N. Jayapal,

Assistant Professor

Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam

Academic Year 2017 - 2018


 Event Name

Resource Person


1. Workshop titled “Hands on training on PCB Design and Fabrication”

Dr.K.Amudha, Associate Professor
Mrs.T.Meenal, Assistant Professor
Mr.S.Pradeep, Assistant Professor
Kongunadu college of engineering and Technology

2. Workshop on IoT

Ms. K.Prithiya, Managing Director, Galwin Technology,Trichy

3. Workshop on PCB Design

Mr.Babu, ponni Electronics, Ganapathi, Coimbatore

4. Workshop on Hands on Training for PCB Design and Fabrication

Dr.K Amudha Associate Professor
Mr. S Pradeep Assistant Professor
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

5. TekCluster'17

Asst Executive Director
Finance at Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited, 
Trichy, TamilNadu.

6. Workshop on PCB Design

Mr. Babu, Manager,
Ponni Electronics,Coimbatore


CSIR Sponsored National level workshop on ““Internet of Things (IOT) – A HOME AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY THAT EMPOWER PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY

Mr.T.Rajvignesh, Technical Officer, Salieabs Electronics Engineers LLB Salem
Mr.T.Kannan, Project Manager NTT Trichy.
Mr.R.S.Venkatachalam, MD,WIZAARD SYSTEMS

         26.07.2017&         27.07.2017 


 DECRA 2k16 Association Inauguration

Mr.S.Selvakumar, Senior Manager-HR, Emerson Industrial Automation Control Techniques India Pvt Ltd., Chennai


Academic Year 2016 - 2017


 Event Name

Resource Person


 1. International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering Dr. S.Krishnakumar,Senior Officer, DRDO,Chennai,
Editor-Springer and Professor,
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore.

Dr. V.Sankaranarayanan, 
National Institute of Technology,Trichy

Dr. B.Balamurugan
VIT University, Vellore.

24.03.2017 -

2.  ISTE Associated One day national level workshop on “MATLAB for Beginners”  - Workshop

Assistant Professor,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam.

Assistant Professor,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology.
3.  MATLAB For Creators - Workshop

Assistant Professor,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Thottiam.

4.  Electrical and Electronics Circuit design using CAD  - Workshop

Centre Head,
LIVE WIRE For Live Careers, Namakkal

Mr.E.Ashok Kumar,
Centre Manager,
CAD Centre Training Services

11.01.2017 -

5.  FDP on EC 6402 Communication Theory

Dr.R.Asokan, Principal, KNCET
Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Trichy

Dr.V.Bhanumathi, Assistant Professor,
Anna university ,Regional Campus Coimbatore.

Professor and Head ECE,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Trichy

Prof.T.Ashok, Assistant Professor,
MAM School of Engineering,Trichy.

Mr.R.Veeramani, Assistant Professor,
KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode.

Mr.V.Bharathi, Assistant Professors,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Thottiam.

- 18.12.2016

4. Workshop on Analysis of Signals using Matlab Tools

Assistant Professor,
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

 5. Workshop on Embedded C- Designing and Development  in Real Time Advanced Projects Mr.N.Santhanam, Coordinator,TCIL IT,Trichy 17.09.2016 
6. TEK Cluster 2k16

Mr. Meka Venkata Chalapathy
Hiring Head
Virtusa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd


IoT Workshop

Mr. Dharmesh Koria
Mr. Yadnesh Zagade
Mr. Mukesh Choudhary
Technical Specialist ROBOKART.COM, Bombay

29.07.2016 - 30.07.2016
8. DECRA 2k16 Association Inauguration

Mr. E. Guru Rajesh Technical Specialist Nokia India Pvt.Ltd Chennai


 Academic Year 2015 - 2016


 Event Name

Resource Person



Workshop on Practical Approaches on MATLAB and CADENCE

1.Mr.T.Yuvaraja, (AP /KNCET)

2.Mr.A.Lakshminarayanan, (AP /KNCET)

Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Thottiam.



Workshop on Robotics

Mr. Atindranath Das,

Sr. Design Engineer(India Tech Group, Mumbai)



Conference- ETCAN 2016


Human Resources Senior Manager 

Emerson Industrial Automation,Chennai



Workshop on RF Antenna Design

1.Mr.V.Krishnakumar, (AP /KNCET)

2.Mr.K.Shajudeen, (AP /KNCET)

3.Mr.A.Lakshminarayanan, (AP /KNCET)

4.Mr.N.Jayapal, (AP /KNCET)

Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Thottiam.



Faculty Development Program

Mr.Jayaprakash Gandhi,

Career Consultant and Analyst 

(Correspondent McGAN’S Oooty School of Architecture,Chennai)



Faculty Development Program on CS6551 Computer Networks


Assistant Professor (Senior Grade),

Sona College of Technology

2.Dr.J.Velligiri, (Prof/KNCET)

3.Dr.P.Kannan, (Prof/KNCET)

4.Mr.M.Dharmalingam, (AP/KNCET)

5.Mr.P.Elayaraja, (AP/KNCET)

6.Mr.D.Karthikeyan, (AP/KNCET)

7.Mr. Mr. D.Felix Xavier Dhas, (AP/KNCET)

Kongunadu College of Engineering and  Technology,Thottiam.

14.12.2015 -20.12.2015


 Technical Symposium

Mr. R Shankar Narayanan,

Chief operating officer,

Harita Techserv Ltd, Chennai.


 Academic Year 2014 - 2015


 Event Name

Resource Person



FDP on Analog and digital Communication


Dr. R.S.Sabeenian

Dr. K.Ganesan

Dr. T.Lalitha



Mr. R.Shankar


Mr T.Yuvaraja

Mr.A.Lakshminarayanan, Anna University



Technical Symposium TekCluster 2014


Head educational Initiatives

Sector Skill Council,NASSCOM



Workshop on Practical Approach to Android Based Mobile Applications


Software Engineer


Project Engineer

Rana Power Solutions ,Salem



Workshop on ISTE Associated Practical Approach of Digital signal processing using Matlab

Mr.R.Shankar (AP /ECE)

Mr.T.Yuvaraja(AP /ECE)

Mr.P.Elayaraja(AP /ECE)

Mr.A.Lakshminarayanan (AP /ECE)

Self Supporting



Workshop on Analog and Digital VLSI Design using Cadence

Mr.Gaurav Kumar Sharma

Technical Head

Cadence Design Systems Inc, Bangalore



Workshop on Easy Electronics






Workshop for MATLAB begineers







Self Supporting



One Day Workshop on Television & Video Engineering

Mr.M. Dharmalingam,




Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology



Workshop on VLSI DESIGN Using Cadence Tool Suite





Self Supporting



National Conference on  Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking


Managing Director

VI Micro Systems, Chennai


 Academic Year 2013 - 2014


Event Name

Resource Person



Workshop on “Emerging trends in VLSI  circuits design  using CAD tools”

Mr. P. Maheshkannan

Polenza Technologies, Chennai



Workshop on “Signal processing and its applications”

Mr. Jasmine Dennis

Mr. V. Sivan


VI Micro Systems




Mrs.Priyasri Anilkumar

Honeywell International PVT  Ltd



Workshop on “Realtime Applications of LABVIEW”





In house workshop on”MATLAB: A Tool for Researchers”





National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking”


Professor & Dean,

Nandha Engineering College



Demonstration on HAM Radio


Service Provider,

HAM Club Member, Namakkal.


Faculty Development
Programme on Computer

Dr. R.Asokan,


Mr. M.Dharmalingam,


Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

16.12.2013 - 22.12.2013

Academic Year 2012 - 2013


 Event Name

Resource Person



Workshop on “ Implementation of signal processing and image processing


Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore



National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking”

Dr.M. Madheswaran


Muthayammal Engineering college



Symposium ZOOR’S


Divisional Engineer, BSNL, Namakkal



Friday, 28 April 2017 06:44

Internship Details


Academic Year  2023 - 2024

Click here to view Details


Academic Year  2022 - 2023

Click here to view Details


Academic Year  2021 - 2022

Click here to view Details


Academic Year  2020 - 2021

Click here to view Details


Academic Year  2019 - 2020




B. Hema, P. Gohulraj and V.Nivetha, of IV year ECE has undergone 3 months internship training conducted by E Noah isolution India Pvt Ltd, Chennai from December 2019  to February 2020


R. Baskar, of III year ECE has undergone 3 days internship training on “Bio-Healthcare Machine Learning” conducted by, Sona College of Technology, Salem from 26.06.2019  to 28.06.2019


J.Aravinthan, P.Jayaprakash and K. Kavin, of III year ECE has undergone 3 days internship training on “Internet of Things” conducted by, Sona College of Technology, Salem from 26.06.2019  to 28.06.2019


V. Mohanraj, A.R. Navin, K.Siva and S. Venkadesh, of III year ECE has undergone 3 days internship training on “Bio-Healthcare Machine Learning and Internet of Things” conducted by Sona College of Technology, Salem from 26.06.2019  to 28.06.2019

 Academic Year  2018 - 2019




K.S.Sabarish Kumaran and P.Varun  of III year ECE have undergone one month internship training conducted by Smartant Technologies, Chennai from 02.06.2018 to 05.07.2018


T. Sathish, of III year ECE has undergone 3 days internship training conducted by Oxina motors, Trichy  from 06.06.2018  to 08.06.2018


NijithaSri, R. Preetha, P. Shalini, G. Ajith and T. Subash Chandru have undergone 5 days internship training conducted by CMS IT Training Institute, Trichy from 20.08.2018 to 24.08.2018


K.S.Sabarish Kumaran , P.Varun  of III year ECE has undergone one month internship Training conducted by Smartant Technologies,Arumbakkam, Chennai from 2.06.2018 to 5.07.2018


NijithaSri, R. Preetha, P. Shalini, G. Ajith and T. Subash Chandru of III year ECE have undergone 5 days internship training conducted by CMS Infotech Private Ltd, Trichy from 20.08.2018 to 24.08.2018


K.S.Sabarish Kumaran , P.Varun and S.R. Yogavarshini of III year ECE has undergone three months internship Training conducted by Infynect Labs Pvt Ltd, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy from 6.12.2017 to 28.02.2018

Academic Year  2017 - 2018




C.Kowsalya, R.Geetha, K.Gayathri, T.Keshika , of IV year ECE have undergone 8 days internship training conducted by Emerson Industrial Automation Control Technique India Pvt Ltd, Chennai from 22.05.2017 To 29.05.2017


M.Vaishnavi, P.Vaideki, S.Swathi, of IV year ECE have undergone 9 days internship training conducted by MSB Electronics Near Winstar Castle, Ramakrishna park road ,Salem from 03.07.2017  to 11.07.2017


P.Uvarani, S.Monisha, Rarthi, S.Abinaya, S.Leelavathi and M.Geethapriya of IV year ECE have undergone 6 days internship training conducted by MSB Electronics Near Winstar Castle, Ramakrishna park road, Salem from 12.07.2017  to 17.07.2017


A.Swathi and P.Nandhini of IV year ECE have undergone 6 days internship training conducted by MSB Electronics Near Winstar Castle, Ramakrishna park road, Salem from 11.08.2017  to 16.08.2017


Deepa.S, Deepika.G, Karthika.P of III year ECE has undergone 3 months  internship Training conducted by Infynect Labs Pvt Ltd, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Trichy from 06.12.2017 to 28.02.2018


Sabareesh Kumaran.K.S, Sangeethram.M of III year ECE has undergone 3 days  internship Training conducted by Wizzard Systems Coimbatore from 27.11.2017 to 29.11.2017


 Manojkumar.D of II year ECE has undergone 3 days  internship Training conducted by Wizzard Systems Coimbatore from 27.11.2017 to 29.11.2017


Revathi.M, Aruna.G, Rubini.T, Santhosh.K.B of III year ECE has undergone 5 days  internship Training conducted by Pon Electronics, Coimbatore from 20.11.2017 to 24.11.2017


Keerthi.S, Kavyasri.P, Kowsika.T of III year ECE has undergone 3 days  internship Training conducted by Wizzard Systems Coimbatore from 20.11.2017 to 22.11.2017


Poorani.J of III year ECE has undergone 3 days  internship Training conducted by Wizzard Systems Coimbatore from 20.11.2017 to 22.11.2017

Academic Year  2016 - 2017



1. Kowsalya.C, Geetha.R, Gayathri.K, Keshika.T of III year ECE has undergone 8 days  internship Training conducted by Emerson Industrial Automation Control Technique India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. from 22.05.2017 to 29.05.2017

G.Logu, D.Gowtham, C.Keran Kumar and K.N.Bharath of III Year ECE students  have undergone 5 days internship training conducted by Emerson Industrial Automation Control Techniques India Pvt.Ltd, Chennai from 09.01.2017 to 13.01.2017.


S. Karthika, M. kowsalya, A. Gousikaa Devi, P. Deepika and S. Arthy of IV year ECE students  have undergone 30 days internship training conducted by Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Limited, karur from 07.09.2016 to 06.10.2016.


R. Archana, A. Dheethichidha, R. Keerthana, R.S. Priyanga, George V Vincent, I. Lawrence, P. Mohanlal, V. Mohanasundram, K. Manikandan, V. Ranjith, S. Sasitharan, S. Ramkumar, S. Sanjeev, C. Suhashini, M. Pradeepa, S. Santhiya, D. Prabha,  P.Premkumar, K. Santhosh Kumari, P. Parakath Begam, U. Vithya of IV year ECE students  had undergone 5 days internship Training conducted by  Wizard Systems, Coimbatore from 23.08.2016 to 29.08.2016


M.Nalini, V. Ruby, S.Susmitha, K. Vishnupriya and M. Nanadhini of IV year ECE students have undergone the 6 days internship training conducted by Bharat Electronics Ltd, Chennai from 11.07.2016 to 16.07.2016.


K. Rajeswari, T. Priyanka, R. Priyadharshini and S. Preethi of IV year ECE students have undergone the 5 days internship training conducted by  Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Triunelveli from 11.07.2016 to 15.07.2016.


C. Ajeeth Kumar and R. Gopi, of III year ECE students have undergone the 15 days internship training conducted by Emerson Industrial Automation Control Techniques India Pvt.Ltd, Chennai from 16.06.2016 to 30.06.2016.


M.Srinivas and S. Munna of IV year ECE students have undergone the 15 days internship training conducted by Emerson Industrial Automation Control Techniques India Pvt.Ltd, Chennai from 16.06.2016 to 30.06.2016.





Friday, 28 April 2017 06:33

Industrial Visit

 Academic Year 2023 – 2024



 Name of Industry Name

No. of  Students



ISRO Propulsion Complex(IPRC)


Tirunelveli Dist., - 627 133

Tamil Nadu
II ECE A & B -  (133) 28.03.2024

Retech Lasers,

28, Sundar Nagar Extension,

Varatharajapuram, Kundrathur,

Tambaram, Chennai - 600048

III ECE A & B -  (134) 28.03.2024

Kaynes Technology,

IV ECE A & B -  (135) 14.08.2023

Techvolt Software Pvt Ltd,


III ECE A & B -  (115)



S & T Workshop,



II ECE B -  (55) 27.09.2023

S & T Workshop,



II ECE A -  (55) 25.09.2023


Academic Year 2022 – 2023 


 Name of Industry Name

No. of  Students





Pondicherry - 605106
III Year (112) 18.03.2023

ISRO Propulsion Complex(IPRC),

Mahendragiri Post,

Tirunelveli - 627133
II Year (135) 06.02.2023

Kaynes Technology India Limited,

Plot No. 339,

Hebbal Industrial Area,


Mysore - 570016

IV Year (81) 22.10.2022

Nestsoft Technology – Infopark TBC, Cochin,

Ernakulam (District),


II Year B (52) 22.10.2022

Radio Astrology Centre,

TATA Institute of Fundamental research,


Ooty -643001

III Year A (56 ) 21.10.2022

Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation


Keltron Controls Arror,

Alappuzha - 688534

III Year B (31) 21.10.2022

Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation


Keltron Controls Arror,

Alappuzha -688534
II Year A (50) 21.10.2022


S&T Workshop,

Southern Railway,



II Year A 61



S&T Workshop,

Southern Railway,



II Year B 62



ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC),

Mahendragiri Post,

Tirunelveli - 627133

III Year 117 08.08.2022


 Academic Year 2019 – 2020


 Name of the Industry

No. of Students




Indira Gandhi Nagar,

Pondicherry 605001
IV Year 39 06.03.2020

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project,

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited,

III Year 50 06.03.2020

All India Radio,


Kodaikanal 624101
III Year 51 21.02.2020

Government of India,

Department of Space,

Vikram Sarabhai Space centre,

IV Year 42 19.02.2020

BPL Telecom Private limited,


II Year 44 08.02.2020

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited,


II Year 46 11.01.2020
7. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant(KKNPP), Tirunelveli IV Year 46 06.09.2019
8. BPL, Telecom Private limited, Palakkad, Kerala-678 007 III year 54 19.07.2019


BPL, Medical Technologies, Pvt.,Ltd,

Palakkad, Kerala
III year 54 19.07.2019


Signal & Telecom Workshops,

Southern railway,

Podanur, Coimbatore
II Year 44 02.07.2019


Signal & Telecom Workshops,

Southern railway,

Podanur, Coimbatore
II Year 46 01.07.2019


BPL, Medical Technologies, Pvt.,Ltd,

Palakkad, Kerala
III year 54 29.06.2019


Academic Year 2018 – 2019


 Name of the Industry

No. of Students



Kothari Sugars & chemicals, Lalgudi, Trichy.

IV Year 48



Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Tirunelveli.

IV Year 45



TNPL, Karur

III Year 48 14.07.2018


TNPL, Karur

III Year 49 11.08.2018 

S & T Workshops,
Southern railway,

II Year 48 10.09.2018 

S & T Workshops,
Southern railway,

II Year 55  11.09.2018

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP),  Tirunelveli.

IV Year - 46 08.02.2019

S & T Workshops,
Southern railway,

 III Year - 48


 III Year - 31



TECHNO PAC – SP Automation Coimbatore

II Year - 59  04.02.19 

TECHNO PAC – SP Automation Coimbatore

 II Year - 53 04.02.19 

Academic Year 2017 - 2018


Name of the  Industry

No. of Students



TECHNO PAC – SP AUTOMATION, 64, Athipalayam Rd, Gopalakrishnapuram, Ganapathypudur, Coimbatore

II Year-100 18.12.2107

Radio Astronomy Center, Tata Insititute of Fundamental Research Post Box 8, Udhagamandalam (Ooty)

III Year-88 21.12.2018

Kothari Sugars And Chemicals Ltd, Kattur (Po), Lalkudi Tk, Trichy

II year 48 27.01.2018

Salzer Electronics Ltd, Samichettipalayam, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

IV Year 40 27.01.2018

Signal & Telecommunication Workshop, Office of the CWM, Southern Railway, Pothanur

III Year-43 29.01.2018

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd., Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant(KKNPP),  Kudankulam, Tirunelveli – Tamilnadu

IV Year 48 09.02.2018

TECHNO PAC – SP Automation,

II Year - 108 17.06.2017

BPL Telecommunication
Koottupatha Junction, Chandranagar Colony,
Palakkad, Kerala

III Year - 47 08.07.2017


Salzer Electronic LtdSamichettipalayam, Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

II Year - 49 22.07.2017


V Guard Industries Limited, Coimbatore

II Year-89 05.07.2017


V Guard Industries Limited, Coimbatore

III Year-31 05.07.2017


Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Keloor - Kudankulam Road, Kudankulam, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

IV Year - 48 02.08.2017


Wizzard SystemsGandhipuramCoimbatore III Year - 6 05.08.2017


Realtech Systems9 ,Erode Road Cross Street -1, Vengamedu, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu

III Year - 10 11.08.2017


Saranya Spinning Mills (P) Ltd,10/243, Thuraiyur Main Road, Ponneri Post,Namakkal

IV Year - 115 05.09.2017


MicrosoftEmbassy Golf Links Business Park, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka

IV Year - 01 29.08.2017


Sahaj Software solutionPark, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka

IV Year - 03 13.08.2016


Sahaj Software solutionPark, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka

III Year - 01 13.08.2016

 Academic Year 2016 - 2017


Name of the Industry

No. of Students


1. BSNL-Trichy
III Year – 13 & II Year - 6
28.11.16 to 02.12.16 &
12.12.16 to 16.12.16
2. TNPL -Karur
III Year – 17 & III Year - 6
30.11.16 to 05.12.16 &
12.12.16 to 16.12.16

isoft Solutions -Salem

III Year - 3 12.12.16 to 14.12.16

All india radio-Trichy

III Year - 20 28.11.16 to 02.12.16

Meenakshi Research Madurai

III Year - 1 25.11.16 to 01.12.16

PRASAR BHARATI- Doordarshan Kendra, Chennai.

III Year - 3 28.11.16 to 02.12.16

PRASAR BHARATI- Doordarshan Kendra, Madurai

III Year - 5 28.11.16 to 02.12.16


III Year - 1 28.11.16 to 02.12.16


III Year - 1 28.11.16 to 02.12.16

TVS, Madurai

II Year - 1 08.12.16 to 10.12.16

Infoem solutions, Namakkal

II Year - 3 10.12.16 to 17.12.16

Vivin Tex,Kadalur

II Year - 8 12.12.16 to 14.12.16


Rectifier Electronics, FM Station Road, Kodaikanal

III Year - 41 12.08.2016

TCBS Computer Education Ltd, Irimpanam,

Tripunithura, Ernakulam-Kerala

II Year - 73 18.07.2016


ACE Components & Electronics Pvt.Ltd, Mysuru

IV Year - 47 18.07.2016

Avian, Aerospace Banaswadi, Bangalore

III Year - 50 16.07.2016

 Academic Year 2015- 2016


Name of the Industry

No. of Students



TCBS Computer Education Ltd, Karur

III Year - 20 30.11.2015 - 04.12.2015

Cavin Kare pvt Ltd Erode

III Year - 02 01.12.2015 - 05.12.2015


Chips Software Systems, Kerala

II Year - 42  16.08.2015


Chips Software Systems, Hospital Road, Banglore.

III Year - 48 17.08.2015


Chips Software Systems, Kerala

II Year- 44  16.08.2015


ACE Components & Electronics (p) Ltd, plot No 12,

Hootagalli Industrial Area, Mysuru.

IV Year - 53 20.07.2015

Academic Year 2014 - 2015


 Name of Industry

No. of Students



Vi Microsystems Pvt.Ltd.,

Perungudi, Chennai-96

 II Year - 5

09.06.2014 to 13.06.2014 


Prasar Bharati Doordarshan Kendra,


II Year - 6
08.12.2014 to 12.12.2014


HCL centre

#A-10, 1st Main road, Anna Nagar, Uraiyur, Trichy

III Year - 2 12.12.2014 to 13.12.2014




III Year - 3 15.12.2014 to 19.12.2014



III Year - 1 22.12.2014 to 24.12.2014




III Year - 6 22.12.2014 to 25.12.2014


Chips Software Systems

Hospital Road, Ernakulam-682011.

II Year - 120 16.08.2014

 Academic Year 2013 – 2014


 Name of Industry Name

No. of  Students



 Ind-Lab Equipment Pvt.Ltd

 II Year - 52

07.09.2013 to 08.09.2013


Aeolus Aero Tech

III Year - 59

01.08.2013 to 03.08.2013


Aeolus Aero Tech

IV Year - 59 31.07.2013 to 03.08.2013

Academic Year 2012 – 2013


 Name of the Industry

No. of Students




I Year

25.01.2013 to 26.01.2013


Kerala Electrical and Allied Engineering Co.Ltd

II Year

17.08.2012 to 19.08.2012


Kerala Electrical and Allied Engineering Co.Ltd

II Year 15.08.2012 to 18.08.2012




Friday, 28 April 2017 06:16

Students' Achievements

Academic Year 2023 – 2024


Arun C of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 28.03.2024.

Mohan Raj S of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 28.03.2024.

Harini M.R of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024.

Dhivyadharshini M of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27.03.2024.

Manoj Kumar S of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 26.03.2024.

Harish Nithi K of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 26.03.2024.

Sakthivel D of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 26.03.2024.

Manoj G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Technical Puzzle” organized by N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.03.2024.

Kalish K.R.N of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.03.2024.

Manoj R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.03.2024.

Manoj G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.03.2024.

Kaviya Sri R of III year winner in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.03.2024.

Abinaya R of III year winner in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.03.2024.

Manisha M of III year winner in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.03.2024.

Abinandhu Priya K of III year winner in the event “Connected Creations” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.03.2024.

Sowmiya G of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 20.03.2024.

Dhanush S of III year ECE winner in the event “Project expo” organized by Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences, Andhra Pradesh on 15.03.2024

Dharanish V of III year ECE winner in the event “Project expo” organized by Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences, Andhra Pradesh on 15.03.2024.

Dhanush S of III year ECE winner in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Pace Institute of Technology & Sciences, Andhra Pradesh on 15.03.2024.

Sakthivel D of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Hariprakash R of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Santhosh S of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Hariprasath S of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Harish Nithi K of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Logesh V of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Manoj Kumar S of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Sakthivel D of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Aarthi B of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Dharshana S.P of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Dharshini K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Sakthivel D of III year ECE got First place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Hariprakash R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Hariprasath S of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Logesh V of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Harish Nithi K of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Hariprasath S of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Harish Nithi K of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Logesh V of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakkrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 15.03.2024.

Kalis K.R.N of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 14.03.2024.

Manoj G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 14.03.2024.

Manoj R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 14.03.2024.

Saravanan P of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 14.03.2024.

Sathiya Moorthi J of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 14.03.2024.

Balamurugan R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Bug Fix” organized by Alagappa Chettiyar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi from 13.03.2024 to 14.03.2024.

Jayamalini V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Poster Presentation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 09.03.2024.

Durga N of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Forum” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2024.

Harini M.R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Forum” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2024.

Dharshana V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Forum” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 07.03.2024.

Kanishka S of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Abinaya T of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Kanishka S of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Circuit Hunt” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Abinaya T of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Circuit Hunt” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Deepan R of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Dinesh A of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Eswar S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Harish Nithi K of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Manoj Kumar S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Manoj G of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Kalis K.R.N of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Kalis K.R.N of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Manoj R of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Manoj G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Eswar S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 06.03.2024.

Sujitha S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 01.03.2024.

Mathavan E of III year ECE got First place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 01.03.2024.

Sakthivel D of III year ECE got First place in the event “Connections” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 01.03.2024.

Lakshmipraba R of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Papyrus” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Sathya D of III year ECE got First place in the event “Fact or Fusion” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Sathya D of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Stand Up Comedy” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Narmadha S of IV year ECE got First place in the event “Fact or Fusion” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Priyanka S of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Papyrus” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Priyanka S of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Error Epic” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Priyanka S of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Fact or Fusion” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Roshini S of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Fact or Fusion” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Sharmitha A of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Error Epic” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Vivekasri S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Survey Hunt” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Saraswathi R of II year ECE got third place in the event “Survey Hunt” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Abinayashri K of III year ECE got third place in the event “Papyrus” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Abinaya R of III year ECE got third place in the event “Papyrus” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering, Namakal on 29.02.2024.

Dharnish V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 28.02.2024.

Hari Prasath S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 28.02.2024.

Logesh V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 28.02.2024.

Nithish S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Voice Over” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 27.02.2024.

Sharan S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Voice Over” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 27.02.2024.

Saravana Kumar P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Voice Over” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 27.02.2024.

Nihashini C of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 24.02.2024.

Rubini S of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 24.02.2024.

Savitha C of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 24.02.2024.

Poovitha S.R of II year ECE got first place in the event “Dialogue Finding” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 23.02.2024.

Sakthi Sri K of II year ECE got first place in the event “Dialogue Finding” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 23.02.2024.

Pothiraja M of III year ECE got first place in the event “Arduino Daze” organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi from 16.02.2024 to17.02.2024.

Balamurugan R of III year ECE got first place in the event “Arduino Daze” organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi from 16.02.2024 to17.02.2024.

Priyanka S of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.02.2024.

Sangeetha V of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.02.2024.

Mukila K of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Paperina” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal on 07.02.2024.

Kaviya S of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Paperina” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal on 07.02.2024.

Kaviya S of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Code Olumpia” organized by Vivekandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal on 07.02.2024.

Charulatha K of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 07.02.2024.

Mohan Raj S of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 07.02.2024.

Arun C of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 07.02.2024.


Preethi K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Inter Loop Music” organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal  on 19.10.2023 and 20.10.2023.

Dhayalan M of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “I Connect” organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023 and 20.10.2023.

Manibharathi P.K of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “I Connect” organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023 and 20.10.2023.

Vishnu Priyan R of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023 and 20.10.2023.

Balachandran D of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023 and 20.10.2023.

Kaviya S of IV year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023.

Mukila K of IV year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023.

Kaviya S of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023.

Manju P of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2023.

Ravichandran P.V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.9.2023 and 27.9.2023.

Praveenkumar S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.9.2023 and 27.9.2023.

Tamilselvan S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Googler” organized by  Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.9.2023 and 27.9.2023.

Vetrivel K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Googler” organized by  Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 26.9.2023 and 27.9.2023.

Vikram R of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22.9.2023.

Subawarshini S of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Flimo Quest” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22.9.2023.

Poojasri S of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Flimo Quest” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22.9.2023.

Poovitha S.R of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Flimo Quest” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22.9.2023.

Kayalvizhi V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Quizathon” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 22.9.2023.

Anitha M of III year ECE got First place in the event “Electric Tech Expo” organized by  Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.9.2023.

Harsha S.S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.9.2023.

Jayamalini V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 22.9.2023.

Arun C of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21.9.2023.

Balasubramani L of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21.9.2023.

Monish Kumar R of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur on 21.7.2023.

Vikash N of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Brain Quiz” organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.7.2023.

Sowmiya G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Brain Quiz” organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.7.2023.

Surya Gayathri of III year ECE got First place in the event “Brain Quiz” organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.7.2023.

Sowmiya G of III year ECE got First place in the event “Blind Coding” organized by PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 21.7.2023.


Academic Year 2022 – 2023


Arun C of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Papyrus ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Mohanraj S of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Papyrus ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Mukila K of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Kaviya S of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Charulatha K of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Gokul R of III year ECE got first place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Farwesh Akthar J of III year ECE got first place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023. 

Gokulakannan S of III year ECE got first place in the event “ Mystery Box ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023. 

Gokulakannan S of III year ECE got second place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023. 

Gokul R of III year ECE got second place in the event “ Project Expo” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023. 

Farwesh Akthar J of III year ECE got second place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by   Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.04.2023.

Manoj R of II year ECE got first place in the event “ Paper Presentation ” organized by  Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 31.03.2023. 

Manoj G of II year ECE got first place in the event “ Paper Presentation ” organized by  Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 31.03.2023. 

Manoj G of II year ECE got second place in the event “ Circuits Tricks ” organized by  Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 31.03.2023.

Manoj R of II year ECE got second place in the event “ Circuits Tricks ” organized by   Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 31.03.2023.

Lokith N of III year ECE got third place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by  Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.03.2023.

Joshva Jaisurya J of III year ECE got third place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by  Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.03.2023.

Gokulnath U of III year ECE got third place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by  Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.03.2023. 

Mohanraj S of III year ECE got third place in the event “  Project Expo ” organized by  Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.03.2023. 

Karthikeyan B of III year ECE got third place in the event “  Chisel the Climax  ” organized by  Excel Engineering College, Namakkal on 31.03.2023. 

Janani S of II year ECE got third place in the event “  Paper Presentation  ” organized by  K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2023 and 24.03.2023.

Dhivya Shree A K of II year ECE got third place in the event “  Paper Presentation  ” organized by  K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 23.03.2023 and 24.03.2023.

Seeni Vishnu K of III year ECE got third place in the event “ Spell Bee ” organized by    M.A.M College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 17.03.2023.

Kugan K of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by   M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Harish K of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by   M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Manoj R of II year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by   N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023

Mathavan E of II year ECE got first place in the event “Guess the Twist” organized by   N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Manoj R of II year ECE got first place in the event “Guess the Twist” organized by   N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Kishore S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Guess the Twist” organized by   N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Dhanush S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Guess the Twist” organized by   N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 17.03.2023.

Pradeep P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Take a Chance” organized by   M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.03.2023.

Dharani Devi S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.03.2023.

Suvitha R of III year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.03.2023.

Charulatha K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Expo” organized by Government College of Engineering, Bargur on 16.03.2023.

Divyadharshini M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 10.03.2023 to 11.03.2023.

Divyadharshini M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 10.03.2023 to 11.03.2023.

Mukila K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Dark Knight” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, trichy from 10.03.2023 to 11.03.2023.

Praveen A of II year ECE got First place in the event “Think Different” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 9.03.2023.

Arun Kumar M of II year ECE got First place in the event “Think Different” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 9.03.2023.

Charulatha K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7.03.2023.

Mukila K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7.03.2023.

Kaviya S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Idea Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7.03.2023.

Charulatha K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Sudoku” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 7.03.2023.

Kiruthika I of III year ECE got First place in the event “E-Wiring Contest” organized by Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 4.03.2023.

Akshaya J.T of III year ECE got First place in the event “E-Wiring Contest” organized by Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 4.03.2023.

Sreedhanshiya M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 3.03.2023.

Rajarajeshwari V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 3.03.2023.

Rajarajeshwari V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Quiz Master” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 3.03.2023.

Saranya B of III year ECE got First place in the event “Quiz Master” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 3.03.2023.

Papitha R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Quiz Master” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 3.03.2023.

Jestine R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Mohammed Siddiq M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Kamalesh D of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Dharaneshwar M of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Vinish K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Charan K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Display” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Kamalesh D of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 1.03.2023.

Dhanya R of IV year ECE got First place in the event “Other Events” organized by Chalapathy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Guntur on 25.01.2023.

Seenivishnu K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 24.02.2023 to 25.02.2023.

Ramanaa D of III year ECE got First place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 24.02.2023 to 25.02.2023.

Vishnupriyan R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 24.02.2023 to 25.02.2023.

Yasveen Adhithya B of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Slide Desk” organized by P.A College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 22.02.2023.

Sikkandhar D of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Slide Desk” organized by P.A College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 22.02.2023.

Veeramani S of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Slide Desk” organized by P.A College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 22.02.2023.

Anandhakrishnan B of IV year ECE got second place in the event “DE-Circuitz” organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 17.02.2023 to 18.02.2023.

Hariharan K of IV year ECE got second place in the event “DE-Circuitz” organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 17.02.2023 to 18.02.2023.

Nithyanandhan N of IV year ECE got second place in the event “DE-Circuitz” organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 17.02.2023 to 18.02.2023.

Priyanka S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Tech IQ Hunt” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.02.2023.

Vishnupriyan R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Tech IQ Hunt” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.02.2023.

Priyanka S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.02.2023.

Vishnupriyan R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 16.02.2023.

Boomika V.G of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

 Aarthy M of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

Latha V of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

Deva Dharshini B of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

Kanimozhi D of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

Brundhalakshimi A of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy on 7.02.2023.

Gokul R of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Amphibot” organized by    Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Kerala on 7.11.2022.

Nithish S of III year ECE got first place in the event “Project Contest” organized by   Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2022 and 20.10.2022.

Mohammed Siddiq M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by   Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2022 and 20.10.2022.

Sangeetha V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by   Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2022 and 20.10.2022.

Sujitha S of II year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Sujitha S of II year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Sowmiya R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by   Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.10.2022 and 20.10.2022.

Vijay M of  II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Kayalvizhi V of  II year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Abinaya R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Madhan P of III year ECE got second place in the event “Shaggy and Scooby” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Boomika R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Shaggy and Scooby” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Samraj R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Shaggy and Scooby” organized by  OASYS Institute of Technology, Trichy on 19.10.2022.

Sree Dhanashiya M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 14.10.2022.

Saranya B of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 14.10.2022.

Rajarajeshwari V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 14.10.2022.

Subraja M of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 14.10.2022.

Omprakash G of III year ECE got first place in the event “Logo Design” organized by Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 14.10.2022.

Vidhya P of III year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 12.10.2022.

Lakshmana Kumar K of III year ECE got second place in the event “Sun Tracking Solar Pannel System” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 12.10.2022.

Mohanraj S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Sun Tracking Solar Pannel System” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 12.10.2022.

Gokulnath U of III year ECE got second place in the event “Sun Tracking Solar Pannel System” organized by Gnanamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 12.10.2022.

Kishore S of II year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Velallar College of Enigineering and Technology, Erode on 08.10.2022.

Seeni Vishnu K of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Velallar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 08.10.2022.

Ramanaa D of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Velallar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 08.10.2022.

Santhosh S of II year ECE got third place in the event “Polaroid ” organized by  Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Tanjore on 8.10.2022.

Mathavan B of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Connection” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 24.09.2022.

Sikkandhar P of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Connection” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 24.09.2022.

Rakesh Shekawath of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Connection” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, trichy on 24.09.2022.

Jayaraj C of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Techno Talk” organized by    Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem on 23.09.2022.

Rakesh Shekawath of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Techno Talk” organized by    Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem on 23.09.2022.

Mathavan B of IV year ECE got third place in the event “Techno Talk” organized by Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem on 23.09.2022.

Karthik B of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Web Development” organized by Walchand College of Engineering, Maharastra on 22.09.2022.



Academic Year 2021 – 2022




Veeramani S of III year ECE got first place in the event “General quiz” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.04.2022.


Tami Iniyan R of III year ECE got first place in the event “General quiz” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.04.2022.


Kaviya S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Treasure Hunt” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.04.2022.


Mukila M of II year ECE got second place in the event “Treasure Hunt” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 29.04.2022.


Charulatha K of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 28.04.2022.


Hariharan K of III year ECE got third place in the event “Smarticus” organized by SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul on 28.04.2022.


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul on 28.04.2022.


Mathavan B of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal on 27.04.2022.


Mathavan B of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 26.04.2022.


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 26.04.2022.


Balaji K of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 12.04.2022.


Nithyanandhan N of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 12.04.2022

Pradeepa J of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 8.04.2022.


Sikkandhar P of III year ECE got Second place in the event “ELECTROBLITZ” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 8.04.2022.


Sikkandhar P of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7.04.2022.


Veeramani S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7.04.2022.


Yasveen Adithiya B of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7.04.2022.


Saravana Sudhan S of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Spotify Me” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7.04.2022.


Veeramani S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 7.04.2022.


Rakesh Shehawat of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 31.03.2022.


Mathavan B.S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 31.03.2022.


Karthik B of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 31.03.2022


Hemachandran V of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022


Nithish S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022


Pradeep P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022


Amjith A of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022


Vishnupriyan R of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode from 21.03.2022 to 25.03.2022


Thiruveni B of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Quiztronics” organized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society JSSATE,Noida from 20.03.2022


Sowmiya R of II year ECE got first place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 18.03.2022 to 19.03.2022


Vishnupriyan R of II year ECE got Third place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022


Akash B of III year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022


Kavin P of III year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022


Pradeep P of II year ECE got first place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022


Dhanya R of III year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022


Seeni Vishnu K of II year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022.


Kamalesh D of II year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 3.03.2022 to 4.03.2022.


Dhiva G of II year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 4.03.2022 to 5.03.2022.


Madhushya S of II year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 4.03.2022 to 5.03.2022.


Charulatha K of II year ECE got second place in the event “Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam from 4.03.2022 to 5.03.2022.


Sikkandhar P of III year ECE got First place in the event “Quiz” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 23.02.2022


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 23.02.2022.


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got First place in the event “Web Designing” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 23.02.2022


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got Third place in the event “Tung Tweez” organized by Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai from 26.01.2022


Veeramani S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Dr.T.Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Belgavi on 04.08.2021


Karthick B of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kings College of Engineering, Pudukkottai on 28.10.2021


Dhanya R of III year ECE got first place in the event “Puzzle” organized by Kings College of Engineering, Pudukkottai on 28.10.2021


Priyanka S of II year ECE got third place in the event “Puzzle” organized by Kings College of Engineering, Pudukkottai on 28.10.2021


Varshini A of II year ECE got first place in the event “Connexion” organized by Kings College of Engineering, Pudukkottai on 28.10.2021


Oviya M of II year ECE got third place in the event “Connexion” organized by Kings College of Engineering, Pudukkottai on 28.10.2021


Rakesh Shekhawat of III year ECE got third place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Dr.T.Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Belgavi on 04.08.2021


Karthick S of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Multimedia” organized by Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tirupathi on 30.06.2021


Gowtham V of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tirupathi on 30.06.2021


Karthikeyan T of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tirupathi on 30.06.2021


Karthikeyan T of IV year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tirupathi on 30.06.2021.


Anandhakrishnan B of III year ECE got third place in the event “Coding Events” organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode on 26.06.2021.

Academic Year 2020 - 2021(Even Sem)




Mathavan B of III year ECE got first place in the event “Connection Rates 21” organized by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Chennai on 11.06.2021.


Pradeepa J of II year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sengunthar Engineering College, Namakkal on 20.05.2021.


Veeramani S of II year ECE got third place in the event “Technobox” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15.05.2021.


Rakesh Shekhawat of II year ECE got third place in the event “Technobox” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 15.05.2021.


Mathavan B of II year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai on 08.05.2021.


Mathavan B of II year ECE got second place in the event “Connection” organized by Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 03.05.2021.


Menagha P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 03.05.2021.


Sikkandhar P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 03.05.2021.


Saravanasudhan S of II year ECE got third place in the event “Muzica” organized by Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 03.05.2021.


Shalini M of II year ECE got second place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.04.2021.


Sajitha R of II year ECE got third place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by K.S Rangasamy College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.04.2021.


Praveena S of II year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai on 27.04.2021.


Menagha P of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by R.M.K College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai on 27.04.2021.


Mathavan B of II year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakal on 09.04.2021


Menagha P of II year ECE got first place in the event “Tech Thesis” organized by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai on 03.04.2021.


Pavithiran S of III year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.03.2021.


Anitha S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Bug Master” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.03.2021.


Bharanisree B.A of III year ECE got first place in the event “Bug Master” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.03.2021.


Rakesh Shekhawat of II year ECE got first place in the event “Brain Tester” organized by Care College of Engineering, Trichy on 25.03.2021.


Rakesh Shekhawat of II year ECE got third place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 13.03.2021 and 14.03.2021.


Pradeepa J of II year ECE got second place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 13.03.2021 and 14.03.2021.


Saranya M of III year ECE got third place in the event “Bigg Boss” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.


Shalini P of III year ECE got third place in the event “Bigg Boss” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.


Dharani K of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021


Reachina M of III year ECE got second place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.


Mahabharathi B of III year ECE got third place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.


Aruna S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.


Karthick S of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26.02.2021 and 27.02.2021.


Gowtham V of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26.02.2021 and 27.02.2021


Aruna S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper - Mart” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.02.2021.


Dhanya R of II year ECE got third place in the event “Quiz” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.02.2021.


Kiruthika B of II year ECE got third place in the event “Quiz” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.02.2021.


Karthick S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Software Debugging” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.02.2021.


Gowsalya M of III year ECE got first place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai on 20.02.2021.


Bharanisree B.A of III year ECE got third place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai on 20.02.2021.


Bharanisree B.A of III year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai on 20.02.2021.


Karthick S of III year ECE got second place in the event “My Innovation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 10.02.2021 and 11.02.2021.

Academic Year 2020 – 2021




Baskar R of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Tech Papyrus” organized by K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 4.10.2020


Baskar R of IV year ECE received an Excellent Performance award in 37 hours Hardware Hackathon ‘Embedded-Athon’ held at IEEE Jssaten Student Branch, Noida on 5.10.2020


Karthikeyan T of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Innovativo” organized by K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 4.10.2020 and 5.10.2020


Baskar R of IV year ECE got second place in the event “Innovativo” organized by K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 4.10.2020 and 5.10.2020


Karthick S of III year ECE got third place in the event “Software Debugging” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.2.2021.


Kiruthika B of II year ECE got third place in the event “Quiz” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.2.2021.


Dhanya R of II year ECE got third place in the event “Quiz” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.2.2021.


Aruna S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper - Mart” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 26.2.2021.


Gowtham V of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26.2.2021 and 27.2.2021


Karthick S of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 26.2.2021 and 27.2.2021


Aruna S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Mahabharathi B of III year ECE got third place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Reachina M of III year ECE got second place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Dharani K of III year ECE got first place in the event “24 Hours Hackathon” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Shalini P of III year ECE got third place in the event “Bigg Boss” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Saranya M of III year ECE got third place in the event “Bigg Boss” organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Thottiam on 12.3.2021 and 13.3.2021


Bharanisree B.A of III year ECE got first place in the event “Bug Master” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.3.2021


Anitha S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Bug Master” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.3.2021


Pavithiran S of III year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Narasu’s sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 26.3.2021

Academic Year 2019 – 2020 




Kavipriya Mof III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karuron 6.03.2020


Ajai Kumar S,  of IV year ECE won the best paper award in the event “International Conference on ‘Signal Processing and Communication Systems” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karuron 5.03.2020


Janani Mof II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 29.02.2020


Kamali Mof II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 29.02.2020


Gayathri Cof II year ECE got first place in the event “Web Animation” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengodeon 28.02.2020


Gobika Tof II year ECE got first place in the event “Web Animation” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengodeon 28.02.2020


Hari Priya  Sof II year ECE got second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Karthick Sof II year ECE got second place in the event “Spider Eye” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Mohanraj Vof III year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Ravi Kumar Sof III year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Uthra Rof III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Reeshman Begum Uof III year ECE got second place in the event “Photography” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Mohanraj Vof III year ECE got second place in the event “Photography” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Reeshman Begum U of III year ECE got first place in the event “Short Film” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 28.02.2020


Bhavadharani M of II year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 22.02.2020


Gokulnath R of II year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized byArul Murugan College of Engineering, Karur on 21.02.2020


Dinesh Kumar T of II year ECE got first place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized byTagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 21.02.2020


Dinesh Kumar T of II year ECE got first place in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized byTagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 21.02.2020


Chandra Mouli S of II year ECE got first place in the event “Techinical Quiz” organized byTagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 21.02.2020


Abisheak Kumar K of II year ECE got first place in the event “Techinical Quiz” organized byTagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem on 21.02.2020


Blesslin M of II year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by IndraGanesan College of Engineering, Trichy on 20.02.2020


Karthikeyan T of II year ECE got first place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by IndraGanesan College of Engineering, Trichy on 20.02.2020


Karthikeyan T of II year ECE got third place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by IndraGanesan College of Engineering, Trichy on 20.02.2020


Syed Tariq Ahmed S.F of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode  on 15.02.2020


Mohanraj V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Pomp” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 8.02.2020


Prasanth P of III year ECE got second place in the event “Project Pomp” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 8.02.2020


Mohanraj V of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 8.02.2020


Dinesh Kumar T of II year ECE got first place in the event “Logo Identification” organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal on 3.02.2020


Gokulnath R of II year ECE got first place in the event “Logo Identification” organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal on 3.02.2020


MeenaKumari K of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 1.02.2020


Jayapratha E of III year ECE got second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 1.02.2020


Gopika T.C of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Sona College of Technology, Salem on 1.02.2020


Mohanraj V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 30.01.2020


Mowneesh Kumar E of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 30.01.2020


Ranjith A of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 24.01.2020


Baskar R of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 24.01.2020


Karthick S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Treasure Hunt” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.01.2020


Karthick S of III year ECE got second place in the event “Short Flim” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 11.01.2020


Syed Tariq Ahamed S.F of III year ECE got third place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana on 13.9.2019 and 14.9.2019


Praghatiesh S of III year ECE got third place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana on 13.9.2019 and 14.9.2019


Syed Tariq Ahamed S.F of III year ECE got First place in the event“ProjectPresentation” organized by Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana on 13.9.2019 and 14.9.2019


Praghatiesh S of III year ECE got First place in the event“ProjectPresentation” organized by Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana on 13.9.2019 and 14.9.2019


Chethan  A of III year ECE got First place in the event“ProjectPresentation” organized by Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana on 13.9.2019 and 14.9.2019


Baskar R of III year ECE got First place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Mahendra College of Engineering, Namakkal on 13.9.2019


Hemanth T of II year ECE got First place in the event“Circuit Debugging” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 6.9.2019


Dinesh Aravinth S of II year ECE got First place in the event“Circuit Debugging” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 6.9.2019


Abhisheak Kumar K of II year ECE got First place in the event“Circuit Debugging” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 6.9.2019


Jayapratha E of III year ECE got First place in the event“English Oratotical” organized by KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode on 6.9.2019


Karthikkeyan T of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Meme Maina” organized by M.A.M College of Engineering, Trichy on 4.9.2019


Sabarish Kumaran K.S of IV year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai on 30.8.2019


Prasanth M of III year ECE got First place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Prasanth M of III year ECE got First place in the event“Technical Quiz” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Karthikeyan T of II year ECE got First place in the event“Circuit Debugging” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Karthikeyan T of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Karthikeyan T of II year ECE got First place in the event“Technical Quiz” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Karthick S of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Goetham V of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Circuit Debugging” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Goetham V of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Goetham V of II year ECE got Second place in the event“Technical Quiz” organized by Imayam College of Engineering, Trichy on 30.8.2019


Kavishna C of III year ECE got First place in the event“Papyrus Festino” organized by SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindugal on 28.8.2019


Mohanraj V of III year ECE got First place in the event“Papyrus Festino” organized by SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindugal on 28.8.2019


Mohanraj V of III year ECE got Second place in the event“Project Presentation” organized by SSM Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dindugal on 28.8.2019


Madeshwaran S.J of III year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by University College of Engineering, Tindivanam on 14.8.2019


Kavin K of III year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by University College of Engineering, Tindivanam on 14.8.2019


Jayaprakash P of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by University College of Engineering, Tindivanam on 14.8.2019


Sri Naveen S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 14.8.2019


Ravi Kumar S of III year ECE got First place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 14.8.2019


Mohan raj V of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 8.8.2019


Mouneeshkumar E of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 8.8.2019


Syed Tariq Ahamed S.F of III year ECE got First place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 8.8.2019


Gopika T.C of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 8.8.2019


Jaya Pratha E of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 8.8.2019


Karthick of II year ECE got First place in the event “Multimedia” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


Girija of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


N. Naveen of III year ECE got First place in the event “PUBG” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


V. Mohanraj of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Paper Presentation” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


V. Mohanraj of III year ECE got First place in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


V. Mohanraj of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


E. Mouneeshkumar of III year ECE got Second place in the event “Project Presentation” organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019


S.F. Syed Tariq Ahamed of II year ECE got Second place in the event “Project Presentation”  organized by AVS College of Technology, Salem on 30.07.2019

Academic Year 2018 – 2019




S.SUGANTH of IV year ECE got first prize in the event “File Quest” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 20.09.2018


S.SUGANTH of IV year ECE got second prize in the event “Code Smash” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 20.09.2018


M. REVATHI of IV year ECE got Second place in the event “CIRCUITRIX” organized by Park College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 19.09.2018 and 20.09.2018


T. RUBINI of IV year ECE got First place in the event “CIRCUITRIX” organized by Park College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 19.09.2018 and 20.09.2018


SATHISH, M.SANGEETH RAM, R.THAYALAN & S.ASWIN of III year ECE got II prize in Project Presentation held at Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 19.09.18 and 20..09.18


K.S.SABARISH KUMARAN , V. NARESH SUNDAR of III year ECE got First place in the paper presentation titled ”Home Security with IOT and AI” organized by IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 15.09.2018


K.MEENAKUMARI, A.MALINI, S.KEERTHANA of II year ECE got Second place in paper presentation organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 12.09.2018


S.VIVEK, P.SHANMUGAM of III year ECE got Second place in paper presentation organized by SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 7.09.2018


S.ARAVINDHANof IV year ECE got second prize in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by Ganamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.08.2018


R.AISHWARYA, A.AMIRTHA VARSHINI of IV year ECE got Second place in paper presentation organized by Ganamani College of Technology, Namakkal on 30.08.2018


S.SUGANTH of IV year ECE got First prize in the event “Multimedia” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.08.2018


S.SUGANTH of IV year ECE got First prize in the event “Poster Presentation” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.08.2018


V.MOHANRAJ of II year ECE got Second prize in the event “Multimedia” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.08.2018


V.MOHANRAJ of II year ECE got First prize in the event “Technical Quiz” organized by Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal on 17.08.2018


MANOJ KUMAR, S.HARI KRISHNANof III year ECE got Third prize in the event “Hunt IT” organized by AVS College of Engineering, Salem on 14.08.2018


S.HARI KRISHNAN, MANOJ KUMARof III year ECE got Third prize in the event “Circuit Debugging” organized by AVS College of Engineering, Salem on 14.08.2018


S.PRASANNA VENGATESAN of III year ECE got Third prize in the event “Project Presentation” organized by AVS College of Engineering, Salem on 14.08.2018


S.AJAI KUMAR, S.ARUN KAILASH, of III year ECE got III prize in Project Presentation held at AVS College of Technology, Salem on 14.08.18


K.MAMTHA SHARMA of III year ECE got First place in  “Project Presentation” organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science, Thanjavur on 11.08.2018


K.MAMTHA SHARMA of III year ECE got Second place in  “Project Presentation” organized by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichy on 02.08.2018


V.MOHAN RAJof II year ECE got First place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karuron 09.03.2019


M.KIRUTHIKAof III year ECE got Second place in the event“Lighting Talks” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 09.03.2019


A.MAHALAKSHMIof III year ECE got Second place in the event“Animation” organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem. on 27.02.2019


K.MAMTHA SHARMAof III year ECE got First place in the event“Animation” organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem. on 27.02.2019


M.GOWSHIKA DEVIand D.KANCHANAof II year ECE got First place in the Fun event“MOON-BOON” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.02.2019


K.MAMTHA SHARMAof III year ECE got First place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by K.S.R College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 08.02.2019


B.HEMAand D.MOHANAof III year ECE got Second place in the event“Goole Hunting” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 08.02.2019


S.SUGANTHof IV year ECE got Second place in the event“Paper Presentation” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 05.01.2019


S.SUGANTHof IV year ECE got Second place in the event“ProjectPresentation” organized by V.S.B Engineering College, Karur on 05.01.2019

Academic Year 2017 - 2018




R.Aishwarya of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Debate’ in Electronet 2k18 held at VSB engineering college, Karur on 24.03.18.


P.Vignesh of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ in Technical Symposium ECENTRIX held at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai on 10.03.18.


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ in Technical Symposium ELECTROFOCUS’18 held at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on 09.03.18 & 10.03.18.


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE won III prize in ‘Paper presentation’ in Paper Presentation on Technical Symposium in TECHFINIX 18 held at Paavai Engineering College, Rasipuram on 02.03.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE won I prize in ‘Digital Smart Vehicle  System’ in Technical Symposium BRAHMASTHRA 2K18 held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 27.02.2018.


K.N Bharath of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Paper presentation’ in Technical Symposium Abhigyaan 2K18 held at Dhirajilal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem on 24.02.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Digital Smart Vehicle System ’ in Technical Symposium TECHFEST 2K18 held at CMS college of Engineering, Namakkal on 17.02.2018


T.Sathish of II year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Fun Zone’ in inter college meet ‘YUDDHAVARNA 2K18’ held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 20.02.2018


S.Suganth of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Multimedia Presentation’ in technical symposium E-CALLIDUS’18 held at Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur on 19.02.2018


A.Agalya of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Smart Traffic Control’ in technical symposium E-KRAFT 2K18 held at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 16.02.2018


T.Birundha of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Smart Traffic Control’ in technical symposium E-KRAFT 2K18 held at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 16.02.2018


K.Mamthashama of II year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in “Multimedia Presentation” in technical symposium E-KRAFT 2K18 held at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 16.02.2018


N.Abuthaher of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘English-Tamil translation’ in technical symposium CAFACE held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 16.02.2018


N.Abuthaher of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won III prize in ‘Proverb’ in technical symposium CAFACE held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 16.02.2018


N.Abuthaher of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Debate’ in technical symposium CAFACE held at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 16.02.2018


K.Saranya of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won III prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in technical symposium Genesis 2k18 held at Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 16.02.2018


P.Sivaranjani of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won III prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in technical symposium Genesis 2k18 held at Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 16.02.2018


S.Suganth of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won I prize in ‘Paper presentation’ in technical symposium E-KRAFT 2K18 held at Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 16.02.2018


S.Suganth of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in technical symposium ELECT ENACT’18 held at N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 15.02.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Technical Quiz’ in Technical Symposium ELECT ENACT’18 held at N.S.N College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 15.02.2018


M.Dhivya of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Non-technical event – Dubsmach’ in technical symposium ACME 2K18 held at M.A.M School of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 15.02.2018


P.Haridha of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Technical event- EPZ Champion’ in technical symposium ACME 2K18 held at M.A.M School of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 15.02.2018


J.Anushilvya of III year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won II prize in ‘Technical event- EPZ Champion’ in technical symposium ACME 2K18 held at M.A.M School of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli on 15.02.2018


S.Suganth of III year ECE won III prize in ‘Poster presentation’ in technical symposium Kavery Trizone-2K18 held at The Kavery Engineering College, Mechery on 13.02.2018


S.Suganth of III year ECE won I prize in ‘Poster presentation’ in technical symposium Kavery Trizone-2K18 held at The Kavery Engineering College, Mechery on 13.02.2018


S.Arthi of IV year ECE won I prize in ‘Technical Questionario’ held at Kathir College of Engineering Coimbatore on 03.02.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE won II prize in ‘Technical Questionario’ held at KathirCollege of Engineering Coimbatore on 03.02.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE won I prize in ‘Technical Questionario’ held at KathirCollege of Engineering Coimbatore on 03.02.2018


S.SUGANTH of III year ECE got Third prize in “Paper Presentation” in Technical Symposium Abhigyann 2K18”organized by Paavai Engineering College of Engineering, Rasipuram on 02.02.2018 and 03.02.2018.


P.Vignesh of IV year got II prize in the event “Paper Presentation” organized bySelvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 02.02.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year got II prize in the event “Digital Smart Vehicle” organized bySelvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


J.RUBINI,T.RAMYA of III year ECE got Second prize in the event “CHASE THE RACE”organized by SELVAM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


J.ANUSHILVYA, P.HARIDHA of III year ECE got First prize in the event “ CHASE THE RACE”organized by Selvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


K.MAMTHASHARMA of II year ECE got Third prize in the event “Bio Chips” organized by Selvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


E.JAYASUDHA, K.K.HARINI of III year ECE got First prize in the event “Circuit Trix”organized by Selvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


E.Saranya Devi , M.Revathiof III year got II prize in the event “Circuit Trix” organized by Selvam College Of Technology, Namakkal on 2.2.2018


R.AISHWARYA of III year ECE got First prize in the event  “TECH DEBATE”organized by Selvam College of Technology,Namakkal on 2.2.2018


S.SUVEDHA,J.VIGNESHWARI,P.VINODHINI,E.SARANYA DEVI,M.REVATHI of III year ECE got First prize in the event  “LUCK-A KICK-A”organized by CARE GROUP OF INSTITUTION, Trichy on 1.2.2018 and 2.2.2018


R.Surya  of III year ECE got third prize in the event  “Multimedia Presentation” organized by CARE GROUP OF INSTITUTION Trichy on 1.2.2018 and 2.2.2018


P.Vignesh of IV year ECE got First prize in the “Paper Presentation” on Technical Symposium in Ampere 2K18 organized by Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 1.2.2018


S.Suganth of  III year ECE got third prize in the event “Multimedia Presentation” organized by AVS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, Salem on 31.1.2018


R.Surya of  III year ECE got First prize in the event “Multimedia Presentation” organized by AVS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, Salem on 31.1.2018


S.SUGANTH of  III year ECE got First prize in the event “Multimedia Presentation” organized by AVS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, Salem on 31.1.2018


R.Surya,S.Suganth of III year ECE got Second prize in the event “QUIZ” organized by AVS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, Salem on 31.1.2018


P.Apsara and M.Vinothini of III year ECE student got Second prize in the “Code Haggle” conducted by KSR College of Engineering,Tirechengode on 15.09.17.


R.Aishwarya and V.Anitha of III year & IV Year ECE students got Top Ranker Award in “Hacking” organized by Dewang Mehta Foundation Trust, Trichy on 15.09.17.


J.Anushiluya and P.Haridha of III year ECE students got Second  prize in the “Paper Presentation” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 14.09.17


P.Sasikala and G.Thenmozhi of IV year ECE students got Second prize in the “Tech Puzzle” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 14.09.17.


S.Deepa and G.Deepika of IV year ECE student got First prize in the “Paper Presentation” conducted by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal on 14.09.17


J.Vigneshwari and B.Vaitheeswari of III year ECE student got Third prize in the “Circuit Debugging” conducted by Mahendra Institute of Technology,Namakkal on 14.09.17.


M.Sangavi and P.Tharani of III year ECE student got First prize in the “Circuit Debugging” conducted by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal on 14.09.17.


S.Suvedha, P.Sivaranjani, M.Sangavi and P.Tharani of III year ECE student got Third prize in the “Technical Quiz” conducted by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal on 14.09.17.


V.Ramya of III year ECE student got Second prize in the “Technical Quiz” conducted by Mahendra Institute of Technology, Namakkal on 14.09.17.


M.Nihila and P.Karthika of III year ECE students got First prize in “Ethical Hacking” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 14.09.17.


S.Keerthi and E.Jayasudha of III year ECE students got Second  prize in the “Maths Puzzle” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 14.09.17


J.Anushiluya and P.Haridha of III year ECE students got Second  prize in the “Treasure Hunt” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 14.09.17.


P.Kesavan & G.Rangarajan of IV year ECE students got III Prize in “Project Contest” Conducted by K.L.N.College of Engineering, Madurai on 08.09.17


R.Aishwarya of III year ECE student got First prize in the Circuit Debugging conducted by Aishwarya College of Engineering, Erode on 07.09.17.


R.Suriya and S.Suganth of III year ECE students got First prize in the “Poster Presentation” conducted by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 30.08.17 &    31.08.17.


S.Suganth of III year ECE students got Third prize in the event “Para Glider” organized by Parisutham Institute of Technology & Science, Thanjavyr from 03.08.17 - 05.08.17.


 Academic Year 2016 - 2017




M.Bhavadharani and R.Aishwarya of II year ECE students got Second prize in “Project Presentation” organized by Excel College of Engineering & Technology, Kumarapalayam on 18.03.2017


S.Maheswari, M.Kanimozhi and J.Arockia Jenifer of III year ECE students got First prize in paper presentation on the title of “Brain Controlled Artificial Leg” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineeirng, Rasipuram on 18.03.2017.


S.Punithavathi of IV year ECE got Second prize in “Project presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineeirng, Rasipuram on 15.03.2017.


S.Sharan of IV year ECE got First prize in “Project presentation” organized by Muthayammal College of Engineeirng, Rasipuram on 15.03.2017.


V.Anitha and K.Karthiga of III year ECE students got First prize in “Math O Math” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 15.03.2017.


R.Nivedhan of III year ECE student got Second prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Muthayammal College of Engineeirng, Rasipuram on 15.03.2017.


T.Ragavi and K.Preethi III year ECE students got Second prize in the Circuit Debugging conducted by Muthayammal College of Engineeirng, Rasipuram on 15.03.2017.


S.Sharan and K.Sarfras Ahamed Mansoor of III year ECE student got Third  prize in the Adcraze conducted by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur. on 03.03.2017.


V.Aravindh and V.Ramesh of III year ECE students got Second  prize in the Junkyard wars conducted by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 27.02.2017.


V.Anitha and L.Akshaya of III year ECE students got Second prize in Connection organized by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 24.02.2017.


S.Oviya and R.Vaishnavi of III year ECE students got First prize in paper presentation on the title of  “Smart Homes” organized by KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 23.02.2017


S.Amrin and R.Aishwarya of II year ECE students got Second prize in Circuit Debugging organized by KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 23.02.2017


T.Birundha and T.Malini of III year ECE students got Second prize in Picturam Presentation organized by Sona College of  Technology, Salem on 23.02.2017


R.Suriya and S.Suganth of II year ECE students got First prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 21.02.2017.


D.Tharani and M.Sangavi II year ECE students got Third prize in Technical Quiz organized by NSN College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 20.02.2017


B.Asvitha of III year ECE student got First prize in Managing Geeks organized by NSN College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 18.02.2017.


L.Hema Priya of III year ECE student got Third prize in Managing Geeks organized by NSN College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 18.02.2017


T.Ragavi and K.Preethi III year ECE students got Second prize in the Circuit Debugging conducted by NSN College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 18.02.2017.


P.Vignesh and M.Prakashraj of III year ECE students got First prize in paper presentation on the title of “Visual Alert” organized by NSN College of Engineering & Technology, Karur on 18.02.2017


R.Suriya and S.Suganth of II year ECE students got second prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Government College of Engineering, Salem on 16.02.2017


P.Kesavan and M.Dinesh Kumar of III year ECE students got Second prize in Best Friends organized by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 15.02.2017.


S.Ganesan of IV year ECE students got First prize in Photoshop organized by Vellalar college of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 17.09.2016


C. Ajeeth Kumar and S. Karthikeyan of III year ECE students got First prize in Theme Selfi organized by Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode on 17.09.2016


J.Anu Shiluya and C.Anusuha of II year ECE students got First prize in paper presentation on the title of “Blue Brain” organized by Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal on 10.09.2016


S. Arthi and M. Lavanya of III year ECE students got First prize in paper presentation on the title of “Internet of things” organized by Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem on 10.09.2016


A. Dhivya and V. Anitha II year ECE students got Second prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by AMS College of Engineering, Namakkal on 10.09.2016


R. Arthi and S. Abinaya of III year ECE students got Second prize in Code Debugging and Best out of waste organized by Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur on 10.09.2016


C. Kowsalya, C. Abinaya and S. Gowri of III year ECE students got First prize in EC Games(Connections) organized by AMS College of Engineering, Namakkal on 10.09.2016


N. Kavipriya and C. Keerthika of II year ECE students got First prize in Fun Games – Blind Master organized by AMS College of Engineering, Namakkal on 10.09.2016


S.Swathi, P.Vaideki, of III year ECE students got Second prize in Dumb – C conducted by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,Trichy on 09.09.2016


V.Swetha and J.Sritha of III year ECE students got Third prize in Circuitrix – C conducted by K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,Trichy on 09.09.2016


T.Preethi and V.Abinaya of II year ECE students got Third prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Mount Zion College of Engineering, Pudukottai on 08.09.2016


C. Kowsalya and R. Geetha III year ECE students got First prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Mount Zion College of Engineering, Pudukottai on 08.09.2016


P. Devanand and B. Aadhithyaa III year ECE students got Second prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Mount Zion College of Engineering, Pudukottai on 08.09.2016


P.Prakkath Begam and K.Santhosh Kumari of IV year ECE students got First prize in Paper &  Poster presentation on the title of “VLSI Architecture for Real time Electrical Capacitance Tomography” organized by Adhiyamaan college of Engineering,Hosur on 07.09.2016 & 08.09.2016


K.Karthiga and V.Anitha of III year ECE students got Second prize in paper presentation on the title of “Internet of Things” organized by Kavery College of Engineering, Mettur on 02.09.2016


K.Karthiga and V.Anitha of III year ECE students got Second prize in the Technical Quiz conducted by Kavery College of Engineering, Mettur on 02.09.2016


D.Kiruthika, R.Geetha, J.Kowsalya, K.Gayathri of III year ECE students got Third prize in IoT Workshop organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering Technology, Thottiam on 29.07.2016 & 30.07.2016


Keerthana.R, Naveen kumar P, Sarangapani B, Sudhagar M, Vijay M,  Kesavan.P , and Santhosh Kumari.K of III year ECE students got First prize in IoT Workshop organized by Kongunadu College of Engineering Technology,Thottiam on 29.07.2016 & 30.07.2016

 Academic Year 2015- 2016




C.Kowsalya of II year ECE students got First prize in “Tamil Nutpam” organized by Government College of Engineering, Thanjavur on 5.04.2016


S.Saranya of II year ECE Students got Second Prize in the I-Programming organized by Tamilnadu college of engineering, Coimbatore on 11.03.2016


J.Sritha of II year ECE Students got First Prize in the I-Programming organized by Tamilnadu college of engineering, Coimbatore on 11.03.2016


V.Swetha and Ms. R.Vaishnavi of II year ECE Students got First Prize in the “Technical Quiz” organized by Tamilnadu college of engineering, Coimbatore on 11.03.2016


P.Manikandan of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the “Tech Buzz” organized by Vellalar college of engineering & technology, Erode on 05.03.2016


S.Kathirvel of III year ECE Students got Second Prize in the “Tech Buzz” organized by  Vellalar college of engineering & technology, Erode on 05.03.2016


V.Myvizhi of III year ECE Students got Third Prize in “Cuimast” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of  Engineering & Technology, Karur on 02.03.2016


C.Subashini of III year ECE Students got First Prize in “Cuimast” organized by M.Kumarasamy College of  Engineering & Technology, Karur on 02.03.2016


G.Nandhini of III year ECE got Third Prize in “Wireless Networks” organized by NSN college of engineering & technology, Karur on 02.03.2016


S.Punitha of III year ECE Students got First Prize in “Blind Detection System” organized by NSN college of engineering & technology, Karur on 02.03.2016


Mr. P.C.Ranjithkumar of IV year ECE Student got Third Prize in “Wi-Fi Reduction System” organized by Shree venkateshwara Hi-Tech engineering college, Gobichettipalayam on 25.02.2016


Mr. P.C.Ranjithkumar of IV year ECE Student got second Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Shree venkateshwara Hi-Tech engineering college, Gobichettipalayam on 25.02.2016


T.Ragavi of II year ECE got First Prize in “Technical Quiz” organized by Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 20.02.2016


M.Vaishnavi of II year ECE got Third Prize in Technical Quiz organized by Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai on 20.02.2016


Ms. S.Priyanka of II year ECE got First Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Selvam College of  Technology, Namakkal on 18.02.2016


S.Sushmitha of II year ECE got Second Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Selvam College of  Technology, Namakkal on 18.02.2016


K.Thilagavathi of III year ECE got First Prize in “Retina in Image Detection” organized by M.Kumarasamy College Of Engineering, Karur on 04.09.2015


S.Saranya of III year ECE got First Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur on 04.09.2015


V.Myvizhi and C.Suhasini of III year ECE Students got First Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Adhiyamaan College Of Engineering, Hosur on 25.08.2015


R.Radhika of III year ECE got Second Prize in “Multimedia Presentation” organized by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


K.Nishanandhini of III year ECE got First Prize in “Multimedia Presentation” organized by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


R.Vimal kumar of IV year ECE got Second Prize in the “Technical Quiz” by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


G.Seenivasa Prabhu of IV year ECE got First Prize in “Multimedia Presentation” organized by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


G.Seenivasa Prabhu of IV year ECE got Third Prize in the “Technical Quiz” by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


V.Vimal kumar of IV year ECE got Third Prize in “Multimedia Presentation” organized by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


N.Mohanraj of IV year ECE got Third Prize in “Circuit Debugging” organized by Cheran College Of Engineering, Karur on 26.08.2015


S.Preethi and V.Priyadharshini of III year ECE students got First Prize in “Technical Quiz” organized by Mount Zion College Of Engineering & Technology, Pudukottai on 26.08.2015

Academic Year 2014 - 2015




Mr.S.Mohanapriyan and Mr.S.Mano, of III year ECE Students got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by Mookambigai College Of Engineering on 02.04.2015


Ms.V.Premalatha, of III year ECE Students got  First Prize in the  Paper Presentation by Mahendra College Of Engineering on 11.03.2015


Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar, of III year ECE Students got  Second Prize in the  Paper Presentation by N.S.N.College Of Engineering And Technology on 17.02.2015


Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar, of III year ECE Students got  Second Prize in the  Technical Quizby N.S.N.College Of Engineering And Technology on 17.02.2015


Mr.N.Dinesh and Mr.C.Suriyaprasath, of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by K.S.R.Institute For Engineering And Technology on 14.02.2015


Mr.M.Revanth ,Mr.K.Parthiban and Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar, of III year ECE Students got Third Prize in the  Project Prasentation by N.S.N.College Of Engineering And Technology on 13.02.2015


Ms.L.Saranya and Ms.R.Sowmiya, of II year ECE Students got First Prize in the  Quiz by Sri Shanmuga College Of Engineering And Technology on 13.02.2015


Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar of III year ECE Student got First Prize in the Technical Quiz by N.S.N College Of Engineering And Technology on 13.02.2015


Ms.D.Uma of II year ECE Student got First Prize in the Fun Events by N.S.N College Of Engineering And Technology on 13.02.2015


Mr.S.Sivakumar of III year ECE Student got First Prize in the Treasure Hunt by Shree Vengateswara Hi-Tech Engineering College on 10.2.2015


Ms.A.Rohini of III year ECE Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by Arul Murugan College Of Engineering on 07.2.2015


Mr.S.Gowtham, of III year ECE Students got Second Prize in the Flick by United Institute Of Technology on 06.02.2015


Mr.P.Dineshkumarand Mr.D.Arundurai, of III year ECE Students gotFirstPrize in the General Quiz by Muthayammal Engineering College on 4.02.2015


Mr.K.Parthiban and Mr.N.Rizwan, of III year ECE Students got Second Prize in the General Quiz by Muthayammal Engineering College on 4.02.2015


Mr.P.Saravanakumar and Mr.G.Seenivasaprabhu, of III year ECE Students got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by Muthayammal Engineering College on 4.02.2015


Ms.L.Saranya of II year ECE Student got Third Prize in the Technical Quiz by Selvam College Of Technology on 9.1.2015


Mr.C.Dhanasekar and Mr.M.Guna, of IV year ECE Students got First Prize in the Bull’s Eye by Care Group Of Institution on 9.09.2014


Mr.C.Suryaprasath and Mr.N.Dhinesh, of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Francis Xavier Engineering College on 27.8.2014


Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar and Mr.M.Revanth of III year ECE Studenst got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by M.Kumarasamy College Of Engineering on 26.8.2014


Ms.D.S.Suganya of IV year ECE Student got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by S.N.S College Of Engineering on 13.08.2014


Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar and Mr.M.Revanth of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Annaimathammalsheela Engineering Collegeon 23.02.2014


Mr.C.Suryaprasath and Mr.N.Dhinesh, of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Mountzion College Of Engineering And Technology on 4.8.2014


Ms.K.Santhoshkumari and Ms.K.P.Vanitha, of III year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Mountzion College Of Engineering And Technology on 4.8.2014

Academic Year 2013 – 2014




Mr.P.C.Ranjithkumar and Mr.M.Revanth of II year ECE Studenst got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by M.Kumarasamy College Of Engineering on 20.03.2014

Academic Year 2012 – 2013




Ms. J.Sandhiya and Ms. R.P.Ramya of II year ECE Students got Second Prize in the Paper Presentation by Knowledge Institute Of Technology on 22.02.2013.


Mr. G.Muthukrishnanan and Mr. M.Aravinth  of II year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Coimbatore Institute Of Technology on 24.01.2013 to 25.01.2013.


Ms. R. Anuja of II year ECE Student got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Kongunadu College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.09.2012 to 07.09.2012.


Ms. S. Jennet Jaya sharmila of II year ECE Students got First Prize in the Paper Presentation by Kongunadu College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.09.2012 to 07.09.2012.


Mr. P. Sathish of II year ECE Student got Second Prize in the Marketing by Kongunadu College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.09.2012 to 07.09.2012.


Mr. R. Dhineshkumar of II year ECE Student got Second Prize in the Photography by Kongunadu College Of Engineering And Technology on 06.09.2012 to 07.09.2012.


Mr. S.Ashokkumar of II year ECE Student got First Prize in the Science Corner by M.A.M College Of Engineering And Technology on 07.09.2012


Ms. S. Jennet Jaya sharmila of II year ECE Students got Third Prize in the Paper Presentation by Selvam College Of Engineering and Technology on 22.08.2012


Ms. S. Jennet Jaya sharmila of II year ECE Students got Third Prize in the Quiz by Selvam College Of Engineering and Technology on 22.08.2012




Thursday, 27 April 2017 10:43


Academic Year  2023 - 2024

International / National Journals

  • Chandrashekhar Goswami, T.Vaishnavi, Parismita Sarma, P.Muthu Krishnammal, K.V. Daya Sagar  & S. Hari Kumar, ‘An incentive‑based approach for information sharing control between human and computer interface’, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.56, article number 312, 2023,  DOI:

  • Senthil Kumar Sengottaiyan, Vadivel Subramaniam, Yuvaraja Thangavel & Karthick Sekar, ‘Power Efficient Implementation of ECC Using LCSLA Based Dual Field Vedic Multiplier’, Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 76, No. 12, pp. 1868–1876, Dec 2023,  DOI:

  • K.Priyadarshini, Manjunathan Alagarsamy, K.Sangeetha & Dineshkumar Thangaraju, ‘Hybrid RNN-FFBPNN Optimized with Glowworm Swarm Algorithm for Lung Cancer Prediction’, IETE Journal of Research, July 2023,

  • P.S.Raghavendran, S.Ragul, R.Asokan, Ashok Kumar Loganathan, Suresh Muthusamy, Om Prava Mishra, Ponarun Ramamoorthi & Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan, ‘A new method for chest X-ray images categorization using transfer learning and CovidNet_2020 employing convolution neural network’, Soft Computing, Vol.27, pp.14241–14251, July 2023,

  • Salem Rajagopalan Sridhar, Muthuramalingam Akila &  Ramasamy Asokan, ‘Automated Brain Tumor Detection using Ideal Shallow Neural Network with Artificial Jellyfish Optimization’ Current Medical Imaging, Vol.20, Article ID: e310723219285, Sep 2023, DOI: 10.2174/157340562666230731120924.

  • V.Krishnakumar & R.Asokan, ‘Block chain based trusted distributed routing scheme using optimized dropout ensemble extreme learning neural network in MANET’ Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Sep 2023, DOI:

  •  Venkatesan Rameya Sridharan, Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Balamurugan Rajangam & Lalitha Sekar, ‘Design of high efficient low power static logic circuit using SG FinFET’, International Journal of Electronics, Sep 2023, DOI:

  • Kirthika Natarajana, Jeyalakshmi Chelliah, Jemin Vijayaselvan Mariyarose, Senthilkumar Andi, Bharathi Venkatachalam & Manjunathan Alagarsamy, ‘TTS system for deafened and vocally impaired persons in native language’, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 8159-8169, Nov 2023, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-231680

  •  J.Vijayaselvan Mariyarose, P.Kasinathan, S.Balaji, Meenal Thayumanavan, K.Karpoora Sundari & B.Rajangam, ‘A Novel Design of A Model to Build the Security Lock Systems’, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 177–185, 2023.

  •  N.Sasirekha, R.Anitha, T.Vanathi & Umarani Balakrishnan, ‘Automatic liver tumor segmentation from CT images using random forest algorithm’, The Scientific Temper, Vol.14, No.03, pp.696-702, Sep 2023,

  • Sathish Kumar Danasegaran, Elizabeth Caroline Britto, K. Sagadevan, M. Paranthaman,  S. Poonguzhali & Mahendran Krishnakumar, ‘Design and Investigation of Photonic Crystal Antenna Performance for Expeditious Data Rate in Wireless Communication’, Brazilian Journal of Physics, Vol. 54, article number 31, Dec 2023, DOI:

  • R.Kalpana, V.Subburaj, R.Lokanadham, K.Amudha, G.N.Beena Bethel, Arvind Kumar Shukla, Pravin R. Kshirsagar,  A. Rajaram, ‘Internet of Things (IOT) Based Machine Learning Techniques for Wind Energy Harvesting’, Electric Power Components and Systems, pp. 1–17,

Academic Year  2023 - 2024

International / National Conference

  • T Dineshkumar & R Asokan, ‘An Investigation of Image Security And Image Steganography Techniques’ International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication (ICACIC 2023) at Puducherry Technological University Puducherry from 7th to 8th December 2023.

  • S Mahendrakumar, S Kiruthika, P Vijayakumar, G Karthikeyan, V Bharathi & K Vanitha, ‘Design and Fabrication of  Multiband Planar Antenna for 5G and Next Generation Mobile Handset Applications’, International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application (ICSCNA 2023) at Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Theni from 15th to 17th  November 2023

  • V Bharathi & K Sakthivel, ‘Path planning of unmanned mobile robot in unknown obstacle environments for multi switching control tracking using deep reinforcement learning’, AIP Conf. Proc. 2821, 020023 on November 2023, DOI:

  • T Beni Steena, ‘A Novel 4-Channel Optical Demultiplexer using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator’ international Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications (ICMEET – 2023) at National Institute of Technology Mizoram from 6th to 7th October 2023.

  • R Vinoth Raj, S Meharnath Reddy, H Kishore, V Karthick, K Yazhini & M Kamesh,  ‘Vedic Multiplier based Medical Image Encryption – A VLSI Approach’, Seventh International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (I-SMAC 2023) on October 2023, DOI: 10.1109/I-SMAC58438.2023.10290317.

  • N Jayapal & B Umarani, ‘A Comprehensive Study of Cervical Cancer Detection and Classification Techniques’ International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 21st to 22nd  September 2023 (ISBN:978-81-965669-4-4).

  • S Baskar, B Umarani & A Suresh Kumar, ‘Critical Review of the Literature Survey and Recommended Remedies for Cervical Cancer’ International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 21st to 22nd September 2023, (ISBN: 978-81-965669-4-4).

  • C P Niranjana, ‘Exudate Regeneration for Automated Exudate Detection in Retinal Fundus Images’ International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2023) at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 21st to 22nd September 2023, (ISBN:978-81-965669-4-4).

  • Y Vahidhabanu, K Karthick, R Asokan & S Sreeji, ‘Cyclone Intensity Detection and Classification Using a Attention-Based 3D Deep Learning Model’ Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security (IC4S 2022), Springer, Singpore on July 2023. DOI:

  • B Umarani, ‘Hyperband Boost: Revolutionizing Hybrid Soft Computing through Hypermater Optimization’, National Conference on Innovations and Advancements in Electrical Sciences (NCIAES’23) at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 30th June 2023. 


Academic Year  2022 - 2023

International / National Journals

  • S.R.Sridhar, Dr. M. Akila & Dr. R. Asokan, ‘Convolutional Gated Recurrent Neural Network Based Automatic Detection and Classification of Brain Tumor using Magnetic Resonance Imaging’, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol. 10, No.2s,pp.186-193,2022, DOI:
  • R. Asokan  & T. Vijayakumar , ‘IoT based Pose detection of patients in Rehabilitation Centre by PoseNet Estimation Control’, Journal of Innovative Image Processing, Vol.  4 ,No.2 , pp: 61-71, 2022 , DOI: 10.36548/jiip.2022.2.001
  • Dr.P.Preethi, Dr.R.Asokan & Mr.R.Premkumar , ‘Modelling a Novel Iterative Information Set Scheme for Safeguarding Confidentiality   in Cloud Environment, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1758-1773, 2022, DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.11.NQ66169.

  • Manjunathan Alagarsamy, S. R. Barkunan,  N. Jayapal, A. Murugan, P. Muralikrishnan &  Perumalla Janaki Ramulu, ‘Reinforcement of Nanocellulose as Green Agent in the ElectronicApplications Associated with the Composites of Polymer Matrix’, International Journal of Polymer Science, Vol. 2023, Article ID:9645190
  • Vairaprakash Selvaraj, Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Dineshkumar Thangaraju, & Dinesh Paramathi Mani, ‘Classification of COVID-19 Patient based on Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks Optimized with Garra Rufa Fish Optimization using CT Scan Images’, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 37, No. 6,2023, DOI:
  • Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Nithyadevi Shanmugam, Dinesh Paramathi Mani, Meenal Thayumanavan, K.Karpoora Sundari & Kannadhasan Suriyan , ‘Detection of Polycystic Syndrome in Ovary Using Machine Learning Algorithm’ , International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol.11 No.1, pp.246–253,2023.

  • Manjunathan Alagarsam, Sterlin Rani Devakadacham, Hariharan Subramani, Srinath Viswanathan, Jazizevelyn Johnmathew & Kannadhasan Suriyan,’ Automation irrigation system using arduino for smart crop field productivity’, International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1,  pp. 70-77, 2023, DOI: .

  • Krishnakumar V, & Asokan R 2023, ‘Geographic Drone-based Route Optimization Approach for Emergency Area Ad-Hoc Network’ Computer Systems Science & Engineering, DOI: 10.32604/csse.2023.029189, pp. 985-1000,2023.

  • Krishnakumar V & Asokan R, 2022, ‘An energy efficient and QoS routing protocol for MANET realised over multi-objective red deer algorithm (RD-MOCER) in support of emergency disaster management’ Vol.36, Issue.1, 2022, DOI:

  • Meenal Thayumanavan & Asokan Ramasamy, 2022 ‘Recurrent Neural Network Deep Learning Techniques for Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Images’ Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol.12, pp.247-254.

  • Radhakrishnan C & Asokan R, 2022 ‘An intelligent multivariate block steganography framework with enhanced PSO based on chaos mapping’ Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 43, No.6, pp. 8263-8273, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-221093.

  • Suganthi C, Preethi B, Asokan R & Sarmiladevi N, 2022 ‘Deep Fusion CNN Based Hybridized Strategy for Image Retrieval in Web: A Novel Data Fusion Technique’ PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA, Vol.91, No. 4,

  • Beni Steena Thankaraj & Asokan Ramasamy,2022 ‘Revolution of optical computing logic gates based on its applications: an extensive survey’ Optical Engineering, Vol. 61, pp.110901-1 to 110901-32, DOI:

  • Beni Steena T, Baldwin Immanuel T, Asokan R, Rajavelan M &Muthukumar P,2022 ‘Analysis of High Contrast Ratio Nanooptical Encoder using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator’ Neuroquantology, Vol.20, Issue.11, DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.11.NQ66631.

  • Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Karthikram Anbalagan, Yuvaraja Thangavel, Jeevitha Sakkarai, Jenopaul Pauliah, Kannadhasan Suriyan,2022 ‘Classification of covid patient image dataset using modified deep convolutional neural network system’ Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol.11, No.4, pp.2273-2279, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v11i4.3290.

  • Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Prabakaran Kasinathan, Geethalakshmi Manickam, Prabu Ragavendiran Duruvarajan, Jeevitha Sakkarai & Kannadhasan Suriyan,2022 ‘IoT based E-vehicle monitoring system using sensors and imaging processing algorithm’ International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems, Vol11, No.2, pp.196-204, DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v11.i2.pp196-204.

  • Umarani B, Sathiyaraja, K, Aathi Kesavan E, Gowsika P, Geethanjali R,2022 ‘Gallbladder region Extraction from Abdominal CT Image using segmentation techniques’ International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES), Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.926-931.

  • Palanivel Rajan Selvakumaran & Paranthaman Mohanraj,2022 ‘Miniaturized wideband implantable slotted loop antenna for biotelemetry applications’ Frequenz ,

  • D. Subitha, S. Velmurugan, M.Vanitha Lakshmi, P. Poonkuzhali, T. Yuvaraja and Samson Alemayehu 2022, “Development of Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 Substrate-Based MIMO Antenna Array for Automotive Radar Applications” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2022, Article ID 4319549, 11 pages DOI:

  • Senthil Kumar Kandasamy, S. Maheswaran, K. R. Kavitha, D. Karthikeyan, J. Indra, K. Sheikdavood, Y. Syamala, K. Srilakshmi,, Chandrasekaran A & Dhivya Balamoorthy, 2022, “High-Performance Graphene  Oxide / Polypyrrole / Ziziphus jujube / Prunus dulcis Ternary Composite Electrodes for Supercapacitor for Sensor Applications”, Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2022, Article ID 9201910, 10 pages, DOI:

  • Paranthaman Mohanraj & Palanivel Rajan Selvakumaran, 2022, “Compact wideband implantable antenna for biomedical applications”, Current Applied Physics, Vol.43/ pp. 50 – 56 DOI:

  • C. Jeyalakshmi, Manjunathan Alagarsamy, R. Kalaiarasan, M. Easwaran, Yuvaraja Thangavel  & Prabhu Paramasivam, 2022, “Plastic Waste Management System Using Metal Shredder for Clean Environment”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2022, Article ID 1598868, 7 pages DOI:

  • S. Kumarganesh, S. Anthoniraj, T. Senthil Kumar, P. Elayaraja, A.Christina Josephine Malathi M. Somaskandan & Gashaw Bekele, 2022, “A Novel Analytical Framework Is Developed for Wireless Heterogeneous Networks for Video Streaming Applications”, Journal of Mathematics, pp. 1-7 DOI:

  • K.Selvi, S.Kumarganesh, Tammineni Sreelatha & P.Elayaraja, 2022, “An Effective Earth's Surface Image Classification using HOG and ANN Algorithms”, PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA, Vol. 91, No. 5, DOI:

  • P.S.Raghavendran, S.Ragul, R.Asokan, Ashok Kumar Loganathan, Suresh Muthusamy, Om Prava Mishra, Ponarun Ramamoorthi and Suma Christal Mary Sundararajan (2023), “A new method for chest x-ray images categorization using transfer learning and CovidNet_2020 employing convolution neural network” in Soft Computing,, Springer, SCIE, IF:4.1, 4th July 2023.    

Academic Year  2022 - 2023

International / National Conference

  • Dr.Asokan R, ‘Cyclone intensity detection and classification using a attention based 3D deep learning model’, Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security(IC4S 2022) at Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, UP on 16th  &17th  December 2022.
  • Menagha P , P.Nisha , S.Praveena, R.Rukmani & Dr.B.Umarani, ‘WSN Efficient Routing and Energy Methodology to Increase Life Span using MCP Technique’, Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES) at Techno Engineering College, Banipur and Global Conference Hub,Coimbatore  on 25th & 26th February 2023.

  • Sowmya S, Thiruveni B,Sneka T,Selvasanthiya M & M.Geethalakshmi, ‘An Enhanced E-Vehicle Fault Prediction Control and  Monitoring Strategy with Deep Learning Embedded System’, Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES) at Techno Engineering College, Banipur and Global Conference Hub,Coimbatore  on 25th & 26th February 2023.

  • Praneetha R, Sheela G , Ramya P, Bharathi S & V.Srinath, ‘ Virtual Brain for Secrets’, Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES) at Techno Engineering College, Banipur and Global Conference Hub,Coimbatore  on 25th & 26th February 2023.

  • M.Paranthaman  , P.Kavin  , B.Javith  , B.Anandhakrishnan  , M.Sundaramoorthi ,  ‘IOT Equipped and AI Enabled Next Generation Smart Agriculture For Plant Disease Prediction’ Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS 2023) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering ,Karur on  7th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-951431-8-4).

  • Saranya M & Dr.T.Yuvaraja, ‘Fetal Movement Monitoring System for Pregnant Women in Rural Areas’, Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS 2023) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering ,Karur on 7th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-951431-8-4).

  • Usha Nandhini S &  Dr.M.Dharmalingam, ‘Bone Fracture Detection and Classification using Alexnet Algorithm in Deep Learning Approach’, Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS 2023) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering ,Karur on 7th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-951431-8-4).
  • A.P.Nehaashree & P.Elayaraja, ‘ Design and Development of an Intelligent Animal Repelling System for  Crop Protection based on Embedded Edge-AI’,  Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS 2023) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering ,Karur on 7th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-951431-8-4).

  • B.Umarani & S.Kaviya , An Efficient Edge Detection Method based on Image Processing using Approximate 4-2 Compressor’  Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS 2023) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering ,Karur on 7th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-951431-8-4).

  •  Arthy.M,Bommika.V.G,Kaviya.S,Kowsika.P & V.Bharathi, ‘Smart India Grocery Distribution System’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023.

  • Mohan Raj S, Lakshmanakumar K , Karthikeyan B & T.Yuvaraja ‘Agri Surveillance Robot using IOT’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Abinaya M, Kaviya S , Manju P & Dr.M.Dharmalingam, ‘Fire Department Alerting System’,  Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).
  • Charulatha K , Mukila K, Kaviya S & S.Baskar, ‘Detection of Cervical Cancer by using Deep Learning Algorithm’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).
  • Gowsik G, B.Kumaresan, R.Guna, P.Barath Kumar & S.Hari Kumar, ‘ Design and Implementation of Automatic Ticketing based on Verilog HDL’ Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Dhanasekar N.S, M.Kishore, R. Balaji , K.Hariharan & T.Meenal, ‘ Stroke Disease Prediction System ECG and PPG based on DL’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Madhushree S, Dhanya R, Brundhalakshmi A, Latha V & S.Sandhiya, ‘Exchanging Secured Data in Network using Power Cryptography’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).
  • Kiruthika B, Mahashree S, Hemanithi J, Deva Dharshini B & S.Baskar, ‘Lung Diseases Prediction in CT Images Using Deep Learning Techniques’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023.  (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Geethalakshmi M, ‘ FPGA based Prepaid Electricity Blling Machine’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on March 2023.  (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Ekalaivan S, Hariharan S , Lohith S &  S.Saranya, ‘Smart Plant Monitoring and Watering System’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Keerthana B, Kavipriya R , Gobika.S, Kiruba M & S.Saranya , ‘Wireless Charging E- Vehicle using IOT’,  Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).
  • Akshaya J T, Meenachi S & V.Srinath, ‘ Automatic Thermal Scanner and Sanitizer Dispenser Gate’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023.

  •  Dharanidharan S.A, Ajithkumar R, Ajay Aravinth,M Gokul R &  N.Jayapal, ‘Real Time Landslide Monitoring and Notification System using IOT’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  • Kavin M , Karthik B ,Guru Prasaad S V , Yashwanth K &  Beni Steena T, ‘An AI-IOT Based Industrial Control System with Surveillance and Device Misbehavior Detection’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).
  • Arun C, Bala Subramani L, Dhinesh M &  A. Suresh Kumar, ‘Voting Machine using Verilog Coding’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  •  Hemala V, Kanimozhi D, Jayanthi R, Manisha K & K.Amudha, ‘Unidirectional Dual Band with Linearly and Circularly Polarized Hybrid Loop/Magnetoelectric Dipole Antenna With Single Feeding’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  •  Kamalesh.D, B.Umarani, D.Kamalesh, S.Adhitiya, P.Ajay, ‘Collision Prevention in Mountain Roads’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th & 10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  •  K. Balaji, C. Karthick, J. S. Jaimisal, S. Akash & M.Dharmalingam, ‘Monitorization and Balanced Routing Protocol For Underwater Sensor Networks’,  Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023. (ISBN: 978-81-962669-8-1).

  •  P Kavin, E.Gaudam, S.Gokulnath, M.Karthick & P.Elayaraja, ‘True-Data Testbed for 5G/B5G Intelligent Network’, Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE 2023) at SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli  on 9th &10th March 2023.

  •  B.Akash, G.DineshKumar, V.M.Hariharan, V.Hemachandran & Dr.B.Umarani , ‘Hybrid V2X Optimal Predictive Routing for Stabilized Path for Heterogeneous VANET’ , International Conference on "Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO 2023) at Karpagam College of Enginering, Coimbatore 10th and 11th March 2023.

  •  G.Raghul, B.VishnuBabu , S.Ajay, C.Jayaraj and T.Meenal , ‘Yolo - Based object recognition  and tracking to system to assist visually impaired people’, National Conference on Paradigm shift in Embedded, Communication Artificial Intelligence & Robotics at Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur,on 17" March 2023.

  •  S.Lalitha, R.Suraj, K.Yogesh and M.KarthikeyanAn Efficient access of spectrum in Cognitive Radio using Machnie Learning’, National Conference on Paradigm shift in Embedded, Communication Artificial Intelligence & Robotics at Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur,on 17" March 2023.

  •  Yazhini K & Dr.B.Umarani, ‘A Deep Gradient Network Model to Perform Efficient Packet Classification’,Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5G Communications and Network Technologies (1CA5NT 2023) at  Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai on 23rd & 24th March 2023.

  •  V.Bharathi, V.Kalaivani, M.Yogeswaran &  S.Yogeswaran,  ‘IoT based Smart Remainder Medicine Pill Box’, International Conference on Smart Engineering for Renewable Energy Technologies (ICSERET - 2023) at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 24th  & 25th  March 2023.  (ISBN: 978-93-5737-601-3).

  •  Mohammed Yahya.R, Saravanasitheesh.S, Tamil Inian.R, Thiyagu.M & Dr.Yuvaraja T, ‘ Search  & Rescue Application using Zigbee and LoRa’, Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication,VLSI and Signal Processing(ETCVSP’23), JJ College Of Engineering and Technology, Trichy " on 24th & 25th March, 2023.

  •  M.Nivetha,R.Sajitha,B.Sornamalya , K.Vaishnavi & Dr.M.Paranthaman, ‘ An Intelligent IOT Sensing for Rail Vehicle Running States based on TinyML’, Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication,VLSI and Signal Processing(ETCVSP’23), JJ College Of Engineering and Technology, Trichy " on 24th & 25th March, 2023.

  •  Yazhini K & Umarani B, ‘ Designing a Efficient Packet Classification using Deep Gradient Network Model’ , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Communication and Signal Processing(ICETCSP 2023) at SRM Valliammai Engineering College,Chennai on 5th April 2023.

  •  Saranya M & Dr.T.Yuvaraja, ‘Fetal Healthcare Prediction using Deep Learning Algorithm’, National Conference on Innovation in Engineering & Technology(NCIET’2023) at Narasu's Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem on 13th May 2023(ISBN: 978-93-91977-30-6).

  •  B. Mathivanan; K.R. Nandhashree; C. Radhakrishnan; S. Ananthi; P. Suganthi; R. Asokan, ‘Deployment of Scalable Cloud Based Image Processing Application Using Fuzzy Coupled Learning Technique’ , 2022 1st International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST) on 09th & 10th  November 2022.  (IEEE Explore)

  •  Mahesh Prakash Joshi; S. Mallikarjunaiah; SeeramSrinivasa Rao; B. Umarani; K KarthiKumar; Sai Subramaniam, ‘Advanced AI based Controller for Wind Turbine Pitch Control’ 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC) on 10th & 12th  November 2022. (IEEE Explore).

  •  V Suresh Babu; Pardeep Kumar; K. Balasubadra, T Dineshkumar, ‘Link Correlation Procedure for Improving Energy Efficiency in Homogeneous WSN’ , 2022 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS) on 08th  & 09th  December 2022. (IEEE Explore).

  •  V. Samudrala, A. Reddy Yeruva, N. Jayapal, T. Vijayakumar, M. Rajkumar &  S. Razia, "Smart Water Flow Monitoring and Theft Detection System using IoT," 2022 International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS) at Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukkottai on 13th -15th  December 2022.  (IEEE Explore).

  • Jamuna P, Gowri Shankar S, Bharathi V, Loganayaki A, Praful Nandankar, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar, ‘IoT based Energy Efficient Smart Metering System’, Second Internationa Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2023) on 2nd – 4th March 2023.(IEEE Explore).
  • Shubhangi N. Ghate, D. Kalpanadevi, K Amudha, Priya Velayutham, Balu S, Mohd Asif Shah, ‘Image Denoising for Smart Laser Osteotomy Using Deep Learning-Based Fast Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)’  at Second International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2023) on  2nd – 4th  March 2023.(IEEE Explore).

  • K. Muthumanickam, A. Arthi, B. Umarani & T. Kumaravel , ‘Optimizing Medical Healthcare Services using Big Data Analytics’, International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication  Systems  (ICACCS 2023) on 17th  & 18th  March 2023.(IEEE Explore).

  • Sheikdavood K, Ponni Bala M, Balachandran A, Anand Kumar V& Dineshkumar Thangaraju ‘Video Based 3D Convolution Network for Air Quality Assessment’, International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems  (ICACCS 2023) on 17th  & 18th  March 2023.(IEEE Explore).

  • Palani Kumar R &  Asokan R, ‘Investigation on Optimization of Lifetime of Energy Constrained Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks – A Review’, 2023 Eighth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM) on 06th  & 07th  April 2023. (IEEE Explore).

  • Kushagra Gupta; Anushka Anushka; Manesh Ramkrishna Palav; Rajitha Jasmine R;V. Bharathi & Monika Gupta, ‘ Body Sensor Network Using Data Analysis and Modeling for Healthcare Application’ , 2023 Eighth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM) on 06th & 07th  April 2023  . (IEEE Explore).

  • T Dineshkumar, R Puviarasi, K Radhika & T Mangayarkarasi, ‘Intelligent embedded sensor based accident detection system and prevention system’ The First International Conference on Advances in Computational Science and Engineering, AIP Conf. Proc. 2519, 050003-1–050003-5.

  • Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Julian L. Webber, Devi Mani, D. Stalin David, Amudha Kandasamy, Rajasekar Rangasamy & Sudhakar Sengan , ‘Classification of Cervical Cells Using Deep Learning Feature Extraction’ International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (ICICSE 2022).

  • S Usha Nandhini & M Dharmalingam, ‘Bone Fracture Detection and Classification using Deep Learning Approach’ International Conference on ‘Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India’ at AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2022.

  • A P Nehaashree & P Elayaraja, ‘Design and Development of an Intelligent Animal Repelling System for Crop Protection based on Embedded Edge AI’ International Conference on ‘Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India’ at AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2022.

  •  M Saranya & T Yuvaraja, ‘Fetel Movement Healthcare Monitoring System for Pregnancy Women in Rural Areas using IoT’ International Conference on ‘Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India’ at AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2022.
  • S Kaviya & B Umarani, ‘An Efficient Edge Detection Application Design using Appropriate Processor’ International Conference on ‘Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India’ at AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2022.
  • Baskar & Dr.K Amudha, ‘A Novel System for Tracking Moving Objects behind the Walls using Wi-Vi Technology’ International Conference on ‘Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India’ at AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2022.
  • M Dharmalingam ‘E-Fitness Using Machine Learning Techniques and the Internet of Things’, International Conference on IEEE Mysurucon 2022 at JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru partnered with NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 16th and 17th October 2022.
  • Beni Steena ‘Compact and Ultra Contrast Ratio Optical Encoder Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator’ International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, (ICCSP 2022) at QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh on 27th & 28th September 2022.
  • M Saranya & T Yuvaraja, ‘IOT based Fetal Movement Detection of Pregnant Women by Machine Learning and Accelerometer Sensor’ National Conference on Innovative Trends in Communication and Technology (NCITCT-22)’ at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal on 21st September 2022.

Academic Year  2021 - 2022

International / National Journals

  • R. S. Mohana, K. Rajathi, K. Kousalya, & T. Yuvaraja 2022, ‘Text sentiment analysis on E-shopping product reviews using chaotic coyote optimized deep belief network approach’ Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
  • Sandhya. U, K Naresh Kumar, Saranya A P, N. Jayapal & Dr. S.Kumarganesh 2022, ‘Brain tumor detection and classification with DGMM – RBCNN technique’ International Journal of Health Sciences,
  • V. Bharathi & K. Sakthivel 2022, ‘Unmanned mobile robot in unknown obstacle environments for multi switching control tracking using adaptive nonlinear sliding mode control methodJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, DOI:10.3233/JIFS-213588.
  • D. Karthikeyan, V. Mohan Raj, J. Senthilkumar & Y. Suresh 2022, ‘Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble Wrapper Filter Based Feature Selection with Stacking Model, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.1, 2023, pp.645-659 DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.027039
  • Elayaraja, S. Kumarganesh, K. Martin Sagayam, Hien Dang & Marc Pomplun, 2022, ‘An efficient approach for detection and classification of cancer regions in cervical images using optimization based CNN classification approach’ Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, DOI:10.3233/JIFS-212871
  • Jeyalakshmi Chelliah , Manjunathan Alagarsamy , Karthikram Anbalagan , Dineshkumar Thangaraju , Edwin Santhkumar Wesley & Kannadhasan Suriyan 2022, ‘Automatic wireless health instructor for schools and colleges’ Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 11, Issue. 1,pp. 278-285
  • Roselin Suganthi Jesudoss, Rajeswari Kaleeswaran, Manjunathan Alagarsamy, Dineshkumar Thangaraju, Dinesh Paramathi Mani & Kannadhasan Suriyan 2022, ‘Comparative study of BER With NOMA system in different fading channels’, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 11, Issue. 2,pp. 854-861
  • Preethi P, Asokan R, Thillaiarasu N & Saravanan T 2021, ‘An effective digit recognition model using enhanced convolutional neural network based chaotic grey wolf optimization’ Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 41, no. 2, pp. 3727-3737
  • R. Nithya, K. Amudha, A. Syed Musthafa, Dilip Kumar Sharma, Edwin Hernan Ramirez-Asis, Priya Velayutham, V. Subramaniyaswamy & Sudhakar Sengan 2021, ‘An Optimized Fuzzy Based Ant Colony Algorithm for 5G-MANET’ CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.1, pp.1069-1087
  • S. Sreethar ,  N. Nandhagopal, S. Anbu Karuppusamy & M. Dharmalingam 2021, ‘A Group Teaching Optimization Algorithm for Priority‑Based Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks’, Wireless Personal Communications,
  • Rajamanikandan T, Banumathi S & Asokan R 2021, ‘Performance Analysis Of Electrical Properties Of Resin Transfer Molded Banana Leaf Reinforced Polymer Composites’, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, vol.23, Issue.10, pp.179-194
  • Rajamanikandan T, Banumathi S & Asokan R 2021, ‘Investigation of the Dielectric Characteristics of Banana Residue-Reinforced Epoxy Resin’, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, DOI: 10.20964/2021.12.20vol.16, Article ID: 21124
  • Nirmaladevi Periyasamy & Asokan Ramasamy 2021, ‘Interscale adaptive threshold wavelet filter for ultrasound image despeckling’ International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp 293-310
  • Sreethar S, Nandhagopal N, Anbu Karuppusamy S & Dharmalingam M 2021, ‘SARC: Search and rescue optimization-based coding scheme for channel fault tolerance in wireless networks’ Springer-Wireless Networks, PP. 3915–3926,
  • Puviarasi R, Dineshkumar T, Suresh Babu V & Pachaivannan Partheeban 2021, ‘Design and Development of Smart Portable System for Underground Pipeline Leakage Monitoring Based on IoT’ Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Publishing.
  • Dineshkumar T, Suresh Babu V, Pachaivannan Partheeban & Puviarasi R 2021, ‘Air Quality Monitoring System Based on IoT’ Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Publishing.
  • Malarvizhi C, Brenda M, Baskar S & Joselin Jeya Sheela J 2021, ‘Design and Optimization of CPW-Fed Bow-Tie Slot Patch Antenna’ Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Publishing.
  • Meenal Thayumanavan & Asokan Ramasamy 2021, ‘An efficient approach for brain tumor detection and segmentation in MR brain images using random forest classifier’, Concurrent Engineering,

    Academic Year  2021 - 2022

    International / National Conference

  • Dr.R.Asokan, “Intelligent Wheel Chair for Physically Challenged People Using IoT” International Conference on ‘Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2K22)’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 28th and 29th April 2022.

  • T.Beni Steena, Dr.P.Perumal, C.Suganthi, Dr.R.Asokan, S.Sreeji & Dr.P.Preethi ‘Optimizing Image Fusion Using Wavelet Transform Based Alternative Direction Multiplier Method’ International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida on 28th and 29th April 2022.
  • Dr.P.Elayaraja, ‘Sign Language Recognition using Machine Intelligence for Hearing Impairment Person’ International Conference on ‘Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology (ICONNECT-2K22)’ at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy on 28th and 29th April 2022.
  • T.Yuvaraja,“Pulmonary Lobe Based Lung Diseases Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques”, International Conference on Newer Engineering Concepts and Technology(ICONNECT-2K22) at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology during 28th April 2022 and 28th April 2022.
  • V.Bharathi, “Path planning of unmanned Mobile robot in unknown obstacle for multi switching control tracking using deep reinforcement learning” International Conference on Contemporary Innovations in Engineering & Management in data sciences IoT & Computational Techniques at RGM College of Engineering and Technology during 22nd April 2022 and 23rd April 2022
  • T.Beni Steena, “Performance Analysis of Single Stage Inverter Employing Fuzzy Controller” IEEE International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems(ICSS 2022) at Saveetha Engineering College during 21st April 2022 and 22nd April 2022.
  • M.Geethalakshmi “Automatic Temperature Screening, Sanitizing & RFID with Face Mask Detection Using Rasberry Pi”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J.College of Engineering and Technology on 25th March 2022.
  • Dr.M.Dharmalingam, ‘Automatic Temperature Screening and Sanitizing with Face Mask and RFID Detection using Raspberry Pi ‘International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing’ at JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • Dr.K.Amudha,‘Autonomous Navigation Helper Robot based on Mapping’ International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing’ at JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022

  • B.Umarani, “Yolo Based Animal Monitoring and Recognition System”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • Lalitha.S, “Fire Fighting Robot Enabled With Acoustic Wave Fire Extinguisher” International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing  at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on  25th March 2022
  • D.Karthikeyan, “Reducing the Complexity of 5G Wireleqss Network by using Filtered-OFDM” International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • M.Geethalakshmi, ‘Intelligent Hybrid Network Management in 5G’ International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing’ at JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • T.Beni Steena, ‘Smart Water Quality Monitoring System based on IoT’ International Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing’ at JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022

  • B.Umarani, “Speech Communication based on Signal Dereverberation using Deep Learning algorithm” International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing  at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.
  • T.Meenal ,“Enhancement and Detection of Brain Tumour from MRI images using Deep Learning” ,International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing  at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on  25th March 2022.
  • T. Yuvaraja,“Pulmonary Lobe Based Lung Diseases Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • V.Bharathi, “Equipment Configuration and Optimization of AGV Unmanned Warehouse”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • M.Geethalakshmi, “Fake Product Review Monitoring and Removal for Online Product Reviews”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • V.Krishnakumar, “To Implement a System for Phishing Website Prediction Using SVM Algorithm”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • T.Meenal., “Early Prediction and Risk Identification of Chronic Kidney Disease Using Deep Learning”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on  25th March 2022.

  • P.Elayaraja, “Sign Language Recognition using Machine Intelligence for Hearing Impairment Person”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on  25th March 2022.

  • Dr.B.Umarani, "Parkinson's Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing  at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy  on 25th March 2022.
  • T.Beni Steena “Underground Cable Fault Detection Using IoT”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing  at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy   on  25th March 2022.
  • N.Jayapal ‘Cell-GAN: Fast and Accurate Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cell’, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th March 2022.

  • Dr.K.Amudha ,“Intelligent Wheel Chair for Physically Challenged People Using IoT”, International Conference(Virtual Mode) on Emerging Trends in Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing at J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on  25th March 2022.

  • V. Bharathi, “Equipment Configuration and Optimization of AGV Unmanned Warehouse” International Conference on Smart Technologies and Applications-2022 (ICSTA 2022) (Online mode) organized by Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 11th & 12th March 2022.
  • Dinesh Kumar T ‘In Hospital and In Home Remote Patient Motoring’ International virtual conference on Emerging Trends on Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 held at Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai on 21st June 2021.

Academic Year  2020 - 2021

International / National Journals

  • Anantraj I, Umarani B, Meena R, Joysaral A ; Dharani S 2020 ‘Prototyping Exploration of Glaucoma using Dnn’ Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, vol.13, no.4, pp.192-196.
  • Krishnamoorthy R, Amudha V, Malarvizhi C, Thirumalai M ; Dineshkumar T 2020 ‘Optimal Micro-Strip Antenna Design ; Analysis of Rectangular Patchwith Co-Axial Feeder’ Inetrnational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology’ vol.29, no.6, pp.7969-7975.
  • Amanullakhan V, Bharathi V, Sayed Mohammed I ; Booma J 2020 ‘Incremental and Dense – Mrrn for Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation’ International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering ; Technology’ Vol.11, Issue.9, pp. 897-903.
  • Karthikeyan D, Enitha C, Bharathi S ; Durkadevi K 2020 ‘Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition using Image Processing’ International Journal of Engineering Research ; Technology, vol.8, issue.8, pp. 1-4.
  • Lokesh P Gagnani Ramesh S, Senthil R, Krishnakumar V ; SyedKhasim 2020 ‘An efficient IOT based alert intrusion system for generative mobile data stream application’ European Journal of Molecular ; Clinical Medicine, Vol 7, Issue 2, pp. 3210-3218.
  • Sudhakar Sengan, Kanmani P, Amudha K, Vishnu Raja P, Anil Kumar Dubey, Razia Sulthana A, & Priya Velayutham 2020, ‘Network Embedding Architecture using Laplace Regularization-Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Virtualization’ Elsevier - Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 81
  • Karthikeyan D, Mohanraj V, Suresh Y & Senthilkumar J 2021, ‘An efficient stacking model with SRPF classifier technique for intrusion detection system’ Wiley dac.4737
  • Kavitha M, Syedakbar S , Meenal T , Sarath Kumar R & Albert Alexander Stonier 2021 ‘Enhanced Algorithm for Bio Metric Based Secret Data Hiding’ IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012126
  • Balajee Alphonse, Venkatesan Rajagopal, Sudhakar Sengan, Kousalya Kittusamy, Amudha Kandasamy & Rajendiran Periyasamy 2020, ‘Modeling and multi-class classification of vibroarthographic signals via time domain curvilinear divergence random forest’ Springer-Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,
  • Gokulakrishnan K, Kiruthiga B, Jayapal N, Karthi S P & Albert Alexander Stonier 2021, ‘Detection & Defensive Approach for Primary User Emulation Attacking Cognitive Radio Network’ IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012070
  • Gopinath S, Vinoth Kumar K, Elayaraja P, Parameswari A, Balakrishnan S & Thiruppathi M 2021, ‘SCEER: Secure cluster based efficient energy routing scheme for wireless sensor networks’ Materials Today: Proceedings,
  • Manjunathan A, Suresh Kumar A, Udhayanan S, Thirumarai Selvi C & Albert Alexander Stonier 2021, ‘Design of Autonomous Vehicle Control using IoT’ IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012008
  • Balakumar A, Thanapal P, Yuvaraja T, Jenopaul P & Suganya A 2021, ‘Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) and Blockchain Based Warplane Secure Communication’ Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp.1348–1359.
  • Anantraj I, Umarani B, Punithavalli U, Subhiksha A & Umaiyalakshmi U 2021, ‘Efficient Early Stage Covid 19 Classification with Chest X Ray Image’, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp.9995–10002
  • Syedtariq Ahmed S F, Baskar S & Dharmalingam M 2021, ‘Face Detection using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Surveillance and Border Safety’ International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.3009–3014.
  • Karthick K & Asokan R 2021, ‘Mobility Aware Quality Enhanced Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithm’ Wireless Personal Communications, PP. 3063–3087
  • Thiyaneswaran B, Elayaraja P, Srinivasan P, Kumarganesh S & Anguraj k 2021, ‘IoT based air quality measurement and alert system for steel, material and copper processing industries’ Elsevier, Materials today:Proceedings, ISSN No. 2214-7853
  • Rajeshwaran K, Sudhakar K, Kavitha A, Geethalakshmi M & Palaniappan C 2021, ‘Implementation of Arithmetic Logic Subsystem in a Sliced Processor’ Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 722-729
  • R.S.Janani, R Asokan & K.Muthumanickam 2020, ‘Minimum Clustering based Spanning Tree with Optimal Energy Routing for Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey’ International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, ISSN No:-2456-2165, Vol. 5, Issue 9, PP 1326 – 11329
  • Dharmalingam M, Umarani, B, Shankar R & Kumar K 2020, ‘Analysis of Internet of Thing in Smart Manufacturing Industry’ Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 17, No. 12, PP 5495-5502.
  • Balamurugan R, Dineshkumar T, Malarvizhi C, Yogeshwaran A, Kaarthik K & Sagayaraj R 2021, ‘IoT Based Farm Housing Using NPK Sensors’ Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, PP. 581-590

International / National Conferences

  • Umarani B ‘Prediction of Parkinson's Disease using Machine Learning Approach’ International E-Conference on Recent Advances In Computation, Communication, Internet Of Things and Artificial Intelligence’ held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, on 31st March and 1st April 2021.
  • Karthikeyan D ‘Border Crossing Tracking System for Soldier’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Bharathi V ‘Bus Indication for Visually Challenged People using RFID’ National Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication(SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, on 31st March 2021.
  • Baskar S ‘WIFI Controlled Home Assistant Robot using Arduino’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Meenal T ‘Automatic Brain Tumor Detection Using Glcm Features and Modified Probabilistic Neural Network’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Dharmalingam M ‘Real Time Driver Behavior Monitoring for Accident Avoidance’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Dharmalingam M ‘An ISM-Band Automated Irrigation System for Agriculture IOT’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Suresh Kumar A ‘Development of IOT based Fire Fighting Robot for Fire and Motion Detection in Hill Areas’ Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Elayaraja P ‘Novel Features Selection And Voting Classifier Algorithms For COVID 19 Classification’ National Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication (SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology on 31st March 2021.
  • Umarani B ‘An Enhancement Approach For Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality In Medical Imaging Technology’ 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering (ICIEICE’21) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 27th March 2021.
  • Beni Steena T ‘ATM Data Security using Machine Learning Password Authentication’ National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering design and Manufacturing ETEDM-21’ held at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, on 25th March 2021.
  • Geethalakshmi M ‘Monitoring Bridge Health Condition Using Integrated IoT Technology’ National Conference on ‘Virtual National Conference on Innovations in Electrical Power and Green Energies (NCIEPGES’21)’ held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, on 24th March 2021.
  • Geethalakshmi M ‘Brain Tumor Taxonomy using python with MRI bust’ National Conference on ‘Virtual Conference on Smart Computing & Advanced Communication(SCAC’21)’ held at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, on 31st March 2021.
  • Bharathi V ‘IOT based Sewer Clogging Prediction System’ National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering design and Manufacturing ETEDM-21’ held at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, on 25th March 2021.
  • Suresh Kumar A ‘Efficient Privacy-Preserving Electricity Theft Detection with Dynamic Billing and Load Monitoring for Ami Networks’ National Conference on ‘Recent advances in Communicative Electronics (NCRACE’21) held at SRM TRP Engineering College, on 25th March 2021.
  • Amudha K ‘Automatic Library Management System using Face and Text Recognition’ National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering design and Manufacturing ETEDM-21’ held at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, on 25th March 2021.
  • Jayapal N ‘Automation using ROT with RPA Technology’ National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering design and Manufacturing ETEDM-21’ held at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, on 25th March 2021.
  • Karthikeyan D ‘Real-time Leaf Disease Detection using ALEXNET’ National Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering design and Manufacturing ETEDM-21’ held at Hindusthan Institute of Technology, on 25th March 2021.
  • Yuvaraja T ‘Convolutional Neural Network based Autonomous Car’ National Conference on ‘Recent advances in Communicative Electronics(NCRACE’21)’ held at SRM TRP Engineering College, on 25th March 2021.
  • Geethalakshmi M ‘Monitoring Bridge Health Condition Using Integrated IOT Technology’ Virtual National Conference on ‘Innovations in Electrical Power and Green EnergieS (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, on 24th March 2021.
  • Yuvaraja T ‘Gas Level Detection and Leakage Automatic Booking Using IOT’ Virtual National Conference on ‘Innovations in Electrical Power and Green EnergieS (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, on 24th March 2021.
  • Jayapal N ‘Alternative Hearing Module With Play Backer And Blind Eye’ Virtual National Conference on ‘Innovations in Electrical Power and Green EnergieS (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, on 24th March 2021.
  • Amudha K ‘Industry an Enhancement Approach for Analyzing PM 2.5 Concentration using Picture based Prediction’ Virtual National Conference on ‘Innovations in Electrical Power and Green EnergieS (NCIEPGES’21) held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, on 24th March 2021.
  • Bharathi V ‘Review paper of multi-switching control tracking and path clearance for Robots’ National Conference on ‘National Web Conference on Challenges and Innovation in Engineering and Technology 2021’ held at Ramco Institute of Technology, on 19th and 20th March 2021.
  • Yuvaraja T ‘A Smart Health Care Monitoring System Using IoT’ National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Computing & Communication Technologies for Smart Environment’ held at Kings College of Engineering, on 13th March 2021.
  • Beni Steena T ‘Implementation of Smart Vehicle FC Monitoring and Theft Detection System using IOT’ International conference on Advancements in Automotive Technology (ICAAT)’ held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 5th and 6th March 2021.
  • Geethalakshmi M ‘COVID-19 PPE(Doctors/Nurse Life Saving Personal Protective Equipment)’ International Conference on ‘Advancements in Automotive Technology(ICAAT)’ held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology , on 5th and 6th March 2021.
  • Elayaraja P ‘COVID-19 Real Time Health Monitoring System using an IOT’ International Conference on ‘Advancements in Automotive Technology (ICAAT)’ held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, on 5th and 6th March 2021.
  • Asokan R ‘An Attempt for Energy Conscious Scheduling Based on Subjective Particle Swarm Optimization in Cloud Computing Environment’ IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) held at GCET, Greater Noida on 4th and 5th March 2021.
  • Asokan R ‘Building a Scheme for Assuring Certainty over the Internet based Trade for Cloud Applications’ IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE) held at GCET, Greater Noida on 4th and 5th March 2021.
  • Dharmalingam M & Baskar S ‘Face Detection using unmanned aerial vehicle for surveillance and border safety’ 2nd International conference on ‘Advancements in Research and Development (ICARD) on 27th and 28th February 2021.
  • Meenal.T ‘Detection of Face mask and Physical distance using deep learning’ 2nd International conference on ‘Advancements in Research and Development (ICARD) on 27th and 28th February 2021.
  • Asokan R ‘Ensemble Learning based Network Anomaly Detection using Clustered Generalization of the Features’ 2nd IEEE International Conference on ‘Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N-20) held at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh on 18th and 19th December 2020.
  • Asokan R ‘Neural Network Oriented RONI Prediction for Embedding Process with Hex Code Encryption in DICOM Images’ 2nd IEEE International Conference on ‘Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking  (ICAC3N-20) held at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh on 18th and 19th December 2020.
  • Dineshkumar T ‘An Integrated Brain-Machine Interface Platform with Thousands of Channels ’International e-conference on ‘Science and Technology for Environmental Enrichment and Public Health (STEEP)’ held at Easwari Engineering College, on 29 th ; 30 th Sep 2020.
  • Amudha K, Balu S ; Meenal T ‘Information Hiding and Security Techniques by Hybrid Baker Map with AES in CBC Mode’ Virtual National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Power and Energy Engineering RTPEE-2020’ held at Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam on 17 th Sep 2020.
  • Beni Steena T ‘High Contrast Ratio Optical Encoder Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator’ International Conference on ‘Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities’ (ICCIASH-2020) held at St.Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad on 13 th ;14 th August 2020.

Academic Year  2019 - 2020

International / National Journals

  • Preethi P & Asokan R, 2019, ‘A High secure medical image storing and sharing in cloud environment using Hex Code cryptography method’, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health informatics, vol.9, no.7, pp. 13337-1345.
  • Malathy M, Rajinikanth C, Mohan V and Yuvaraja T, 2019, “Hybrid Tile Based Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine Base Content-Based Image Retrieval System for Medical Application”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN:2277, Vol.8, Issue-3,September 2019, PP 3305-3310.
  • Karthikeyan D, Mohanraj V, Suresh Y and Senthilkumar J, 2019, “Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Security Enrichment Using Classifier Ensemble”, Journal of Computational and Theoritical Nanoscience, Vol. 16, PP 1-5
  • Thanikachalam V, Kavitha M.G and Bharathi V, 2019 “Artificial Neural Network and Gray level Co-occurance Matrix based Automated Corrosion Detection”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249-8958, Vol.8, Issue-6, August 2019 PP: 4499-4502.
  • Amudha K, Beni Steena T, Balu S, Somu M & Suresh A 2020, ‘Enhancement of Image Quality by Noise Reduction using Modified Clustering Algorithm’ Test Engineering & Management, vol.83, pp. 1587–1591
  • Dineshkumar T, Ajai Kumar S, Harikrishnan S, Akash A & Arun Kailash S  2020,  ‘Smart House for Intruder Detection System’ Test Engineering and Management, vol.83, pp.6646-6652
  • Kavitha M, Dinesh Kumar T, Gayathri A & Koushick V 2020 ‘28 GHz printed antenna for 5G Communication with improved gain Using array’ International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research vol. 9, issue.3, pp.5127-5133
  • Krishnamoorthy R, Dineshkumar T, Syed Mazhar A & Thirumalai M 2020, ‘Novel Design using Hadoop Technique for Managing and Integration of Clinical Data’ Test Engineering and Management,vol.83, pp.5194-5198
  • Geethalakshmi M, Jayapal N, Jency Remina D, Ramya S & Rajavelan M 2020, ‘Wearable ECG Monitoring by using IOT for Medical Applications’ Test Engineering & Management, vol.83, pp.1592–1596
  • Saravanabhavan C, Anguraju K, Kannan M, Preethi P & Asokan R, 2019, ‘Ensuring Efficient Data Storage Using Fully Mature Homomorphic Encryption Technique in the Cloud Environment’, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol.8, iss.2, pp. 5333-5342.
  • Preethi P & Asokan R, 2019, ‘An Attempt to Design Improved and Fool Proof Safe Distribution of Personal Healthcare Records for Cloud Computing’,Springer, Mobile Networks and Applications vol.24, iss.6, pp. 1755–1762
  • Preethi P & Asokan R, 2019, ‘Modelling LSUTE: PKE Schemes for Safeguarding Electronic Healthcare Records over Cloud Communication Environment’, Springer, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1-17

International / National Conferences

  • Krishnakumar V, “An enhancement approach for AI based early forest fire detection using KNN algorithm”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Elayaraja P, “Visualization of Cervical Cancer Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Elayaraja P, “CNN Approaches Lung Cancer Detection by using Histopathology Images”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Bharathi V, “Varicose Vein Prevention and Therapeutic by Artificial Intelligence”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Jayapal N, “A Mimo Antenna with ImprovedIsolation For 5g Applications”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Jayapal N, “War Field Spying Robot Using IoT”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Jayapal N, “A Navigation and Reservation based Car parking System for Smart Cities”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Dineshkumar T, “Smart House for Intruder Detection System”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems  held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 5th  March 2020
  • Yuvaraja T, “Biometric based  Smart Voting System”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Yuvaraja T, “Image Steganography based Modified PBTL Techniques”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th& 5th March 2020
  • Beni Steena T, “Health monitoring system using IOT” International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Asokan R, “Face detection and text recognition for visually impaired persons”International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Dharmalingam M, ‘Ultra Low Power Fire Fighting Robot Using TEG’ International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Meenal T, “Skull stripping using Deep learning”International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Baskar  S, “Novel approach for intelligent electric  power theft and energy meter reading by using IOT”International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Suresh Kumar A, “De-inking pulp receiving chest automation using Siemens PCST DCS system” International conference on ‘Engineering and Technology’ held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Umarani B, “An efficient approach of multi object tracking using Kalman filter”International conference on Engineering and Technology held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 4th and 5th March 2020
  • Geethalakshmi M,Medical Handwritten  Prescription Recognition” national conference on ‘Future Trends in Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality for Education’ held at Sona College of Technology, Salem on 20th& 21st Feb 2020
  • Baskar S & Suresh Kumar A, “De-inking pulp receiving chest automation using Siemens PCST DCS system”national conference on Future Trends in Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality for Education held at Sona College of Technology, Salem on 20th& 21st Feb 2020
  • Amudha K, “Noise Reduction in Gray Scale Images using Segmentation Techniques” National Conference on Recent Advances in On-Board Ship Automation held at AMET University, Chennai on 26th and 27th September 2019.
  • Umarani B, “An enhancement approach for argumented reality and virtual reality in Palmar Medical Imaging Technology” National Conference on Recent Advances in On-Board Ship Automation held at AMET University, Chennai on 26th and 27th September 2019.
  • Beni Steena T, “Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Based Logical Devices” National Conference on Recent Advances in On-Board Ship Automation held at AMET University, Chennai on 26th and 27th September 2019.
  • Geethalakshmi M and Jency Remina D, “Wearable ECG Monitoring for Medical Applications” National Conference on Recent Advances in On-Board Ship Automation held at AMET University, Chennai on 26th and 27th September 2019

 Academic Year  2018 - 2019

International / National Journals

  • Shankar,K 2018, “ Design of Class E Power Amplifier Using SXA389BZ for Broadband Applications”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018 ISDN: 1816-949X, vol-13, Issue 14, PP 5826-5830. 

  • Purushothaman.R & Bharathi.V 2018 “Automatic Bin Bot –Garbage Collecting System in Residential Areas and Enlightening Disposal Mechanism”, International Research Journal of Engineering and  Technology, Vol. 5, issue. 8, pp.1312-1314.

  • Elayaraja P & Suganthi M 2018 “Automatic Approach for Cervical Cancer Detection and Segmentation Using Neural Network Classifier” Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (Accepted).

  • Asokan.R, 2018, “A Novel Edge Preserving Improved Adaptive Wavelet Filter (EPIAWF) for Speckle Removal in Ultrasound Images”, International Journal of Current Medical Imaging Reviews, ISSN: 1573-4056, Vol-14, Issue 4, PP 521-532
  • Purushothaman.R and Bharathi.V, 2018, “Automatic Bin Bot-Garbage collecting System in Residential Areas and Enlightening Disposal Mechanism” , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-0056, Vol-05, Issue 08, PP 1312-1314
  • Elayaraja.P, Suganthi.M, 2018, “Automatic Approach for Carvical Cancer Detection and Segmentation Using Neural Network Classifier”, International journal of Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2018 ISDN: 2476-762X, vol-19, Issue 12, PP 3571-3580
  • Shankar.R, John Wiselin.M.C and Sreeja.B.S, 2018, “Design of Class E Power Amplifier Using SXA389BZ for Broadband Application”, International journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018 ISDN: 1816-949X, vol-13, Issue 14, PP 5826-5830
  • Beni Steena. T, Indira.P and Geethalakshmi. M, 2019, “Enhancing Performance of Optical Link using Integrated DWDM and Flip- OFDM for High Speed Optical Communication Systems” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Vol-7 Issue-5S2, PP 9-12

International / National Conferences

  • Karthikeyan D ‘Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Security Enrichment using Classifier Ensemble’ International Conference on ‘Intelligent Computing’ held at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangaluru on 25th to 27th October 2018.

  • Umarani B ‘An enhanced machine learning approach using Glaucoma awareness based on cellular technology’ International Conference on ‘Innovation and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering’ held at  AMET University, Chennai on 27th to 28th September 2018.

  • Beni Steena T ‘Enhancing performance of Optical link using integrated DWDM and flip OFDM for high speed optical communication system’, International Conference on ‘Innovation and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering’ held at  AMET University, Chennai on 27th to 28th September 2018.

  • Indira P ‘Enhancing performance of Optical link using integrated DWDM and flip OFDM for high speed optical communication system’, International Conference on ‘Innovation and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering’ held at  AMET University, Chennai on 27th to 28th September 2018.

  • Dr.B.Umarani, “An enhanced machine learning approach using Glaucoma awareness based on cellular technology”, International conference of AMET Deemed University, Chennai on 27.09.18 and 28.09.18

  • Mrs.T.Beni steena, Mrs.P.Indira and Mrs.M.Geethalakshmi, “Enhancing performance of Optical link using integrated DWDM and flip OFDM for high speed optical communication system”, International conference of AMET Deemed University, Chennai on 27.09.18 and 28.09.18
  • Mr.D.Karthikeyan, “Hybrid Intrusion Detection system security Enrichment using classifier Ensemble”, International conference of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru on 25.10.18 and 27.10.18
  • Mr.A.Suresh kumar, “Vehicle to Vehicle communication and security in VANET” National conference of M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 08.03.2019
  • Mr.V.P.Kavin, “Energy conservation using MAT”, National conference of M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 08.03.2019
  • Mrs.T.Beni Steena, “Biometric authentication for medical application”, National conference of M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 08.03.2019
  • Mr.P.Elayaraja, “Digital water marking in medical images for telemedition application”, National conference of M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 08.03.2019
  • Mr.V.Bharathi, “Automatic medication dispencer using RFID and WiFi”, National conference of M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 08.03.2019
  • Mr.V.Bharathi, “Unmanned Automatic medication dispencer using WiFi” International conference of Karpagam College of Engineering, coimbatore on 23.03.2019
  • Mr.M.Dharmalingam  and Ms.Agi.J.Bharathi, “Disease and quality identification of tomato using image processing technique” International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • Dr.B.Umarani and Ms.S.Priya, “An efficient detection of retinal images for interpretable diabetic retinopathy using MIL algorithm” International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • Dr. K.Amudha, and Ms.R.Vennila “Multilayer security using RSA cryptography and video steganography”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • Mr.R.Shankar and Ms.D.JencyRemina, “Design and analysis of LNA with modified techniques for X band application”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • T.Yuvaraja and S.Lalitha, “Secure data sharing using medical image steganography”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • T.Meenal, and S.Saranya, “Skull stripping of human brain in MRI images” International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • D.Karthikeyan and G.Sindhuja , “Improvement of intrusion attack categorization and recognition system”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • P.Elayaraja and R. Soundarya, “An image based cervical cancer segmentation and detection using ANFIS classifier”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • T.Beni Steena, Preetha.T.S, Ranjitha.I and UdhayaNandhini.S, “Doctor’s assistive system using augmented reality for autism patients”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • V.Krishnakumar, S.Deepa, K.Dhivya, P.Karthika, P.Kowsalya, “Mobile platform for physically challenged people”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • M.Geethalakshmi, Poorani J, Preethi T, Preethikashree S and Shobanaamani A, “Raspberry pi based smart advertisement boards”,  International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • T.Meenal, M.Bhavadharani, S.Keerthi, T.Kowsika and B.Nandhini, “Internet of things in smart GRID power distribution”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • M.Geethalakshmi, E.Jayasudha, K.K.Harini, D.Devadharshini and M.Dhivyalakshmi, “Non-invasive glucose monitoring for diabetic care”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • B.Umarani, R.Indhumathi, S.Janani, V.Keerthana and N.Mukilvani, “IOT based on smart bin monitoring using Arduino for smart cities”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • P.Indira, S.Prameladevi, A.Sangeetha and K.SivaBharathi, “Design and development of a women security device”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • B.Umarani, V.Ragapriya, K.Saranya, P.Sivaranjani and T.Nandhini, “A text reader for visually impaired using Raspberry PI”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • D.Karthikeyan, R.P.Priyanga, M.Sangavi, P.Tharani and P.Vinodhini, “Power line theft detection using hall effect sensor with GSM”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • K.Amudha, AVMS. Nivetha, S.Pavithra, P.A.PriyaDharshini and P.Ramya, “Disease detection from row crops using image processing techniques”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • S.Pradeep, A.Niranjan Deva , V.Nishanth, P.Revanth and K.Silambarasan, “Reconfiguration strategies for critical adaptive distributed embedded systems”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • Baskar.S, Dinesh.R, Kavinkumar.N and Sakthivel.M, “Wireless underground sensor network based coal mining safety monitoring”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • Indira P, Bhavadharani M and Keerthana C, “Intelligent accident prediction alert & crash recovery system using IOT”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • V.Bharathi, C.Aasha, P.Apsara, A.Arivananthi and R.Dayanakamali, “A novel and secure smart parking management system based on WSN, IOT & RFID” , International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019
  • D. Karthikeyan, A.Hari Haran, R.Kishorekumar, R.Mouleeshwaran, “Voice operated induction motor speed control through RF communication”, International conference of Kongunadu college of engineering and technology, thottiam on 23.03.2019 to 25.03.2019

Academic Year  2017 - 2018

International / National Journals

  • Amudha. K, Nelson Kennedy Babu, C & Balu, S 2017 , “Hybrid baker map with AES in cipher block chaining mode in medical images” International Research Journal of Pharmacy, ISSN: 2230-8407,vol -8,Issue 4,PP 67-73.
  • Dharmalingam. M, & John Wiselin, MC  2017 , “CASA For Improving Speech Intelligibility in Monaural Speech Separation”, International Journal of Performability Engineering, ISBN 9781848001305,ebook ISBN:9781848001312,vol 13,No.3, pp.259-263
  • Shankar. R, John Wiselin. MC, Kanchana. D & Sreeja. BS 2017 , “A 1GHz class E power amplifier for wireless applications”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, ISSN(P): 2250-155X; ISSN(E): 2278-943X,Vol 7, Issue 4, PP 103-110
  • Amudha. K, Balu. S & Sakthivel. K  2017 , “Performance Analysis of Firefly search Fuzzy C-means(FSFCM) for detecting Lung Cancer Nodules”, International Reaearch Journal of Pharmacy, ISSN: 2230-8407,vol-8, Issue 9. Pp 88-94
  • Baskar S & Suresh Kumar A, 2017 ‘The pulse oximetry data transfer system for wireless ’, international journal of current engineering and scientific research, vol.4, issue.12, pp.61-66.
  •  Shankar R, John Wiselin M C & Sreeja B S 2018, ‘Development of Broadband Class E Power Amplifier for WBAN Applications’, international journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.118, no.5, pp. 745-750.

  •  Yogapriya J, Saravanabhavan C, Asokan R, Ila.Vennila, Preethi P, Nithya B, 2018 ‘ A Study of Image Retrieval System Based On  Feature Extraction, Selection, Classification and Similarity Measurements’, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health informatics,vol.08,no.3, pp.479-484

  •  Balu S, Nelson Kennedy Babu C & Amudha K 2018, ‘Secure and Efficient data transmission by video steganography in medical imaging system’, Springer, pp. 1-7.

  •  Baskar S, Pradeep S, Jency Remina & Lalitha S 2018, ‘Detection of Brain stroke and Brain Tumor using UWB Pentagon Antenna’, international journal of innovative science and research technology, vol.3, issue.3, pp.61-63.

  •  Baskar S, Uma Rani B & Suresh Kumar 2018, ‘Glaucoma detection for optic disc medical image processing’, international journal of advance research and development, vol.3, issue.4, pp.132-138.

  •  Yuvaraja T & Sabeenian R S 2018, ‘Performance analysis of medical image security using steganography based on fuzzy logic’, Cluster computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications.

  •  Bharathi V, Gayathri K, Jayashree S, Kiruthika D & Maheswari P 2018, ‘Automatic BinBot – Garbage Collecting System using IoT’, international journal of engineering research and technology, Vol.6, issue.5, pp. 1-5.

  •  Balaji K, Janai R, Hemapriya L, Abinaya C & Gowri S 2018, ‘LABVIEW based automated shopping system using conveyor’, international journal of engineering research and technology, Vol.6, issue.5, pp. 1-4.

  • Jayapal N, Ajeeth Kumar C, Aadhithyaa Vishwanath & Gopi R 2018, ‘GPS & LABVIEW based system for detection and control of Maritime boundary intruding boats’, international journal of engineering research and technology, Vol.6, issue.5, pp. 1-4.

  • Yuvaraja T, Siundarya Devi C, Sushmitha S, Uvarani P & Kaviya S 2018, ‘DCT & DWT based secured image transmission using steganography’, international journal of engineering research and technology, Vol.6, issue.5, pp. 1-6.

  • Karthikeyan, D, Gowshick Raja, K P &Menaga,V 2018, ‘Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Network Based on Classifier Ensemble’,  International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Communications, Vol.6, no.1, pp. 1830-1837.

 International / National Conferences

  • Elayaraja. P, & Suganthi. M, 2017 “Automated Image segmentation technique for article Cervical cancer”, International conference on Applied Sciences and Technology  at  Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem from 14.06.2017 to 15.06.2017
  • Asokan, R. “Secure Architecture for the networked enterprise and improving energy efficiency in SDN“, International conference on Computing and Communication Systems at Rathinam Technical Campus, Coimbatore on 06.10.2017
  • Asokan.R , Saravanabhavan.C & Preethi. P 2018 ‘A Survey on threat management in cloud computing” in intenational conference on Intelligent Computing, Nano Science and Renewable Energy Sources ICICNRES-18 held at Selvam college of technology, namakkal on 8th & 9th Mar 2018.

  • Geethalakshmi, M 2017, ‘Image Processing of Human Knee Joint using MATLAB’, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering held at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram on 07.10.2017
  • Kiruthika. D, Gayathri. K & Bharathi. V ‘Automation bin bot – garbage collecting system in residential areas & enlightening disposal mechanism’, Second international conference on innovations in engineering technology and science (ICIETS-2018) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichirapalli on 13th & 14th Mar 2018.
  • Umarani B, & Baskar, S 2018, ‘Glaucoma Detection for optic disc medical image processing’, Second international conference on innovations in engineering technology and science (ICIETS-2018) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichirapalli on 13th & 14th Mar 2018.

  • Baskar S, ‘Glaucoma Detection for optic disc medical image processing’, international conference on innovations in engineering technology and science (ICIETS-2018) held at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Trichirapalli on 13th & 14th Mar 2018.

  • Karthikeyan D,Gowshick Raja. K P & Menaga. V 2018 ‘Intrusion detection system for wireless network based on classifier ensemble’, First international conference on recent research in engineering and technology, held at Cheran college of Engineering, Karur, on 15th & 16th March 2018.

  • Gowshick Raja, K P & Karthikeyan D, ‘Intrusion detection system for wireless network based on classifier ensemble’, Third international conference on smart india synergies and opportunities in management, engineering, technology and science in the globalized era-2018 (SISOMETS-18) held at selvam college of technology, Namakkal on 17th Mar 2018.

  • Meenakshi.P, Archana.S Meenal T, ‘Analysis of optimization algorithms on follicles segmentation to support PCOS detection’,Fifth national conference (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Balaji K, ‘Distributed robotic arm for cleaning environment based on image detection’, Fifth national conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking  (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Hemapriya.  L, Janani. R, Abinaya. C& Balaji K, ‘LABVIEW based automated shopping system using conveyor’,  Fifth national conference on  (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th  Mar 2018.

  • Jayashree. S, Kiruthika. D, Gayathri. K, Maheshwari. P &Bharathi V, ‘Automatic Bin Bot –Garbage collecting system using IoT ’,Fifth national conference  (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Bharath. KN, Gowtham. D & Bharathi V, ‘Autonomous driving in parking & traffic area using WSN for fuel consumption’,Fifth national conference on  (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Vignesh, P & Kavin V P, ‘Digital smart systems using IoT’, Fifth national conference on (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018

  • Ajith Kumar, A &Jayapal N, ‘GPS & LABVIEW based system for detection and control of maritime boundary intruding boats’, Fifth national conference on (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Kaviya. S, Yuvarani. P, Soundaryadevi. C, Susmitha. S &Yuvaraja T, ‘Secured data transmission using steganography’ Fifth national conference on (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Kavipriya. N, Karthika. K &Amudha K, ‘Automatic classification of intra cardiac tumor and thrombi in Echocardiogram’, Fifth national conference on (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Agalya, A & Indira P, ‘Smart Autonomous traffic density management with ambulance system’, on national conference (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018.

  •  Arthi. R, Abinaya. S &Dharmalingam. M, ‘Clever safety locker using Rasberry PI’, Fifth national conference on  (ETCAN’18) held at Kongunadu College of Engineering and technology on 17th Mar 2018 

  •  Gunasri K & Elayaraja P, ‘A programmable phase shifter in pulsed radar SOC for temperature tracking’, Fifth national conference on Advancement in electrical power, signal processing and communication network system ESCON’18 held at Selvam College of technology, Namakkal on 23rd Mar 2018.

  •  Priyadharshini N.K.C, Ranjani. S, Usha. V , Sangeetha. K & Jayapal N, ‘Water theft management and clearance system’, Fifth national conference on Advancement in electrical power, signal processing and communication network system ESCON’18 held at Selvam College of technology, Namakkal on 23rd Mar 2018.

  •  Nathiya. M, Nivedha. M, Preethi. R, Ragavi, T & Karthikeyan D, ‘Bus tracking with indication of passenger count’, Fifth national conference on Advancement in electrical power, signal processing and communication network system ESCON’18 held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 23rd Mar 2018

  • Nandhini. T, Vishalini. S, Swathi. A, Teerthana. R &Shajudeen K, ‘Voice navigation system based intelligent wheel chair’,Fifth national conference on Advancement in electrical power, signal processing and communication network system ESCON’18 held at Selvam College of technology, Namakkal on 23rd Mar 2018.

  • Revathi. S, Thenmozhi. T, Pavithra. R & Meenal T, ‘Analysis and implementation of WSN with route selection considering energy consumption’,  Fifth national conference on Advancement in electrical power, signal processing and communication network system ESCON’18 held at Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal on 23rd Mar 2018

  • Sweetha .V, Preethi.K,Sritha.J,Saranya.S & Shankar R, ‘Multi-Dimensional smart cap for visually impaired challengers’, in national level conference on Emerging trendz in engineering and technology (ETET -2018), held at Ganamani College of Technology, Pachal on 24th Mar 2018

  •  Kanimozhi, M, Maheshwari, S & Karthikeyan D, ‘Design of 10KVA solar inverter for emergency backup’,  in national level conference on Emerging trendz in engineering and technology (ETET -2018), held at Ganamani College of Technology, Pachal on 24th Mar 2018.

  •  Sangavi. S, Sweetha. V &Dharmalingam M, ‘Real time video stabilization based on adaptive threshold pattern stabilization’, in national level conference on Emerging trendz in engineering and technology (ETET -2018), held at Ganamani College of Technology, Pachal on 24th Mar 2018.

    Academic Year  2016 - 2017

       International / National Journal

  • Kalaiselvi. C & Asokan. R. 2016, “Performance comparison of classification of chronic Leukaemia cell types using Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, ISSN: 2156 - 7026,Vol. 6, Issue 3, PP 571-578.

  • Vellingiri, J, Balambigai, S, Sarvanan, K &Asokan, R 2016, ‘Secure Real Time Web Based electrocardiogram Monitoring System for Improved Healthcare’, International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol 6, no.3, pp. 774-778.
  • .Maheswaran.S, Asokan.R, Sivaranjani.P & Priyadharshini. P, 2016, “Monitoring the Turmeric Finger Disease and Growth Characteristics Using Sensor Based Embedded System —A Novel Method”, International Circuits and Systems, ISSN: 2153 – 1293, Vol. 7, Issue 8,PP 1280 – 1296.
  • Raghavendran. PS,Asokan. R &Vishnupriya. M 2016, “Enhancing the Security against Flooding Attack in MANET for Medical Application”, International Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN: 2249 – 7315, Vol. 6, Issue 6, PP 34 – 43.

  • Amudha, K. Nelson Kennedy Babu, C & Balu, S 2016, “Enhancing Information Capacity and Security Level Based on Reversible Watermarking Technique in Medical Images”, International journal of u-and-e-service, science and Technology, ISSN: 2005 – 4246, Vol. 9, Issue 7, PP– 121 – 130.

  • Raghavendran, PS & Asokan, R. 2016, “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Modified Three Level Boost Converter for Thermo Electric Generator using Fuzzy Logic”, International Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, ISSN: 2249 – 7315, Vol. 6, Issue 6, PP 207 – 218.

  • Balu. S, Nelson Kennedy Babu. C &Amudha. K. 2016, “Enhancing security and Privacy Authentication for video streaming using data Extracting video file selection”, International Asian Journal of Research in social Siences and Humanities, ISSN: 2249 – 7315, Vol. 6, Issue 9, PP 121 – 130.

  • Geethalakshmi. M & Nithyajothi. P 2016, “Milestone of wireless Communication (1G to 5G Technology)”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5(5): ISSN: 1786 – 639, Vol 4,Issue 2, PP – 279-285.

  • Shankar. R, John Wiselin, MC & Divya.S 2016, “Design simulation & Analysis of Class E Power Amplifier”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, ISSN: 0976 - 3945,Vol. 7, Issue 3, PP 05-12.

  • Dharmalingam. M. & John Wiselin. MC 2016, “Optimum Soft Mask for Monaural Speech Separation System”, International Journal of Control Theory & Applications, IJCTA vol 9 no 36  PP 129- 139.

  • Shankar. R, & John Wiselin. MC 2016, “Comparative Performance Study of Class E Power Amplifier with Series and Shunt Filter at Quarter Wave Line”, International Journal of Control Theory & Applications, IJCTA vol.9 no 34, PP 515-523.

  • Balaji, K., Meenal, T.Dheetchitha.A & keerthana.R 2017, “Hand gesture recognition techniques for a wireless robotic arm using calculus”, International journal of Engineering Research & Technology-IJERT, ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 5, Issue 4, PP:9-21.

  • Bharathi. V, & Kalaivani. V 2017, “Mathematical Approach for communication Engineer’s Error Detection and Correction”, International Journal of Engineering Research& Technology, ISSN: 2278-0181

    Vol. 5, Issue 04.

  • Abinaya. P & Dharmalingam, M. 2017, “Design scalable approximate DCT architecture for video coding application”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320 – 981X ,Vol. V, Issue 01, PP 15-21.

  • Kayalvizhi. G &Lakshmi Narayanan, A. 2017, “Array of antenna to provide range and spatial resolution for automotive applications”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320 – 981X ,vol 5, Issue 01, PP 22-27.

  • Kalaiyarasi. S & Karthikeyan. D. 2017, “An secure cryptographic schemes against malicious attacks in mobile adhoc network”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320 – 981X vol 5 , Issue 01, PP 39-45.

  • Gunavathi. M & Shankar. R. 2017, “Analysis of fetal beat detection in abdominal ECG recordings using principle component”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320 – 981X ,vol 5 Issue 01, PP 46-52.

  • Sandhiya. S & Meenal, T. 2017, “Detection and segmentation of brain tumour using artificial neural networks in MRI images”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 2320-981x vol 5 , Issue 01, PP 62-69.

  • Maheswaran S, Asokan R, Karthik R P and Sathesh S, 2016 ‘Embedded System Based an Automatic Coconut Dehusker with Identification of Decay in Copra for Export Packaging’ International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.592-601.

  • Balambigai. S and Asokan. R, 2017 ‘Investigation on the Compression of Electrocardiogram Signals Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform’, IETE Journal of Research, vol.63 no 3, pp.1-11.

  • Kalaiselvi, C, Asokan, R 2017, ‘A classification of chronic leukaemia using new extension of k-means clustering and EFMM based on digital microscopic blood images’, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, vol.23, no.2-4, pp. 232-241.
  • Natarajan Krishnamoorthy, Asokan. R & Isabella Jones 2016, ‘Classification of Malignant and Benign Micro Calcifications from Mammogram Using Optimized Cascading Classifier’, Current Signal Transduction Therapy, vol.11, no. 2,pp. 98-104.
  • Nivetha Senthil Kumaran & Asokan.R, 2016, ‘Energy efficient multiconstrained optimization using hybrid ACO and GA in MANET routing’,Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, vol.24, no.5,pp.3698-3713.

 International / National Conferences

  • Abinaya. P & Dharmalingam. M 2017 ‘Design and Scalable Approximate DCT Architecture for Video Coding Application’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.
  • Gunavathi. M & Shankar. R 2017 ‘Analysis of FETAL Beat Detection in Abdominal ECG Recording Using Principle Component’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.
  • Kayalvizhi, G & Lakshminarayanan, A. ‘Array of Antenna to provide Range and Spatial Resolution for Automotive Applications’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.
  • Kalaiyarasi. S & Karthikeyan, D. ‘A secure cryptographic schemes against malicious attacks in Mobile Adhoc Network’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.
  • Sandhiya. S & Meenal. T. ‘Detection and Segmentation of brain tumour using artificial neural networks in MRI images’, International Conference on Information Sciences and Renewable Energy Sources in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 02.03.2017 to 03.03.2017.
  • Meenal, T. and Balaji, K. ‘Hand gesture Recognition techniques for a wireless Robotic arm using calculas’, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemistry,Physics and Mathematics in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam on 03.03.2017.
  • Abinaya. P & Dharmalingam. M. ‘FPGA Implementation of scalable Approximate Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture’, National Conference on Computing and Communication in Emerging Chettinad College of Engineering &Technology, Karur on 10.03.2017.
  • Anusuya, T. ‘Survey on Various Coding Schemes of Q-OFDMA Systems for LTE Wireless Transmission’,Second International Conference on Electronics Signal Integrity & Communication in Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal from 09.03.2017 to 10.03.2017.
  • Dharmalingam. M & John Wiselin MC 2017 ‘CASA for Improving Speech Intelligibility in Monaural Speech Separation’,First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Shankar. R, Lakshminarayanan. A & John Wiselin. MC 2017 ‘High Efficiency Broadband class E Power Amplifier with series and shunt filters’,First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Lakshminarayanan. A, & Jayapal. N 2017, ‘VLSI Implementation of low cost lossless CFA image compressor for wireless Applications’, International Conference in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Jayapal, N. ‘Detection of Brain Stroke and Brain Tumour using UWB Pentagon Antenna ‘,First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Yuvaraja, T. ‘Transform Domain Techniques for Secured Image Steganography-A Review’, First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Bharathi, V. and Balaji, K. ‘Smart irrigation System for agriculture using Image Processing’,First International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.
  • Nandhini.G, Punitha. S, Uma. D, Shamili. D & Shajudeen. K. ‘Automatic Storage and retrieved system using WLAN technology’,Second International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control in Kongunadu College of Engineering &Technology, Thottiam from 24.03.2017 to 25.03.2017.

Academic Year  2015 - 2016

International / National Journals

  • Vinitha, M &Asokan, R 2015, ‘Hybrid Swiper: Synchonization of IP and MAC Address to Overcome Third Party Attacks in Cloud’, International Journal for Advanced Research in Technology, vol.2, no.5, pp.721-724
  • Kasthuri.A & Jayapal. N. 2016, ‘High throughput and low power asynchronous pipeline structure for Radix-2 multiplier’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN: 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.1, PP. 16-22
  • Saranaya.S & Elayaraja. P. 2016, ‘An Efficient and Secure Watermarking scheme for Audio Signal Authentication’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN: 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.1, PP. 9-15

  • Dharmalingam, M,John Wiselin, M C &Rajavel, R 2015, ‘Optimizing Objective Measure of Speech Quality in Monaural Speech Separation’, Springer, vol.1, no.4, pp.545-552.
  • Boomathi, R,Gowthami, S &Kanimozhi, A2015, ‘Web Log Data Analysis Using Incremental Map Reduce With Map Reduce Recommendation System’, International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences, vol.28, no.4, pp. 28-34.
  • Uvashri.T & Lakshminarayanan. A,  2016, ‘A Dynamic Reconfigurable FIR Filter for SDR Applications’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.1, PP. 1-8
  • Pavithra. R, Durga Devi. R & Krishnakumar. V, 2016, ‘Face and Appearance Detection Using Masquerade Method for Façade Testing’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.2, PP. 30-36

  • Pavithra. R & Krishnakumar. V 2016, ‘Numerical simulation and Analysis of a cost Effective Digital Fiber Optic Link’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2321-0613, Vol.3, Issue No.12, PP. 365-369

  • Dharani. A & Yuvaraja.T, 2016, ‘Digital Video Watermarking By Using Image Transforms’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.2, PP. 16-22

  • Nandhini Sri. P & Karthikeyan. D, 2016, ‘Improving the performance of selfish node detection using watchdog method in MANET’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.2, PP. 23-29

  • Durgadevi. R & Dharmalingam.M,  2016, ‘An optimal segmentation and classification for Tumor Detection’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.2, PP. 29-37

  • Salini. M & Shajudeen, K. 2016, ‘Hybrid compression of Hyperspectral images based on linear discriminant analysis’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, Science & Engineering, ISSN : 2395-5619, Vol.2, Issue No.4, PP. 42-49

  • Kumar. K, Lakshminarayanan. A, Krishnakumar. V & Shajudeen. K, 2016 ”Performance Study of Reed Solomon Code with Effective Error correction and Minimum Area Constraint on FPGA”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN 2278-1021 ,Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2016,PP 1025-1028
  • Saravanan. K & Asokan. R. 2016, ‘An Investigation on Neuro- Fuzzy Based Alert Clustering for Statistical Anomaly of Attack Detection’, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol.15, Issue No.1, PP. 136-141, ISSN : 1682-3915

  • Arun Prasath.GM & Arthi.N 2015, ‘Optimal Network of Secondary Warehouses for Production-Distribution Inventory Model’, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.9, Issue No.7, PP.436-440

  • Janani. R SShankar, R. & Savitha, M. 2015, ‘Energy balanced WSN with enhanced-DDCD clustering method’, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-0056, Vol.2, Issue No.7, PP. 1240-1244

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., Shajudeen ,K., Krishnakumar,V., Jayapal, N.& Shankar, R. 2015, ‘Realisation of synchronized computation and communication using penta MTJ elements’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN : 2278-1021, Vol.4, Issue No.11, PP. 343-345

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., Meenal ,T., Krishnakumar,V., Jayapal, N.& Kumar, K. 2015, ‘Performance Study of Fifth Generation ScalableChannel Emulator for Wideband MIMO Systems’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN : 2278-1021, Vol.4, Issue No.10, PP. 339-342

  • Nirmala Devi Periyasamy & Asokan, R. 2015, ‘An Adaptive Truncated Wavelet Filter for Speckle Removal in Ultrasound images ’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, Issue No.2, PP. 2327-233

  • Balambigai Subramanian, Ramya, K, Asokan, R 2016,‘Anatomizing electrocardiogram using fractal features and GUI based detection of P and T waves’,  International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),pp. 469-473
  • Maheswaran, S &Asokan, R 2015, ‘A Machine-Vision-Based Real Time Sensor System to Control Weeds in Agricultural Fields’, Sensor Letters, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 489-495.

 International / National Conferences

  • Dharmalingam.M, John Wiselin. M C & Rajavel. R 2015, ‘Optimizing objective measure of speech quality in monaural speech separation’, Third International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics.

    in KIIT University, Bhubaneswar on 23.06.2015 to 25.06.2015

  • Boomathi. R,Gowthami. S & Kanimozhi. A 2015, ‘Web Log Data Analysis Using Incremental Map Reduce With Map Reduce Recommendation System’,Second International Conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology.

    in Adithya Institute of Technology on 25.09.2015

  • Arun Prasath. GM & Arthi. N 2015 ‘Optimization of production distribution inventory model using extended star-ring supply chain network’, International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering in VIT Chennai on 14.12.2015 to 15.12.2015

  • Pavithra. R & Krishnakumar. V 2016 ‘Numerical Simulation and Analysis of a cost effective Digital Fibre Optic Link’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. ‘Analysis of various BCSE algorithm for multiplier architecture in FIR filter’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016 

  • Dharani. A & Yuvaraja. T. ‘Digital Image Watermarking using Orthogonal Transform’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Kasthuri. A & Jayapal. N. ‘Analysis of various Asynchronous Pipeline Structures’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Meenal, T., Nithyajothi, P 2016. ‘Data hiding using Transform Domain based on Steganography Technique’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Geethalakshmi, M 2016, ‘Reversible Watermarking for Low Distortion using Transform’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Savitha, M. 2016 ‘Recursive Approach to the Design of a Parallel self timed Adder’, International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence in K.S.R.College of Engineering on 22.02.2016

  • Pavithra. R & Krishnakumar. V 2016, ‘Face and Appearance Detection Using Masquerade Method for Façade Testing’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Nandhini Sri. P & Karthikeyan. D  2016, ‘Improving the performance of selfish node detection using Watchdog method in MANET’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology.

    in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Uvashri. T & Lakshminarayanan. A, 2016  ‘A Dynamic Reconfigurable FIR Filter for SDR Applications’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology. in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Kasthuri. A & Jayapal. N 2016, ‘High throughput and low power asynchronous pipeline structure for Radix-2 multiplier’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Saranaya. S & Elayaraja. P 2016,  ‘An Efficient and Secure Watermarking scheme for Audio Signal Authentication’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology. in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Dharani. A & Yuvaraja. T. ‘Digital Video Watermarking By Using Image Transforms’, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology in Greentech College of Engineering for Women on 27.02.2016

  • Deepa, C., Poorvi,K,C. ‘Tactile Sensation Imaging system for Embedded Lesion Depiction’, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Computational Applications in Selvam College of Technology on 02.03.2016 to 03.03.2016

  • Arthi, N. ‘Multilevel converter used for Renewable Distributed Systems’, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Computational Applications in Selvam College of Technology on 02.03.2016 to 03.03.2016

  • Janani. R S & Shankar. R. ‘Energy Balanced WSN with Enhanced –DDCD Clustering method’, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Management and Information Technology in Ranganathan Engineering College on 11.03.2016

  • Meenal, T. ‘AI Based VLSI Architecture for 2-DWavelet Filter’, National Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems in M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 17.03.2016

  • Janani. R S & Shankar. R. ‘WSN Enhanced DDCD Clustering method for Energy Efficient’, National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering in Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College on 18.03.2016

  • Vinitha.M & Asokan.R, International Conference – Hybrid Swiper: Synchonization of IP and MAC address to overcome third party attacks in cloud- Fourt International Conference on Design and Applications of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems (ICDASDC) on 27.11.2015 to 28.11.2015

  • Bharathi, V 2016, ‘The One Shot Task Model for Robust Real Time Embedded Control Systems’ National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering

Academic Year  2014 - 2015

International / National Journals

  • Asokan, R. 2014, ‘Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring the Concentration of Co and Nox in Heavy Toxifying Industries’, Journal Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN:1991-8178, Vol.8(15), PP.15-23

  • Asokan, R. 2014, ‘Improved QOS in wireless sensor networks deployed for health monitoring of plant operators’, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, ISSN:1746-7233, Vol.10, Issue No.4, PP.261-272

  • Asokan, R. 2014, ‘Hybrid ACO-PSO Based Multi Objective Optimization For Quality of Service Routing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN:1991-8178, Vol.9, Issue No.24, PP.24651-24668

  • Asokan, R. 2014, ‘Region Properties Based Ant Colony Optimization Approach For Cancer Cell Segmentation’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN: 0973-4562, Vol.9, Issue No.22, PP.16475-16492

  • Asokan, R. 2015, ‘Context Aware Routing in MANET with Ant Colony Optimization’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1819-6608, Vol.10, Issue No.1, PP.223-228

  • Asokan, R. 2015, ‘Multi-crop Chlorophyll Meter System Design for Effective Fertilization’, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2040-7467, Vol.9, Issue No.2, PP.98-105

  • Asokan, R. 2015, ‘Aggrandizement of Power Conversion Efficiency in Cascaded Buck Boost Converter for Thermo Electric Generator Using Fuzzy Controller’, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 1990-9233, Vol.23, Issue No.4, PP.619-627

  • Asokan, R. 2015, ‘Hybrid GA-PSO for Solving Multi-Metric Quality of Service Routing Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1991-8178, Vol.9, Issue No.16, PP.483-491

  • Dharmalingam, M. 2015, ‘Classification of Hyper Spectral Image using Harmonic Analysis With BFO Optimized RVM’, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, ISSN: 2393-994X, Vol.2, Issue No.12, PP.371-377

  • Shankar, R. 2015, ‘Design and Analysis of Low Power Phase Locked Loop Based Frequency Synthesizer using Cadence Tool’, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, ISSN: 2395-1052, Vol.1, Issue No.5, PP.123-127

  • Bharathi, V. & Kavin,V,P. 2014, ‘Wireless Appliance Control for physically challenged persons with Gestures based on ARM Cortex M3, WSN and MEMS’, International

  • Dhivya, A., Srimathi,M., Poorvi, K, C., Bharathi, V.& Kavin, V,P. 2014, ’ ZIGBEE Based Warehouse Management System Using RFID Mobile Robot’, Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN: 2277-128x, Vol.4, Issue No.8, PP. 586-591

  • Gowthami, S. 2014, ‘Enhance Privacy Search in Web Search Engine Using Greedy Algorithm’, International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering &Technology, ISSN: 2278-0882, Vol.3, Issue No.8, PP.371-377

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., Shankar ,K., Jayapal, N., Karthikeyan, D.& Yuvaraja, T. 2014, ‘Conditional Clocking Flip-Flop for low power high-speed mobile application SOC’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN : 2278-1021, Vol.3, Issue No.11, PP. 8587-8590

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., Shajudeen ,K., Krishnakumar,V., Jayapal, N.& Kumar, K. 2014, ‘AI Based Low complexity VLSI Architectures for 2D Daubechies Wavelet Filters for DSP Applications’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN : 2278-8875, Vol.4, Issue No.3, PP. 2689-2695

  • Elayaraja, P. 2014, ‘Survey On Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 2319-5900, Vol.3, Issue No.11, PP. 85-93

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „An improved adaptive wavelet shrinkage for ultrasound Despeckling‟, Sadhana, Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 39, Issue No. 4, PP.971–988.

  • Elayaraja, P. 2014, ‘A QOS-Based stable routing protocol with Backbone nodes for Adhoc Networks’, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, ISSN: 2395-1052, Vol.1, Issue No.5, PP.156-159

  • Jayapal, N. 2014, ‘Maximizing Networking Lifetime Using Energy-Efficient Reliable Routing in Ad Hoc Networks’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN: 2278-8875, Vol.3, Issue No.11, PP. 13303-13309

  • Jayapal, N. 2015, ‘Energy Efficient Reliable Routing for increasing Life Time of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks’, International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology, ISSN: 2319-5991, Vol.4, Issue No.1, PP. 12-17

  • Yuvaraja, T. 2015, ‘Data Hiding Using Transform Domain Based Watermarking Technique’, International Journal for Science and Research in Technology, ISSN: 2395-1092, Vol.1, Issue No.5, PP. 56-59

  • Asokan, R. 2015, ‘Cluster Based Detection Mechanisms for Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) Attacks’, International Journal of Soft Computing , ISSN : 1816-9503,Vol.10, Issue No.4, PP. 247-253

  • Geethalakshmi, M., Nithyajothi,P., Rajalakshmi,R. 2015, ‘Reversible Watermarking for Low Distortion Using Transform’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN : 2278-9359, Vol.3, Issue No.9, PP. 40-46

  • Gowthami, S. 2015, ‘Multi-contrast large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping for image registration’, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, ISSN : 2348-3121 , Vol.01, Issue No.05, PP. 103-108

International / National Conferences

  • Dharmalingam, M. ‘Pitch Tracking and voiced/Unvoiced Decision Based on zero crossing rate for speech signals’, International Conference in RVS College of Engineering and Technolgy, 6 March 2015

  • Dhivya, A., Srimathi, & M., Poorvi, K, C. ‘A Memory BIST with an Efficient Address Generator for Low Power Applications’, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, 12.09.2014

  • Jayapal, N. ‘Energy Efficient Routing for Reliable Communication in Ad Hoc Networks’, National Conference in Kavery Engineering college, 06.02.2015 to 07.02.2015

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. ‘A wireless Electrocardiogram Detection for Personal Health Monitoring system’, National Conference in Maharaja Engineering college for Women , 27.02.2015

  • Shankar, R. ‘Sensor less based power saving system for Industry and Security System’, International Conference in Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering & Technology, 28.02.2015

  • Meenal, T., & Nithyajothi, P. ‘Image processing for the Authentication of the embedded system using finger vein recognition algorithm’, International Conference in Vetri Vinayaha College of Engg & Tech, 28.02.2015

  • Rajalakshmi, R. ‘Performance review of optimization based Low power high speed source coding algorithm for real time DSP arithmetic circuits’, International Conference in Vetri Vinayaha College of Engineering & Technology, 28.02.2015

  • Shankar, R. ‘Design of Low power PLL using 180 Nm Technologies’, International Conference in Surya Engineering college, 04.03.2015 to 05.03.2015

  • Jayapal, N. ‘Energy Efficient Reliable Routing for increasing Life Time of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks’, International Conference in Surya Engineering college, 04.03.2015 to 05.03.2015

  • Elayaraja, P. ‘A QOS Based stable routing protocol with Backbone nodes for Adhoc Networks’, National Conference in RVS College of Engineering and Technolgy on 06.03.2015

  • Shankar, R. ‘Design and Analysis of Low power PLL based frequency synthesizer using cadence tool’, National Conference in Knowledge Institute of Tech, 07.03.2015

  • Karthikeyan, D. ‘Energy efficient Reliable Routing considering residual energy in wireless AdHoc-Networks’, National Conference in Knowledge Institute of Tech, 07.03.2015

  • Dharmalingam, M., & Jayapal, N. ‘Automatic Control based SDPC monitoring system’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Shajudeen, K. ‘Acumen Based Hybrid vision for Visually Impaired Using Cloud’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Deepa, C. ‘LUT optimization for memory based computation’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Dhivya, A. ‘Light Fidelity Full Duplex Wireless Communication in Shopping’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Poorvi, K,C. ‘Theft detection in home using image processing’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Yuvaraja, T. ‘Data hiding using transform domain based watermarking techniques’, International Conference in Selvam college of Technology, 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015

  • Gowthami, S. ‘Efficient search engine for Analyze duplication Key Answers’, International Conference in Vidhya Mandhir Institute of Tech, 20.03.2015

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. ‘Large MIMO System Channel Emulator Design for Next Generation Network’, National Conference in Mahendra college of Engineering, 07.04.2015

  • Karthikeyan, D. ‘Energy Efficient Reliable Routing for increasing life Time of Wireless Ad-hoc Networks’, National Conference in Mahendra college of Engineering, 11.04.2015

  • Elayaraja, P. ‘Survey on medical Image segmentation algorithms’, International Conference in Pavai Engineering College, 29.05.2015 to 30.05.2015

 Academic Year  2013 - 2014

International / National Journals

  • Asokan, R. 2013, „Hybrid Adaptive Job and Resource Scoring Meta- Scheduling System for Grid Computing‟, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, Vol. 54, Issue No. 3, PP. 444-452.

  • Asokan, R. 2013,„Performances Enhancement in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)‟, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-6328-2 Vol. 3, Issue No.2, PP. 12-15.

  • Asokan, R. 2013, „A Modified Adaptive Wavelet Shrinkage Speckle Filter for Ultrasound Images‟, Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 1549-3636, Vol.9, Issue No. 10, PP.1406-1403.

  • Asokan, R. 2013, „Neuro- Fuzzy Based Clustering of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Detection Mechanism‟, Information Journal, ISSN: 1343-4500, Vol.16, Issue No.13, PP. 8137-8144.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Teg Based Power System for Operation of Health Monitoring Server in Industries‟, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), ISSN: 0975-4024, Vol. 5, Issue No. 6, PP.4718-4728.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Quantitative Evaluation of Job and Resources for Better Selection to Improve Makespan In Grid Scheduling‟, Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 1549-3636, Vol. 10, Issue No. 5, PP. 774-778.

  • Asokan, R. 2014,„Detection Mechanism for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks for Anomaly Detection System‟, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, Vol. 60, Issue No. 1, PP. 174-178.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Robust Segmentation Of Cancer Affected White Blood Cells Using Modified Level Set Algorithm‟, International Journal of Simulation -Systems, Science & Technology, ISSN: 1473-804x,Vol.14, Issue No. 1, PP. 9-15.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Optimized Resource Selection to Promote Grid Scheduling Using Hill Climbing Algorithm‟, International Journal of Computer science and Telecommunications, ISSN: 2047-3338, Vol.5, Issue No. 2, PP.14-19.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „An Effective Clustering Technique for WBC Image Segmentation and its Classification‟, International Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing (IJDSIP), Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, PP. 25-37.

  • Asokan, R. 2014 ,‟GA-Based Hybrid Routing Protocol to Support Multiple Quality of Service Metrics In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks‟, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, ISSN:2321-3469, Vol. 5, Issue No. 3, PP. 43-50.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Performance Comparison of Wavelet and Multiwavelet Denoising Methods for an Electrocardiogram Signal‟, International Journal of Soft Computing, Article ID: 241540, Vol. 2, PP.8 pages.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Hybrid Trust Based Routing in MANET‟, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science, ISSN : 2348-3121, Vol.1, Issue No. 5, PP. 8-13.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „Sensor-Based Turmeric Finger Growth Characteristics Monitoring Using Embedded System under Soil‟, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID: 476176, Vol. 2, PP. 15 pages.

  • Asokan, R. 2014, „An Enhanced Homogeneity Measure Based Signal Variance Estimation For Speckle Removal In Ultrasound Images‟, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, ISSN: 1992-8645, Vol. 64, Issue No. 3 ,PP. 802-810.

  • Dharmalingam, M. 2014, „Tactile Sensation Imaging Techniques for Embedded Lesion Detection‟, International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering, ISSN NO: 2319-6378, Vol. 1, Issue No. 12, PP.70-72.

  • Dharmalingam, M. 2014,‟Process Monitoring, Controlling and Load Management system in an Induction Motor‟, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, ISSN NO: 2319-1163, Vol. 3, Issue No. 2, PP: 39-43.

  • Dharmalingam, M. , Shankar, R. , Lakshminarayanan, A. , Jayapal N. & Krishnakumar ,V. 2013, „Performance Analysis of High Speed Low Power TG-Multipliers Designs with Radix-4 Modified Booth Recording‟, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN NO: 2278-8875, Vol. 2, Issue No. 11, PP.5451-5458.

  • Dharmalingam, M. , Lakshminarayanan, A. & Harikumar, S. 2014, „The Integration Of NOC Architecture With Classical Bus Based Systems‟, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review, ISSN NO: 2319-2836, Vol.3, Issue No. 1.

  • Shankar, R. 2014 „Multilevel converters used for Renewable Distributed Systems‟, International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, PP. 13-18.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. & Yuvaraja,T. 2013, „Investigation on Reconfigurable Implementation of S-Box using Virtex-5, virtex-6 FPGA‟, International Journal of Research in Electronics & Communication Technology, ISSN NO: 2348-0017, Vol.1, Issue No. 1, PP.53-58.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., Shajudeen, K. & Yuvaraja ,T. 2013, „A Performance Capabilities Comparison of Low Power High Density Enhanced Synchronous DRAM‟, International Journal of Research in Electronics & Communication Technology, ISSN NO: 2347-6109, Vol. 1, Issue No. 2, PP. 117-122.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. , Shajudeen, K. , Elayaraja, P. & Yuvaraja ,T. 2013, „Real Time Biometric Authentication Technique Using Image Processing‟, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN NO: 2320-3765, Vol. 2, Issue No. 11, PP. 5499-5505.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. , Shajudeen, K. , Krishnakumar, V. , Jayapal ,N. & Kumar, K. 2014 ,„Advanced Pipelined Area and speed Efficient Floating –Point ALU Embedded System in FPGA‟, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN NO: 2278-8875, Vol. 3, Issue No. 5, PP. 9378-9385.

  • Meenal, T. 2013 ,„A Semi supervised segmentation model for detecting diseased image‟, International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research, ISSN NO: 2347-5900,Vol. 1, IssueNo.1.

  • Jayapal, N. 2014 ,„A Survey on high throughput, low power AES algorithm‟, Journal of current Engineering and Research, ISSN NO: 2250-2637, Vol. 4, Issue No. 2, PP.7-10.

  • Jayapal, N. 2014, „Fault detection technique for S-Box in AES Algorithm‟, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN NO: 2320-8791, Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, PP. 1-6.

  • Yuvaraja, T. 2014, „A New Technique for protecting confidential Information using watermarking‟, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, ISSN NO: 2091-2730, Vol. 2, Issue No. 3, PP.298-301.

 International / National Conferences

  • Asokan ,R. ,„Performance comparsion of various speckle noise removal filters for ultrasound image‟ National Conference in Bannari Amman Institute of Technology , Erode , 4 october 2013.

  • Asokan, R. , „An Insight into intrusion detection system used in MANET for Secure data transfer‟ National Conference in Government College of Engineering, Bargur , 24.10.2013 to 25.10.2013.

  • Asokan, R. , „Speckle Noise Reduction Using a Novel Wavelet Thresholding of Ultrasound Images‟ National Conference in Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore , 08.01.2014 to 10.01.2014.

  • Asokan, R. , „ACO-GA Hybrid Meta-Heuristic (AGHM) Optimization for Multi-constrained Quality of Service Routing in MANETs‟ in Elsevier International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing , Feb 2014.

  • Asokan, R. ,„A Novel Fusion based Despeckling Algorithm for Ultrasound Images‟ International Conference in Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 13.03.2014 to 14.03.2014.

  • Asokan, R. , „A Novel Despeckling filter for ultrasound Images‟ International Conference in Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 13.03.2014 to 14.03.2014.

  • Asokan, R. , „Modified Segmentation Algorithm and its Feature Extraction of Cancer Affected White Blood Cells‟ International Conference in Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education , 20.03.2014 to 21.03.2014.

  • Asokan, R. ,„Energy Efficient Multi-Metric QoS Routing in MANET Using Hybrid GA-PSO‟ National Conference in Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore, 4 April 2014.

  • Dharmalingam, M. , ‘Process Monitoring, controlling and load management system in an induction motor‟ National Conference in EASA college of Engineering & Technology , Coimbatore, 4 november 2013.

  • Krishnakumar ,V. ,„Long term evolution system with low peak to average ratio in OFDM‟ National Conference in EASA college of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, 4 november 2013.

  • Meenal, T. , „A semi Supervised Segmentation Model for Detecting diseased Image‟ National Conference in AGNI college of technology , Chennai , 27 september 2013.

  • Ancia, A. , Deepa ,C. & Arthi, N. , published „IRIS reorganization and verification using PFM algorithm‟ National Conference in CMC groups of Institutions , 28 september 2013.

  • N. Jayapal “High throughput CFA AES S-box and its fault detection” National Conference in EASA college of Engineering & Technology on 04.11.2013.

  • Elayaraja, P. , „Comparative Analysis study of image fusion based on discrete wavelet, multi wavelet and cruelest transforms for Bio-Medical image‟, National Conference in EASA college of Engineering & Technology , 04 november 2013.

  • Jayapal, N. , „High throughput AES S-box and its Error Correction‟, International Conference in K.L.N. college of Information Technology , 29.11.2013 to 30.11.2013

  • Krishnakumar, V. , „Blanket coverage using hexagonal lattice pattern in wireless sensor networks‟, International Conference in Sri Eshwar college of Engineering , 19.11.2013 to 21.11.2013.

  • Kumar, K. ,‟Selective mapping algorithm based LTE system with low peak to average power ratio in OFDM‟, International Conference in Sri Eshwar college of Engineering on 19.11.2013 to 21.11.2013

  • Meenal, T. & Nithyajothi, P. ,„Image Segmentation in medical Application using Homomorphic Filter& ROI Method‟ ,National Conference in The Cauvery college of Engineering , 28 feb 2014.

  • Karthikeyan, D.,„Intelligent Routing protocol for Wireless Communication‟ ,International Conference in J.K.K. Nataraja college of Engineering & Technology, 07.03.2014 to 08.03.2014.

  • Shankar, R. , „The Review of outcome based NBA-India-Harmonization issues in accreditation process‟, International Conference in National Board of Accreditation, 08.03.2014 to 10.03.2014.

  • Yuvaraja, T. , „Image Steganography Techniques – Review‟ ,International Conference in K.Ramakrishna college of Engineering, 14 march 2014.

  • Kumar, K. „An area and power efficient VLSI implementation of adaptive noise canceller based LMS algorithm‟, National Conference in The Cauvery college of Engineering, 20.03.2014 to 21.03.2014.

  • Elayaraja, P., „Study of Performance of image segmentation algorithms‟, National Conference in AMS Engineering college, 22 march 2014.

  • Kavin, V.P., „Multi-bit flip-flop design for low power VLSI circuits‟, National Conference in Jay shriram group of Institutions, 27.03.2014 to 28.03.2014.

  • Karthikeyan, D. ,„A Survey on Security attacks for MANET‟, International Conference in Travancore Engineering college, 31.03.2014 to 01.04.2014.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A., „FPGA based optical charging in a solar powered ROBOT‟, International Conference in Travancore Engineering college, 31.03.2014 to 01.04.2014.

  • Shankar, R , „Boost converter for Renewable Energy System‟, International Conference in Travancore Engineering college, 31.03.2014 to 01.04.2014.

  • Lakshminarayanan, A. ,„A Smart NOC with Bus based System‟ ,International Conference in Travancore Engineering college, 31.03.2014 to 01.04.2014.

  • Jayapal, N., „Adaptive Fuzzy Logic based Speed Control of Permanent magnet Synchronous motor using FPGA‟, International Conference in Travancore Engineering college, 31.03.2014 to 01.04.2014.

  • Karthikeyan, D., „A Review on Key Management for MANET‟, International Conference in Sona college of technology ,11 April 2014

  • Asokan,R.‘A Swarm-based Hybrid Routing Protocol to Support Multiple Quality of Service (QoS) Metrics in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, International Conference in Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women on 16 to 19 July 2013.

  • Asokan,R. ‘A New Effective Mechanism for Detecting the DDoS Attacks in the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network’, International Conference on Advanced Computing, Machine and embedded Technology (ICTACT-2013) on 2013.

 Academic Year  2012 - 2013

International / National Journals

  • Asokan,R.2012,‘Flow Characteristics of the Diffuser/Nozzle Micro pump-A State Space Approach’, Elsevier Publications,ISSN: 0955-5986,Vol.50,PP. 28-34.

  • Asokan,R.2012,‘An Efficient Detection Mechanism for Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS)Attack’,International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering ,Volume: 3, Issue: 6,PP: 1281-1285.

  • Asokan,R.2012‘Performance Evaluation of Flat Walled Diffuser/Nozzle Micro pump for Fuel Delivery in Small Gasoline Engine’,Journal of Electrical Engineering, DOI: 10.1109 / PECON.2008.4762628.

  • Asokan,R.2013,‘Certain Improvements in Optimization Techniques for Grid Scheduling’, Achieves of Science Journal, ISSN: 1097-8135,Volume: 10, Issue: 7, PP: 568-572.

  • Asokan,R.2013,‘Performance Evaluation of Weighted Round Robin Grid Scheduling’, International Journal of Computer Applications,Volume: 68, PP: 34-38.

  • Asokan,R.2013,‘Modified Level Set Algorithm for Cancer Affected White Blood Cell Segmentation’,International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ,Volume: 5, ISBN NO:978-1-4799-2395-3, Issue: 06, PP119-124.

  • Asokan,R.2013,‘Performance comparison of various speckle noise removal filters for ultrasound images’,i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering,ISSN:1343-4500,Volume: 3, Issue: 4, PP: 19-23(SJR:0).

  • Dharmalingam,M. & Karthikeyan.D.2013,‘Ant Based Intelligent Routing Protocol For MANET’, IEEE, ISBN NO:978-1-4673-5843-9,PP:11-16.

  • Raja,A.2013,‘Hybrid Methodologies for Scheme Placement in WSNs’,Indo Asian Journal of Advanced Management, ISSN NO: 2250-1266, Volume: 2, Issue:1, PP: 39-42.

International / National Conferences

  • Asokan,R.‘A New adaptive wavelet shrinkage for speckle noise removal in Ultra sound Images using Inter and Intra scale dependencies’,International Conference in SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 14 to 16 March 2013.

  • Asokan,R.‘An improved Edge Detection using Ant colony Optimization’, International Conference in Muthyammal Engineering college on 25 to 26 March 2013.

  • Dharmalingam,M. & Karthikeyan,D.‘Swarm based Intelligent Routing Protocol for MANET’, National Conference in Sona college of Technology on 11 August 2012.

  • Dharmalingam,M. & Karthikeyan.D ‘ANT based intelligent Routing Protocol for MANET’, International Conference in Periyar university on 21 to 22 February 2013.

  • Meenal,T.‘Automatic Age Invariant and Face Recognition using PCA and EBGM algorithm’, National Conference in Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology on 13 March 2013.

  • Shankar,R. & Raja,A.‘Hybrid Methodologies Schemes for Placement in WANs’, National Conference in Selvam college of Technology on 15 to 16 March 2013.

  • Harikumar,S.‘Embedded System for Perilous Gas exposure and Alerting’,National Conference in Selvam college of Technology on 15 to 16 March 2013.

  • Krishnakumar,V. & Kumar,K.‘Neural Networks Architecture for Recognition of running Handwriting’, National Conference in Theni kammavar sangam college of Technology on 09 April 2013.

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